Reborn in the Narutoverse
85 Byakko White Tiger of the Wes
As Obito stared down Kakashi Kibo laughed when a chime went off in his head.
[Quest: Resurrect Sacred Beast Byakko; Reward: 5 Million Sys-Points, Tengu Fan.]
[Quest: Resurrect Sacred Beast Genbu; Reward: 5 Million Sys-Points, Leviathan Soul Crystal.]
Kibo then smiled as he turned around and waved his hand to begin the mission, the group took off running heading deep into the forest. Along the way he saw many beasts that made him interested, there were several beast type Chakra Beasts roaming around, he saw deer, wolves, tigers, and several types of mammals.
After resurrecting Byakko he would return and capture many of these chakra beasts to live in his realm.
As they reached their destination, they appeared in front of a massive shine that had hundreds of steps leading up a small hillside, quickly making their way up Kibo noticed that the shrine had the three-headed dog statue as its main focus.
All around the building were carvings and depictions of this place's history, it showed the beast guarding an entrance to a cavernous region that was believed to be hell.
Walking through the cavern underneath the statue, Kibo placed his hand against the wall and activated his Tengan, memories of the people building the shrine to imprison the beast from running rampant and protect Byakko's temple as its guard dog.
Kibo moved alongside the group slowly explaining the history behind this place. As they continued going down they realized that this place was much deeper then they had thought, they had been traversing for quite a while, Kibo calculated that at the angle they were descending and the speed that they were moving they had to at least traveled three to four miles.
"No wonder they thought this led to hell," Kibo said as the room was starting to heat up as they finally reached the bottom, the room was a boiling 106 °C.
Everyone was sweating as they stared into a massive empty space that had a very large three-headed dog that was resting in front of them.
It looked like a giant monster with a body similar to that of a lion and three heads. Its skin is mostly white and has dark purple on several places, including the underbelly. It has beige-colored concaved armor above the main head; on which there are several small red markings and a row of spikes.
The other two heads come out of each side of a large opening of the shell-like armor. The heads have light yellow-green markings under each of them, small eyes and thin and sharp teeth.
Kibo heard another chime ring in his head.
[Defeat Hybrid Cerberus: Reward: Purified Cerberus Soul, Pure Cerberus Claws.]
"This day keeps on getting better!" Kibo said with a grin.
Holding out his hand he laughed and said, "Easy Win!" A single beam shot out and shattered the three dogs heads before they could ever wake up, seeing Kibo easily defeat such a powerful beast made Kakashi, Obito, and Rin shudder, Shion and Karin, on the other hand, smiled and wrapped their arms around him and congratulated him with a kiss on his cheeks.
Pulling the body into his inventory, he laughed as he looked back to Kakashi, "This is nothing compared to how gods fight, you guys have a lot of catching up to do if you want to protect this world."
They nodded his head as they saw behind where Cerberus slept, they all noticed a large door that was had the shape of a Tiger engraved into it.
Kibo walked up to the surface and could feel the excitement coming from his partners. "Easy, you'll see your family reunited yet."
Seiryu and Suzaku thank him as the door opened up to reveal a large rain jungle biodome, full of powerful beasts that all had more than one tail.
Several beasts that showed incredible levels of Chakra could sense Kibo's presence and his lethality, many of them had multiple tails, eyes, and other appendages, but the number never reached over 3.
Kibo pushing out his Immortal energy made sure their party would be safe from such beasts, and along the way, he saw several Chakra Beasts that caught his eye. There was a 3 Tailed Gorilla, and 2 Striped Tiger. Several giant Wolves that had a single branched horn growing from the center of their foreheads.
As they traversed towards the center of the dome, they discovered a massive city buried inside the growth of the plant life, there was a large stone wall with tiger markings and drawing etched into it, countless spots of vines and moss grew along the walls only showing a portion of the wonderous depictions.
