Reborn in the Narutoverse
30 The Ruins of Uzushiogakure
Kibo woke up the next morning and told Zabuza that he'd be heading out with Naruto and Karin. Hinata had woken up to and asked to come along, "I want to see the Uzumaki Clan's village with Naruto! Is that alright?" Kibo nodded his head thinking that her Byakugan might come in handy. The group of four Genin gathered together, and made a batch of clones to take their places while they were gone. They were standing at the edge of the unfinished bridged when Kibo began molding his Star Chakra into a small flying ship about the size of a gondola, after he hopped on he turned to the three and said, "Hurry up, I can't hold this thing forever."
Hinata, Karin and Naruto jumped on board and were surprised, the Chakra was so solid that they could stomp down on it all day, and it wouldn't make a dent. Kibo smiled as he placed his hand on bow of the ship, when a large gust of Wind Chakra entered it and two large greenish Chakra wings grew on the port and starboard sides of the boats surface. A funny grin came across his face as he said, "Hold on to something!"
The trio barely had the chance to grip their feet to the ship with Chakra, when the wings let out a flash of light, and flung back sending them rocketing across the early evening skies. Thanks to the Wind Chakra added to the ships wings its speed increased over 10 times what Kibo's ship was capable of, using his Star Chakra alone. Kibo stood at the front of the deck and held his head up and shouted in excitement "YAHOO!" While Naruto and Karin screamed out fright while hugging an unconscious Hinata together, after an hour or so, the trio approached a massive series of whirlpools, ranging from the size of a human head, to the size of a small island.
They continued to travel for only a few minutes more before the hidden village they had been searching for, came into view. The ruined remains of a once great civilization showed its history, the scattered architecture was composed of several broken down high rise buildings. A single large wide river flowed seemingly throughout the entire village, and many destroyed bridges that looked like they once could carry hundreds lay shattered on both sides of the waterway. The surrounding countryside was overrun by steep and lush emerald green hills and forests that shined like gems when the morning sun's rays touched its surface.
"This is the Uzumaki clan's territory?" Karin and Naruto asked at the same time, waking up Hinata in the process.
"Even after it's been destroyed, it's still this beautiful." Kibo said nodding his head, "The Uzumaki really knew how to pick a location to build their village." Kibo then rode down and landed on the center of the largest destroyed building. As soon as his feet touched the stone roof floor Navi sent him a quest.
[Quest: Discover Uzumaki's Fūin-Jutsu Inheritance. Reward: 5,000 System Points, and 1 Teleportation Relic.]
Kibo smiled as he activated his Tengan and began to search for old enough object to read, after a few minutes they stumbled upon an old stone epitaph. Upon it was a deeply carved mural that had the Konoha and Uzushio Village Symbols on it. Kibo placed his hand on the tablet and began to read information from it. For a moment he was thrust back in time, he could see the village before it's destruction in all its beauty and splendor. The lively and bustling citizens moving about as if he wasn't there freaked him out a little, he felt like a ghost standing amongst ghost.
After a while of listening to some conversations, thanks to a Jonin level specter talking about handing over a new sealed chakra beast to the clan head, he discovered the location of the Village leader's mansion. Kibo quickly pulled out some parchment and drew down a map with some instructions on how to get there. When removing his hand he looked to what he had drawn and written, after he memorized the material he headed towards a large open courtyard. There were quite a few houses here that looked like they used to at one time or another be connected to the same house.
Due to the decay and passage of time it had made this seem like multiple houses on a single property, but in reality it was the Uzumaki Clan's Estate. Kibo, Karin and Naruto looked over the decrepit house, when Kibo said "This is the home of your ancestors, the Uzumaki Clan's Estate used to stand here." Kibo turned to Hinata and asked "Can you search through the grounds? I'm looking for something out of the ordinary, or maybe something that should be there, but isn't."
