Reborn in the Narutoverse
10 Namikaze’s Inheritance Art of a 1,000 Seals Part 3
The monstrous white snake's fangs were seconds away from digging into Kakashi's neck, when without warning a handful of shuriken targeted the creature's vital points, two for its eyes and one for its open mouth. The beast was struck, knocking it back a good 5 to 6 feet away, but instead of falling down dead, the monster exploded into dozens of smaller snakes. They then climbed onto the Lizard-Man and fused with its body, when only a single creature remained left and all the miniature snakes had been absorbed into its body. A change in the creature's Chakra suddenly occurred as the reptilian humanoid grew a large horn on its fore head. A terrifying howl echoed throughout the lab, when the crazed beast charged the two.
Using their teamwork, Yamato worked on restraining the monster with wood restraints, while Kakashi assaulted it with all his remaining strength; pulling out his sword Kakashi surrounded it with lightning Chakra and continued to cut down at the beast. After several minutes of fighting the snake-man, Kakashi drove the sword through the creature's forehead. Sending a powerful electric current down the blade the blue lightning ran throughout its whole body, the beast fell to the ground giving off a steam and rotten scent, Yamato cut the monster's head off; killing it once and for all. Kakashi turned to look at Yamato with a confused expression, when Yamato replied with "What are you looking at? Weren't you the one who said you shouldn't let your comrades die? I'm just following your advice Senpai!"
Kakashi laughed as he walked over to the only remaining clone incubator, using a sealing scroll he placed the whole pod along with the boy inside it. Rolling up the scroll Kakashi and Yamato gathered every one of the files and research papers that they could find and sealed them inside a scroll as well.
Seeing Yamato's down in the dumps look Kakashi figured out what was bothering him, "Just head here tomorrow night, and the Hokage will deal with Danzo." Handing a piece of folded up paper to Yamato, Kakashi patted him on the back. "Relax we won't let anything happen to you."
[At Ichiraku's]
Kibo, Naruto, and Karin were finishing their meals, Kibo had spent the last half an hour propositioning Teuchi to buy in on his Chakra cooking technique, after setting up a deal of only taking 1% of the funds, Kibo gave him everything he knew on the profession. Teuchi actually started to cry.
"I'm sorry, it's just, I didn't have the talent to become a Shinobi, even had a nickname amongst the other children of the academy. The called me the failed Sage, I can use all five elements but with my weak Chakra channels the power output is pathetic, and improvement impossible. With this Chakra Cooking Technique, I finally feel like my Nin-Jutsu can be put to use." Teuchi seemed so overjoyed that when he closed up that night, he began drilling his staff in this new cooking style.
After paying for their meals, Kibo stood up and shouted, "Now to the hot springs!"
Naruto and Karin didn't disagree to the idea, after their hard work they could use a bath. When they arrived at the springs Kibo spoke, "The next part of your training starts here."
"Huh!?" The two seemed puzzled by his words.
"Once you get inside I want you to walk on the spring water, just like you did at the lake, but be warned; heated water molecules move thousands if not millions of times faster than water at room temperature. Once you finish we can go home!" Kibo seemed to have a dark look in his eyes, when Karin said, "But what if I need your help?" She then looked at herself then to Kibo, "We should at least wait until our wedding night, until you see me like that!" Karin's face turned bright red as she placed her hands on her cheeks, closed her eyes, than began swaying left and right, "Ohh! I said it; I can't believe I said such a bold thing." Unfortunate for her Kibo had already left, and she was standing at the entrance looking like a weirdo. "Damn it; wait for me!" She shouted running in after them.