After locating the entrance they saw many buildings that were devoid of life, showing the same conditions as the walls that surrounded them, the greenery showed that nature had completely overtaken this once great Immortal Sect.
While the rest of the group were looking around in amazement, Kibo placed his hands across the surface of the ground and saw the great history of this land, thousands of martial practitioners standing together in a giant courtyard caused the grounds to shake with every movement and attack.
He smiled as he watched them all leave to fight alongside the other three sacred clans and not a single cultivator showed fear or indecisiveness. No one once thought of staying here to hide, they sealed off the land and placed a powerful barrier around it, as it grew weaker a Cerberus managed to escape from the barrier and became the Dream Nin's Guardian Beast.
He told everyone what he was learning while storing the information into his Dragon Pearl.
Following him, they arrived at the center temple, a large Mesoamerican pyramid that was reminiscent of the Cholula Site. The material gleamed like steel and was the only place that didn't have plants growing on it.
Kibo marched up the stairs and entered through the first floor, he ran his hands along the walls as he led them to a large room that had several large circular stones set up into rotating Buddhist prayer wheels. Each of the sections carried the Sects martial teachings and techniques. After storing all the information he moved on doing the same at higher levels.
The higher the floor the greater techniques were available, after moving through 8 floors he had collected over 230 Cultivation techniques, only the final two floors remained.
He entered the ninth and only saw Three Prayer Wheels. They contained the main technique that belonged solely to the White Tiger Clan.
Beastification: Able to fuse and take on the appearance of their Chakra Beast, along with physical benefits the owner's power will be boosted to greater heights depending on the power of the beast.
"This must have turned into a Kekkei Genkai for the Dream Nin," Kibo thought to himself.
The second was...
White Tiger Claw: By training the arms and hands in a special substance, one can allow their fingers to cut through steel.
"The recipe is in here as well. I can probably find the herbs needed growing around here," Kibo thought as he read through the information.
The last was...
Berserking Rage: Able to stimulate the soul into going nuclear, the body would receive tremendous backlash, but in exchange for the user's health, they can fight several times above their bodies limits for hours.
"Major downsides to this one, but not bad as a last-ditch move." Kibo finished memorizing all the information and turned to the roof of the square-ish pyramid.
On top was a flat square with a single large claw that formed an archway around a tuft of fur.
Kibo placed his hand on the fur and discovered that the fur that belonged to a black tiger with a single white stripe on it. The beast had taken a bite out of the large claw when it was a cub and eventually turned into a 9 striped Tiger after years of training. It joined its master the leader of the White Tiger Sect and met its end at the hands of the Ōtsutsuki's Emperor.
Kibo sighed as he placed the fur into his inventory, he walked over to the large fang and placed transformed into his Hybrid Form.
Using the power of the Sacred Beast he snapped the fang in two which caused a massive shockwave of energy to explode outward.
Everyone except Kibo lost their footing, he then pulled out a Star Chamber Relic and crushed it while holding half of the fang in his hands.
The space inside his body grew another environment, mountains and rain forest covered in large sections of hillsides covered in steel ores. Along the mountains, the highest ones were made of pure black steel that caused lightning to crashed into them as the sky ripped open into a large striped pattern.
At the center of the realm, a large image of a Nine Striped White Tiger began to form, even before it finished Kibo threw the remaining Fang into space as he summoned Seiryu and Suzaku.
The two immediately began working as they covered him in the flames of rebirth and accelerated his age to when he was at his best. A loud roar shot out into the sky as Byakko's body fully reformed. Kibo felt a surge of energy quickly fulling his body.
With a smile on his face the Metal and Lightning Seeds started to grow significantly, and in return, his Void Seed Grew as well.
"What happened? Where am I? Brother, Sister?" The large tiger shouted with an excited expression, it quickly shrunk down into a large man around the same size as Seiryu, along with a savage looking outfit that showed off much of his chest and looked like it was made from his fur. The Man had long spiky pale white hair and pinkish skin.
