Reborn in the Narutoverse
93 7 Years of Training Part 4 Explici
Along with the main 12 elements, both of his wives ended up forming Creation, Void, Chaos Seedlings, and the rest were unique seedlings that took Kibo some time to identify.
The 4 unique ones that appeared in Shion was her Angelic Seedling, it was the shape of a Halo Symbol, and possessed a great and powerful divine aura that outshone rest of the seedlings.
Next was a Fuin Marking with the Kanji for Seal, just like Kibo's, and the last two appeared to be in the shape of a pair of a devil and angel wing markings.
Shion's Fuin Seedling was just as complex as Kibo's making her especially excited, that she had formed 4 unique seedlings.
Karin had managed to form a Physique Type Seedling that radiated with a bountiful vital aura, it showed the image of a humanoid person surrounded by chains that were covered in Fuin Markings. Karin called it the Adimantium Physique Seed, informing them that it could turn her whole body into an Energy Sponge. She could attract absorb and redirect energy into anything she saw fit to imbue it with.
She could even use her chains to write in powerful seals that would unleash their might with a single touch.
Like Shion, she had formed both a Devil and an Angel Seedling, and the last unique one was in the shape of an eye. Kibo figured it was her sensory ability Mind's Eye of the Kagura.
Kibo benefited from the dual cultivation technique as well, on top of gaining a Nephilim Seedling, all of his remaining seedlings had formed nine leaves, all but one.
For some reason, his sword seedling stopped at eight, and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't push it to the next level.
"I can't cheat my way through the Sword Dao, it is a human creation, not a law of the universe." Kibo let out a sigh as he checked his 5-year shop's new items.
1. 1 Star Dagon Ball(Dende Version): 100 Million Sys Pts
2. Rebellion, (DmC Version): 2.5 Million Sys Pts
3. Meidō Stone, (Inuyasha Universe): 5.5 Million Sys Pts
4. Vast Sky Stone (Martial World Universe): 25 Million Sys Pts
5. Heaven-Connecting Flowers Seeds (Chaotic Sword God Universe): 25 Million Sys Pts
6. Infinity Stone of Power(Marvel Universe 116169): 700 Million Sys Pts
1. x9 Star Chambers: 50 Thousand Sys Pts Per
2. x9 Random Jutsu Relic 75 Thousand Pts Per
3. x9 Random Sage Art Relic 500 Thousand Pts Per
Kibo whistled, he noticed that he only had around 40 million to spend, and his rate of gaining points from quests and killing chakra beasts had fallen.
He didn't want to waste all his time in here, he really wanted to purchase that dragon ball, and if he got a hold of an infinity stone, he could place it in his fortress's engine, but if he stayed in here, he might just end up missing his chance to purchase it.
Kibo couldn't shake off his desire to buy something the Heaven-Connecting Flowers Seeds were too important. Here they could be a protected object, and by using Chakra he could help them grow and reproduce.
These flower's fragrance can help you concentrate and better reflect on things. If you cultivate in a place where a lot of these flowers are planted, not only can they refine the energy within you, they can suppress your inner demons, providing you with a smooth path for cultivation and block your inner demons from affecting you.
After spending the necessary points, he received a bag of 100 seedlings. Keeping one in his inventory, Kibo smiled as he waved his hand and planted them all across the time chamber, he then used his Earth Dao to grow the seedlings to peak maturity.
The area filled up with a heaven-defying scent, it smelled like the brisk morning in the wild grasslands. Small Bonsai Flowers started to sprout into tiny trees, the vibrant purple flowers began releasing their scent in even greater quantity.
Kibo could feel his mind clear, and his thinking improved, many troubles he's been having and questioned became clear in his heart.
After growing these flowers by taking a branch from them and planting them again to grow into new flowers, he continued this until it spread all across the habitable zone in the time chamber.
With the new view, he saw a breathtaking scene that looked like a picture straight out of a fairy tale. With his newfound clarity, he began to polish his sword skills and even managed to form an outline of the fused Sacred Arts Techniques.
