This Chapter is slower, mostly exposition so if you can wait, the Christmas special that will be released in US & Canada time 12/25/18 and everywhere else 26/12/18.


*5 minutes later*

While the others help with the clean up, I deployed repair and rescue drones to find and save survivors and reinforcing the building structures to make sure they don't collapse on people, I didn't have time with the Space stone since Thor contained the tesseract and sent Loki home right after the fight, but not before I gave him a card.

That leaves the mind stone that's in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody, even though I know S.H.I.E.L.D. is secretly HYDRA, I would avoid an all out war with them, not when my whole company, life and Shuri's at stake if it happens.

Maybe I'll rob the power stone from the Nova corps, since Guardians stupidly leave it at a planet that was nearly destroyed and lost all the defenses to handle another attack.

After the clean up I showed everyone the new Avengers headquarters - The Avengers Mansion.

"If I recall, this is the mansion that you out bid me on right?", Stark asks.


"No, Fury promised this was a one time thing, this team needs to go, I mean it's too powerful to be formed, I'm leaving."

"Dr Pym please don't leave."

Hank and Janet walks away from the mansion.

"So you gonna give us a tour?"

*20 minutes later*

"And this is the training room, packed with every weapon I could think of. You can train with the drones and robots, even if Thor and Hulk both clash together the building won't shake since it would only absorb it and power the building."

"This is Dr Banner's room, you got all the equipment you need to find a cure for the hulk and there's a chamber where if you hulked out accidentally, you can wait in there until you go back to normal."

"Tony's room is still empty since you can fill it with whatever you want and don't worry, I won't put up anything to spy on you or steal your ideas."

"Hawkeye has a room with a king sized bed and a whole closet full off trick arrows, wooden arrows, and silver arrows."

"What are you planning here? Stopping vampires?"

"Clint, Dracula is no joke, he's real. I just don't know how you know about it.", Cap directs his looks to me.

"I got some files on your WW2 Transylvania mission, so I got a brief idea of what vampires are."

"You read old files for fun?"

"Not fun, research. Now let's move onto the next room."

I led them to every single room in the mansion and they agreed to stay, while Tony scanned the whole mansion for building structure and makes sure that none of the rooms have any cameras or microphones.

Before they went back to grab their stuff, I handed them each a card, "These are Avengers ID cards, it gives you and you only, the access to any room in the mansion, they are also communicators for you to use when you needed any of us, once you've broadcast the signal, the card will send out your location, but don't call out to ask us to pay for your dinner, got it?"


*2 hours later*

I went back to the place where I hid the stash of chitauri tech, suddenly I heard something.

"That's right, move it in."

"No, no. this alien stuff is tough, you need to use their own stuff to break it down."

"We are damage control and the government has issued a warrant for us to take care of this alien stuff.", A fat lady walked in the scene with a bunch of workers and

"Wait, you can't do that, I called in trucks and people for this job, they have family, we have to make a living for ourselves"

"Nope, we'll take care of it from here. Unload those trucks and put them in our's and you better move to safety citizen."

This was what happened in Spider man homecoming, I have to follow them.

*In Vulture's warehouse*

"I can't believe they did that. Just coming in here and took our job.", Adrian said.

"What about this truck, boss?", the soon to be shocker revealed a truck load of alien weapon."

"Throw them back in what's left of New York, they won't notice."

"Yeah, too bad. Could've made some real good toys with those things.", Tinkerer touches a switch, the purple rock in the middle shimmers a bit and the machine levitates above the table.

"Okay, wrap it up guys.", I jumped down from the ceiling, "You guys better return those before S.H.I.E.L.D. finds out about the missing stash.", I took away their truck of chitauri technology.

"You can't do that."

"I can.", I throw a suitcase of benjamins on the floor, "Consider this payment for the job, but S.H.I.E.L.D. will handle it from here. Oh yeah Mr Maison, mind if you come outside, I wanna talk to you."

Phineas Maison walks out of the warehouse and asks, "What is it, Mr masked man?"

"Well, I saw your talent at tech and would like you to work for me.", I unveiled my mask.

"I'll be honored to work in Curtis Corporations."

"You follow my work?", jackpot. The Vulture and Tinkerer is gone, and I get a bonus super genius technician working for me.

"The biggest fan."

After a quick 2 minutes

"Good now here's the room that you can work in and if you want to, live in."

I opened a wooden door, revealing a simple room with a bed, table, chair and equipment of every kind, even chitauri scraps.

"You will start as a simple employee, after your first Invention that is world changing or benefiting the company, you can get a rise. The highest place for you could be head of Technologies department. The work hours depend on your time, but you have to have at least 1 project per year. So, you may begin.", I closed his door behind me.

Since Tony didn't fly near death into space and even if Ultron ends up getting created the best thing he can get is titanium, I didn't bother creating a countermeasure for him so I moved on to my next projects.

I planned on making a suit mixed with magic and science. The suit will be mainly made out of unstable molecule fabric. There will be all the tech I've made in there in one suit, then I don't need any upgrade for a long time.

In the comics there is Proto Adamantium, the perfect mix of the virtually indestructible metal and vibranium the metal that absorbs all vibrations(only known location of existence is earth[terran]). The strongest and rarest metal alloy in the universe, no empire or civilization in the universe can recreate it, the only sample of it would be Captain America's shield.

I have the vibranium and adamantium, but I can only make it if I have molecule man or magneto's level of power. Unless the space stone's power activate, I can't teleport the proto adamantium out of the negative zone.

I call this project technomage(I've seen this in another fanfic, I thought the name was pretty cool so I used it), but there is no way I could finish it with the knowledge I have at hand. I'll have to put it aside and to complete the New Avengers Protocol.

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