During their stay Naruto didn't have much problem adjusting to the training, so he knew Karin was fine, although it was the longest bath Kibo ever took, Naruto only needed three hours to master walking on the springs, it was kind of funny seeing Naruto jump and curse at the water every time he fell in. Apparently Karin was caught trying to peak at the boys sections, or more accurately at Kibo. Luckily the elderly old maid in charge of the bath house threw a wash bucket at her head knocking her out. Kibo and Naruto came out to find a fully clothed sleeping Karin on a bench. Apparently the old lady was part of a group lady Tsunade formed to keep Jiraiya from peeping, she never expected her skill to be used on the girl's side.
Before walking home Naruto and Kibo escorted Karin back to her apartment safely, then returned to the Hoshi estate. The following morning proceeded like usual, except instead of taking them to the training cave he brought them to Konoha Falls, the largest and most deadly waterfall in the region. When asked what they were doing here, Kibo walked over to the water fall and quickly began running up it, each step precisely calculated, putting in the perfect amount of Chakra to match to roaring falls. When he finally reached the top, Kibo leapt off returning to the bottom of the falls.
Naruto and Karin stood there stunned, "When you can do that, well take on the training cave." Kibo said looking at their dropped jaws. Naruto was the first to snap out of it when dashed up to the base of the waterfall and jumped. Karin didn't lag behind either, as she joined Naruto in series of successive failures. Every time they dropped Kibo would try to answer their questions to the best of his capability, they practiced all day yet only managed to make it up a tenth of the way.
Seeing their downtrodden moods Kibo said in all honesty "Really I'm impressed! I didn't expect you two to get as far as you did in one day."
"Thanks Nii Chan, but I not giving up, tomorrow I'll definitely master this." Naruto announced.
"If you're doing it then I'm doing it too." Kibo though Karin seemed to have developed a bit of a rivalry with Naruto. However Kibo had completely misread the situation, this dunce didn't realize Karin was talking about him not Naruto.
After they headed home, Kibo and Naruto were met at the door by their parents. He felt something was out of place and he was right, when he walked inside he was greeted by the Hokage, Kakashi, and a few familiar faces. Shisui Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, and his Father Fugaku were also present.
"Good to see you again Kibo." Kakashi and Shisui said as they sat at their table. Sarutobi stood up as well, and what he did next shocked everyone in the room. The Hokage bowed to Kibo and said, "Kibo, I know you're just a child, but our village desperately needs your help right now. Were making a move on Danzo, and we need your power to incriminate him for his actions."
"Please Hokage Sama stand up." Fugaku said out of worry,
"You want me to use my Tengan huh?" Kibo replied.
Fugaku had read the report on Kibo's Do-Jutsu, thanks to Sarutobi hiding his abilities from Danzo, the specific details about its ability was summarized into a simple sentence. 'It is a Time Related Do-Jutsu, and has multiple releases like the Sharingan.' For a while Fugaku thought the report was falsified for the simple reason of protecting the child, never did he think it would be used to trap Danzo once and for all.
That's when Fugaku bowed as well, "Please, Danzo has continued to harass our people since the end of the last Shinobi War, no perhaps even before that. I don't know what your Do-Jutsu is capable of; but if it can put an end to Danzo's schemes then I to beg you to help our people."
Kibo nodded his head, then asked that the butlers and maids to leave the room. After they had gone, Kibo asked the Hokage to drink his tea. Everyone looked at him strangely when he spoke, "I'm going to demonstrate my ability to the Hokage so you know how to use it most effectively."
"Then you?" Sarutobi asked. "Yes! I've agreed to help, but I want something in return, because you're not just asking for my help, you're asking for me to reveal a Clan secret." The Hokage sighed with a breath of relief, when he then asked. "Well what is it?"
Kibo looked over to the rest of the group, "I want to make some changes to the standard Ninja team. Instead of 3 Ninja per team, I propose that we should make it 5; with the addition of Sensor Nin, and Auxiliary Nin."
