Reborn in the Narutoverse
14 Rewards and Enrolling in Konoha Academy
Everyone was shocked seeing the bound Kumo Nin, he was making muffled screams as Kibo landed with one foot on his back. "Hiashi, would you please join me to the Hokage's mansion? Naruto inform Mom and Dad of what's happened, and make sure to tell them I'll be a little late returning home."
Naruto nodded his head and waved goodbye to Hinata as he ran back towards the Hoshi Clan's Estate, Hiashi who was impressed with Kibo's quick thinking than gave order's to his clan to return to their homes then walked up next to Kibo. "Do you want a lift?" Kibo said spreading his Star Wings, Hiashi activated his Byakugan to see the dense and complex overlapping structure of his chakra molding.
"What an interesting Jutsu, and this Star Chakra really is quite dense." Hiashi then shook his head and said, "I will meet you there." Like a blurring afterimage Hiashi had already left, such speeds truly impressed Kibo, "I've always known Hiashi is also at Kage level but seeing it in real life is something else. I can't wait to reach that threshold myself." Kibo thought as he flew towards the Hokage's mansion.
Kibo reached the mansion minutes after Hiashi arrived; it seems that he had also already informed the Hokage of what occurred. Kibo wasn't nice to the prisoner at all; on the way over he made sure to accidentally smack the Kumo Chunin against some buildings. He was still conscious, but in a lot of pain.
Even though Sarutobi understood the situation he still needed specifics, so he turned to Kibo and asked "Would you please explain this to me from the beginning?" Kibo shook his head as he dragged the captive behind him while he approached the Hokage's desk.
"Looks like Naruto forgetting to give his present to Hinata turned out for the better. When we were coming back to deliver the gift, we saw that Kumo Ninja from the party running hastily away from the Hyuga Estate. Using my Tengan I saw that Hinata was inside the bag he was carrying." Kibo then pulled up the Kumo who was still trapped by Kibo's Star Chakra, "Thanks to me and Naruto's teamwork, we managed to take back the captive and subdue the enemy Shinobi."
The Hokage walked up to Kibo and ruffled his hair, "Good job kid! I'd like to see what the Raikage has to say about this one, he actually dared to break our treaty! I won't escalate this matter to war, but he's gonna have to cough something up!" The Hokage's killing intent filled the room and focused on the Kumo Nin.
"Hokage Sama, I have an idea!" Kibo said, after looking at the Kumo Chunin he walked up to the Hokage and asked him to knell down because he didn't want the enemy Ninja to hear. The Hokage leaned over as Kibo whispered something in his ear, as he did so the Hokage began to smile, when he finished Sarutobi laughed loudly. "Good, good, we'll do just that!" The Hokage looked to the Kumo once again and laughed even louder. "Well young Kibo, this kind of merit can't go unrewarded. Tell me is there anything you want?"
Kibo thought long and hard, when he said "I want the Shadow Clone, and Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsus." The Hokage eyes widened, "You know that's a forbidden technique for a reason?" Sarutobi asked. "Yeah but that Jutsu won't affect me or an Uzumaki like Naruto, I know not to teach it to those who can't handle it." Kibo replied making the Hokage smile and pat Kibo's head while saying "Okay then Kibo it's a deal. I can only hope that my grand kid is just as much as a Genius."
Hiashi stared at the Hokage, "Hokage Sama does this mean?"
The Hokage laughed and said "Well it seems one of my sons has finally managed to give a grandchild, they just found out last night. It's a shame such good news has coincided with Kumogakure's act of betrayal." Sarutobi pulled out a storage scroll and released two technique manuals from them, after handing them to Kibo he had his Anbu, seal the Kumo Ninja's Chakra and pressure points to keep him from moving.
"Congratulations Hokage Sama!" Kibo said bowing. Sarutobi chuckled and replied, "Thank you for you kind words, but don't you think you should be heading home now? I hear your mother worries quite a bit." Kibo rubbed the back of his head and laughed a bit while preparing to leave.
