Reborn in the Marvel universe

14 Avengers Initiative II

We were in the jet when Hawkeye woke up, "Where am I?"

"Clint! Stark, takeover the jet.", Natasha jumped to Hawkeye in lightning speed.

"Easy there Natasha.", he looked up to me, Cap, Ant-man, wasp, Thor and Loki, and pointed at me, "He isn't supposed to be in the initiative."

"He was the one that took you down and brought you to us.", Cap said

"Wait, the uranium. Where is it? Loki's trying to use it to make a portal."

"Right here in my pocket", Tony said from the pilot's seat, "Agent Romanoff you mind taking back over?"


After 2 minutes we landed on the helicarrier.

"Fury, it's an honor to meet you."

"You are well informed, mind telling us who you are? What are your sources? All we have on you is the fight with creel and titania."

"Maybe after the fight."

"You already ended it, Loki is captured and Barton's back."

"But why didn't he escape when we were fighting his brother?"

"You're right. This is too easy."

Natasha led Tony and the rest of us to the lab where Bruce Banner is and Thor went to talk to Loki.

"Dr Banner, big fan on your gamma radiation papers.",I shaked his hand, then I put a nanobot on the screen to hack into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s database to try to find any future projects or info that might be useful to me, I can see Stark trying the same thing.

Hank Pym, Banner, Tony and I tried to figure out how the scepter worked, because I watched the Age of Ultron movie, I came up with the idea that the stone is what powers it and there is a shell around it to control it better.

By this time Tony and I already hacked the S.H.I.E.L.D. files and Cap discovered the weapons that are tesseract powered.

Tony announced to everyone that he hacked S.H.I.E.L.D.but I wasn't that stupid.

Natasha,Clint and Fury came to ask Banner to move to another place to work, I'm guessing they already talked to Loki.

"Fury, what are the weapons you have there? Those are like the ones HYDRA used, what were you planning?", Cap asked apparently angry.

"Yeah, why are they here?", I asked, it was a dumb question, I already know why are they doing here and why is everyone acting out. Stupid comic book logic.

"You talking back to me now? We don't even know who you are."

I retracted the nanobots on my face shouting, "You happy now?"

Everyone is shocked by my identity.

"You're James? The head of Curtis Corporations?"

"But how did you know about Loki and Germany?", Fury asked

"I bugged Agent Barton, so I know where Loki is, and about Project Pegasus"

"When? I've always been careful."

"One day when you were following me I decided to test out my new toy. A bird shaped drone 'pooped' on you but the poop actually have a nanobot in it, tracking your location."

"Where is that thing?"

"In your blood."

"Get it out!"

"Fine.", I commanded the nanobot to breakout of the blood stream, as it did it left a hole in it so it fixed it and broke out of his skin.


"Relax, there's no blood, only a tiny hole on your skin."

The nanobot jumped back to me.

After that fiasco everyone focused back on Banner. He was holding Loki's scepter without realizing it.

"Dr Banner, put the scepter down."

"What? I…", slowly realizing what he was doing, he released the scepter back on its stand.

*Alert* *Alert*

My first explanation was that Loki escaped out of the prison, then I started to see Banner transforming into the Hulk while the mind stone glowed.

"Everyone, get out, lock the door and find Loki. I'll handle Banner.", I yelled out after I hacked in their coms. They ran out to find Loki, while I thought of a way to fight off the Hulk.

'If I have to battle the Hulk, I need to match his strength', I thought to myself.

As I was planning how to defeat him without killing him, Hulk went full green and smashed through the floor. I find myself in the Helicarrier's water and electricity supplement, a fully enraged hulk stood up, looking at me. I quickly touched him to take his strength, but I didn't take the unwanted side effects, like the green skin, enlarged body mass and anger issues.

The hulk roared at me and I started running. He was fast for his size, broke some of the oxygen tanks wires and possibly circuit boards, this damage could bring the whole damn ship down. I have to stop him, somehow. But I can't fight him here in closed space because I can't let him break anything important.

I ran into a door that's locked, but I needed to get a running start to get a chance to break it, despite my new strength. I needed to play smart, because he's a mindless being now and nothing is stopping him unless I do.

Hulk charged at me, so I slipped under him. He broke the door, revealing a hanger with jets and cargo in it.

I controlled the nanobots form a larger version of the reactor my nanobots use, I blasted a unibeam from it, he got blasted back, destroying a jet's tail while at it.

I ran forward, pushing the Hulk down, the only thing Hulk is afraid of is Banner, and the only thing Banner is afraid of is the Hulk. I need to bring Banner back.

"Bruce! This isn't you! Wake up, you can't let the Hulk control you.", I yelled hoping Banner heard that.

"No Banner!", Hulk roared while putting his hand on his hand, it looks like he's feeling immense pain.

Hulk slowly shrank down and Banner reappeared.

"How was I?"

"Great, but put on some damn pants, you're naked." "Yeah, figured.", he went behind the destroyed jet, trying to hide his naked body.

"Here, this should cover you.", I gave him a thin layer of my nanobots to pose ast-shirts and shorts.


We went to a room with all the agents on computers trying to track Loki down again.

"These were in Phil Coulson's jacket.", Fury throw a bunch of Captain America trading cards with blood on them at Cap, "Guess he never did get you to sign them."

"We're dead in the air up here, our communications, the location of the cube, Pym. I got nothing for you. I lost my one good eye, maybe I had that coming. Yes, we're going to build an arsenal with the tesseract. I never put all my chips on that number, no, cause I was playing something even riskier."

Fury continued, "There was an idea. Stark knows this, called the Avengers initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, to see if they could become something more."

I'm seriously geeking out right now, those were lines in the Avengers movie, and I get to be in part of that frame.

"To see if they could work together when we needed them to fight the battles we never could. Phil Coulson died still believing in that idea. In heroes."

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