Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 75 B2 Bomber! ? Make Beautiful Goods With Beautiful Knives! This Is What We Call Capitalist

"How about trying a random draw?"

Yu Bei looked at his three thousand energy points and thought about it.

After all, these few lottery draws were all targeted lottery draws,

Although the directional lottery can draw what you want,

But the only downside to this one is that it consumes so much energy!!

This also caused Yu Bei to be stressed out by the energy value of 6,000 often!!

So, taking advantage of the fact that there is nothing urgent right now, Yu Bei wanted to try random sampling!

"The system will randomly draw a lottery!"

In the end, Yu Bei still made a decision, and then said aloud.

"Ding! Does the host spend 3,000 energy points for a random draw!?"

The cold mechanical sound of the system sounded.


Yu Bei nodded.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for spending three energy points to win the lottery!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the B2 bomber design and related knowledge!!"

The light flashed before my eyes,

The north room is full of design drawings!

And in front of him is a conceptual graphic design drawing!

That sci-fi cool shape!

It is the "ghost bomber" that made many countries fearful in the previous life



When Yu Bei saw this design drawing, his eyelids twitched!!

Immediately stood up, and even couldn't help swearing!!

His mother, who was making lunch outside, said something to him!


Yu Bei calmed down,

Then sit on the chair,

The face is surprised and a little complicated!

He really didn't expect that he would get this item in a random draw!?

Why, is my luck so European!?


This B2 bomber is a waste of money!!

The cost of the beautiful country was about 2.4 billion US dollars at the beginning, and this does not include the consumption of the mission and the maintenance in the later stage!!

In the previous life, this B2 bomber was even called 60 tons of gold flying in the air!!

"But now we have borrowed 20 billion U.S. dollars and there should be a lot! It is still more than enough to build a B2 bomber!!"

"As for the later maintenance and the cost of performing tasks..."

"When the Beidou seven-star satellite system is initially completed, we can first use navigation to develop global customers..."

"And you can also sell back-end products........"

"In this case, the funds are completely sufficient!!"

"Using borrowed beautiful knives to make beautiful goods! This is the wool of capitalism!!"

Suddenly, Yu Bei calmly thought about himself and then his eyes lit up!!

That's right, as long as the Beidou seven-star satellite system is built, the money will keep rolling in!

That is to say, the current Dragon Kingdom can be built,

The future Dragon Kingdom will definitely be able to afford it!

Thinking of this, Yu Bei also completely cleared up his thoughts, took a deep breath, and then put away the concept plan of the B2 bomber on his desk!

"Xiaobei, where are you going? We're going to eat soon!"

Li Yue, who was wearing an apron outside and carrying dishes, looked at Yu Bei walking out in a hurry, was stunned, and asked.

"Mom, I won't come back to eat at noon today, I'm going to the National Defense Department now!"

Yu Beiliu said a few words, and then went straight out the door!

After leaving the door, Yu Bei drove the car that Cheng Hua specially equipped for him, and drove towards the National Defense Department!!

Department of Defense.

Cheng Hua was drinking tea.

and at his hand,

It is a lot of information about Da Mao!

Because Da Mao's review is in full swing!

Longguo evacuated the relevant intelligence personnel urgently, but many of the big hairy people hiding there were cut off!!

As for the beauty country has been asking about Da Mao's satellite situation these days,

Cheng Hua was fooled by all the questions!!

"Tsk, it's another bloodbath......

"This time, I don't know how many "old friends" will suffer..."

Thinking of Da Mao's big censorship, a trace of emotion appeared on Cheng Hua's face, and then he shook his head and sighed.

"Boss Cheng! Boss Cheng!"

At this time, before Yu Beiren arrived, the voice had already arrived!

Cheng Hua looked at Yu Bei with a joyful face, and was stunned for a moment, and asked,

"What's the matter? Yu Bei, why are you in such a hurry? Didn't your kid let Qian Zhilao and Xiao Deng do the work recently? Why don't you rest at home?"

"Boss Cheng, don't talk about those things, I have something to show you!"

Hearing Cheng Hua's words, Yu Bei shook his head and said, then took out the concept graphic design of the B2 bomber, unfolded it and placed it on Cheng Hua's desk.

"What is this..…."

Cheng Hua looked at the design drawing in front of him, frowned, then changed the direction of the design drawing of the B2 bomber, and looked at it.