Before Kibo left he looked to Hiashi, "You Know Hiashi, the Uchiha Clan are trying to change their clans traditions for the better, and get rid of the ones that shackle and bind their futures, make sure you don't fall too far behind." Kibo said pointing to his forehead.
After Kibo said goodbye, Hiashi listened to the words seriously because he knew Kibo was speaking of his clans bird cage seal, he then turned to Sarutobi and asked "Who is this kid?" Sarutobi shook his head when he responded "I don't know, but he means well for this village. Did you know his Do-Jutsu is time related! Maybe he can see into the future, and is offering you advice to avoid calamity." Hiashi eyes widened, "Time Element, that's. . ." Sarutobi shook his head and showed Hiashi a report. "Not impossible, a young girl named Shion was born in the land of demons not too long ago, she awakened a Do-Jutsu called the Bokugan, and she has so far predicted 12 people's deaths." After the Hokage said this, Hiashi took his words even more seriously.
He had been hesitant about approaching the elders before, but now with Kibo's warning he seemed to have gained a bit of courage. He would not let the heritage and old ways of the Clan bring it to ruin, it was up to him to start a change. After leaving the Hokage's mansion Hiashi sighed, "I'm gonna be busy, looks like I won't spend time with my precious Hinata Chan!" Hiashi pulled out a photo of a baby Hinata and rubbed his cheek up against it.
(A/N#1: I had this theory that Hiashi's personality is more like Hinata's than he lets on, and it was the Death of his Brother that changed him; I think he tried to emulate his twin's personality, not to mention every time he saw Hinata he was reminded of his brother's death. It isn't till Boruto and Himawari are born that we see this side of him resurface. I can even imagine him passing out from embarrassment when he tried to confess to his wife.)
(A/N#2: Bokugan=Divining Eyes, they didn't have a name for Shion's Do-Jutsu, so I fished around for this one with google translate to find a good Kanji to put before gan.)
Kibo dashed back home overly excited to learn these new Jutsus, although his Chakra level weren't high enough to use this Jutsu with just raw power, with the fact that he had almost completely mastered his Chakra control which gave him a 75% reduction on any Jutsu he used, that and Kibo had Seiryu to constantly refuel him so he would be able to use it as well as any Uzumaki. With the Shadow Clone technique he could severely cut down his training time, not to mention that he could focus on his main body while his clone attended school, he was really looking forward to his training.
When he got home, Kibo's mom hugged him in worry, "I'm so glad your okay. Naruto told us what happened; you're not injured are you?" Niwa kept checking him over for wounds, Kibo put his arm up and said "I okay mom! The guy didn't get a single hit it in." He told them what happened and that he was awarded with 2 new Jutsus, a B Rank and an A Rank, when they heard this Kibo's family cheered for him. Naruto looked at his big brother and gripped his fist, "Someday I'll be even stronger!" he thought to himself.
Naruto and Kibo stayed up late to learn their new Jutsu, thanks to Naruto's crazy level of Chakra and Kibo's insane Chakra control, the technique was easily learned.
Kibo then explained the true use of the Jutsu to Naruto and made him grin, "Does this mean I could send a bunch of clones to read every book in Konoha one the same day?" Kibo nodded his head to but told Naruto, "You could, but you would overload your brain, you don't just take in their memories, but their mental strain, and exhaustion too. Don't worry though as long as long as you don't rush anything you'll be fine."
Naruto and Kibo went to bed, and woke up early to see his parents ready to leave, "Were going to enroll you and Naruto at Konoha academy. We'll be back in a few hours." Niwa stated putting on a scarf and winter coat. Naruto and Kibo both showed excited faces, "Now we can start learning Nin-Jutsu!" Naruto shouted "We're one step closer to reaching our goal." Kibo nodded his head and replied.
"Don't get too excited, classes don't start until another three months." Aka said as he joined Niwa in her teasing.