He was very handsome and bulky, around a head shorter than Seiryu, his body was lean and not an ounce of fat could be seen on him, across his back were nine black strips that ended just above his neck, and unlike Seiryu's mid thirties adult look, Byakko's face had a very youthful look to it, like someone in their mid-twenties.
The three hugged and cried, as Kibo thought collected them he was beginning to feel bad. "Well, they were going to cry anyway," He thought, justifying his actions.
After a bit, they calmed down and explained the situation to him, looking to Kibo the Tiger bowed and called out, "Thank you for all you've done, I am Byakko of the West, I represent Elements Metal, Lightning, and Crystal, I promise to serve you with the same determination and loyalty as my siblings."
Kibo laughed and said, "It's cool, just treat me like your friend and well get along just fine."
The tiger grinned showing off his razor-sharp teeth, after letting out a laugh Kibo smiled and saw small Tigers beginning to form from the metallic mountains, along with several other feline type beasts.
Kibo then said, "I'll add many other beasts to this plane, so they may be nurtured by your aura."
Bykko laughed and said, "As the King of Beasts, my Aura will be extremely beneficial to their growth."
Kibo then spoke up as the mission complete chimed in his head, "Suzaku, Seiryu, please inform Byakko everything you know about me since journeying together. I have other plans to take care of."
The three bowed to Kibo and thanked him as he returned to reality. Looking around he began sucking up the lands and everything in the Biodome into Byakko's realm.
Any plants and Beast were pulled into the territory as he made his way back out to the forest. Once he returned to the Village Hidden in the Dreams he decided on having everyone in Yumegakure relocate to the Immortal Village to take the place of the Byakko Clan and live alongside the Ryu Clan.
He would have to convince Enzo Tenrō to move, but since he could offer much, and the fact his clone saved them from Gensui Amagiri's treachery.
As he headed into the Village he thought about how his Clone and the Kage were doing.
A few hours earlier Kibo and the 5 Kage appeared on top of the island turtles head, Kibo stared out into the ocean and felt a surge of powerful Chakra Beasts circling beneath them.
[Quest: Resurrect Sacred Beast Byakko; Reward: 5 Million Sys-Points, Tengu Fan.]
[Quest: Resurrect Sacred Beast Genbu; Reward: 5 Million Sys-Points, Leviathan Soul Crystal.]
Kibo then smiled as he turned around and waved his hand to begin the mission, the group took off running heading deep into the forest. Along the way he saw many beasts that made him interested, there were several beast type Chakra Beasts roaming around, he saw deer, wolves, tigers, and several types of mammals.
After resurrecting Byakko he would return and capture many of these chakra beasts to live in his realm.
As they reached their destination, they appeared in front of a massive shine that had hundreds of steps leading up a small hillside, quickly making their way up Kibo noticed that the shrine had the three-headed dog statue as its main focus.
All around the building were carvings and depictions of this place's history, it showed the beast guarding an entrance to a cavernous region that was believed to be hell.
Walking through the cavern underneath the statue, Kibo placed his hand against the wall and activated his Tengan, memories of the people building the shrine to imprison the beast from running rampant and protect Byakko's temple as its guard dog.
Kibo moved alongside the group slowly explaining the history behind this place. As they continued going down they realized that this place was much deeper then they had thought, they had been traversing for quite a while, Kibo calculated that at the angle they were descending and the speed that they were moving they had to at least traveled three to four miles.
"No wonder they thought this led to hell," Kibo said as the room was starting to heat up as they finally reached the bottom, the room was a boiling 106 °C.
Everyone was sweating as they stared into a massive empty space that had a very large three-headed dog that was resting in front of them.
It looked like a giant monster with a body similar to that of a lion and three heads. Its skin is mostly white and has dark purple on several places, including the underbelly. It has beige-colored concaved armor above the main head; on which there are several small red markings and a row of spikes.
The other two heads come out of each side of a large opening of the shell-like armor. The heads have light yellow-green markings under each of them, small eyes and thin and sharp teeth.
