Reborn in the Narutoverse
57 Koryu Mountain
Kibo was flying across the land of Fire in his Scorch Release Ship and heading towards the out skirts of the region; it had been more than a month since Kibo left Konohagakure; he had walked across the vast world experiencing the dangers of traveling alone. Kibo was attacked by several bandits, Chakra Beasts, and several dropout Shinobis. Whenever he would spot a town or village he would stop the sight see, often getting himself into trouble with bad guys.
Kibo tried his hardest to do anything to get his mind off of Karin, so he ended up helping many people along the way, earning a nick name from the people of the Land of Fire, they called him 'Saint Shinobi." he laughed at the name they gave as he continued on his way. Kibo was heading towards Ryuchi Cave, when he suddenly felt the fire and wind Chakra inside his construct began to flux rapidly, as if he had entered into a Chakra absorption array; it wasn't enough that any Shinobi would notice; because it felt like he only lost a tiny fraction of the energy; in fact he was able to gain more Chakra naturally than he would lose.
The surprise of it all made him stop and jump down on top of a nearby cliff side; he looked over the horizon and saw a single massive extinct volcano, which for some reason still had lava in it. There was a large river running in a circle around the entire scenery, in the distant hill sides a rich scent of healthy earthy plant life rose from the grounds, and near the outskirts of the region there was a highland surrounded by cloud covered skies, where powerful lightning strikes could be heard echoing throughout the lands.
Kibo thought hard and barely managed to recognize what this place was as he shouted "No way! Mount. Koryu!" Ancient Flow Mountain was a much unknown part of the Narutoverse; it was the home of 5 very powerful Genryū Dragons, Hiryu the Fire Dragon, Mizuryu the Water Dragon, Kazeryu the Wind Dragon, Rairyu the Lightning Dragon, and Chiryu the Earth Dragon.
Kibo sent out a few clones to start looking for the seal marks for the Array, he was curious because he wanted to study and find out if this was the Land of Dragons that Gamma was speaking about, at first he thought it was talking about Ryuchi Cave but now he wasn't so sure anymore. "Could the land of wanna be dragons, that were actually serpents be called the Land of Dragons? I have to admit that meeting the white serpent threw me off." Kibo thought as he took off flying.
Thanks to his improved vision Kibo looked around noticing that although it was a few hundred miles or so from his location, he could still see Hokage Monument, if a normal person tried to see them from such a distance all they could make out was an oblong shaped hillside. After nodding his head he began searching the large region for an entrance to the dragon temple, when he stumbled upon a small village that had been built up out of stone and straw. It looked like there were no more than 30 houses, leaving around 120-150 people living in them; depending on how big each family was.
Activating his Tengan he noticed that these people all had horn like protrusions forming from the tops of their skulls; they had incredible levels of Chakra no worse than the Senju, and possessed mighty physiques. Kibo's eyes darted across the village until they found what he was looking for; a small boy holding a large dragon scroll was sitting with his sister and parents while studying it with great intent.
Kibo smiled as he landed in the center of the village scaring many of the Ryu Clan's people; he tried to explain himself but they closed their doors and windows to his pleas; Kibo sighed as he noticed a tall starving man approach him. He was around six feet and five inches, tall and looked like he used to be a mighty warrior, his bones could barely be seen underneath his darken tan skin. On his face were to small claw shaped green markings, and his eyes were deep red and glowed like rubies.
Two small blue horns jutted out from him head and his vibrant aqua colored hair; he was wearing a large blue tattered and unkempt open chest over-coat that was covered in talismans. At his waist was single purple band that held a small Kunai shaped sword that had a large circular impression at the top of its dragon scaled hilt, the pommel was in the shape of a diamond with a long red braided tassel running through it; Kibo knew it as the Dragon Blade; Ryūjin. He wore long baggy grey pants and black and blue boot type sandals.