The Hokage and everyone else knew what a Sensor Nin was, but they had no idea what an Auxiliary Nin was, and for good reason too. Kibo had made up this classification, he chuckled as continued to talk, "My clan is perfect for the job as an Aux Nin, we can boost or alter the performance of our team mates by equipping them with Star Chakra Armaments we work best as support Ninja, but we are capable of battle and transportation, thus the new classification. Well I suppose you could call us support Nin but Auxiliary Nin sound so much cooler. The reason I suggest you raise the team limit is two reasons; one were not at war and are experiencing a rare time of peace, so there's no reason to spread out our forces so thin. The second is that you have a large influx of Shinobi this year and instead of making 100 new teams for the almost 300 members of my clan, isn't it better to just increase the members for a team by 2."
Everyone but Sarutobi was shocked by Kibo's advanced thinking pattern, only the Hokage was grinning ear to ear. Kibo's mind had once again saved him from a mountain of paper work, instead of going through hundreds of reports for new teams; he could cut it down by adding additional members to a single team. Not to mention the fact that Star Chakra could be used in the manner he described, this would greatly lower the mortality rate amongst his Village's Shinobi. The Hokage walked over to Kibo and place his hand out, "You have yourself a deal young man. Although I feel like I'm the one getting the better side of this one."
Kibo shook the Hokage's hand and smiled before saying, "The best deals are when both sides benefit, you take care of us, and we take care of you. That's the Hoshi Clan way." After shaking, Kibo sat down to be filled in on Kakashi's recent adventures, they made sure not to mention Hashirama cells, and why they needed Yamato, but Kibo didn't mind as it pertained to Konoha's secrets. When he heard there was a child clone of Orochimaru, he lowered his brow, "Is it the older clone Log, or Mitsuki? Or did I already screw up the time line so much that Orochimaru made both of them earlier in the time line? I guess I'll find out when I meet him."
Kibo looked around the room and said, "Okay, I guess enough events have transpired to show my Tengan's ability to its fullest capability." Suddenly he began moving things around in the dining room than activated his Tengan. The golden ring inside his eye began to spin counter clockwise. The room stayed the same and the people in it normal as well, but suddenly the ring stopped spinning and holographic Chakra outlines recreated the entire series of events that occurred in the last ten minutes. There was sound so everyone could hear the conversation, and if one moved an object that was misplaced during the projection, the chakra would quickly show that image of the object in its original position. Once Kibo closed his eyes the projections dissipated into millions of fading orbs that looked like floating fire flies.
"What an incredible Do-Jutsu." Itachi said in amazement; when Shisui nodded his head and said. "The other ability pretty good too." he thought back to the moment when Kibo slaughtered that boar.
When it came time to leave, Naruto begged to go as well, but the Hokage adamantly refused. When Kibo saw the tears in Naruto's eyes as they left, he remembered that Naruto is just a kid; he had been doing so well with his training and working on his intelligence that this fact completely slipped his mind.
After they had gained some distance from the estate, Itachi of all people decided to talk out. "Your little brother seems to look up to you a great deal." Kibo after shaking off the shock replied, "Then I guess I better keep giving him reasons to look up to me." Itachi seemed shocked by these words as he seemed to ponder for a bit. "Your Do-Jutsu is . . . Interesting." Fugaku chimed in, "I don't suppose you'd be interested in marrying an Uchiha." Fugaku's words made Kibo turn red, and everyone else laughed. Itachi seemed embarrassed by his father as he hid his face with his palm.
"Heavenly Eye plus Mirror Wheel Eye equal Heavenly Mirror Wheel Eye. Ten Sharingan!" Shisui said, then proceeded to laugh at the embarrassed expression on Kibo's face.
Kibo was suddenly grateful for his Deception Perk as he was getting ready to tell a whole truck load of lies. "My Do-Jutsu's not bad, but the Sharingan especially the higher activation, of it are downright freighting, and I'm not referring to the tomoe release. The account of my ancestor's fight with Madara Uchiha was truly eye opening. All puns intended."
"You know about that form?" Fugaku seemed surprised when suddenly the latter half of what he said quickly rattled his thoughts, "Your ancestor fought with Madara?"
