Reborn in the Shinobi World as a Sarutobi

25 25 Preliminaries of 3rd exam part 5

Minato: "Next fight….Contestants!!!! Asuma  Sarutobi   vs  Zabuza Momochi!!!

Looks like it was my turn, and no other but Zabuza was my opponent. I wanted to leave a impression on him. So when they call me I shushin in the arena like if I was a mist shinobi. Mist spreading around after I made my appearance. This made allot of the mist ninjas still looking get mad since I was using their shushin(body flicker) style. Zabuza just grin or at least that's the impression I got under his bandages that cover his mouth. He follow the same way and also did a mist shushin style appearance.

Zabuza:  "So you are the re-known (Sword Master) Asuma and son of the 3rd Hokage. I heard you are strong with your sword techniques. I want to taste them and see for myself if you are all the hype I have been hearing about. I will show you what a true aspiring sword man from the mist fight!!!!" He said has he was emanating blood lust.

I felt a suffocated a little since there is a difference in experience of killing. They say the more you kill the more your killing intent. I release mine as well, I was no noob in the area of killing, but my killing intent was not as thick as Zabuza's. If I remember he killed over 100 students in the graduation exam, and he was not even part of it! He just barge in and massacre allot of shinobis that year, I think he was the only graduate, even if he was not a shinobi then. Well It was good enough for me to have enough breathing space to move and not freeze.

Asuma:  "You have a really strong killing intent. Do you think you got what it takes to take me on? I have heard about your aspiring swords man, but in my opinion you all are only define by the legendary sword you manage to get into your hands, the sword you get defines your fighting style. For me my goal is to be remembered by my sword skills and accomplishment not just an extra user of the said legendary sword. Let me give you a example, I have heard of one of your swords….what was its name Kubikiribōchō".  I said with contempt.

Zabuza: "You will regret insulting the mist swordsman. I will show you how strong I am." He said with a creepy laughter.

Minato: "Okay…..are you ready.....Go!!!!!!"

We both jumped backward to make more distance between the two. The floor was still pretty much in water. I took out my chakra sword and with my left hand I did a half tiger sign transforming my sword with Henge no Jutsu(Transformation Jutsu) into the legendary sword appearance of [Kubikiribocho](the future sword that Zabuza will wield). The moment I transformed the sword, I use the iconic pose the future Zabuza use while wielding the sword. (I remember Zabuza fighting style from the anime it was one of the first iconic battles so it was really fresh in my mind.)

Zabuza was shock seeing the sword, he had no idea how I knew the exact appearance of one of the 7 legendary swords of the mist look like. Mei Terumi was the same with a big shock expression.

Zabuza:  "How do you know how [Kubikiribocho] looks like?!  I don't think a gennin could have such information of our legendary swords!" he said with exasperation.

Asuma: "Well, being son of the Hokage has it benefits, specifically looking about records about previous encounters with the mist swordsman and fighting styles. If I am going to be the best swordsman out there I need to check on other styles I can't be close minded." I said as I had a big smile/grin on my face.

Zabuza: "I will kill you! There is no way I'll let you get away at mocking our Mist Swordman!" he said in a angry voice.

Zabuza did the iconic hand signs and pose for the Hidden Mist Justsu. Me imitating the pose and releasing my own, making the Mist to be double as thick basically blinding everyone in the arena. Zabuza had a shock face again before we lost eyesight contact because of the thick mist.

(this is happening within the mist)

Zabuza rushed behind my position and then stop since he couldn't hear a sound. Finally something click and he located Asuma 's position. Zabuza finally capable of seeing something he slash his trench knife to stab behind the back of Asuma. Zabuza smiling for managing to kill him fast but what Asuma bleed was not blood but water! Eventually Asuma collapsed in a puddle of water. It was a Water Clone! Asuma was behind Zabuza dashing with a frontal side kick connecting to the side ribs of the poor mist ninja. He was sent flying several meters. Zabuza got up then checking he had a big bruise on his ribs area, Asuma then created 5 water clones all heading to Zabuza. By this point the mist was a little dispersed already and the audience could see a little of what was happening.

Zabuza got mad and release more killing intent toward Asuma. Zabuza then started doing fast hand hand signs as he release 5 of his own water clones. The clone's then rush towards Asuma's clones, as Asuma clones used their swords to confront Zabuza's clones each other. The moment the clones clash swords it was one side massacre.  Asuma with the giant buster swords cut in half all of Zabuza's like if they were not even there. This shocks everyone because they know that water clones only get 1/10 of the original user's strength.  By this time Zabuza finish another set of hand signs.

Zabuza: "Water Style: Water Cyclone!" he aim his attack toward the general direction of the clones and Asuma.

The Cyclone manage to sweep away all the clones but Asuma threw the buster sword, rotating in the air and going in the direction of Zabuza as if aiming at his neck at extreme speeds. Zabuza manage to dodge on time as he crouch really low. The buster blade embed on the wall of the arena. When Zabuza  stand up to look for Asuma he noticed he was not there anymore. He turned to the direction of the thrown blade and seeing Asuma on top of the Sword embed on the wall. Asuma doing fast hand signs at incredible speed.

Asuma: "Water style: Water Dragon Bullet!!!"  a giant dragon made of water emerge from the floor as the arenas water was being accumulated forming the dragon.

The Water Dragon then headed at fast speeds towards Zabuza.  Zabuza had a panic look as he did his own hand signs as fast as possible. Zabuza release a water prison to envelop himself in a sturdy water bubble at the last second. The Dragon ram with great impact toward the bubble were Zabuza laid. He was washed away but thanks to the water prison he was not dead or heavily injured.

