Reborn in the Narutoverse
37 Mission Complete!
Kibo's eyes shook and his breathing became rapid, he looked around to see if there was anything else was there who she could be talking to. "No need to look around, you're the one I'm talking to." She walked over to him and stared him in the eyes, and let out a gentle smile, like the kind one would give to her own child, before saying "It's not so easy to intrude on a god's memory. Even with such beautiful eyes." She placed her hand on his cheek and he felt her soft skin make contact with him, when her expression changed to a sorrowful one and said. "Please take care of her."
Kibo snapped back to reality and could still feel the warmth and sensation of her delicate fingers touching his face; he also noticed that he still remembered the meeting, even though he was no longer touching the feather.
"Kibo is something wrong?" Seiryu asked, when Kibo said "It was. . ." he ran his hand through his hair trying to put what he experienced into words, but all that came out was "I think I just met your master." Seiryu's eyes widened when Kibo explained that his Tengan took him to his birth place, and his master had said a few words, "I don't remember much from my birth, it wasn't till my form solidified that my memories began, but if you say she spoke to you, I believe you."
Kibo removed his Tengan, and reached out to touch the feather once again, squeezing the relic a new world appeared inside Kibo's mindscape, he could now see two pearls floating in endless darkness, inside them was each a world of their own.
One was Seiryu's infinite land of trees and ponds, while Suzaku's was a sea of endless fire and red skies. Volcanoes the size of Mount Everest constantly erupted, and sent magma flowing into the waves of lava filling it up as a glowing gold and crimson ocean. A single super-massive red grassed covered island appeared in the center of the realm, on it was growing Parasol, Palm, Paulownia trees, and several other mythical trees that were associated with the Phoenix. They didn't burn but seemed to thrive in the environment, the heat made the island give of a rich scent of flowers and fruit.
Suzaku's feather floated into the territory and like a starved Taotie[1] an enormous amount of the newly created realm's energy was being quickly absorbed. Kibo felt a drain on his Chakra and felt like it would hit rock bottom at any second, he then swallowed his last Full Chakra Recovery Pill, as he did an insane amount of energy supplemented Suzaku's feather and filled him up to max.
A loud and charming 'Chirp!' echoed throughout his body a roaring seven colored flame entered his body along with its blazing intent containing 5 sacred technique, Soaring Phoenix (Tai-Jutsu), Prismatic Flames (Nin-Jutsu), Soul Searing (Gen-Jutsu), Soul-Fire Rebirth (Cultivation-Technique), Heavenly Star Phoenix Cloak (Aux-Nin-Jutsu).
"Where? Where am I?" An enchanting voice called out; suddenly Seiryu appeared in the world of flames and shouted "Sister!" as he dashed over to the giant Phoenix. She was as tall as a few mountains combined, similar to Seiryu's true size, her body structure looked like an [2]Aquila, she had nine pairs of glorious multicolored wings that laid on top of one another making it seem as if it were a single pair. Her eyes glowed like fine topazes that were aflame, her long yellow pointed beak and black talons gleamed with a razor sharp metallic glow.
"Brother Seiryu!" Suzaku said as she was wrapped up by the Azure Dragon, "Sister Suzaku." Tears of Joy began falling from his eyes, as did Suzaku's; Kibo wasn't shy about collecting it into his storage while waiting patiently for their reunion to end. "What happened? The last thing I remember was brother self destructing. How did we get here, and what is this place?" Suzaku was full of questions and rightly so, when Kibo coughed and said, "Sorry to interrupt, but since you can enter this world, I assume Suzaku can enter yours. If you don't mind can we move the conversation over to Seiryu's territory?" Kibo was sweating bullets, the heat may not affect those two, but it felt very uncomfortable for him.