Kibo nodded his head, "The fist was really amazing, he couldn't win against Madara, but it was the same for him, they were locked in a stalemate for 3 days. The 1st eventually ran out of Chakra and lost the fight, because Madara was so surprised at the young Shinobi's prowess he spared his life, this was marked in our first Hoshikage's records as the 2nd most disgraceful moment of his life." This part was true, according to the text he read back in Hoshigakure. "Best to mix in the false with the true" Kibo thought to himself.
Fugaku seemed interested in the story when Shisui said, "What was the first?"
Kibo looked to him and shook his head, "Letting a Village steal his woman, because she was a Jinjuuriki." The other shook their heads in pity, when Itachi asked, "What's the form of Sharingan you're referring to?"
Fugaku and Shisui showed some reaction, when his father said, "You can't access that form, unless you lose something important." Itachi looked at Fugaku and asked, "Father, do you have this form?" but Fugaku simply ignored him. Suddenly Kibo said something that made Fugaku twitch. "I'm not so sure about that, my ancestor was a genius amongst geniuses; he had a few ideas on the Sharigan's activation. It's said that to activate a Sharingan one would have to experience a traumatic event, and to further improve it they would either have to sacrifice someone they love, or witness their deaths." Fugaku was stunned, "You ancestor figured all this out?"
"Like I said; genius amongst geniuses. Well any way, he stated that they got off the wrong foot, and continued to follow that path eventuality programming their bodies to become more suited than these methods. However the Hoshikage had an idea, the reason Do-Jutsus are so important is because the eyes are directly connected to the brain. So when certain parts of our brain experience specific reactions they evolve, and in return so do our brains. If one could make a Gen-Jutsu so powerful that it could even fool the Sharingan, then couldn't they just stimulate that part of their brain without sacrificing or losing some one dear?"
Fugaku felt like he had been hit in the head with a bag of bricks, in theory it was certainly possible, but then something made him sigh, "It's almost impossible to fool the Sharingan with a Gen-Jutsu, this method may be helpful for awaking the Sharingan but I'm afraid that's as far as it will go."
"That may be so for normal Gen-Jutsu member's but my ancestor traveled these lands many years before he built Hoshigakure, and in his travels he speaks of a clan that has a Gen-Jutsu so powerful that even Madara would have fallen prey."
"Oh; and what clan was this?" Fugaku felt like he had seen a light at the end of a tunnel, Kibo had a great deal of respect for Fugaku as he inherited much of the Will of Fire. He genuinely wanted to preserve peace in Konoha, going along with the relocation despite the Uchiha Clan's protests. He even went as far as to instruct his fellow clan members to leave Kakashi alone, who had been recently implanted with a Sharingan from Obito. From Kibo's experience with talking with Fugaku so far, he found him far wiser than the rest of his clan. Even after agreeing with his clan's desire for revolution, he expressed his dismay at going about it in a way that involved the bloodshed of civilians, hoping to end it quickly and with as little harm as possible. the biggest reason Kibo respected him was that he chose to keep his Mangekyō Sharingan a secret from his clan in fear that it would drive them to seek greater power through amoral means. That's why he was helping him now.
"The Chinoike clan, their Do-Jutsu is said to be legendary when it comes to Gen-Jutsu's if you have their aid then such a problem would be easily solved." After he said this everyone froze, when the Hokage sighed, "Perhaps it's time to lift the ban it's been many years since the end of the warring states period, reports of the village having disagreement on whether to seek asylum from Konoha, or attack the Uchiha for revenge have been escalating as of late. After this Danzo business, I will assign Fugaku, and Hiashi Hyuga to be the team leaders for this S Rank Mission; you are to go there and relocate those who wish to leave, and let the rest stay as they wish. If any attack you restrain them and nothing more."
"Yes Hokage Sama!" Fugaku replied.