Kibo didn't know if the Byakugan could see through the seals or not, when Hinata nodded her head in affirmation, as she activated her Byakugan, she began looking around the entire village from the highest point. After a few minutes she jumped back down, and said "There's some kind of cave system underneath the Estate, but the entrance located at the Estate's central building has collapsed." Hinata looked to the river and continued, "If we want to enter without risking a cave in, we'll have to go in from the cave entrance at the bottom of the river."
They then gathered at the side of the lake, Kibo molded some Star Chakra and made a sphere with a single cylinder shaped tube reaching out of the top. After everyone entered it, the bubble dived into the lake, and only the air tube remained above water as it stretched downward, making the pod sunk deeper into the river. Thanks to Hinata's directions they didn't have to struggle long to find it, the group resurfaced in a large underground cavernous lake.
There was no light source other that Kibo's Star Chakra, and a long and winding tunnel, leading into the darkness could be seen in front of them. Kibo activated his Tengan to see dormant Chakra placed in seal traps along their path, "Watch your step!" Kibo said to Naruto who was about to move on to a trap's floor trigger. Naruto paused in mid step as Kibo helped push him back.
After explaining their situation, Kibo led them through the cavern avoiding every trap along the way; they ended up in a large cellar that had hundreds if not thousands of shelves. On them were medium sized clay pots, with a paper seals on every one of them, which were clearly very powerful Fūin-Jutsu talismans. "This must be where they store all the dangerous beasts' that the Uzumaki clan has sealed over the generations." Kibo stated, as he walked around looking at the names of the mythical beast and monsters on the pottery's tags.
Kibo noticed that over two thirds of the sealed beasts were at least A Ranked monsters, the rest made him sweat with worry, as they were most definitely S rank beast. Some of the Chakra Beasts were close to a 1 tailed beast's level of power. "Don't touch anything in here okay, these monsters may have been sealed, but they're still alive, and I don't feel like dying just yet." When he explained the most of these creatures were A, and S rank beings, everyone shivered.
Kibo however continued to search for traps, as they headed towards the central chamber of the cave. When they arrived; there was a small wooden altar that had many different symbols carved into it, on top of the flat table surface was three items resting on it. One was a large scroll that had the Kanji for Seal on it, the second item he noticed was stone tablet that had the whirlpool symbol on it, and the last item was the Reaper's Mask.
Kibo was about to step forward when he sensed danger, he looked around the room once more and couldn't find the source of his worry, he shook his head moved towards the altar. When he approached it the grey stone tablet started to crack, a dense and pure white light beamed out of fissures surfaces. Kibo quickly stashed the Scroll and Mask, he didn't wait as he grabbed the tablet the looked like it was on the verge of exploding, then he activated his earth sage mode and shot through the ceiling of the cave, using his earth sense he managed to make it out without causing a cave in, but it wouldn't last for much longer.
When he reappeared above ground at the Uzumaki's estate, he chucked the tablet as high as he could into the sky. A large explosion occurred shaking the grounds below them, when suddenly a chime went off in his head; confirming his completion of his previous quest, and the start of a new one.
[Quest: Defeat Reibi no Hikari. (Zero Tails of Light!) Reward: 1 Star Chamber Relic, and 1 Reibi no Hikari 1/2 Chakra Beast Soul.]
A terrifying yet somehow gentle power swept over Kibo, as a large shapeless being that looked like a massive clear white slime with a black Noa's mask on it; that has the kanji for "zero" written in grey on the center of the mask's forehead. There were five blue haired like strands sprouting from it, four at the top of the mask, and one at the bottom. The mask began distorting its structure to resemble human expressions, all ranging in the positive emotions scale, happy, laughing, bliss and many more. It opened its mouth let out a frightening roar, revealing very human like teeth, made from a set of molars.
As the slime like creature hit the ground it formed into a large serpentine shape and charged at Kibo while happily laughing. Kibo dodged as tentacles formed from the Zero Tails body and gave chase. Just as the cavern bellow had lost its stability and began to cave in, Naruto Hinata, and Karin came out of the tunnel that Kibo shattered open to the surface. When the trio saw the monster chasing after Kibo they began to panic.