The two looked to each other and ran into the library. Kibo made 10 clones, 5 to work on his Ninshu studies and 5 to work on his 2nd Gate Opining. Naruto used 5 to work on his Ninshu, and the other 5 to help him train in his Main body's Pink Muscle Transformation Technique. Kibo walked outside barefoot in the snow and planted his feet into the ground. After assuming his Dragon Stance he focused purely on his Ancient Dragon Fist Martial Art. Even though it was cold out, the earth nature energy warmed his physique, even a bit of steam could be seen rising from his muscles.
Seiryu watched over Kibo's training in amazement, "This Kage Bushin Jutsu is simply amazing; I have to hand it to the humans of this world for coming up with such an ingenious technique." Seiryu showed a rare moment of humility.
Karin stopped over for a visit, and saw the clones working fervently. "What's going on why are there so many Kibos'?" Karin pinched herself, "No, I'm not dreaming!" after being noticed by one of his clones, Kibo filled her in on what happened."Can I learn it too?" She asked shyly, Kibo handed over the manual and told her the dangers of it. After Karin read through them, like Naruto and Kibo she easily pick up the skill almost instantly. She used her clones to mimic Naruto's actions when the Kibo clone told her that his real body had a gravity suit for her. All Karin heard was he had a gift.
After receiving it she said, "I love it. Should I put it on here?" She said teasing him by lifting her collar, Kibo blushed and shouted, "Go change inside, it's freezing out here." Karin laughed as she ran inside, "You really wanna see though don't you?" she said sticking out her tongue and closing the door. Kibo shook his head, "Why is she so knowledgeable about adult things? It must come from her father's side." Kibo said while shaking his head thinking about what her old man must have been like.
The trio continued to train in this manner for three months, sometimes they would send their clones out to read up on various things at Konohagakure's biggest Library, Kibo was interested in the history and maps of known villages and lands, other than Naruto pulling an occasional prank, the only other eventful thing to occur was that the Chinoike civil strife had been put to rest, and around 135 of their clansmen moved into Konoha. Hiashi; and Fugaku had arrived it triggered the Chinoike clan that wanted revenge against the Uchiha for banishing their clan here all those years ago, and they began waging war against the peaceful faction that wished for reconciliation. Thanks to the two Konoha Shinobi's hard work, they managed to subdue the aggressive army in a sealing Jutsu and saved the remaining Chinoike members.
The Kumo had it the worst, because of their failure they were forced to exile on of their Chunins; they claimed that they were unaware of his plans, and that he acted alone. Of course the Hokage knew better as they had already extracted the information from his head thanks to the Yamanaka Clan's Mind Scour Jutsu. Using this information as a hostage the Raikage could be heard screaming from his mansion.
"What does this Hokage take me for? A fool?" The Raikage had steam coming out of his ears as he saw the message in front of him, the Hokage had threatened him to hand over either his body transformation technique, or the Kage level summoning Scroll of Kumogakure or else he would release the information to every village in contact with Konoha. In the end the Raikage too was unwilling to escalate this event to war, he sighed as he handed a copy of the summoning scroll to a subordinate.
"Deliver this to Konoha, and execute the men who suggested this action, and exile their family's from the village." The Raikage grunted.
"Yes Raikage Sama!" The Shinobi responded before taking off.
Meanwhile at one of Orochimaru's fortresses Danzo, and the Snake Sannin where standing next to an incubation chamber conversing, "I have to thank you for bringing me his eye, it's moved forward my research on the Hoshi clan cadavers. It appears that through some mysterious technique, they've altered their body's chakra center. I'm working on reverse engineering the technique, but it's so different than any other Jutsu I've seen before that it will take years to decipher form their corpses."
Danzo shook his head, "I don't care about your issues Orochimaru, just finish my Uchiha clones and give me my eyes. Oh and another thing, don't contact me again until you plan on invading Konoha." Danzo said walking away.
Orochimaru laughed as he looked into the clear windowed chamber, "Well my creation, when will you be done?" A fetus could be seen growing inside the pod's liquid. A potent and almost chaotic energy was coming from it. Orochimaru left his lab, as he did the Fetus opened its eye's showing a strange and never before seen Do-Jutsu. It looked like a cross between a Sharingan, and Kibo's Tengan.