The group had finally arrived and Anbu headquarters, several of the village elders and council members had arrived. "Well Sarutobi where is this evidence you speak of, if Danzo really has betrayed the Village as you say, then we will immediately begin acting." One of the elders spoke out.
The Hokage bowed and said, "Thank you for coming, all of this will be cleared up tonight. Danzo has made a fatal error and now the reaper has come to collect."
Using their teamwork, Yamato worked on restraining the monster with wood restraints, while Kakashi assaulted it with all his remaining strength; pulling out his sword Kakashi surrounded it with lightning Chakra and continued to cut down at the beast. After several minutes of fighting the snake-man, Kakashi drove the sword through the creature's forehead. Sending a powerful electric current down the blade the blue lightning ran throughout its whole body, the beast fell to the ground giving off a steam and rotten scent, Yamato cut the monster's head off; killing it once and for all. Kakashi turned to look at Yamato with a confused expression, when Yamato replied with "What are you looking at? Weren't you the one who said you shouldn't let your comrades die? I'm just following your advice Senpai!"
Kakashi laughed as he walked over to the only remaining clone incubator, using a sealing scroll he placed the whole pod along with the boy inside it. Rolling up the scroll Kakashi and Yamato gathered every one of the files and research papers that they could find and sealed them inside a scroll as well.
Seeing Yamato's down in the dumps look Kakashi figured out what was bothering him, "Just head here tomorrow night, and the Hokage will deal with Danzo." Handing a piece of folded up paper to Yamato, Kakashi patted him on the back. "Relax we won't let anything happen to you."
[At Ichiraku's]
Kibo, Naruto, and Karin were finishing their meals, Kibo had spent the last half an hour propositioning Teuchi to buy in on his Chakra cooking technique, after setting up a deal of only taking 1% of the funds, Kibo gave him everything he knew on the profession. Teuchi actually started to cry.
"I'm sorry, it's just, I didn't have the talent to become a Shinobi, even had a nickname amongst the other children of the academy. The called me the failed Sage, I can use all five elements but with my weak Chakra channels the power output is pathetic, and improvement impossible. With this Chakra Cooking Technique, I finally feel like my Nin-Jutsu can be put to use." Teuchi seemed so overjoyed that when he closed up that night, he began drilling his staff in this new cooking style.
After paying for their meals, Kibo stood up and shouted, "Now to the hot springs!"
Naruto and Karin didn't disagree to the idea, after their hard work they could use a bath. When they arrived at the springs Kibo spoke, "The next part of your training starts here."
"Huh!?" The two seemed puzzled by his words.
"Once you get inside I want you to walk on the spring water, just like you did at the lake, but be warned; heated water molecules move thousands if not millions of times faster than water at room temperature. Once you finish we can go home!" Kibo seemed to have a dark look in his eyes, when Karin said, "But what if I need your help?" She then looked at herself then to Kibo, "We should at least wait until our wedding night, until you see me like that!" Karin's face turned bright red as she placed her hands on her cheeks, closed her eyes, than began swaying left and right, "Ohh! I said it; I can't believe I said such a bold thing." Unfortunate for her Kibo had already left, and she was standing at the entrance looking like a weirdo. "Damn it; wait for me!" She shouted running in after them.
During their stay Naruto didn't have much problem adjusting to the training, so he knew Karin was fine, although it was the longest bath Kibo ever took, Naruto only needed three hours to master walking on the springs, it was kind of funny seeing Naruto jump and curse at the water every time he fell in. Apparently Karin was caught trying to peak at the boys sections, or more accurately at Kibo. Luckily the elderly old maid in charge of the bath house threw a wash bucket at her head knocking her out. Kibo and Naruto came out to find a fully clothed sleeping Karin on a bench. Apparently the old lady was part of a group lady Tsunade formed to keep Jiraiya from peeping, she never expected her skill to be used on the girl's side.