Kibo smiled as he walked up to the man and held out his hand before saying "Hi my name is Kibo."
The man looked at Kibo with suspicion when he said "Why have you come here Shinobi?" Kibo sighed as he dropped his hand and said "I mean you no harm, I am a wayward Cultivator not a ninja."
"Cultivator?" The man said in a puzzled tone.
Kibo nodded his head and then asked "Why are your villagers so starved? Is there not meat to hunt?"
The man showed a dower expression as he explained "The Shinobi alliance of a long time ago banished our people from their lands; we were forced onto this land where no one dares traverse. The animals in this place have long abandoned their habitats; because of the Mugonhei; soulless puppets of the Genryū. They kill anything that isn't related to our clan, only the birds remain."
Kibo sighed and said "Will my presence here draw these Mugonhei to my location?"
The man shook his head "This village is special, or at least as long as I remain here, the Mugonhei won't come to this place." Kibo sighed in relief, when he said "You know, I'm looking for the entrance to the Dragon Temple, could you hire out a guide for me, I can pay in food, and cash if needed."
The man's brows furrowed as he said with a hint of killing intent in voice "How do you know about that?" Kibo smiled and said, "Because like me your ancestors used to be Cultivators as well." The man's eyes widened as he saw Kibo holding Ryūjin in his hands, he grabbed at his waist and turned pale.
Kibo smiled as he pulled a huge feast of Chakra Meals, there were so many dishes that the aroma filled of the village causing the sounds of many stomachs rumbling to occur. Kibo shouted "Come on out Ryu Clan, I mean you no harm." Kibo waited and no one came out, he clicked his teeth before picking up a roasted lamb leg that came from a tasty Chakra beast and chewed into it, he picked up a bottle of grape juice and began to eat many dishes. After handing over a plate to the poor man he smiled before saying "Eat!"
The man was drooling and holding onto his stomach when Kibo said "Eat; and I'll return your clan treasure."
The man's hands began shaking as he grabbed out to the food and bit into it, tears fell from his cheeks as he shouted "Delicious!" He began chowing down all the food in his sight and every new bite invigorated his body with power, he then shouted out "Clansmen it is safe, please this man means us no harm!"
Seeing the people start to peak out, a young girl ran forward and grabbed a large piece of meat and taking a bite out of it. Hearing her mother cry in worry the girl shouted in joy as she grabbed her cheeks "Soo goood!" Kibo laughed as he handed the leader back his weapon. Seeing the leader smiled and held out his hand "My name Seitei Tatsushiro, the leader of the Ryu Clan." Kibo shook his hand and smiled. "Kibo Hoshi is my full name, and it's a pleasure to meet you."
As Kibo handed back the blade the tassel seemed to have come to life and began wrapping its self around his wrist. Kibo and Seitei both looked shocked; as an unseen link formed between Kibo and Ryūjin Seiryu called out to him "Kibo this dagger was made from shavings that belong to my reverse scale. This place must be the temple master made for me, you have to find me my scale; with it I can recover my fleshly body." Kibo shook as he un-wrapped the tassel and handed the blade back to its owner, if he could he would try to ask for it after he's put the Ryu Clan is his debt.
After interacting with the villagers for a bit Seitei noticed that Kibo was a kind and generous soul, he treated the elderly with respect and showed he treated them like regular people instead of monsters. Kibo even mentioned that there deformation was actually a blessing made through mutations gained by their ancestors through forming pacts with the Genryū. In Shinobi terms it would be classified as a physique Kekkei Genkai.
Little by little the whole village began to join in on the festivities; before Kibo knew it everyone was enjoying the food with great smiles on their faces. Seitei spoke great thanks to Kibo as he mentioned "Actually your timing is perfect, we were considering abandoning this place, and trying to relocate. I don't know how much longer we would have stayed here." Suddenly his son walked up to Kibo and bowed thanking him for the feast.