Kibo heard another chime ring in his head.
[Defeat Hybrid Cerberus: Reward: Purified Cerberus Soul, Pure Cerberus Claws.]
"This day keeps on getting better!" Kibo said with a grin.
Holding out his hand he laughed and said, "Easy Win!" A single beam shot out and shattered the three dogs heads before they could ever wake up, seeing Kibo easily defeat such a powerful beast made Kakashi, Obito, and Rin shudder, Shion and Karin, on the other hand, smiled and wrapped their arms around him and congratulated him with a kiss on his cheeks.
Pulling the body into his inventory, he laughed as he looked back to Kakashi, "This is nothing compared to how gods fight, you guys have a lot of catching up to do if you want to protect this world."
They nodded his head as they saw behind where Cerberus slept, they all noticed a large door that was had the shape of a Tiger engraved into it.
Kibo walked up to the surface and could feel the excitement coming from his partners. "Easy, you'll see your family reunited yet."
Seiryu and Suzaku thank him as the door opened up to reveal a large rain jungle biodome, full of powerful beasts that all had more than one tail.
Several beasts that showed incredible levels of Chakra could sense Kibo's presence and his lethality, many of them had multiple tails, eyes, and other appendages, but the number never reached over 3.
Kibo pushing out his Immortal energy made sure their party would be safe from such beasts, and along the way, he saw several Chakra Beasts that caught his eye. There was a 3 Tailed Gorilla, and 2 Striped Tiger. Several giant Wolves that had a single branched horn growing from the center of their foreheads.
As they traversed towards the center of the dome, they discovered a massive city buried inside the growth of the plant life, there was a large stone wall with tiger markings and drawing etched into it, countless spots of vines and moss grew along the walls only showing a portion of the wonderous depictions.
After locating the entrance they saw many buildings that were devoid of life, showing the same conditions as the walls that surrounded them, the greenery showed that nature had completely overtaken this once great Immortal Sect.
While the rest of the group were looking around in amazement, Kibo placed his hands across the surface of the ground and saw the great history of this land, thousands of martial practitioners standing together in a giant courtyard caused the grounds to shake with every movement and attack.
He smiled as he watched them all leave to fight alongside the other three sacred clans and not a single cultivator showed fear or indecisiveness. No one once thought of staying here to hide, they sealed off the land and placed a powerful barrier around it, as it grew weaker a Cerberus managed to escape from the barrier and became the Dream Nin's Guardian Beast.
He told everyone what he was learning while storing the information into his Dragon Pearl.
Following him, they arrived at the center temple, a large Mesoamerican pyramid that was reminiscent of the Cholula Site. The material gleamed like steel and was the only place that didn't have plants growing on it.
Kibo marched up the stairs and entered through the first floor, he ran his hands along the walls as he led them to a large room that had several large circular stones set up into rotating Buddhist prayer wheels. Each of the sections carried the Sects martial teachings and techniques. After storing all the information he moved on doing the same at higher levels.
The higher the floor the greater techniques were available, after moving through 8 floors he had collected over 230 Cultivation techniques, only the final two floors remained.
He entered the ninth and only saw Three Prayer Wheels. They contained the main technique that belonged solely to the White Tiger Clan.
Beastification: Able to fuse and take on the appearance of their Chakra Beast, along with physical benefits the owner's power will be boosted to greater heights depending on the power of the beast.
"This must have turned into a Kekkei Genkai for the Dream Nin," Kibo thought to himself.
The second was...
White Tiger Claw: By training the arms and hands in a special substance, one can allow their fingers to cut through steel.
"The recipe is in here as well. I can probably find the herbs needed growing around here," Kibo thought as he read through the information.
The last was...
Berserking Rage: Able to stimulate the soul into going nuclear, the body would receive tremendous backlash, but in exchange for the user's health, they can fight several times above their bodies limits for hours.