"This... this is a bomber!?"

However, after just a glance, Cheng Hua's eyes widened immediately!!

As a senior general of Dragon Kingdom, he naturally knows about bombers!

And just from the shape and structure, he knew that this bomber is definitely not comparable to the bombers currently in service in Longguo!

Speaking of which, those bombers were gifts to the Dragon Kingdom when Da Mao had the closest relationship with the Dragon Kingdom!

Su-4 "Bull" bomber!!

"Yu Bei, designed this!?"

Cheng Hua came back to his senses, then looked at Yu Bei in shock and asked.

It never occurred to him that Yu Bei had such a knack for bombers!

Although he can't understand the design

But this dense mass of data and miniature diagrams,

Obviously it has been strictly calculated!!

It's no joke!!

Hearing Cheng Hua's words, Yu Bei nodded with a smile,

"Boss Cheng, are we still using the "Bull" bomber sent by Da Mao?"

"Yes, there have been many missions."

Cheng Hua nodded, and then he didn't know what he thought of, and continued with a bit of embarrassment,

"It's just that the follow-up development of our bombers lacks technical guidance and is at a standstill. At present, the number of bombers in the entire Air Force is still at the level of a few years ago

Cheng Hua didn't say the specific number, after all, this number is too embarrassing!

He is ashamed to say that there are only 12 strategic bombers in such a powerful nuclear power!

"Well, twelve."

However, Yu Bei directly pointed out the specific amount, which made Cheng Hua blush!

"Cough, that's right. Yu Bei, let's talk about your bomber."

Cheng Hua quickly changed the subject.

"Boss Cheng, this bomber is different from all the strategic bombers in the world today!"

"At least in terms of technology, it will be ahead of the entire era!!"

Yu Bei nodded and said.


"Ahead of an entire era!?"

Cheng Hua couldn't help but take a deep breath when he heard Yu Bei's "unashamed" words, and then a light burst out in his eyes, and he hurriedly asked,

"Quickly tell me! What a way to be ahead of the times?!"

"In terms of bomb load, this bomber can reach a maximum of 22 tons, and if it is equipped with nuclear weapons, it can reach 16 bombs!!"

"In terms of range, it can fly up to 12,000 kilometers and is equipped with aerial refueling technology."

"The maximum flight altitude can reach 15,000 kilometers, but with a thrust-to-weight ratio of 0.205, it may be higher!"

"As for the flight speed, the maximum flight speed can reach Mach 0.95, while the cruising speed is Mach 0.85."

Yu Bei smiled slowly, and then introduced.

Cheng Hua heard Yu Bei's words,

Shocked and speechless,

The whole person's breathing has become extremely rapid!!

Although he doesn't understand the bomber design, but the performance parameters must be understandable!!

In all aspects that Yu Bei said, it far exceeds the data of the main bombers of all countries in the world!

And the Tu-4 they are currently serving is completely aged compared to the data Yu Bei said!!

Cheng Hua's hands were already shaking with excitement!

"Okay, okay, if our Dragon Kingdom can make such a bomber, our conventional combat capability will definitely be greatly improved!"

"Build hundreds of them!!"

Cheng Hua's eyes glowed and he said excitedly.


However, when Yu Bei heard Cheng Hua's words, he almost choked himself to death!!

"Hundreds of them! Boss Cheng, how dare you think..."

Yu Bei smiled helplessly and said.

"What's wrong with the hundreds of bombers? Da Mao and the others also bought hundreds of bombers, and now we have bought another 20 billion US dollars in the beautiful country, and now more than half of them are left!"

Cheng Hua said nonchalantly, with the 20 billion U.S. dollars that came from the beautiful country for free, he felt that the military expenditure of the Dragon Kingdom is ridiculously rich!!

Yu Bei smiled, then pointed to the design drawing and said,

"Boss Cheng, what does Tao think of the shape of this bomber?"

"The shape is different from the current bomber, and it does look more advanced."

Cheng Hua frowned and said.

"This is the smell of money..."

Yu Beiban jokingly said,

"Mr. Cheng, I have calculated the cost of this bomber, and it is estimated to be 2.4 billion US dollars a piece."

"Not even $2.4 billion...wait! What did you say?! $2.4 billion a piece!?"

Cheng Hua nodded subconsciously, and then screamed in shock!!

"You...Yu Bei, are you right?! 2.4 billion US dollars!? Your bomber is made of gold!?"

