Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 60 This Is Not Katyusha! This Is The Missile Of The Dragon Kingdom! The Hydrogen Bomb Explod

Yu Gong, this time our hydrogen bomb will explode at a height of about 4.5 kilometers!! The projection point of the center of explosion is about 5 kilometers away from the Allied Forces of the Chinese Alliance!!”

After launching the hydrogen bomb, Lin Ye got off the missile launch vehicle, and then he was excitedly said,

"The shock wave at this position is enough to make them drink a pot for the Chinese League allied forces!!"

"More than that, with the hydrogen bomb test explosion, less than three-fifths of their million-strong army will be able to go to the battlefield in the future!"

"And there may be huge casualties on the spot! Maybe someone will be roasted to death!"

After hearing Lin Ye's words, Yu Bei shook his head immediately, and then said aloud.

"Is this... so cruel?!"

Lin Ye couldn't help opening his mouth wide when he heard this, and for a moment, a picture of the miserable world appeared in his mind!!

"This is war, war is always cruel..."

Yu Bei exhaled, then shook his head and said,

"I believe that if we let them attack, if we lose the battle, the end will not be much better than them! You should be fortunate that the range of our hydrogen bomb explosion is within our territory, and we are morally and legally It makes sense, they are the attacking party, otherwise if a nuclear war breaks out, I believe things will become very troublesome! The current us also cannot stop their missiles!"

Hearing Yu Bei's words, the sympathy that Lin Ye had originally had disappeared without a trace in an instant!

I couldn't help but fight a cold war!!

Long Guo has not experienced such pain!

Looking at Yu Bei with an indifferent face, in Lin Ye's eyes, the face that used to look a little delicate now seemed a little more cruel!

How can this kind of mind look like a twenty-three-year-old young man!

"Okay, put away your women's heart! The reason why we engage in nuclear weapons is to not be bullied by others. How can we sympathize with those who are stronger than us?"

Deng Zhixian also shook his head at this time and said.

the other side,

At this time, the soldiers who had already evacuated to the safe area were also ready for battle.

Everyone is ready for battle!

They don't know the plans of Dragon Kingdom,

Although the higher authorities told them to evacuate,

But they think that when the time comes, they will still go to the battlefield as soon as possible to fight against the Allied Forces of the Chinese Alliance!

"What's the matter, Bingdanzi? I'm going to the battlefield soon, are you afraid of being annoying?"

When the phalanx rests on the spot,

A veteran looked at the recruit with sweat on his forehead and said in a dialect,

"Your child is also unlucky. He encountered a war not long after he joined the army."

"Aren't you afraid of barbarism?"

The recruit asked, looking at the veteran with dimples on his face.

"Afraid? There is nothing to be afraid of. Those who are afraid are dead! I crawled out of the dead people back then. What is there to be afraid of?"

The veteran smiled, showing his yellow teeth that had been smoking all year round.

I'm afraid. "

When the recruit heard what the veteran said, he immediately gritted his teeth and said.

The old soldier glanced at him, and said again: "You came here to be a soldier at such a young age, is it your son who forced you to come here?"

When the recruit heard what the veteran said, he fell silent for a moment.

"Stuffy gourd."

The veteran pouted.

"My old man is dead, and I have never seen him. I heard from my mother that when my old man left Sichuan, he was as old as me."

The recruit said suddenly.

The old soldier froze for a moment, then his face became serious,

"Which team is your old man?"

"Division 122."

said the recruit.

"Hiss——General Wang's team!? Your old man died in Taizhuang!?"

The face of the veteran changed!

"Well, that's why I came to be a soldier!"

said the recruit.

The veteran was silent for a while, and subconsciously wanted to take out a cigarette, but realized that he was gathering,

So, take a deep breath,

"If you really go to the battlefield later, follow me obediently, don't be impulsive!"

The recruit was stunned when he heard what the veteran said, and was about to ask questions.



A huge roar sounded!!

The whole sky seemed to be trembling!

All the soldiers were startled and looked up one after another!!

I saw a line of fire in the bright sky, directly inserted into the sky!!

The recruits had never seen such a scene before, and they immediately opened their mouths.

"Katyusha?! Is this Katyusha!?"

