Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter Thirty-Ninth Qian Lao: If You Take Yourself As Your Body, The Light Will Be Extinguished Whe

Cheng Hua was embarrassed and didn't know what to say,

Faced with Qian Lao's questioning,

His brain cells are burned right now! !


Before I knew it, I had already finished a cup of tea.


Cheng Hua put down the cup, spit out a piece of tea, then looked at Mr. Qian, sighed, smiled wryly,

"Mr. Qian, I didn't intentionally hide this matter from you. I just said that after our discussion, I think it's best for you not to know about this matter."

"This is out of consideration for your body and other aspects, so don't make things difficult for me, okay?"

"What's wrong with you? Boss Cheng, what are you talking about? As a soldier, when did you stop telling anyone the truth!?"

"Keep it from me, is this for me?!"

When Mr. Qian heard Cheng Hua's words, he frowned, his chest heaved, and finally he said in a cold voice,

"Do you think my body is failing and there is no use for it?"

"Old Qian, what are you talking about? How is this possible!"

When Cheng Hua heard Mr. Qian's words, his eyes widened immediately, he stood up quickly, and then denied it.

But Mr. Qian stared at him without saying a word, as if he was saying that he must know about it!

"Old Qian, you... well, well, actually, I already guessed that you would definitely find the abnormality, but I didn't expect it to be so soon!"

Seeing Mr. Qin like this, Cheng Hua sighed immediately, then sat down directly,

"This matter has to start from the day I was going to give credit to the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base..."

Cheng Hua slowly told the story of that day.

After Qian Lao heard that Yu Bei was going to restart the research on the intercontinental missile project,

The whole person couldn't help but get excited!

Both hands couldn't help but grip the handle of the wheelchair!

A fiery light burned in the cloudy eyes!

"Old Qian, that's the specific matter."

Cheng Hua sighed.

"I knew that you must have something important to hide from me!!"

"It's just that I didn't expect this thing to be an intercontinental missile!!"

"Okay, okay, okay! Yu Bei did what I wanted to do! I originally said that before I was too old to move, I planned to restart the research on the ICBM project in the next few years!"

"Yu Bei is ahead!"

After listening to Cheng Hua's words, Mr. Qian looked excited, and then a light flashed in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and said,

"Boss Cheng, I'm going to the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base! I have to go to build intercontinental missiles!!"

Cheng Hua looked as expected, and then said seriously,

"Old Qian, let the young people deal with this matter! You also know that the radiation at the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base is very serious! Don't say you are old, but I have been here for a long time, and my body can't take it anymore!"

"Yes, old man, now Yu Bei, this young man is so capable, you can leave it to him!"

When Mrs. Qian's wife heard Mr. Qian's words, she quickly tried to persuade her.

However, facing the persuasion of the two, Mr. Qian shook his head from time to time, and then said,

"Boss Cheng, do you think this reason can stop me?"

"I'm so old, there's only one thing I can't see! That's our Long Kingdom's intercontinental missile!"

"I can't forget those big hairy experts mocking our Dragon Kingdom! Without their big hairy help, our missiles wouldn't be able to reach the sky!"

"That's why I led a group of people to make the Feng-1 missile!"

"But it's an imitation, and it's also a defective product! You and I both know it's useless!"

"In those days, I didn't spend a single day in pain!"

"If I could have understood and memorized more information back then, our Long Kingdom's intercontinental missile business would not have stopped for so many years!!"

"It's all my fault... Blame me!!"

Qian Lao slapped the armrest of the wheelchair violently. His eyes were completely red when he said this, and his voice was even hoarse and disfigured!

He originally thought that he would never mention these words to others in his life!

Unexpectedly, today I said it all at once!

These are all entwined in his heart,

let him so many years,

A nightmare that makes it difficult to fall asleep every night! !

"Old man, stop talking, stop's not your fault, it's not your fault..."

Qian Lao's wife couldn't control her emotions at all, and tears flowed out like a bank bursting!

And Cheng Hua clenched his fists as if his chest was blocked by a stone!

Thinking of Mr. Qian who once had a halo and led Longguo to advance by leaps and bounds in scientific research,

It's been such a physical and mental state for the past few years! !

his heart,

It was like being poked by ten thousand sharp knives!

"Boss Cheng, since I fell on an intercontinental missile back then."

"Today, I have to stand up on the ICBM!"

"I'm old, but not dead!"

"Besides, what's there to be afraid of? Death is much easier than having been unable to sleep all night for the past few years!"

"What's more, Mr. Cheng, you are a soldier, you should understand the meaning of my following sentence..."

Mr. Qian took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and tears rolled down his face.

Then, under the shocked eyes of Cheng Hua and his wife,

With two thin hands with visible veins, he firmly supported the armrest of the wheelchair,

do your best,

Stand up tremblingly! !

"If you take yourself as your body, the light will go out when you die! If you take your country as your body, you will survive your life and death!"

Qian Lao said word by word,

Sweat dripping from forehead,

gasping for breath,

His eyes are shining with the light that only young people have! !

"Mr. Qian... you... sit down quickly!!"

Cheng Hua came back to his senses,

He hurriedly prepared to help Mr. Qian down.

But Mr. Qian shook his head firmly, looked at Cheng Hua and said,

"You promise me, I will sit."

"Okay! I promise you! I promise you!"

Cheng Hua was sweating profusely and said hastily.

This made Mr. Qian sit back again!

"Old Qian, you can go, but you must pay attention to your body! If you have any problems, how can I explain to the country and the people!!"

Cheng Hua breathed a sigh of relief, and then couldn't help but said again.

"Don't worry, I still know my own body. What's more, the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base has stopped large-scale operations. As long as I take good protection, there will be no major problems."

Qian Lao smiled, and his heart became happier! !

"Okay, then I'll write an approval letter with you."

Seeing Mr. Qian like this, Cheng Hua felt helpless, so he could only nod his head, then took out a document and started to write it quickly.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Qian was relieved.

Intercontinental missiles, this is the pain of his life, but it is also the dream of his life! !


[Second update! Ask for an evaluation ticket and ask for flowers! 】

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