"Oh! Yes of course Kibo, my apologies." Seiryu turned to Suzaku and said, "Just focus your thoughts on me." Seiryu vanished and returned to his territory, while Suzaku had a worried face as she followed. Now that they appeared inside Seiryu's realm the atmosphere was much better for humans to live in, Suzaku looked at the ever expanding land before him an nodded his head, "This place is perfect for brother to train, how strange it's like it's tailor made for you."
Kibo laughed and said, "That's because it is! Just like your realm, an item of mine made it perfectly suited for you. This space exists inside my body, and you live here now I guess." Suzaku looked to Kibo and said, "Seiryu who is this mortal?" Seiryu laughed and began explaining, after he had helped Suzaku understand all that had transpired since his awaking, Suzaku began to understand, when he mentioned that Kibo had meet their master Suzaku's eyes bulged, while constantly swinging her eagle like face back and forward between the two.
"I see then, if master has chosen you for something; then I shall bow my head to you as well." Suzaku leaned down and lowered her head as she continued to speak "I am Suzaku the Nine Winged Phoenix, Guardian of the South. I represent the Fire and Storm elements. Please continue to care for me, as you have Seiryu; I hope to see great things from you."
Kibo waved his hands and said, "Please there's no need for that, if you can see me as a friend and partner, I would much more prefer such a relationship than be seen as a master." Suzaku looked to him and nodded her head, "Well I have to get back to reality; you two should catch up." With that said Kibo returned to the hidden shrine chamber, he looked at the remaining egg and touched the podium it was sitting on.
He activated his Tengan and learned of the item's origin. It was a Golden Roc egg, the off spring of the village's mightiest Chakra beast that was equivalent to an 8 tailed beast in power. It had 8 massive wings and full golden sun colored feathers, and its physique resembled a great hawk yet had an eagle's beak. The parent had passed down all her blood essence and experiences to the child, yet sealed it so that it wouldn't be born until it fused with a worthy partner. Taking the egg he thought that since he had a left over Star Chamber Relic, he could give this to another team member, but he was having a hard time deciding on who he to chose.
Kibo still hadn't had time to study the sealing technique of the Village of the Rising Phoenix, he was actually planning to leave a clone here to record and store the information on a single scroll. However he didn't know if he could stay conscious long enough for it to finish, Kibo began trying to alter the Shadow Clone Jutsu, he figure if he could absorb Star Chakra then why can't the clone do it the same, and sustain its self with the energy it absorbs, rather than rely on the main body's Chakra.
He began experimenting with his Ninshu creating the base for a new hand sign, he sat down and realized there was no light reaching through to this place, and he couldn't absorb Star Chakra, so he tried for earth energy, after around a thousand failed attempts he felt he was finally on to something. After making a hand sign that looked like a mountain, by placing his fingers between and locking them together, while the tips of his thumbs and index fingers moved into a diamond shape, he felt the clone start to use the earth energy to support its existence rather than rely on Kibo.
"Okay, one last test to see if this worked." Kibo shook himself, he sat down as he directed a portion of healing Chakra to stimulate the sleep center of his brain. This was similar to how Gaara used the Playing Possum Jutsu, so it wasn't a very hard technique to replicate. As he fell asleep his clone felt like a line had severed from its body, all of the Chakra used by Kibo returned to the true body, but the earth energy being gathered by the clone was slowly being converted to Chakra that kept it from vanishing.
It looked over to Kibo as it was ridiculously weaker than the host this was all it could do; it barely had enough Chakra to stand let alone talk. After ten minutes of Kibo sleeping the clone finally had enough energy to perform the most basic tasks. He was like any other mortal now, but still connected and controlled by Kibo, it walked over and shook him awake while saying, "Have a nice nap, princess!" Kibo woke up and frowned while saying, "I know it's probably what I would say in your situation, but please don't." The Kibo clone shrugged its shoulders it had noticed that the connection between the two had resumed its original Chakra feed. It appeared the clone was at max power while he was awake, however after the clone performed the earth gathering sign the connection was lost again. The clone then smiled while saying, "Well I guess this is where you leave."