Frist was the martial arts gained from them, he combined the techniques by blending them together over time into four basic stances, Azure Dragon's East Star, Suzaku's South Pheonix Star, Byakko's West Star, and Genbu's North Star, they contained all the essence of the original attacks in a single movement, and they each could be switched between instantaneously.
He could feel the techniques converging into a single fifth stance that remained elusive, next was combining the Cultivation techniques, and then the physique altering techniques.
After another year of training, Kibo sat down in irritation with his sword on his lap, "Why can't I form a ninth leaf? What am I missing?"
Shion and Karin sensing his frustrations came to his side, seeing his fully grown wives always put a smile on his face.
After all the years of training, Karin and Shion had reached peak maturity, their body's fully developed, well endowed, and to top it off drop dead gorgeous.
Kibo grabbed them and placed had the both of them sit on his lap, "I'm having a problem gaining my ninth leaf for my Sword Dao Seedling.
They both gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, "I know you can do it. After all, were Immortals now."
Kibo nodded his head and laughed, he was honestly surprised to see how quickly they managed to open up all their Chakra Gates and achieve an Immortal Physique.
Right now they were focusing on opening up the rest of the Chakra Gates and were already halfway done.
"Little jealous of you two having a Gemini Soul, your training has been astounding!" Kibo commented as his wives continued to kiss him.
"Better!?" Karin asked with a grin on her face.
Kibo's eyes darted to the side with an exaggerated expression and said, "I don't know, maybe I need some more encouragement."
Picking up his wives he headed into the house to enjoy themselves.
After spending a few nights in bliss, the trio laid down on the bed panting with a satisfied expression on their face.
As they pillow-talked, Shion and Karin mentioned how they had already formed nine leaves on all their Dao Seedlings. After hearing that Kibo gave them both deep kisses, reinvigorating himself once more.
After another round, Kibo laid on his stomach and enjoyed a massage from his wives, as they talked, Kibo started to explain his troubles with his Sword Dao.
"I feel like something is missing," Kibo said as he thought back on his progress.
"Maybe you need a challenge, after all, it can't be easy learning without a sparring partner," Karin mentioned.
Shion giggled, "You should start over from the basics. If you feel like something is missing, you should backtrack."
Like a lightning bolt running through him, Kibo suddenly had an idea, a revolution in his thinking.
He turned around and grabbed the back of Shion's neck and kissed her deeply.
Karin's cheeks puffed up and said, "No fair, me too."
Kibo laughed and grabbed Karin over and started to massage her body, "Thank you Shion, I think I figured it out."
Kibo heard Karin panting lightly as he moved his hands downward and entered her, "Since Shion helped me with my breakthrough she gets to go first."
Shion blushed as she moved her hips facing away from his sight, looking at her peach shaped bottom made Kibo go stiff, she rubbed herself against him, teasing Kibo to the point of losing his patents.
Lifting his hips, Shion let out a moan as he pushed in as deep as he could reach, "You're messing me up!" Shion shouted as he started moving his hips.
Karin pouted as wanted more than his fingers, after giving her a deep kiss he whispered in her ear, "Help your self."
Karin smiled as she stood up and sat over his face to enjoy his tongue.
As he ate her out, he grabbed Shion's hips and started moving even harder, Shion couldn't think straight anymore as she felt a surge of Immortal energy circulate throughout her body, causing her to succumb to the waves of pleasure and climax.
Kibo held nothing back as he filled her womb up, falling forward he watched as his cum leaked out of her, Karin leaned forward and said, "What a waste." as she placed her mouth over Shion's groin and gulped down his load.
Shion moaned as Karin cleaned her out, exciting her once more, she turned around and kissed Karin.
Kibo couldn't contain himself as he moved Karin forward and grabbed her butt and placed his member against her while she continued to kiss Shion.
With one swift movement, Kibo could feel her quivering as he invaded her deepest region. Shion started to play with her breast and while Karin fingered Shion and played with her clit.