Before walking home Naruto and Kibo escorted Karin back to her apartment safely, then returned to the Hoshi estate. The following morning proceeded like usual, except instead of taking them to the training cave he brought them to Konoha Falls, the largest and most deadly waterfall in the region. When asked what they were doing here, Kibo walked over to the water fall and quickly began running up it, each step precisely calculated, putting in the perfect amount of Chakra to match to roaring falls. When he finally reached the top, Kibo leapt off returning to the bottom of the falls.
Naruto and Karin stood there stunned, "When you can do that, well take on the training cave." Kibo said looking at their dropped jaws. Naruto was the first to snap out of it when dashed up to the base of the waterfall and jumped. Karin didn't lag behind either, as she joined Naruto in series of successive failures. Every time they dropped Kibo would try to answer their questions to the best of his capability, they practiced all day yet only managed to make it up a tenth of the way.
Seeing their downtrodden moods Kibo said in all honesty "Really I'm impressed! I didn't expect you two to get as far as you did in one day."
"Thanks Nii Chan, but I not giving up, tomorrow I'll definitely master this." Naruto announced.
"If you're doing it then I'm doing it too." Kibo though Karin seemed to have developed a bit of a rivalry with Naruto. However Kibo had completely misread the situation, this dunce didn't realize Karin was talking about him not Naruto.
After they headed home, Kibo and Naruto were met at the door by their parents. He felt something was out of place and he was right, when he walked inside he was greeted by the Hokage, Kakashi, and a few familiar faces. Shisui Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, and his Father Fugaku were also present.
"Good to see you again Kibo." Kakashi and Shisui said as they sat at their table. Sarutobi stood up as well, and what he did next shocked everyone in the room. The Hokage bowed to Kibo and said, "Kibo, I know you're just a child, but our village desperately needs your help right now. Were making a move on Danzo, and we need your power to incriminate him for his actions."
"Please Hokage Sama stand up." Fugaku said out of worry,
"You want me to use my Tengan huh?" Kibo replied.
Fugaku had read the report on Kibo's Do-Jutsu, thanks to Sarutobi hiding his abilities from Danzo, the specific details about its ability was summarized into a simple sentence. 'It is a Time Related Do-Jutsu, and has multiple releases like the Sharingan.' For a while Fugaku thought the report was falsified for the simple reason of protecting the child, never did he think it would be used to trap Danzo once and for all.
That's when Fugaku bowed as well, "Please, Danzo has continued to harass our people since the end of the last Shinobi War, no perhaps even before that. I don't know what your Do-Jutsu is capable of; but if it can put an end to Danzo's schemes then I to beg you to help our people."
Kibo nodded his head, then asked that the butlers and maids to leave the room. After they had gone, Kibo asked the Hokage to drink his tea. Everyone looked at him strangely when he spoke, "I'm going to demonstrate my ability to the Hokage so you know how to use it most effectively."
"Then you?" Sarutobi asked. "Yes! I've agreed to help, but I want something in return, because you're not just asking for my help, you're asking for me to reveal a Clan secret." The Hokage sighed with a breath of relief, when he then asked. "Well what is it?"
Kibo looked over to the rest of the group, "I want to make some changes to the standard Ninja team. Instead of 3 Ninja per team, I propose that we should make it 5; with the addition of Sensor Nin, and Auxiliary Nin."
The Hokage and everyone else knew what a Sensor Nin was, but they had no idea what an Auxiliary Nin was, and for good reason too. Kibo had made up this classification, he chuckled as continued to talk, "My clan is perfect for the job as an Aux Nin, we can boost or alter the performance of our team mates by equipping them with Star Chakra Armaments we work best as support Ninja, but we are capable of battle and transportation, thus the new classification. Well I suppose you could call us support Nin but Auxiliary Nin sound so much cooler. The reason I suggest you raise the team limit is two reasons; one were not at war and are experiencing a rare time of peace, so there's no reason to spread out our forces so thin. The second is that you have a large influx of Shinobi this year and instead of making 100 new teams for the almost 300 members of my clan, isn't it better to just increase the members for a team by 2."