"Man this is weird!" Kibo said as he crushed his teleportation Jutsu, appearing outside once again he began flying towards the center of the rainbow glacier, when he saw the green field of grass, he knew Naruto had defeated Doto, but he only saw the film crew there when he arrived, Kibo placed his hand on the communication device strapped around his neck, before saying "Yo! Where are you guys?" After a few seconds Kakashi voice could be heard responding, "Kibo where are you? We've been trying to contact you for hours." Kibo cleared his voice and said, "I found something fun, I was underground for a while, so the signal must have been jammed, where are you guys? What happened to the weather? Why's everything green?"
Kakashi sighed and said, "Come back meet up with the team we'll explain everything. Do you know how to get to the Daimyo's residence?"
"The Oscar goes to?" Kibo laughed as he flew off in the direction of the Daimyo's estate, after arriving he was met by Naruto who was about to jump on him when he saw the giant egg in his hands. "Nii Chan, what's that?" The rest of team 7 had gathered around when Kibo said, "It's a Chakra beast egg, and a powerful one too." Everyone's eyes bulged, when Kibo said, "Listen, can we find somewhere. . ." Kibo looked around seeing all the people bustling about, and continued "Less crowded?" Team 7 relocated to another area by the docks, it was quiet here, because even the helmsmen had abandoned his post to see the new Land of Spring that had popped up like magic, Kibo looked to his teammates trying to decide who he should give the Golden Roc to, when his eyes landed on Sasuke.
Remembering, that Sasuke knew how to raise birds, and even had a summoning of one once, he had decided to give this to him when Sasuke was alone later, Kibo then went on to explain how on his way back he found a cave with this egg in it, sensing a potent Chakra coming from it he had to take it, and when he was asked about the Yukikage, he replied with "I hit her with a Gen-Jutsu near the end of our battle, I was worried she might get back up."
"You beat a Kage level Shinobi?!" Naruto asked with stars in his eyes, "Setsuna was a newly appointed Kage, she played along with my scheme to buy you time, and she didn't use her most powerful Jutsu, so I wouldn't call it a win." Kibo modestly said, when Kakashi smiled and reinforced Naruto's claim "No he's right, whether she held back or not, you managed to defeat a Kage. Your name is going to explode when we return to Konoha."
Kibo snapped back to reality and could still feel the warmth and sensation of her delicate fingers touching his face; he also noticed that he still remembered the meeting, even though he was no longer touching the feather.
"Kibo is something wrong?" Seiryu asked, when Kibo said "It was. . ." he ran his hand through his hair trying to put what he experienced into words, but all that came out was "I think I just met your master." Seiryu's eyes widened when Kibo explained that his Tengan took him to his birth place, and his master had said a few words, "I don't remember much from my birth, it wasn't till my form solidified that my memories began, but if you say she spoke to you, I believe you."
Kibo removed his Tengan, and reached out to touch the feather once again, squeezing the relic a new world appeared inside Kibo's mindscape, he could now see two pearls floating in endless darkness, inside them was each a world of their own.
One was Seiryu's infinite land of trees and ponds, while Suzaku's was a sea of endless fire and red skies. Volcanoes the size of Mount Everest constantly erupted, and sent magma flowing into the waves of lava filling it up as a glowing gold and crimson ocean. A single super-massive red grassed covered island appeared in the center of the realm, on it was growing Parasol, Palm, Paulownia trees, and several other mythical trees that were associated with the Phoenix. They didn't burn but seemed to thrive in the environment, the heat made the island give of a rich scent of flowers and fruit.
Suzaku's feather floated into the territory and like a starved Taotie[1] an enormous amount of the newly created realm's energy was being quickly absorbed. Kibo felt a drain on his Chakra and felt like it would hit rock bottom at any second, he then swallowed his last Full Chakra Recovery Pill, as he did an insane amount of energy supplemented Suzaku's feather and filled him up to max.