Kibo continued to move like a piston making Karin moan out for more, "Harder, you can push it all the way in!"
Kibo growled as he felt himself press against the entrance of her womb, as he lost himself to the pleasure, he placed his lips next to her ear and lightly bit down on it.
Karin quivered in ecstasy as she felt Kibo warm her insides, unable to contain her voice, Karin came with an ecstatic shout.
After pushing the Immortal Energy through them and receiving it, Kibo fell backward and felt his wives snuggle up next to him.
"I want kids," Karin said with a blushed face.
Kibo looked to Shion who then said, "So do I."
Kibo nodded his head and said, "After stopping the Shinobi War, I promise you two, I give you children."
Karin and Shion smiled and held on to Kibo tightly, "We'll hold you to that promise," the two said in tandem and with great joy.
The next morning Kibo went out to perfect his final leaf, he stood looking out at the empty void of the time chamber, the atmosphere here was too caustic for anything to survive past this point.
Compared to the beautiful land around the center of the time chamber that Kibo made with his creation technique, this could only be thought of as hell.
Kibo marched on as he resisted his 125 times Earth's gravity with a great struggle.
He pulled out his sword and began using a simple Iai-Jutsu to practice, he did this for days non-stop and without rest.
Kibo's body was covered in sweat, after 7 days of doing this he felt a change in his Dao seedling. "I was right!" Kibo shouted as he jumped in the air.
Standing in the Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryū stance he grabbed hold of his sheath and placed his thumb against the guard, "Forget all the rest of my swordsmanship and return to one singular move that surpasses them all."
A shine appeared around Kibo's blade as his Sword Dao Seedling started to grow, "Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryū Kamigoroshi (God Slayer)"
As he drew the blade he cut out with such great intensity that the world around him changed color, as a tear in space revealed the outside world moments before the scar in space and time healed.
Kibo laughed as he felt his final seedling grow its ninth leaf, as this happened something miraculous appeared, all of his seedlings started to grow their 10th leaf.
Kibo was astonished, according to his sacred beasts, 9 was the maximum amount a Dao Seedling could produce, his beast stood in shock together in Dante's realm.
"What's up?" Dante asked.
The 4 unique ones that appeared in Shion was her Angelic Seedling, it was the shape of a Halo Symbol, and possessed a great and powerful divine aura that outshone rest of the seedlings.
Next was a Fuin Marking with the Kanji for Seal, just like Kibo's, and the last two appeared to be in the shape of a pair of a devil and angel wing markings.
Shion's Fuin Seedling was just as complex as Kibo's making her especially excited, that she had formed 4 unique seedlings.
Karin had managed to form a Physique Type Seedling that radiated with a bountiful vital aura, it showed the image of a humanoid person surrounded by chains that were covered in Fuin Markings. Karin called it the Adimantium Physique Seed, informing them that it could turn her whole body into an Energy Sponge. She could attract absorb and redirect energy into anything she saw fit to imbue it with.
She could even use her chains to write in powerful seals that would unleash their might with a single touch.
Like Shion, she had formed both a Devil and an Angel Seedling, and the last unique one was in the shape of an eye. Kibo figured it was her sensory ability Mind's Eye of the Kagura.
Kibo benefited from the dual cultivation technique as well, on top of gaining a Nephilim Seedling, all of his remaining seedlings had formed nine leaves, all but one.
For some reason, his sword seedling stopped at eight, and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't push it to the next level.
"I can't cheat my way through the Sword Dao, it is a human creation, not a law of the universe." Kibo let out a sigh as he checked his 5-year shop's new items.
1. 1 Star Dagon Ball(Dende Version): 100 Million Sys Pts
2. Rebellion, (DmC Version): 2.5 Million Sys Pts
3. Meidō Stone, (Inuyasha Universe): 5.5 Million Sys Pts
4. Vast Sky Stone (Martial World Universe): 25 Million Sys Pts
5. Heaven-Connecting Flowers Seeds (Chaotic Sword God Universe): 25 Million Sys Pts
6. Infinity Stone of Power(Marvel Universe 116169): 700 Million Sys Pts
1. x9 Star Chambers: 50 Thousand Sys Pts Per
2. x9 Random Jutsu Relic 75 Thousand Pts Per
3. x9 Random Sage Art Relic 500 Thousand Pts Per
Kibo whistled, he noticed that he only had around 40 million to spend, and his rate of gaining points from quests and killing chakra beasts had fallen.