"Katyusha? The Katyusha in your head! This is a missile!! It looks like it's flying outwards! It should be a missile from our Dragon Kingdom!!"

But the veteran took a deep breath, came back to his senses, and then slapped the recruit on the head!

"Missile! It's our missile!!"

"Our Dragon Kingdom took the initiative to attack!?"

"Okay! We must beat those Chinese allied forces hard!"

The other fighters also came back to their senses at this time, and then couldn't help exclaiming!!

And the same scene appeared in all the warrior gathering areas along the road!!

Everyone is so excited!

Facing the Chinese Allied Forces,

In the end they country——Long Kingdom made a move!!

"Pay attention to protect the two wings! The terrain is flat, if there is an ambush, we will be very passive!"

while on the other side,

Bourne commanded the entire Chinese Alliance Alliance, advancing cautiously!

at this very moment,

They have reached a distance of about five kilometers from Longguo!

at this time,

Even without binoculars, you can see the monuments of Longguo and Da Mao with naked eyes!!

But the closer he gets to the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, the more uneasiness in Bourne's heart becomes stronger!!

It's all so out of the ordinary!

You must know that the location of the northwest is a strategic location for the entire Dragon Kingdom!

From here, you can drive straight into the hinterland of the Dragon Kingdom!!

It’s such an important position, yet the Dragon Kingdom didn’t send a single soldier!?

Bourne definitely doesn't think that the Dragon Council is so proud to allow their millions of troops to enter!!

No! Absolutely not!!


The more Bourne thought about it, the more panicked he became, his forehead was even covered with bead-sized beads of sweat!!

"What's the matter? General Bourne?"

"Yeah, what did General Bourne stop for!?"

The commanders of the other Chinese Allied Forces couldn't help asking at this time.

Seeing that they are about to step into the territory of Dragon Kingdom,

What are you doing stopping now?!

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Bourne said with a pale face, and his breathing also became short of breath!

For some reason, in the open and quiet space in front of him, he felt a huge pressure!

A group of people were dissatisfied when they heard Bourne's words. They had already waited for two hours before, and there were no surprises. Now they have to wait again!!

They are not here for tourism, they are here for war!!

Besides, this place is unbearably hot, and the yellow sand under my feet is a bit hot!

Standing here for another hour, it is estimated that someone in the team may fall down soon!

"General Bourne, I know you are worried about being ambushed by the Dragon Kingdom! How about this, let us, the Li Kingdom, take the lead!"

At this time, the commander of the Hungarian country stood up and asked Berne for orders.

Bourne hesitated for a while, and finally nodded. After all, there is really no other way in this situation. Since Hungary, they are willing to take the initiative to find out the truth, it is good!!

So, the commander of the Hungarian country led his team with a total of almost 30,000 people, and continued to advance forward!!

"Be ready to fight, and support immediately in case of any emergency!"

But Bourne and other countries of the Chinese Alliance stayed in place and watched the Hungarian team intently, ready to provide support at any time!!

And just like that,

The Hungarian country directly drove straight into the territory of the Dragon Kingdom!!

After arriving at the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, there was still no unusual Hungarian commander, and a trace of contempt appeared on his face!

Bourne's combat style is famous for being cautious, but in my opinion, this "famous teacher" is nothing more than that. If he is too cautious, he will miss the fleeting opportunities on the battlefield instead!!

No wonder Cheng Hua from Longguo has always been overwhelmed by the name!!

There is a reason for this!!

The Hungarian commander shook his head inwardly!

Thinking that our ancestors all invaded the Dragon Kingdom in the same way,

how did you get here,

Millions of troops are still cowering!?

Even if there is an ambush, so what if there are traps?!

In the face of absolute strength, any trick is a paper tiger!!

Thinking of this, the Hungarian commander looked down on Bourne even more.

turn around,

People made gestures to the Chinese Allied Forces behind them,

Indicates that there is nothing unusual!!

Seeing this scene in the distance, Bourne and the other commanders of the Chinese Allied Forces breathed a sigh of relief.

Even Boen himself couldn't help being suspicious,

If there is really an ambush in the Dragon Kingdom at this time, then it is completely ready to act!!

Are you really being too cautious?!

Bourne frowned, and then for the first time he was a little unconfident in his battle!!