"Major downsides to this one, but not bad as a last-ditch move." Kibo finished memorizing all the information and turned to the roof of the square-ish pyramid.
On top was a flat square with a single large claw that formed an archway around a tuft of fur.
Kibo placed his hand on the fur and discovered that the fur that belonged to a black tiger with a single white stripe on it. The beast had taken a bite out of the large claw when it was a cub and eventually turned into a 9 striped Tiger after years of training. It joined its master the leader of the White Tiger Sect and met its end at the hands of the Ōtsutsuki's Emperor.
Kibo sighed as he placed the fur into his inventory, he walked over to the large fang and placed transformed into his Hybrid Form.
Using the power of the Sacred Beast he snapped the fang in two which caused a massive shockwave of energy to explode outward.
Everyone except Kibo lost their footing, he then pulled out a Star Chamber Relic and crushed it while holding half of the fang in his hands.
The space inside his body grew another environment, mountains and rain forest covered in large sections of hillsides covered in steel ores. Along the mountains, the highest ones were made of pure black steel that caused lightning to crashed into them as the sky ripped open into a large striped pattern.
At the center of the realm, a large image of a Nine Striped White Tiger began to form, even before it finished Kibo threw the remaining Fang into space as he summoned Seiryu and Suzaku.
The two immediately began working as they covered him in the flames of rebirth and accelerated his age to when he was at his best. A loud roar shot out into the sky as Byakko's body fully reformed. Kibo felt a surge of energy quickly fulling his body.
With a smile on his face the Metal and Lightning Seeds started to grow significantly, and in return, his Void Seed Grew as well.
"What happened? Where am I? Brother, Sister?" The large tiger shouted with an excited expression, it quickly shrunk down into a large man around the same size as Seiryu, along with a savage looking outfit that showed off much of his chest and looked like it was made from his fur. The Man had long spiky pale white hair and pinkish skin.
He was very handsome and bulky, around a head shorter than Seiryu, his body was lean and not an ounce of fat could be seen on him, across his back were nine black strips that ended just above his neck, and unlike Seiryu's mid thirties adult look, Byakko's face had a very youthful look to it, like someone in their mid-twenties.
The three hugged and cried, as Kibo thought collected them he was beginning to feel bad. "Well, they were going to cry anyway," He thought, justifying his actions.
After a bit, they calmed down and explained the situation to him, looking to Kibo the Tiger bowed and called out, "Thank you for all you've done, I am Byakko of the West, I represent Elements Metal, Lightning, and Crystal, I promise to serve you with the same determination and loyalty as my siblings."
Kibo laughed and said, "It's cool, just treat me like your friend and well get along just fine."
The tiger grinned showing off his razor-sharp teeth, after letting out a laugh Kibo smiled and saw small Tigers beginning to form from the metallic mountains, along with several other feline type beasts.
Kibo then said, "I'll add many other beasts to this plane, so they may be nurtured by your aura."
Bykko laughed and said, "As the King of Beasts, my Aura will be extremely beneficial to their growth."
Kibo then spoke up as the mission complete chimed in his head, "Suzaku, Seiryu, please inform Byakko everything you know about me since journeying together. I have other plans to take care of."
The three bowed to Kibo and thanked him as he returned to reality. Looking around he began sucking up the lands and everything in the Biodome into Byakko's realm.
Any plants and Beast were pulled into the territory as he made his way back out to the forest. Once he returned to the Village Hidden in the Dreams he decided on having everyone in Yumegakure relocate to the Immortal Village to take the place of the Byakko Clan and live alongside the Ryu Clan.
He would have to convince Enzo Tenrō to move, but since he could offer much, and the fact his clone saved them from Gensui Amagiri's treachery.
As he headed into the Village he thought about how his Clone and the Kage were doing.
A few hours earlier Kibo and the 5 Kage appeared on top of the island turtles head, Kibo stared out into the ocean and felt a surge of powerful Chakra Beasts circling beneath them.
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