Everyone but Sarutobi was shocked by Kibo's advanced thinking pattern, only the Hokage was grinning ear to ear. Kibo's mind had once again saved him from a mountain of paper work, instead of going through hundreds of reports for new teams; he could cut it down by adding additional members to a single team. Not to mention the fact that Star Chakra could be used in the manner he described, this would greatly lower the mortality rate amongst his Village's Shinobi. The Hokage walked over to Kibo and place his hand out, "You have yourself a deal young man. Although I feel like I'm the one getting the better side of this one."
Kibo shook the Hokage's hand and smiled before saying, "The best deals are when both sides benefit, you take care of us, and we take care of you. That's the Hoshi Clan way." After shaking, Kibo sat down to be filled in on Kakashi's recent adventures, they made sure not to mention Hashirama cells, and why they needed Yamato, but Kibo didn't mind as it pertained to Konoha's secrets. When he heard there was a child clone of Orochimaru, he lowered his brow, "Is it the older clone Log, or Mitsuki? Or did I already screw up the time line so much that Orochimaru made both of them earlier in the time line? I guess I'll find out when I meet him."
Kibo looked around the room and said, "Okay, I guess enough events have transpired to show my Tengan's ability to its fullest capability." Suddenly he began moving things around in the dining room than activated his Tengan. The golden ring inside his eye began to spin counter clockwise. The room stayed the same and the people in it normal as well, but suddenly the ring stopped spinning and holographic Chakra outlines recreated the entire series of events that occurred in the last ten minutes. There was sound so everyone could hear the conversation, and if one moved an object that was misplaced during the projection, the chakra would quickly show that image of the object in its original position. Once Kibo closed his eyes the projections dissipated into millions of fading orbs that looked like floating fire flies.
"What an incredible Do-Jutsu." Itachi said in amazement; when Shisui nodded his head and said. "The other ability pretty good too." he thought back to the moment when Kibo slaughtered that boar.
When it came time to leave, Naruto begged to go as well, but the Hokage adamantly refused. When Kibo saw the tears in Naruto's eyes as they left, he remembered that Naruto is just a kid; he had been doing so well with his training and working on his intelligence that this fact completely slipped his mind.
After they had gained some distance from the estate, Itachi of all people decided to talk out. "Your little brother seems to look up to you a great deal." Kibo after shaking off the shock replied, "Then I guess I better keep giving him reasons to look up to me." Itachi seemed shocked by these words as he seemed to ponder for a bit. "Your Do-Jutsu is . . . Interesting." Fugaku chimed in, "I don't suppose you'd be interested in marrying an Uchiha." Fugaku's words made Kibo turn red, and everyone else laughed. Itachi seemed embarrassed by his father as he hid his face with his palm.
"Heavenly Eye plus Mirror Wheel Eye equal Heavenly Mirror Wheel Eye. Ten Sharingan!" Shisui said, then proceeded to laugh at the embarrassed expression on Kibo's face.
Kibo was suddenly grateful for his Deception Perk as he was getting ready to tell a whole truck load of lies. "My Do-Jutsu's not bad, but the Sharingan especially the higher activation, of it are downright freighting, and I'm not referring to the tomoe release. The account of my ancestor's fight with Madara Uchiha was truly eye opening. All puns intended."
"You know about that form?" Fugaku seemed surprised when suddenly the latter half of what he said quickly rattled his thoughts, "Your ancestor fought with Madara?"
Kibo nodded his head, "The fist was really amazing, he couldn't win against Madara, but it was the same for him, they were locked in a stalemate for 3 days. The 1st eventually ran out of Chakra and lost the fight, because Madara was so surprised at the young Shinobi's prowess he spared his life, this was marked in our first Hoshikage's records as the 2nd most disgraceful moment of his life." This part was true, according to the text he read back in Hoshigakure. "Best to mix in the false with the true" Kibo thought to himself.
