Reborn in the Shinobi World as a Sarutobi

23 23 Preliminaries of 3rd exam part 3

After they took Rin out and Minato look a little more relief he continue his proctor duties.

Minato: "Okay next fight it's, Genma(toothpickguy) vs Baki(Sand ninja Capt.)!!

Genma had his bored looked(lazy look) and just walked the stairs to get to the arena. Baki just jumped down from were h e was landing on his 2 feet in a stoic manner. (Baki is about 14 years old here).  Both got in position Genma got in a similar positon Might Gal used at he beginning of her match. I am not suprise since they are her team members and may actually learn some of her moves or training. I did notice in the stands that Ebisu, Might Gal other team mate was wearing leg warmers most likely hidding some kind of ankle weights like Might Gal. But Genma didn't have those, he was always known for being lazy so maybe he didn't wanted to train with weights.

Baki on the other hand just stood in a straight military posture just looking at Genma with a annoyed look.(Those burns are still fresh so hit must be hurting at least a little. Burns require time to heal after all.)

Genma: "Yo, how you doing, lets have a good match. Just hope you don't take it to seriously like the previous guys. I don't want to leave in a streacher." he said with a this is a type of drag voice.

Baki: "I would if you surrender on time. Or if you decide to surrender now you would release your self from all this hassle." Baki responded back in a calm manner.

Genma: "Sorry can't do, my team mates try hard to train and prepare to be here. I may have not been like them but at least I have to show some type of face/improvement on my attitude so I am going to fight with what I can do. Lets just hope I win." he said with a self depricating smile.

Baki: "Have it as you will."

Minato: "Are the contestant ready!?"

Baki/Genma: "Yeah!"

Minato: " Okay!....Start!!!!"

Baki started drawing out a kunai and hand grip it in a reverse style, and with the other hand he threw some shurinken from his left hip pouch. Genma immediately responded in kind taking out some shurinken to clash with his but the shurinken from Baki cut Genma's like if they where made of paper.(most likely the shurinken were imbued with wind elemental chakra.) Genma got a surprise look(panic look) so he got out of the way fast. The shurinken getting deep under the floor were it hit or sinking in on the walls. Genma saw that it was not good to confront him with weapons. So he started doing hand signs at fast speeds releasing a Fire style: Flame thrower aim at Baki. Baki got a mad look, (likely having a flashback of his burns) he did a half a tiger sign and sushin leaving behind some sand in the hair. Baki reappear several meter away to the side of Genma, doing some hand signs himself releasing a Wind style: Great Breakthrough at Genma's side. Sending Genma flying away to the rings wall. Genma manage to react in mid air  by pure reflex and landed on the wall with his feet, he couldn't open his eyes since the winds were to strong. When the technique subsided, Baki threw, follow up by throwing more of his shurinken. Genma being smart and saw what happened last time did not responded back and use a half tiger sign and shushin to the side. Still with the half tiger sign on he again disappear this time appearing near the ground almost kissing it. So Baki didn't see him, did not respond on time and got a double kick to the chin as Genma did a Might Gal primary lotus initiation move but he jump with both legs since he didn't have that much of a Tai Jutsu strength.(looks like he was using allot of chakra to catch up in speed and reinforce his move to imitate the technique but with chakra.) Baki got hit clean on the chin sent flying to the air. Baki seeing this technique used before decided to turn/spin in mid air as fast as possible and did some hand signs, releasing another Wind Style:Great Breakthrough. Genma look like he wasted to much chakra since he countered with a Fire Style: Fire Bullet and ignited the  Wind Style technique just in time close to him. Making it explode upon contact. Sending both Baki and Genma flying. Genma getting the worse of the impact and some sligth burns. Genma was already incapable of moving looks like the explosion gave him a concussion. Baki on the other hand since he was further from the explosion still manage to land, he look tired as well but fine none the less.

Minato: "The winner!!! Baki!!!! Medic we got another one that needs to go the medical facility." he said as Medic ninjas arrive to pick up Genma.

Baki look impress at genma, then just left to the benches were the others were watching the matches. The fight was impressive since it was more or less well balanced. I did see Ebisu with a pissed up look, he was talking with Might Gal about why he lost and Gal needed to be more strict as team captain to make him train harder. Gal just responded that he was never a motivated fellow and he had not approach her like Ebisu did for training so it was his own responsability and not hers, since her training require allot of determination and unbending will, which Genma didn't had, at least as for right now.

Minato: " Okay! Next contestants will be Anko Mitarashi vs Lluvia( Hidden Rain Ninja)" he said will looking at the stands.

Lluvia's look was a little odd she had like 3 umbrellas behind her back, her hair was dark blue just as her eyes she was pretty well cover with a kunoichi uniform similar to Sakura's but in Navy blue. Her skin was pale white and her skin gloss a little.She had a umbrella on her hand, as if blocking the sunlight with it. Her hair was straight and reach to her shoulders were the tips of it curl upwards.(she resemble Lluvia from FairyTail). With my sensor skills I could feel allot of chakra from her she could be compared to a Elite Shinobi. She also look to be around 14-16. Lluvia walk slow and gracefully while going by the stairs. Finally reaching her position. Anko following right later behind her with a annoyed look.(Anko still look tired and had bandages on her body.)

Minato:" Alright, get in position.....are both of you ready?"