When Seitei began introducing his family, "This is my son Kuroma." He was a young teenager a few years older than Kibo with short cut slicked back grey hair and green markings on his face, glowing red eyes and small black horns on his head, these traits signified their connection with the Genryū. Like his father Kuroma wore a large navy blue cloak with numerous talismans on it that allow him to use five different elemental attacks. A large scroll was strapped to his back with that had carved dragon's head on one end. On his belt matches light Azure Medallion in the shape of a flood dragon circling a Western Dragon, which Kibo presumed to take as the Ryu Clan Symbol.
Next he introduced his daughter Akari was a bright young girl about 6 or 7 years old, she had vibrant red hair and a light pink cloth covering the two small white horns on her head. Her eyes are amber colored and like the rest of the clan glowed slightly. She also wore the a light lavender top with a salmon sleeveless top over it and one could see the Azure Clan Symbol as a necklace hanging around her neck, The dark red skirt had a single thick purple sash with lavender zigzags wrapped around her waist and dark red knee length boots that show her toes.
Next was his wife Aoi, she had long dark forest green hair, and two wood colored horns coming out of her head. She had emerald green eyes, and two crescent shaped wood markings around the sides her eyes. She wore a single piece dress with a sash belt tied around her open green over coat and skirt along with the same sandals as her daughter. Kibo smiled and introduced himself to the group and continued to chat with them.
Kibo's Clones disappeared sending him an overview of the super-massive array, he spent a few moments in silence and managed to figure out that the Array was damaged severely, there were two components missing from the 4 elements present. Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water were still functioning but the metal and lightning sections had been shattered by a powerful attack.
"You know the reason I want to help is because I have some relation to your clan, or at least I think I do." Kibo said scratching his head as he tried to explain some things, "I think I can help your clan in some way, it's a little difficult for me explain, but I need to hold your Clan treasure again and use my Do-Jutsu to read its history." Kibo told Seitei
As Kibo had already given back Ryūjin; Seitei didn't see harm in letting him hold the blade again, especially since he knew that this Kibo was several times stronger than him, and didn't need to ask, when he could just take it. Responding to his kindness Seitei handed over the weapon as Kibo activated his Tengan and began viewing the distant path.
Kibo tried his hardest to do anything to get his mind off of Karin, so he ended up helping many people along the way, earning a nick name from the people of the Land of Fire, they called him 'Saint Shinobi." he laughed at the name they gave as he continued on his way. Kibo was heading towards Ryuchi Cave, when he suddenly felt the fire and wind Chakra inside his construct began to flux rapidly, as if he had entered into a Chakra absorption array; it wasn't enough that any Shinobi would notice; because it felt like he only lost a tiny fraction of the energy; in fact he was able to gain more Chakra naturally than he would lose.
The surprise of it all made him stop and jump down on top of a nearby cliff side; he looked over the horizon and saw a single massive extinct volcano, which for some reason still had lava in it. There was a large river running in a circle around the entire scenery, in the distant hill sides a rich scent of healthy earthy plant life rose from the grounds, and near the outskirts of the region there was a highland surrounded by cloud covered skies, where powerful lightning strikes could be heard echoing throughout the lands.
Kibo thought hard and barely managed to recognize what this place was as he shouted "No way! Mount. Koryu!" Ancient Flow Mountain was a much unknown part of the Narutoverse; it was the home of 5 very powerful Genryū Dragons, Hiryu the Fire Dragon, Mizuryu the Water Dragon, Kazeryu the Wind Dragon, Rairyu the Lightning Dragon, and Chiryu the Earth Dragon.
Kibo sent out a few clones to start looking for the seal marks for the Array, he was curious because he wanted to study and find out if this was the Land of Dragons that Gamma was speaking about, at first he thought it was talking about Ryuchi Cave but now he wasn't so sure anymore. "Could the land of wanna be dragons, that were actually serpents be called the Land of Dragons? I have to admit that meeting the white serpent threw me off." Kibo thought as he took off flying.