A loud and charming 'Chirp!' echoed throughout his body a roaring seven colored flame entered his body along with its blazing intent containing 5 sacred technique, Soaring Phoenix (Tai-Jutsu), Prismatic Flames (Nin-Jutsu), Soul Searing (Gen-Jutsu), Soul-Fire Rebirth (Cultivation-Technique), Heavenly Star Phoenix Cloak (Aux-Nin-Jutsu).
"Where? Where am I?" An enchanting voice called out; suddenly Seiryu appeared in the world of flames and shouted "Sister!" as he dashed over to the giant Phoenix. She was as tall as a few mountains combined, similar to Seiryu's true size, her body structure looked like an [2]Aquila, she had nine pairs of glorious multicolored wings that laid on top of one another making it seem as if it were a single pair. Her eyes glowed like fine topazes that were aflame, her long yellow pointed beak and black talons gleamed with a razor sharp metallic glow.
"Brother Seiryu!" Suzaku said as she was wrapped up by the Azure Dragon, "Sister Suzaku." Tears of Joy began falling from his eyes, as did Suzaku's; Kibo wasn't shy about collecting it into his storage while waiting patiently for their reunion to end. "What happened? The last thing I remember was brother self destructing. How did we get here, and what is this place?" Suzaku was full of questions and rightly so, when Kibo coughed and said, "Sorry to interrupt, but since you can enter this world, I assume Suzaku can enter yours. If you don't mind can we move the conversation over to Seiryu's territory?" Kibo was sweating bullets, the heat may not affect those two, but it felt very uncomfortable for him.
"Oh! Yes of course Kibo, my apologies." Seiryu turned to Suzaku and said, "Just focus your thoughts on me." Seiryu vanished and returned to his territory, while Suzaku had a worried face as she followed. Now that they appeared inside Seiryu's realm the atmosphere was much better for humans to live in, Suzaku looked at the ever expanding land before him an nodded his head, "This place is perfect for brother to train, how strange it's like it's tailor made for you."
Kibo laughed and said, "That's because it is! Just like your realm, an item of mine made it perfectly suited for you. This space exists inside my body, and you live here now I guess." Suzaku looked to Kibo and said, "Seiryu who is this mortal?" Seiryu laughed and began explaining, after he had helped Suzaku understand all that had transpired since his awaking, Suzaku began to understand, when he mentioned that Kibo had meet their master Suzaku's eyes bulged, while constantly swinging her eagle like face back and forward between the two.
"I see then, if master has chosen you for something; then I shall bow my head to you as well." Suzaku leaned down and lowered her head as she continued to speak "I am Suzaku the Nine Winged Phoenix, Guardian of the South. I represent the Fire and Storm elements. Please continue to care for me, as you have Seiryu; I hope to see great things from you."
Kibo waved his hands and said, "Please there's no need for that, if you can see me as a friend and partner, I would much more prefer such a relationship than be seen as a master." Suzaku looked to him and nodded her head, "Well I have to get back to reality; you two should catch up." With that said Kibo returned to the hidden shrine chamber, he looked at the remaining egg and touched the podium it was sitting on.
He activated his Tengan and learned of the item's origin. It was a Golden Roc egg, the off spring of the village's mightiest Chakra beast that was equivalent to an 8 tailed beast in power. It had 8 massive wings and full golden sun colored feathers, and its physique resembled a great hawk yet had an eagle's beak. The parent had passed down all her blood essence and experiences to the child, yet sealed it so that it wouldn't be born until it fused with a worthy partner. Taking the egg he thought that since he had a left over Star Chamber Relic, he could give this to another team member, but he was having a hard time deciding on who he to chose.
Kibo still hadn't had time to study the sealing technique of the Village of the Rising Phoenix, he was actually planning to leave a clone here to record and store the information on a single scroll. However he didn't know if he could stay conscious long enough for it to finish, Kibo began trying to alter the Shadow Clone Jutsu, he figure if he could absorb Star Chakra then why can't the clone do it the same, and sustain its self with the energy it absorbs, rather than rely on the main body's Chakra.