He didn't want to waste all his time in here, he really wanted to purchase that dragon ball, and if he got a hold of an infinity stone, he could place it in his fortress's engine, but if he stayed in here, he might just end up missing his chance to purchase it.
Kibo couldn't shake off his desire to buy something the Heaven-Connecting Flowers Seeds were too important. Here they could be a protected object, and by using Chakra he could help them grow and reproduce.
These flower's fragrance can help you concentrate and better reflect on things. If you cultivate in a place where a lot of these flowers are planted, not only can they refine the energy within you, they can suppress your inner demons, providing you with a smooth path for cultivation and block your inner demons from affecting you.
After spending the necessary points, he received a bag of 100 seedlings. Keeping one in his inventory, Kibo smiled as he waved his hand and planted them all across the time chamber, he then used his Earth Dao to grow the seedlings to peak maturity.
The area filled up with a heaven-defying scent, it smelled like the brisk morning in the wild grasslands. Small Bonsai Flowers started to sprout into tiny trees, the vibrant purple flowers began releasing their scent in even greater quantity.
Kibo could feel his mind clear, and his thinking improved, many troubles he's been having and questioned became clear in his heart.
After growing these flowers by taking a branch from them and planting them again to grow into new flowers, he continued this until it spread all across the habitable zone in the time chamber.
With the new view, he saw a breathtaking scene that looked like a picture straight out of a fairy tale. With his newfound clarity, he began to polish his sword skills and even managed to form an outline of the fused Sacred Arts Techniques.
Frist was the martial arts gained from them, he combined the techniques by blending them together over time into four basic stances, Azure Dragon's East Star, Suzaku's South Pheonix Star, Byakko's West Star, and Genbu's North Star, they contained all the essence of the original attacks in a single movement, and they each could be switched between instantaneously.
He could feel the techniques converging into a single fifth stance that remained elusive, next was combining the Cultivation techniques, and then the physique altering techniques.
After another year of training, Kibo sat down in irritation with his sword on his lap, "Why can't I form a ninth leaf? What am I missing?"
Shion and Karin sensing his frustrations came to his side, seeing his fully grown wives always put a smile on his face.
After all the years of training, Karin and Shion had reached peak maturity, their body's fully developed, well endowed, and to top it off drop dead gorgeous.
Kibo grabbed them and placed had the both of them sit on his lap, "I'm having a problem gaining my ninth leaf for my Sword Dao Seedling.
They both gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, "I know you can do it. After all, were Immortals now."
Kibo nodded his head and laughed, he was honestly surprised to see how quickly they managed to open up all their Chakra Gates and achieve an Immortal Physique.
Right now they were focusing on opening up the rest of the Chakra Gates and were already halfway done.
"Little jealous of you two having a Gemini Soul, your training has been astounding!" Kibo commented as his wives continued to kiss him.
"Better!?" Karin asked with a grin on her face.
Kibo's eyes darted to the side with an exaggerated expression and said, "I don't know, maybe I need some more encouragement."
Picking up his wives he headed into the house to enjoy themselves.
After spending a few nights in bliss, the trio laid down on the bed panting with a satisfied expression on their face.
As they pillow-talked, Shion and Karin mentioned how they had already formed nine leaves on all their Dao Seedlings. After hearing that Kibo gave them both deep kisses, reinvigorating himself once more.
After another round, Kibo laid on his stomach and enjoyed a massage from his wives, as they talked, Kibo started to explain his troubles with his Sword Dao.
"I feel like something is missing," Kibo said as he thought back on his progress.
"Maybe you need a challenge, after all, it can't be easy learning without a sparring partner," Karin mentioned.
