Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter Thirty-Four: Exception Passed! Team First Class! Personal First-Class Merit!

"Yu Bei, I know them well, some things just need to be straightened out, they and I will support you."

After hearing about Yu Bei's ambitions, Deng Xian was also shocked by the young man's courage. He finally took a deep breath, patted Yu Bei's shoulder and said.

After hearing Deng Xian's words, Yu Bei finally nodded, and then said: "I understand, Uncle Deng, I will find a suitable time to tell everyone these things."

"Well, that's good. If you need any help with this intercontinental missile, just say it."

Seeing Yu Bei like this, Deng Xian felt relieved, and then said with a sigh of relief.

"Just give me time."

Yu Bei smiled, nodded and said.

Deng Xian looked at Yu Bei in surprise, and then thought of those miraculous deeds before Yu Bei, so he nodded without saying anything.


the other side,

After Cheng Hua flew back to Kyoto,

Immediately call the rest of the nuclear leadership team.

"Boss Cheng, why did you call us over in such a hurry?"

Xu Guo from the final assembly asked.

"Yeah, I took the students to do experiments just now."

Hu Weinan, the dean of the Academy of Dragon Sciences, also nodded and said.

The rest of the others also looked at Cheng Hua with puzzled expressions.

Cheng Hua took a deep breath, and then became extremely excited, and said, "Everyone, great news!"

"Under the leadership of Yu Bei, our Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base produced the nuclear bomb!! Moreover, they also produced the hydrogen bomb by the way!"


"How can this be?!"

"The nuclear bomb was made so quickly!? And the hydrogen bomb was also made?!"

When a group of people heard Cheng Hua's words, they couldn't help but exclaimed loudly.

If these words hadn't come from Cheng Hua's mouth, they might think it was just a joke!

However, after Cheng Hua confirmed again,

Everyone just accepted this fact!

Everyone's face is full of shock!

"So now everyone, our Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base has made such a great sacrifice for our Dragon Kingdom's nuclear cause, and has also achieved such great achievements. I think it's time to evaluate their contributions!!"

Cheng Hua took a deep breath, and then said with a serious face.

"For the first nuclear bomb and the first hydrogen bomb in Longguo, I think it is absolutely no problem for us to give the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base a group first-class merit!"

"As for individuals, each project participant can be assessed as a personal second-class merit!"

"As for Deng Xian and Yu Bei, one of them is the founder of our nuclear bomb cause, and the other is the creator of our nuclear bomb cause."

"I think these two people can be assessed as personal... first-class work!!"

At the end, Cheng Hua's tone became serious.

And the others couldn't help but gasp after hearing his words! !

You must know that in this non-war era, the evaluation of military exploits is very harsh! !

Things that seem to be very successful and contribute a lot in normal times, at most, rely on a third-class merit, or even a third-class merit in the team! !

Personal second-class merit is very rare! !

But this time, all of them were awarded second-class personal merit.

And Deng Xian and Yu Bei are still first-class individuals! !

This is definitely the first time in history! !

"What's the matter? Don't you think that group of people at the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base don't deserve such affirmation?!"

Seeing everyone's reaction, Cheng Hua couldn't help frowning and asked.


"I agree with this assessment!"

"The group of people at the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base have paid too much for the nuclear cause of our Dragon Kingdom! And Mr. Deng...his body has... This first-class work is absolutely fine!"

"As for Yu Bei, he even made our Dragon Kingdom's nuclear business a breakthrough from zero to one!!

This first-class merit, I even feel that it is not worthy of him! "

As soon as Cheng Hua finished speaking, Hu Weinan, the dean of the Academy of Dragon Sciences, stood up directly, and then said.

Also as a scientific researcher, he naturally understands the hard work and dedication of the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base! !

"I also support it. The comrades at the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base have indeed contributed too much to the nuclear cause of our Dragon Kingdom!"

General assembly Xu Guo also said aloud at this time.

Others also agreed at this time.

Cheng Hua heaved a sigh of relief, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, then let's make sure, I'll submit the application tomorrow! I'll go and talk about it myself, and I think we can finish this matter tomorrow!"

"By the way, Boss Cheng, if that's the case, should we tell their family members about them?? You know, their family has never known their whereabouts all these years."

At this time, General Assembly Xu Guo couldn't help but took a breath and said aloud.

After hearing his words, Cheng Hua thought of something, shook his head,

"Old Xu, let them tell their family members about this matter when they go back. The family... is what Long Kingdom owes them..."

When the others heard Cheng Hua's words, they couldn't help but fell silent.

After Cheng Hua said some other things, he announced the end of the meeting.

Then, the next day, they took the opinion of the nuclear leadership team to the Longguo military supreme command post!

Immediately recognized this credit! !


[Fourth update! Gentlemen! Ask for flowers! ! Ask for an evaluation ticket! ! If you have any data, you can give some feedback, otherwise, the younger brother writes with no idea! 】

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