Naruto nodded his head and waved goodbye to Hinata as he ran back towards the Hoshi Clan's Estate, Hiashi who was impressed with Kibo's quick thinking than gave order's to his clan to return to their homes then walked up next to Kibo. "Do you want a lift?" Kibo said spreading his Star Wings, Hiashi activated his Byakugan to see the dense and complex overlapping structure of his chakra molding.
"What an interesting Jutsu, and this Star Chakra really is quite dense." Hiashi then shook his head and said, "I will meet you there." Like a blurring afterimage Hiashi had already left, such speeds truly impressed Kibo, "I've always known Hiashi is also at Kage level but seeing it in real life is something else. I can't wait to reach that threshold myself." Kibo thought as he flew towards the Hokage's mansion.
Kibo reached the mansion minutes after Hiashi arrived; it seems that he had also already informed the Hokage of what occurred. Kibo wasn't nice to the prisoner at all; on the way over he made sure to accidentally smack the Kumo Chunin against some buildings. He was still conscious, but in a lot of pain.
Even though Sarutobi understood the situation he still needed specifics, so he turned to Kibo and asked "Would you please explain this to me from the beginning?" Kibo shook his head as he dragged the captive behind him while he approached the Hokage's desk.
"Looks like Naruto forgetting to give his present to Hinata turned out for the better. When we were coming back to deliver the gift, we saw that Kumo Ninja from the party running hastily away from the Hyuga Estate. Using my Tengan I saw that Hinata was inside the bag he was carrying." Kibo then pulled up the Kumo who was still trapped by Kibo's Star Chakra, "Thanks to me and Naruto's teamwork, we managed to take back the captive and subdue the enemy Shinobi."
The Hokage walked up to Kibo and ruffled his hair, "Good job kid! I'd like to see what the Raikage has to say about this one, he actually dared to break our treaty! I won't escalate this matter to war, but he's gonna have to cough something up!" The Hokage's killing intent filled the room and focused on the Kumo Nin.
"Hokage Sama, I have an idea!" Kibo said, after looking at the Kumo Chunin he walked up to the Hokage and asked him to knell down because he didn't want the enemy Ninja to hear. The Hokage leaned over as Kibo whispered something in his ear, as he did so the Hokage began to smile, when he finished Sarutobi laughed loudly. "Good, good, we'll do just that!" The Hokage looked to the Kumo once again and laughed even louder. "Well young Kibo, this kind of merit can't go unrewarded. Tell me is there anything you want?"
Kibo thought long and hard, when he said "I want the Shadow Clone, and Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsus." The Hokage eyes widened, "You know that's a forbidden technique for a reason?" Sarutobi asked. "Yeah but that Jutsu won't affect me or an Uzumaki like Naruto, I know not to teach it to those who can't handle it." Kibo replied making the Hokage smile and pat Kibo's head while saying "Okay then Kibo it's a deal. I can only hope that my grand kid is just as much as a Genius."
Hiashi stared at the Hokage, "Hokage Sama does this mean?"
The Hokage laughed and said "Well it seems one of my sons has finally managed to give a grandchild, they just found out last night. It's a shame such good news has coincided with Kumogakure's act of betrayal." Sarutobi pulled out a storage scroll and released two technique manuals from them, after handing them to Kibo he had his Anbu, seal the Kumo Ninja's Chakra and pressure points to keep him from moving.
"Congratulations Hokage Sama!" Kibo said bowing. Sarutobi chuckled and replied, "Thank you for you kind words, but don't you think you should be heading home now? I hear your mother worries quite a bit." Kibo rubbed the back of his head and laughed a bit while preparing to leave.
Before Kibo left he looked to Hiashi, "You Know Hiashi, the Uchiha Clan are trying to change their clans traditions for the better, and get rid of the ones that shackle and bind their futures, make sure you don't fall too far behind." Kibo said pointing to his forehead.