He began experimenting with his Ninshu creating the base for a new hand sign, he sat down and realized there was no light reaching through to this place, and he couldn't absorb Star Chakra, so he tried for earth energy, after around a thousand failed attempts he felt he was finally on to something. After making a hand sign that looked like a mountain, by placing his fingers between and locking them together, while the tips of his thumbs and index fingers moved into a diamond shape, he felt the clone start to use the earth energy to support its existence rather than rely on Kibo.
"Okay, one last test to see if this worked." Kibo shook himself, he sat down as he directed a portion of healing Chakra to stimulate the sleep center of his brain. This was similar to how Gaara used the Playing Possum Jutsu, so it wasn't a very hard technique to replicate. As he fell asleep his clone felt like a line had severed from its body, all of the Chakra used by Kibo returned to the true body, but the earth energy being gathered by the clone was slowly being converted to Chakra that kept it from vanishing.
It looked over to Kibo as it was ridiculously weaker than the host this was all it could do; it barely had enough Chakra to stand let alone talk. After ten minutes of Kibo sleeping the clone finally had enough energy to perform the most basic tasks. He was like any other mortal now, but still connected and controlled by Kibo, it walked over and shook him awake while saying, "Have a nice nap, princess!" Kibo woke up and frowned while saying, "I know it's probably what I would say in your situation, but please don't." The Kibo clone shrugged its shoulders it had noticed that the connection between the two had resumed its original Chakra feed. It appeared the clone was at max power while he was awake, however after the clone performed the earth gathering sign the connection was lost again. The clone then smiled while saying, "Well I guess this is where you leave."
"Man this is weird!" Kibo said as he crushed his teleportation Jutsu, appearing outside once again he began flying towards the center of the rainbow glacier, when he saw the green field of grass, he knew Naruto had defeated Doto, but he only saw the film crew there when he arrived, Kibo placed his hand on the communication device strapped around his neck, before saying "Yo! Where are you guys?" After a few seconds Kakashi voice could be heard responding, "Kibo where are you? We've been trying to contact you for hours." Kibo cleared his voice and said, "I found something fun, I was underground for a while, so the signal must have been jammed, where are you guys? What happened to the weather? Why's everything green?"
Kakashi sighed and said, "Come back meet up with the team we'll explain everything. Do you know how to get to the Daimyo's residence?"
"The Oscar goes to?" Kibo laughed as he flew off in the direction of the Daimyo's estate, after arriving he was met by Naruto who was about to jump on him when he saw the giant egg in his hands. "Nii Chan, what's that?" The rest of team 7 had gathered around when Kibo said, "It's a Chakra beast egg, and a powerful one too." Everyone's eyes bulged, when Kibo said, "Listen, can we find somewhere. . ." Kibo looked around seeing all the people bustling about, and continued "Less crowded?" Team 7 relocated to another area by the docks, it was quiet here, because even the helmsmen had abandoned his post to see the new Land of Spring that had popped up like magic, Kibo looked to his teammates trying to decide who he should give the Golden Roc to, when his eyes landed on Sasuke.
Remembering, that Sasuke knew how to raise birds, and even had a summoning of one once, he had decided to give this to him when Sasuke was alone later, Kibo then went on to explain how on his way back he found a cave with this egg in it, sensing a potent Chakra coming from it he had to take it, and when he was asked about the Yukikage, he replied with "I hit her with a Gen-Jutsu near the end of our battle, I was worried she might get back up."
"You beat a Kage level Shinobi?!" Naruto asked with stars in his eyes, "Setsuna was a newly appointed Kage, she played along with my scheme to buy you time, and she didn't use her most powerful Jutsu, so I wouldn't call it a win." Kibo modestly said, when Kakashi smiled and reinforced Naruto's claim "No he's right, whether she held back or not, you managed to defeat a Kage. Your name is going to explode when we return to Konoha."
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