Similarly, because Hungary took the lead, at this time, he has no reason to let the entire Chinese alliance stay here.

So, after taking a deep breath, Bourne is ready to give the order to move forward!!

"Boom boom boom!!"

"Keng Keng Keng!!"

Suddenly, a violent sound came from above!

Everyone raised their heads!

Just saw a bright light!!

seeing this scene,

Hear that voice again!!

The scene that happened in Moxico not long ago came to Bourne's mind again!!


This is Dragon Kingdom's missile!

0......seeking flowers...

Bourne reacted immediately,

Then a question arose in my mind,

Why is this missile flying towards the sky!?

Even if they want to fight, shouldn't they be aimed at them!?


His question just surfaced,

What happened next told him the answer directly!!

"Buzz buzz buzz---"

between heaven and earth,

There seems to be a violent magnetic field!!

A huge group of dazzling light exploded in the sky!

The surrounding sounds seemed to be muted, all disappeared!

Bourne just stared at the dazzling white light for less than half a second,

Eyes suddenly stinging extremely,

Tears are rolling down!!

"Hide!! Hide!"

Bourne closed his eyes, tears streaming down uncontrollably!

A surge of fear from the heart welled up in my heart!

Bourne yelled, but couldn't hear his own voice at all!!

And he was dragged to the side of the tank by his own guards, and he got down directly!!



The white light of the sky is completely blooming,

Even brighter than Lieyang's!!

Immediately afterwards,

The whole space seems to be distorted at once!

Visible shock waves from top to bottom!!

At this moment, the vegetation, sand and rocks at the center of the hydrogen bomb,

Direct carbonization, turned into fly ash!!


The ground trembled violently!

It was like a violent earthquake!

And the shock wave soon came to Bourne and the others!!


A large number of soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Chinese Alliance who had no time to hide were like pieces of paper, and they were shaken away more than ten meters!!

And the front tank was also directly overturned by the shock wave!!

Standing on all fours like a bastard!!

Immediately afterwards,

The ground temperature has risen sharply!!


Bourne just felt like he was put in a frying pan!!

Instantly dehydrates the skin all over the body!!

The color is slightly black!!

The guards around him also turned over in pain on the ground!

And the iron skin of the tank standing in front of them is also smoking!

Immediately afterwards, several tank soldiers inside ran out directly!

The face becomes like a boiled shrimp!!

And the embarrassing and painful scenes kept appearing in every team!!

in less than half a minute,

The originally majestic and majestic army of millions has collapsed!!

Many of the "steel torrents" arranged in an orderly manner have turned into scrap metal!!

It crashed directly!!

And Bourne couldn't bear such pressure after all,

Passed out straight away!!

"General Bourne, General Bourne!!"

I do not know how long it has been,

Bourne is woken up by his own guards!

Just looking at the guard's face at this time, the face is already covered with blisters!

"What's going on!? What was that just now!?"

Bourne woke up, his eyes refocused, and his body was in severe pain, but at this time he didn't care about it at all, so he asked quickly.

"It's a nuclear bomb! It's a nuclear bomb with a very large yield!!"

The guard's eyes were bloodshot as he replied.


Hearing what the guard said, Bourne was stunned for a moment!

such a short time,

Dragon Kingdom actually made a nuclear bomb!?

And even treated them as test subjects!?

"Where are they in Hungary!?"

Suddenly, Bourne thought of Hungary, who was leading the battle, and asked immediately.


The guard opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Bourne got up with all his strength,

look over there,

Where Hungary used to be,

It was already pitch black!!

Obviously, in this situation, the 20,000 people in Hungary will never experience any miracles!!

Nearly 30,000 people in Hungary,

Killed by the group!!


There was a roar in Bourne's mind!

Also get scared!

Good thing he just stopped going!

if not,

There may not be much left of the entire army of one million!!


The wounded soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Chinese Alliance cried out in pain.

Byrne heard the voice,

Going back to looking at the miserable situation of the entire Chinese League coalition forces,

Paled face,

trembling lips,


"It seems that Longguo and the others have made a good plan to give us a blow...

"Cheng Hua knows my combat style very well, he should have participated in it too!!"

"Cheng Hua guessed it right!"

"It's equivalent to letting us go!"

"I just didn't expect that they in Hungary..."


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