After Kibo said goodbye, Hiashi listened to the words seriously because he knew Kibo was speaking of his clans bird cage seal, he then turned to Sarutobi and asked "Who is this kid?" Sarutobi shook his head when he responded "I don't know, but he means well for this village. Did you know his Do-Jutsu is time related! Maybe he can see into the future, and is offering you advice to avoid calamity." Hiashi eyes widened, "Time Element, that's. . ." Sarutobi shook his head and showed Hiashi a report. "Not impossible, a young girl named Shion was born in the land of demons not too long ago, she awakened a Do-Jutsu called the Bokugan, and she has so far predicted 12 people's deaths." After the Hokage said this, Hiashi took his words even more seriously.
He had been hesitant about approaching the elders before, but now with Kibo's warning he seemed to have gained a bit of courage. He would not let the heritage and old ways of the Clan bring it to ruin, it was up to him to start a change. After leaving the Hokage's mansion Hiashi sighed, "I'm gonna be busy, looks like I won't spend time with my precious Hinata Chan!" Hiashi pulled out a photo of a baby Hinata and rubbed his cheek up against it.
(A/N#1: I had this theory that Hiashi's personality is more like Hinata's than he lets on, and it was the Death of his Brother that changed him; I think he tried to emulate his twin's personality, not to mention every time he saw Hinata he was reminded of his brother's death. It isn't till Boruto and Himawari are born that we see this side of him resurface. I can even imagine him passing out from embarrassment when he tried to confess to his wife.)
(A/N#2: Bokugan=Divining Eyes, they didn't have a name for Shion's Do-Jutsu, so I fished around for this one with google translate to find a good Kanji to put before gan.)
Kibo dashed back home overly excited to learn these new Jutsus, although his Chakra level weren't high enough to use this Jutsu with just raw power, with the fact that he had almost completely mastered his Chakra control which gave him a 75% reduction on any Jutsu he used, that and Kibo had Seiryu to constantly refuel him so he would be able to use it as well as any Uzumaki. With the Shadow Clone technique he could severely cut down his training time, not to mention that he could focus on his main body while his clone attended school, he was really looking forward to his training.
When he got home, Kibo's mom hugged him in worry, "I'm so glad your okay. Naruto told us what happened; you're not injured are you?" Niwa kept checking him over for wounds, Kibo put his arm up and said "I okay mom! The guy didn't get a single hit it in." He told them what happened and that he was awarded with 2 new Jutsus, a B Rank and an A Rank, when they heard this Kibo's family cheered for him. Naruto looked at his big brother and gripped his fist, "Someday I'll be even stronger!" he thought to himself.
Naruto and Kibo stayed up late to learn their new Jutsu, thanks to Naruto's crazy level of Chakra and Kibo's insane Chakra control, the technique was easily learned.
Kibo then explained the true use of the Jutsu to Naruto and made him grin, "Does this mean I could send a bunch of clones to read every book in Konoha one the same day?" Kibo nodded his head to but told Naruto, "You could, but you would overload your brain, you don't just take in their memories, but their mental strain, and exhaustion too. Don't worry though as long as long as you don't rush anything you'll be fine."
Naruto and Kibo went to bed, and woke up early to see his parents ready to leave, "Were going to enroll you and Naruto at Konoha academy. We'll be back in a few hours." Niwa stated putting on a scarf and winter coat. Naruto and Kibo both showed excited faces, "Now we can start learning Nin-Jutsu!" Naruto shouted "We're one step closer to reaching our goal." Kibo nodded his head and replied.
"Don't get too excited, classes don't start until another three months." Aka said as he joined Niwa in her teasing.
The two looked to each other and ran into the library. Kibo made 10 clones, 5 to work on his Ninshu studies and 5 to work on his 2nd Gate Opining. Naruto used 5 to work on his Ninshu, and the other 5 to help him train in his Main body's Pink Muscle Transformation Technique. Kibo walked outside barefoot in the snow and planted his feet into the ground. After assuming his Dragon Stance he focused purely on his Ancient Dragon Fist Martial Art. Even though it was cold out, the earth nature energy warmed his physique, even a bit of steam could be seen rising from his muscles.