"Kibo, be careful around that thing! It's a Chakra beast that failed its first tribulation! In other words it failed to form its first tail, but isn't any weaker than one but has no consciousness." Seiryu shouted in worry, Kibo didn't want' to get close to the monster as he used a Great Yang Fire Ball Jutsu to blast at its surface, when what he saw almost made his jaw drop. It absorbed his fire ball like it was eating a meal, then shot it back at him even faster then he launched it.
Kibo dodged his own attack as one of its tentacles caught a hold of his ankle; he suddenly felt a form of elation start to change his mental state, Naruto threw a Windmill Shuriken cutting of the beast's appendage saving Kibo in the process.
Kibo, who had now snapped back to reality, jumped over to Naruto and told them to form up. The group circled the beast and began their assault, Kibo noticed that water, and other Yin related elements seemed more effective on the beast. However their attacks did little to harm it, Kibo began jumping around while trying to examine the creature. "Don't let it touch you, and avoid using Tai-Jutsu. It has an ability to pacify and numb you with a sense of happiness." Kibo explained as he shot water bullets at the beast.
The Reibi started to pick up debris from the scattered remains of village with dozens of tentacles, and began chucking it at the group. Kibo ran along the side of half a high rise building that was thrown at him, when he came around the corner of the building, he jumped off as the construct smashed into the hillsides behind him.
Using the leap to charge at the beast in mid air, Kibo performed his Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryū's Dragon Hammer Flash, cutting the beast in two, but it had healed the wounds almost instantly. Naruto used an Earth Release; Earth Wall Jutsu and tried to cage the beast in, but the Reibi broke down his wall with sheer brute force.
Naruto jumped back when he saw Hinata hands were coated in water Chakra; she then used her gentle fist style to launch the water off of her hands with great force, the droplets formed into Senbon needles that stabbed the monster's tentacles into the ground. Naruto seeing this; went over to the captured appendage, and tried to perform his Fūin-Jutsu, to seal the monsters mobility. That's when the group saw the Zero Tail's beginning to show something other than joyous emotions. It seemed scared as it roared at Naruto and focused all its attention on Naruto as it struck out at him.
Kibo sent out Chakra wires to try and suppress the beast attack, when a tentacle slammed into Naruto sending him flying into a pile of rubble. "Naruto!" Hinata screamed in worry.
Hinata, Karin and Naruto jumped on board and were surprised, the Chakra was so solid that they could stomp down on it all day, and it wouldn't make a dent. Kibo smiled as he placed his hand on bow of the ship, when a large gust of Wind Chakra entered it and two large greenish Chakra wings grew on the port and starboard sides of the boats surface. A funny grin came across his face as he said, "Hold on to something!"
The trio barely had the chance to grip their feet to the ship with Chakra, when the wings let out a flash of light, and flung back sending them rocketing across the early evening skies. Thanks to the Wind Chakra added to the ships wings its speed increased over 10 times what Kibo's ship was capable of, using his Star Chakra alone. Kibo stood at the front of the deck and held his head up and shouted in excitement "YAHOO!" While Naruto and Karin screamed out fright while hugging an unconscious Hinata together, after an hour or so, the trio approached a massive series of whirlpools, ranging from the size of a human head, to the size of a small island.
They continued to travel for only a few minutes more before the hidden village they had been searching for, came into view. The ruined remains of a once great civilization showed its history, the scattered architecture was composed of several broken down high rise buildings. A single large wide river flowed seemingly throughout the entire village, and many destroyed bridges that looked like they once could carry hundreds lay shattered on both sides of the waterway. The surrounding countryside was overrun by steep and lush emerald green hills and forests that shined like gems when the morning sun's rays touched its surface.
"This is the Uzumaki clan's territory?" Karin and Naruto asked at the same time, waking up Hinata in the process.
"Even after it's been destroyed, it's still this beautiful." Kibo said nodding his head, "The Uzumaki really knew how to pick a location to build their village." Kibo then rode down and landed on the center of the largest destroyed building. As soon as his feet touched the stone roof floor Navi sent him a quest.