Fugaku seemed interested in the story when Shisui said, "What was the first?"
Kibo looked to him and shook his head, "Letting a Village steal his woman, because she was a Jinjuuriki." The other shook their heads in pity, when Itachi asked, "What's the form of Sharingan you're referring to?"
Fugaku and Shisui showed some reaction, when his father said, "You can't access that form, unless you lose something important." Itachi looked at Fugaku and asked, "Father, do you have this form?" but Fugaku simply ignored him. Suddenly Kibo said something that made Fugaku twitch. "I'm not so sure about that, my ancestor was a genius amongst geniuses; he had a few ideas on the Sharigan's activation. It's said that to activate a Sharingan one would have to experience a traumatic event, and to further improve it they would either have to sacrifice someone they love, or witness their deaths." Fugaku was stunned, "You ancestor figured all this out?"
"Like I said; genius amongst geniuses. Well any way, he stated that they got off the wrong foot, and continued to follow that path eventuality programming their bodies to become more suited than these methods. However the Hoshikage had an idea, the reason Do-Jutsus are so important is because the eyes are directly connected to the brain. So when certain parts of our brain experience specific reactions they evolve, and in return so do our brains. If one could make a Gen-Jutsu so powerful that it could even fool the Sharingan, then couldn't they just stimulate that part of their brain without sacrificing or losing some one dear?"
Fugaku felt like he had been hit in the head with a bag of bricks, in theory it was certainly possible, but then something made him sigh, "It's almost impossible to fool the Sharingan with a Gen-Jutsu, this method may be helpful for awaking the Sharingan but I'm afraid that's as far as it will go."
"That may be so for normal Gen-Jutsu member's but my ancestor traveled these lands many years before he built Hoshigakure, and in his travels he speaks of a clan that has a Gen-Jutsu so powerful that even Madara would have fallen prey."
"Oh; and what clan was this?" Fugaku felt like he had seen a light at the end of a tunnel, Kibo had a great deal of respect for Fugaku as he inherited much of the Will of Fire. He genuinely wanted to preserve peace in Konoha, going along with the relocation despite the Uchiha Clan's protests. He even went as far as to instruct his fellow clan members to leave Kakashi alone, who had been recently implanted with a Sharingan from Obito. From Kibo's experience with talking with Fugaku so far, he found him far wiser than the rest of his clan. Even after agreeing with his clan's desire for revolution, he expressed his dismay at going about it in a way that involved the bloodshed of civilians, hoping to end it quickly and with as little harm as possible. the biggest reason Kibo respected him was that he chose to keep his Mangekyō Sharingan a secret from his clan in fear that it would drive them to seek greater power through amoral means. That's why he was helping him now.
"The Chinoike clan, their Do-Jutsu is said to be legendary when it comes to Gen-Jutsu's if you have their aid then such a problem would be easily solved." After he said this everyone froze, when the Hokage sighed, "Perhaps it's time to lift the ban it's been many years since the end of the warring states period, reports of the village having disagreement on whether to seek asylum from Konoha, or attack the Uchiha for revenge have been escalating as of late. After this Danzo business, I will assign Fugaku, and Hiashi Hyuga to be the team leaders for this S Rank Mission; you are to go there and relocate those who wish to leave, and let the rest stay as they wish. If any attack you restrain them and nothing more."
"Yes Hokage Sama!" Fugaku replied.
The group had finally arrived and Anbu headquarters, several of the village elders and council members had arrived. "Well Sarutobi where is this evidence you speak of, if Danzo really has betrayed the Village as you say, then we will immediately begin acting." One of the elders spoke out.
The Hokage bowed and said, "Thank you for coming, all of this will be cleared up tonight. Danzo has made a fatal error and now the reaper has come to collect."
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