Shion giggled, "You should start over from the basics. If you feel like something is missing, you should backtrack."
Like a lightning bolt running through him, Kibo suddenly had an idea, a revolution in his thinking.
He turned around and grabbed the back of Shion's neck and kissed her deeply.
Karin's cheeks puffed up and said, "No fair, me too."
Kibo laughed and grabbed Karin over and started to massage her body, "Thank you Shion, I think I figured it out."
Kibo heard Karin panting lightly as he moved his hands downward and entered her, "Since Shion helped me with my breakthrough she gets to go first."
Shion blushed as she moved her hips facing away from his sight, looking at her peach shaped bottom made Kibo go stiff, she rubbed herself against him, teasing Kibo to the point of losing his patents.
Lifting his hips, Shion let out a moan as he pushed in as deep as he could reach, "You're messing me up!" Shion shouted as he started moving his hips.
Karin pouted as wanted more than his fingers, after giving her a deep kiss he whispered in her ear, "Help your self."
Karin smiled as she stood up and sat over his face to enjoy his tongue.
As he ate her out, he grabbed Shion's hips and started moving even harder, Shion couldn't think straight anymore as she felt a surge of Immortal energy circulate throughout her body, causing her to succumb to the waves of pleasure and climax.
Kibo held nothing back as he filled her womb up, falling forward he watched as his cum leaked out of her, Karin leaned forward and said, "What a waste." as she placed her mouth over Shion's groin and gulped down his load.
Shion moaned as Karin cleaned her out, exciting her once more, she turned around and kissed Karin.
Kibo couldn't contain himself as he moved Karin forward and grabbed her butt and placed his member against her while she continued to kiss Shion.
With one swift movement, Kibo could feel her quivering as he invaded her deepest region. Shion started to play with her breast and while Karin fingered Shion and played with her clit.
Kibo continued to move like a piston making Karin moan out for more, "Harder, you can push it all the way in!"
Kibo growled as he felt himself press against the entrance of her womb, as he lost himself to the pleasure, he placed his lips next to her ear and lightly bit down on it.
Karin quivered in ecstasy as she felt Kibo warm her insides, unable to contain her voice, Karin came with an ecstatic shout.
After pushing the Immortal Energy through them and receiving it, Kibo fell backward and felt his wives snuggle up next to him.
"I want kids," Karin said with a blushed face.
Kibo looked to Shion who then said, "So do I."
Kibo nodded his head and said, "After stopping the Shinobi War, I promise you two, I give you children."
Karin and Shion smiled and held on to Kibo tightly, "We'll hold you to that promise," the two said in tandem and with great joy.
The next morning Kibo went out to perfect his final leaf, he stood looking out at the empty void of the time chamber, the atmosphere here was too caustic for anything to survive past this point.
Compared to the beautiful land around the center of the time chamber that Kibo made with his creation technique, this could only be thought of as hell.
Kibo marched on as he resisted his 125 times Earth's gravity with a great struggle.
He pulled out his sword and began using a simple Iai-Jutsu to practice, he did this for days non-stop and without rest.
Kibo's body was covered in sweat, after 7 days of doing this he felt a change in his Dao seedling. "I was right!" Kibo shouted as he jumped in the air.
Standing in the Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryū stance he grabbed hold of his sheath and placed his thumb against the guard, "Forget all the rest of my swordsmanship and return to one singular move that surpasses them all."
A shine appeared around Kibo's blade as his Sword Dao Seedling started to grow, "Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryū Kamigoroshi (God Slayer)"
As he drew the blade he cut out with such great intensity that the world around him changed color, as a tear in space revealed the outside world moments before the scar in space and time healed.
Kibo laughed as he felt his final seedling grow its ninth leaf, as this happened something miraculous appeared, all of his seedlings started to grow their 10th leaf.
Kibo was astonished, according to his sacred beasts, 9 was the maximum amount a Dao Seedling could produce, his beast stood in shock together in Dante's realm.
"What's up?" Dante asked.
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