Anko: " I was born ready!" she yelled.

Lluvia: "I am ready." she said in a monotone voice.

Minato: "Okay.....Ashimeth(i think it means start in japanese.)!!!!!! He yelled.

Anko jumped backward with a flip and started doing hand signs. The Lluvia girl stayed in place with her open umbrella and started doing the same but with 1 hand.(just like Haku in the future) I was surprise by this since nobody in the whole Naruto series did this except Haku(and obviously me and my crew now).

Lluvia: "Water Style: Rain Dance" she said in a monotone/bored voiced. (I totally ripping off pokemon moves here)

Immediately some grey clouds started to appear some meter on top of the arena, follow by moderate drizzle it was not super light but it was not heavy rain either.

At the same time Anko finished her hand signs bit her thumb and smash it on the watered floor, patterns appearing on it as several white snakes appeared and rushed at Lluvia.

Lluvia: " Interesting.... Water style: Tidal wave" she said as her left hand move fast and at the same time holding her umbrella with her right hand. Kneeling and smashing her left hand in the floor creating a small tidal wave, washing away the snakes and Anko to the opposing wall. Anko smashing the wall she tried to stand up but several water clones of Lluvia had appeared around Anko and had finished doing hand signs.

Lluvia: "Water Style: Water Prison" she said.

Anko and her snakes got surrounded by water encassing them on a big Water Sphere. The snake suffocated fast and dissapeared. Anko trying hard to escape but she couldn't move.

Minato: "Stop!!!! You have won, I declared Lluvia the winner!! Also could you stop this place from raining." he said as he broke the water prison with force to get Anko out of it.

Lluvia: "I can do." she said in a few monotone voice.

The clouds dissapeared, everyone was shock/impress or dumb founded at Lluvia's peformance. Overall everyone was analyzing the fight and also thinking how many more cards was Lluvia hidding.

Again the medics got on the field to pick the suffocated/drowned Anko. The medics did some fast quick cpr to make her spill all the water she had on her lungs and/or stomach. Anko then was taken in a streacher.

Anko team mates were there and saw everything but they didn't even look concerned for her. This pissed Kusei and started yelling at why they were not showing any kind of emotion.They just ignore him and left to the direction to were Anko was taken since they had no more business there.

Kusei didn't say anything to the passing Lluvia since he had no right since she was just doing what needed to do to pass the exam. He did had a upset face though. Kusei then got in a discussion with Gekko since I previously told Kusei they most likely encountered Gekko team and fought on the 2nd exam. It look like I was right and most of the injuries were made by him and his team mates but he said they were not that tired when they left just injured.( I suspect they later encountered the 3 Muscle Kumo ninjas and wasted to much energies to escape.)

Kusei then got more calm down after he told the events that happened since his team also encounter the 3 Kumo ninjas and manage to escape but with his team mates injured. Thats why Tukasa forfeit since he was to injured and tired. Ibiki was tired too and was injured seeing by his scars on his face but he had more mental fortittude than Tukasa and decided to participate on the 3rd exam.

Minato: "Next fight!!!! Uchiha Ronnin(15yrsold Gennin temp. member of Obito and Rin since they needed a 3rd member for the exam) vs Karen (sand ninja looks like she is 15yrs old as well)!!!" he said.

Ronnin got into the field with a jump/dive doing some spining and flips in the air then falling gracefully like those Olympic gymnast. With a smirk on his face. Looks like he was bandage on his torso, most likely from the injury left by Baki's Sword of Wind jutsu. Ronnin use the typical Uchiha attire with the fan on the back of his shirt, not much to say about him.

The green hair kunoichi Karen from the sand ninjas just got down by using the stairs normally. Finally reaching her spot at a good distance from Ronnin and setting her self up for combat.

Minato: "Contestant! Are you ready! Go!!!"

Like your every Uchiha, Ronnin started the fight with the Great Fire ball jutsu. At the same time Karen responded by doing some hand signs.

Karen: "Wind Style: Wind Devils" she exclaim.

Some small tornadoes appeared in front of Karen and because the whole place was filled with water they look like tornados made of water blowing away and taking apart the Great Fireball like nothing as the tornados headed in Ronnins direction.

Ronnin did not expected this outcome so he just did a half tiger sign and shushin out of the way of the tornados but Karen was already waiting for him has she threw at him some kunais at him. Ronnin dodge 2 of them and caught with his hand the last one, but to his shock. He got electrocuted by it like he got hit by a stunt gun. Karen had used a technique similar to Electro palm but she didn't use hand signs.(She must be of lighting affinity to do such chakra transformations without hand signs. Or is really adept at the element itself). Has Ronning got shock Karen release other projectiles to him hitting him on all his limbs. Follow with her doing a half tiger sign and shushin next to him with a Kunai on Ronnin's throat. It was to late for Ronnin to react. He was totally check mate.

Minato: "The winner Karen!!!!"

Ronnin had a pissed of face since the field didn't favor him with all the water on it. He gave and started to remove some of the shuriken still stuck on his arms and legs. While being guided by a medic ninja to the nursing facilities. Baki was smiling big time since he saw Ronnin get injured and humiliated but knew the field was on their advantage against fire all thanks to the water previously release by the mist and rain ninjas.



(By:Author, thanks for watching, give me your opinions about the chapter.)

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