Thanks to his improved vision Kibo looked around noticing that although it was a few hundred miles or so from his location, he could still see Hokage Monument, if a normal person tried to see them from such a distance all they could make out was an oblong shaped hillside. After nodding his head he began searching the large region for an entrance to the dragon temple, when he stumbled upon a small village that had been built up out of stone and straw. It looked like there were no more than 30 houses, leaving around 120-150 people living in them; depending on how big each family was.
Activating his Tengan he noticed that these people all had horn like protrusions forming from the tops of their skulls; they had incredible levels of Chakra no worse than the Senju, and possessed mighty physiques. Kibo's eyes darted across the village until they found what he was looking for; a small boy holding a large dragon scroll was sitting with his sister and parents while studying it with great intent.
Kibo smiled as he landed in the center of the village scaring many of the Ryu Clan's people; he tried to explain himself but they closed their doors and windows to his pleas; Kibo sighed as he noticed a tall starving man approach him. He was around six feet and five inches, tall and looked like he used to be a mighty warrior, his bones could barely be seen underneath his darken tan skin. On his face were to small claw shaped green markings, and his eyes were deep red and glowed like rubies.
Two small blue horns jutted out from him head and his vibrant aqua colored hair; he was wearing a large blue tattered and unkempt open chest over-coat that was covered in talismans. At his waist was single purple band that held a small Kunai shaped sword that had a large circular impression at the top of its dragon scaled hilt, the pommel was in the shape of a diamond with a long red braided tassel running through it; Kibo knew it as the Dragon Blade; Ryūjin. He wore long baggy grey pants and black and blue boot type sandals.
Kibo smiled as he walked up to the man and held out his hand before saying "Hi my name is Kibo."
The man looked at Kibo with suspicion when he said "Why have you come here Shinobi?" Kibo sighed as he dropped his hand and said "I mean you no harm, I am a wayward Cultivator not a ninja."
"Cultivator?" The man said in a puzzled tone.
Kibo nodded his head and then asked "Why are your villagers so starved? Is there not meat to hunt?"
The man showed a dower expression as he explained "The Shinobi alliance of a long time ago banished our people from their lands; we were forced onto this land where no one dares traverse. The animals in this place have long abandoned their habitats; because of the Mugonhei; soulless puppets of the Genryū. They kill anything that isn't related to our clan, only the birds remain."
Kibo sighed and said "Will my presence here draw these Mugonhei to my location?"
The man shook his head "This village is special, or at least as long as I remain here, the Mugonhei won't come to this place." Kibo sighed in relief, when he said "You know, I'm looking for the entrance to the Dragon Temple, could you hire out a guide for me, I can pay in food, and cash if needed."
The man's brows furrowed as he said with a hint of killing intent in voice "How do you know about that?" Kibo smiled and said, "Because like me your ancestors used to be Cultivators as well." The man's eyes widened as he saw Kibo holding Ryūjin in his hands, he grabbed at his waist and turned pale.
Kibo smiled as he pulled a huge feast of Chakra Meals, there were so many dishes that the aroma filled of the village causing the sounds of many stomachs rumbling to occur. Kibo shouted "Come on out Ryu Clan, I mean you no harm." Kibo waited and no one came out, he clicked his teeth before picking up a roasted lamb leg that came from a tasty Chakra beast and chewed into it, he picked up a bottle of grape juice and began to eat many dishes. After handing over a plate to the poor man he smiled before saying "Eat!"
The man was drooling and holding onto his stomach when Kibo said "Eat; and I'll return your clan treasure."
The man's hands began shaking as he grabbed out to the food and bit into it, tears fell from his cheeks as he shouted "Delicious!" He began chowing down all the food in his sight and every new bite invigorated his body with power, he then shouted out "Clansmen it is safe, please this man means us no harm!"