Seiryu watched over Kibo's training in amazement, "This Kage Bushin Jutsu is simply amazing; I have to hand it to the humans of this world for coming up with such an ingenious technique." Seiryu showed a rare moment of humility.
Karin stopped over for a visit, and saw the clones working fervently. "What's going on why are there so many Kibos'?" Karin pinched herself, "No, I'm not dreaming!" after being noticed by one of his clones, Kibo filled her in on what happened."Can I learn it too?" She asked shyly, Kibo handed over the manual and told her the dangers of it. After Karin read through them, like Naruto and Kibo she easily pick up the skill almost instantly. She used her clones to mimic Naruto's actions when the Kibo clone told her that his real body had a gravity suit for her. All Karin heard was he had a gift.
After receiving it she said, "I love it. Should I put it on here?" She said teasing him by lifting her collar, Kibo blushed and shouted, "Go change inside, it's freezing out here." Karin laughed as she ran inside, "You really wanna see though don't you?" she said sticking out her tongue and closing the door. Kibo shook his head, "Why is she so knowledgeable about adult things? It must come from her father's side." Kibo said while shaking his head thinking about what her old man must have been like.
The trio continued to train in this manner for three months, sometimes they would send their clones out to read up on various things at Konohagakure's biggest Library, Kibo was interested in the history and maps of known villages and lands, other than Naruto pulling an occasional prank, the only other eventful thing to occur was that the Chinoike civil strife had been put to rest, and around 135 of their clansmen moved into Konoha. Hiashi; and Fugaku had arrived it triggered the Chinoike clan that wanted revenge against the Uchiha for banishing their clan here all those years ago, and they began waging war against the peaceful faction that wished for reconciliation. Thanks to the two Konoha Shinobi's hard work, they managed to subdue the aggressive army in a sealing Jutsu and saved the remaining Chinoike members.
The Kumo had it the worst, because of their failure they were forced to exile on of their Chunins; they claimed that they were unaware of his plans, and that he acted alone. Of course the Hokage knew better as they had already extracted the information from his head thanks to the Yamanaka Clan's Mind Scour Jutsu. Using this information as a hostage the Raikage could be heard screaming from his mansion.
"What does this Hokage take me for? A fool?" The Raikage had steam coming out of his ears as he saw the message in front of him, the Hokage had threatened him to hand over either his body transformation technique, or the Kage level summoning Scroll of Kumogakure or else he would release the information to every village in contact with Konoha. In the end the Raikage too was unwilling to escalate this event to war, he sighed as he handed a copy of the summoning scroll to a subordinate.
"Deliver this to Konoha, and execute the men who suggested this action, and exile their family's from the village." The Raikage grunted.
"Yes Raikage Sama!" The Shinobi responded before taking off.
Meanwhile at one of Orochimaru's fortresses Danzo, and the Snake Sannin where standing next to an incubation chamber conversing, "I have to thank you for bringing me his eye, it's moved forward my research on the Hoshi clan cadavers. It appears that through some mysterious technique, they've altered their body's chakra center. I'm working on reverse engineering the technique, but it's so different than any other Jutsu I've seen before that it will take years to decipher form their corpses."
Danzo shook his head, "I don't care about your issues Orochimaru, just finish my Uchiha clones and give me my eyes. Oh and another thing, don't contact me again until you plan on invading Konoha." Danzo said walking away.
Orochimaru laughed as he looked into the clear windowed chamber, "Well my creation, when will you be done?" A fetus could be seen growing inside the pod's liquid. A potent and almost chaotic energy was coming from it. Orochimaru left his lab, as he did the Fetus opened its eye's showing a strange and never before seen Do-Jutsu. It looked like a cross between a Sharingan, and Kibo's Tengan.
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