[Quest: Discover Uzumaki's Fūin-Jutsu Inheritance. Reward: 5,000 System Points, and 1 Teleportation Relic.]
Kibo smiled as he activated his Tengan and began to search for old enough object to read, after a few minutes they stumbled upon an old stone epitaph. Upon it was a deeply carved mural that had the Konoha and Uzushio Village Symbols on it. Kibo placed his hand on the tablet and began to read information from it. For a moment he was thrust back in time, he could see the village before it's destruction in all its beauty and splendor. The lively and bustling citizens moving about as if he wasn't there freaked him out a little, he felt like a ghost standing amongst ghost.
After a while of listening to some conversations, thanks to a Jonin level specter talking about handing over a new sealed chakra beast to the clan head, he discovered the location of the Village leader's mansion. Kibo quickly pulled out some parchment and drew down a map with some instructions on how to get there. When removing his hand he looked to what he had drawn and written, after he memorized the material he headed towards a large open courtyard. There were quite a few houses here that looked like they used to at one time or another be connected to the same house.
Due to the decay and passage of time it had made this seem like multiple houses on a single property, but in reality it was the Uzumaki Clan's Estate. Kibo, Karin and Naruto looked over the decrepit house, when Kibo said "This is the home of your ancestors, the Uzumaki Clan's Estate used to stand here." Kibo turned to Hinata and asked "Can you search through the grounds? I'm looking for something out of the ordinary, or maybe something that should be there, but isn't."
Kibo didn't know if the Byakugan could see through the seals or not, when Hinata nodded her head in affirmation, as she activated her Byakugan, she began looking around the entire village from the highest point. After a few minutes she jumped back down, and said "There's some kind of cave system underneath the Estate, but the entrance located at the Estate's central building has collapsed." Hinata looked to the river and continued, "If we want to enter without risking a cave in, we'll have to go in from the cave entrance at the bottom of the river."
They then gathered at the side of the lake, Kibo molded some Star Chakra and made a sphere with a single cylinder shaped tube reaching out of the top. After everyone entered it, the bubble dived into the lake, and only the air tube remained above water as it stretched downward, making the pod sunk deeper into the river. Thanks to Hinata's directions they didn't have to struggle long to find it, the group resurfaced in a large underground cavernous lake.
There was no light source other that Kibo's Star Chakra, and a long and winding tunnel, leading into the darkness could be seen in front of them. Kibo activated his Tengan to see dormant Chakra placed in seal traps along their path, "Watch your step!" Kibo said to Naruto who was about to move on to a trap's floor trigger. Naruto paused in mid step as Kibo helped push him back.
After explaining their situation, Kibo led them through the cavern avoiding every trap along the way; they ended up in a large cellar that had hundreds if not thousands of shelves. On them were medium sized clay pots, with a paper seals on every one of them, which were clearly very powerful Fūin-Jutsu talismans. "This must be where they store all the dangerous beasts' that the Uzumaki clan has sealed over the generations." Kibo stated, as he walked around looking at the names of the mythical beast and monsters on the pottery's tags.
Kibo noticed that over two thirds of the sealed beasts were at least A Ranked monsters, the rest made him sweat with worry, as they were most definitely S rank beast. Some of the Chakra Beasts were close to a 1 tailed beast's level of power. "Don't touch anything in here okay, these monsters may have been sealed, but they're still alive, and I don't feel like dying just yet." When he explained the most of these creatures were A, and S rank beings, everyone shivered.
Kibo however continued to search for traps, as they headed towards the central chamber of the cave. When they arrived; there was a small wooden altar that had many different symbols carved into it, on top of the flat table surface was three items resting on it. One was a large scroll that had the Kanji for Seal on it, the second item he noticed was stone tablet that had the whirlpool symbol on it, and the last item was the Reaper's Mask.