Seeing the people start to peak out, a young girl ran forward and grabbed a large piece of meat and taking a bite out of it. Hearing her mother cry in worry the girl shouted in joy as she grabbed her cheeks "Soo goood!" Kibo laughed as he handed the leader back his weapon. Seeing the leader smiled and held out his hand "My name Seitei Tatsushiro, the leader of the Ryu Clan." Kibo shook his hand and smiled. "Kibo Hoshi is my full name, and it's a pleasure to meet you."
As Kibo handed back the blade the tassel seemed to have come to life and began wrapping its self around his wrist. Kibo and Seitei both looked shocked; as an unseen link formed between Kibo and Ryūjin Seiryu called out to him "Kibo this dagger was made from shavings that belong to my reverse scale. This place must be the temple master made for me, you have to find me my scale; with it I can recover my fleshly body." Kibo shook as he un-wrapped the tassel and handed the blade back to its owner, if he could he would try to ask for it after he's put the Ryu Clan is his debt.
After interacting with the villagers for a bit Seitei noticed that Kibo was a kind and generous soul, he treated the elderly with respect and showed he treated them like regular people instead of monsters. Kibo even mentioned that there deformation was actually a blessing made through mutations gained by their ancestors through forming pacts with the Genryū. In Shinobi terms it would be classified as a physique Kekkei Genkai.
Little by little the whole village began to join in on the festivities; before Kibo knew it everyone was enjoying the food with great smiles on their faces. Seitei spoke great thanks to Kibo as he mentioned "Actually your timing is perfect, we were considering abandoning this place, and trying to relocate. I don't know how much longer we would have stayed here." Suddenly his son walked up to Kibo and bowed thanking him for the feast.
When Seitei began introducing his family, "This is my son Kuroma." He was a young teenager a few years older than Kibo with short cut slicked back grey hair and green markings on his face, glowing red eyes and small black horns on his head, these traits signified their connection with the Genryū. Like his father Kuroma wore a large navy blue cloak with numerous talismans on it that allow him to use five different elemental attacks. A large scroll was strapped to his back with that had carved dragon's head on one end. On his belt matches light Azure Medallion in the shape of a flood dragon circling a Western Dragon, which Kibo presumed to take as the Ryu Clan Symbol.
Next he introduced his daughter Akari was a bright young girl about 6 or 7 years old, she had vibrant red hair and a light pink cloth covering the two small white horns on her head. Her eyes are amber colored and like the rest of the clan glowed slightly. She also wore the a light lavender top with a salmon sleeveless top over it and one could see the Azure Clan Symbol as a necklace hanging around her neck, The dark red skirt had a single thick purple sash with lavender zigzags wrapped around her waist and dark red knee length boots that show her toes.
Next was his wife Aoi, she had long dark forest green hair, and two wood colored horns coming out of her head. She had emerald green eyes, and two crescent shaped wood markings around the sides her eyes. She wore a single piece dress with a sash belt tied around her open green over coat and skirt along with the same sandals as her daughter. Kibo smiled and introduced himself to the group and continued to chat with them.
Kibo's Clones disappeared sending him an overview of the super-massive array, he spent a few moments in silence and managed to figure out that the Array was damaged severely, there were two components missing from the 4 elements present. Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water were still functioning but the metal and lightning sections had been shattered by a powerful attack.
"You know the reason I want to help is because I have some relation to your clan, or at least I think I do." Kibo said scratching his head as he tried to explain some things, "I think I can help your clan in some way, it's a little difficult for me explain, but I need to hold your Clan treasure again and use my Do-Jutsu to read its history." Kibo told Seitei
As Kibo had already given back Ryūjin; Seitei didn't see harm in letting him hold the blade again, especially since he knew that this Kibo was several times stronger than him, and didn't need to ask, when he could just take it. Responding to his kindness Seitei handed over the weapon as Kibo activated his Tengan and began viewing the distant path.
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