0…………seeking flowers… 0

When Yu Bei heard Cheng Hua's words, he nodded very seriously,

"Boss Cheng is indeed like this. To be precise, these things may be more valuable than gold!!"

"One is that the development costs of various control systems in it are high. On the other hand, the most powerful thing about this bomber is not the ones I just mentioned!"

"Boss Cheng, this bomber can be invisible!!"

Speaking of this, a light flashed in Yu Bei's eyes.

"Invisible?! You mean invisible?"

Cheng Hua was puzzled when he heard Yu Bei's words.

Obviously, I don't know anything about the concept of invisibility!!

However, let alone him, even the current beautiful country can't figure out what Yu Bei's so-called "invisibility" is!!

After all, after more than ten years,

The beautiful country will start the B2 research and development project!

"It is indeed invisible, but it is not our naked eyes, and radar!!"

"We will use this special coating for this bomber. This coating can absorb most of the electromagnetic waves of the radar! In other words, after the electromagnetic waves sent by the radar touch the bomber, the data reflected back is just like a pigeon. !!"

"Thus making the bomber "disappear" in the radar system!!"

Yu Bei took a deep breath and said.


And Cheng Hua didn't know what to say at this time.


By now, he also understood Yu Bei's so-called invisibility!

Then, as a genius commander who rose to fame in the last war,

He thought of more at once!!

If such a powerful bomber can escape radar detection!

Then this will definitely be a weapon that can turn the tide of battle!!

Think about it, no matter whether the opponent is Da Mao or Meiguo,

at the headquarters,

The enemy commander is drinking coffee, smoking a cigarette, analyzing the battle situation,

Suddenly it was bombed by a bomb in the sky!!

This is straight up beheading!!

Is this battle still to be fought?!


If this thing is really made, it will even change the war mode of the whole world!!

It's just too expensive!!

Cheng Hua was so shocked that he even simulated a silent beheading in his mind!!

Sometimes excited, sometimes heartbroken expressions appeared on his face!!

"Cough! Boss Cheng, Boss Cheng??"

At this moment, Yu Bei called Cheng Hua a few times.

Only then did Cheng Hua come back to his senses, then took a deep breath and said,

"Yu Bei, if this thing can be made, it will indeed be an entire era ahead of other countries' bombers!"

"It's just that the price is too expensive!"

A pained expression flashed across Cheng Hua's face!

2.4 billion dollars!

"Hey, Mr. Cheng, don't worry, as long as our Beidou seven-star satellite system is successfully completed, these are small money!!"

"Besides, you have to think about it in a different way. The beautiful country lent us these two tens of billions of dollars. It is equivalent to yes, they use the money to help us make weapons! If you don't make money, you don't make it!


"What is this called? This is called capitalism wool!!"

"Don't hesitate!! Give me the money quickly, and I can start the project right away!! Try to build this bomber in two months!"

"At that time, you can come and test our results, and you will find that the money spent is really worth it!!"

Seeing that Cheng Hua was a little hesitant, Yu Bei also began to persuade, using words to guide Cheng Hua!!

At this moment, he felt like a salesman in his previous life!!


"Yu Bei, you are right!!"

"The beautiful country gave us this money. They are helping us build weapons. Yes, they are helping us build weapons! Our money is not used!"

Cheng Hua nodded, and then kept repeating Yu Bei's words, trying to numb himself!

Finally, he nodded, gritted his teeth and said,

"Okay, then I'll give it to you!! Squeeze the fucking capitalist wool!"

After all, Cheng Hua acted as if he was afraid that he would regret it again,

Immediately take out a document,

wrote an order,

Stamped with the seal of the National Defense Agency and your own private seal!!

Then hand it over to Yu Bei!

"Take it quickly!! Otherwise, I will regret it later!!"

Cheng Hua said with a look of reluctance.

Usually the Dragon Kingdom is used to searching and searching,

To approve such a large amount of money all at once,

Although it is not my own money,

But it is still as uncomfortable as cutting meat!!


Yu Bei's eyes lit up, then he took the documents, and was about to turn around and leave to borrow someone from the Dragon Science Academy.

But Cheng Hua stopped him suddenly.

"Yu Bei, save some time, if you can use less, use as little as possible!!

Cheng Hua took a deep breath, and said to Yu Bei with a distressed face! Towel!.

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