Kibo was about to step forward when he sensed danger, he looked around the room once more and couldn't find the source of his worry, he shook his head moved towards the altar. When he approached it the grey stone tablet started to crack, a dense and pure white light beamed out of fissures surfaces. Kibo quickly stashed the Scroll and Mask, he didn't wait as he grabbed the tablet the looked like it was on the verge of exploding, then he activated his earth sage mode and shot through the ceiling of the cave, using his earth sense he managed to make it out without causing a cave in, but it wouldn't last for much longer.
When he reappeared above ground at the Uzumaki's estate, he chucked the tablet as high as he could into the sky. A large explosion occurred shaking the grounds below them, when suddenly a chime went off in his head; confirming his completion of his previous quest, and the start of a new one.
[Quest: Defeat Reibi no Hikari. (Zero Tails of Light!) Reward: 1 Star Chamber Relic, and 1 Reibi no Hikari 1/2 Chakra Beast Soul.]
A terrifying yet somehow gentle power swept over Kibo, as a large shapeless being that looked like a massive clear white slime with a black Noa's mask on it; that has the kanji for "zero" written in grey on the center of the mask's forehead. There were five blue haired like strands sprouting from it, four at the top of the mask, and one at the bottom. The mask began distorting its structure to resemble human expressions, all ranging in the positive emotions scale, happy, laughing, bliss and many more. It opened its mouth let out a frightening roar, revealing very human like teeth, made from a set of molars.
As the slime like creature hit the ground it formed into a large serpentine shape and charged at Kibo while happily laughing. Kibo dodged as tentacles formed from the Zero Tails body and gave chase. Just as the cavern bellow had lost its stability and began to cave in, Naruto Hinata, and Karin came out of the tunnel that Kibo shattered open to the surface. When the trio saw the monster chasing after Kibo they began to panic.
"Kibo, be careful around that thing! It's a Chakra beast that failed its first tribulation! In other words it failed to form its first tail, but isn't any weaker than one but has no consciousness." Seiryu shouted in worry, Kibo didn't want' to get close to the monster as he used a Great Yang Fire Ball Jutsu to blast at its surface, when what he saw almost made his jaw drop. It absorbed his fire ball like it was eating a meal, then shot it back at him even faster then he launched it.
Kibo dodged his own attack as one of its tentacles caught a hold of his ankle; he suddenly felt a form of elation start to change his mental state, Naruto threw a Windmill Shuriken cutting of the beast's appendage saving Kibo in the process.
Kibo, who had now snapped back to reality, jumped over to Naruto and told them to form up. The group circled the beast and began their assault, Kibo noticed that water, and other Yin related elements seemed more effective on the beast. However their attacks did little to harm it, Kibo began jumping around while trying to examine the creature. "Don't let it touch you, and avoid using Tai-Jutsu. It has an ability to pacify and numb you with a sense of happiness." Kibo explained as he shot water bullets at the beast.
The Reibi started to pick up debris from the scattered remains of village with dozens of tentacles, and began chucking it at the group. Kibo ran along the side of half a high rise building that was thrown at him, when he came around the corner of the building, he jumped off as the construct smashed into the hillsides behind him.
Using the leap to charge at the beast in mid air, Kibo performed his Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryū's Dragon Hammer Flash, cutting the beast in two, but it had healed the wounds almost instantly. Naruto used an Earth Release; Earth Wall Jutsu and tried to cage the beast in, but the Reibi broke down his wall with sheer brute force.
Naruto jumped back when he saw Hinata hands were coated in water Chakra; she then used her gentle fist style to launch the water off of her hands with great force, the droplets formed into Senbon needles that stabbed the monster's tentacles into the ground. Naruto seeing this; went over to the captured appendage, and tried to perform his Fūin-Jutsu, to seal the monsters mobility. That's when the group saw the Zero Tail's beginning to show something other than joyous emotions. It seemed scared as it roared at Naruto and focused all its attention on Naruto as it struck out at him.
Kibo sent out Chakra wires to try and suppress the beast attack, when a tentacle slammed into Naruto sending him flying into a pile of rubble. "Naruto!" Hinata screamed in worry.
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