Asuma: "Okay, I am bored playing with you. I shall make you feel pain then I'll drown you how about that?" he said has his sword return to the original chakra blade as he release the Henge no jutsu(transformation).

Zabuza was irritated he was not going to go down easily or at least that was the meaning on his murderous look.

Asuma: "You will experience some of my sword techniques now." He said has Asuma use the iconic drawing pose of his SwordGod style.

Zabuza: "F*** you!!! I will decapitate you!!!!" Zabuza rushed toward Asuma with sword in hand, knife on the other and a kunai in his mouth.

Asuma: "Sonic Blade 8 Moves: Dance of the SwordGod" he said as 8 Asumas appeared surrounding Zabuza.

The 8 Asuma's then slash in different patterns all representing one of the moves of the SwordGod Style. Attacking from a distance as vacuum of wind slashed toward Zabuza, opening wounds all around his body blood splurging everywhere.  Zabuza mid-way just dropped to the floor with cuts everywhere in his body. (I didn't went deep enough because I didn't want him dead) The Asuma's that release the moves disappear as they reveal they were after images. Finally I got next to Zabuza and capture him with a Water Prison jutsu drowning and immobilizing Zabuza who had a look of terror on his face till he passed out.

Minato: "That's enough Asuma!!! You have won!! Release him now!" he yelled.

I did as told, Zabuza was not breathing but the medics got to him on time and manage to get a pulse and shallow breathing. The medics then took him to the nursing facilities. Everyone especially the ones not from Konoha were shock at my display of skills. They never expected for me to be this powerful and to at that know how to use the mist ninjutsu. They all thought I just learn them since most of the techniques I used were used previously by the mist, rain or hidden waterfall ninjas. They saw how I was playing with Zabuza from beginning to end so they were nervous not knowing how much I was hiding of my power.

Me Terumi: "Those were some incredible sword moves….He may be a challenge even to the 7 swordsman of the mist and he is only 11 years old….He could be a threat if he keeps growing like this." She said in a low voice to herself. (Unknown to her this was not only her thought as the other ninjas not from Konoha were thinking the same)

I returned to my seats next to Raido and Kusei in the benches with a smile because I just floor Zabuza the Demon of the Mist. So I was all hyped and in a high horse and nobody could do anything to me at the moment.

Minato: "Okay last fight of the preliminaries! Challengers are .....Raido vs Mei Terumi!!!!!"

Raido enter in the arena with a Leaf style shushin appearance. Following Mei did the same with a mist style shushin. Mei Terumi had a serious look since she saw that Raido was in my team so she couldn't look down upon him even if he look like a brat.(remember most of my team is about the same age between 11 or 12yrs old).

Mei Terumi was wearing a navy blue, dark blue dress that falls just below the knees. It seems to be closed at the front with a zipper, and is kept open on the front-right side from the waist down. The dress only covers up to the upper part of her arms and the underside of her breasts. Underneath, she wears mesh armor that covers slightly more of her upper body than her dress. She also wears a skirt in the same color as her dress and, underneath those, mesh leggings reaching down over her knees. Around her waist, she wears a belt with a pouch attached to the back on the left along with high-heeled sandals, shin-guards reaching up over her knees, dark blue nail polish on her fingers and toes, and she was using purple lipstick. She was about 5'5'' tall at the moment, looks like she is still growing because if I remember her height was 5'7'' in the anime, either way she look young she must be around 16 years old at the moment.

Mei: "Nice to meet you. I am Mei Terumi I hope you can please take it easy on me." She said in a flirtatious tone.

Raido: "I am Raido Namiashi nice to meet you. I will fight with my best, please don't take it personal but I must make an impression I can't lack or stay behind my fellow teammates." He said in a serious tone.

Mei: "Have it your way, I will not go easy on you I must become a chunnin." She said in a more serious tone.

Minato: "Are the contestant ready!"

Raido/Mei: "Ready!"

Minato: "Okay!!! Get set...…..Go!!!"

Mei: "Water Style: Hidden Mist!" she release mist in the surroundings.

Raido drew out his sword and dashed at Mei as she did some hand signs and release 5 water clones with kunai's in hand. Raido just dashed near them and dodging them getting close to Mei. She responding fast withdrew some shurinkens at Raidos direction. Raido use his sword as he swing it deflecting the shurinken with it.  Mei then responded by releasing a Water Trumpet jutsu the moment Raido was close to her sweeping him away with the water blast of the Water Trumpet technique. Raido at the same moment he got attack by several directions by the previous 5 water clones who were throwing shurinkens at him. Raido flipped jumped and used his sword at the same time dodging some and deflecting others but still got hit by some shurinken hitting him on his thigh and some on his left arm. Mei follow it with a Water Tidal wave jutsu while the water clones took their distance and kept throwing shurinken. Raido reacted and drop his ankle weights as he release and open 2 of the hidden gates rushing and getting out of the way of the tidal wave by jumping up high.

Mei saw how high Raido jumped so the water clones took this opportunity and kept throwing shurinkens at the poor Raido who was in mid-air. The original Mei did some hand signs and allot of water from the surrounding floor rise doing several Water Sebons to rise in the air homing at Raido. The Water Sebons all shooting  at high speeds. Mei kept Raido at bay with her jutsus, it looks like she didn't wanted to risk Raido to cut the distance.

Raido got hit by the water sebons and some of the shurinkens but most of the others where repel or deflected by his sword in hand. Looks like Raido upped and open the 3rd gate his skin got a little red and some of his injuries were getting heal instantly thanks to the gate of life(gate of healing). Raido unleashed then several "Sonic Blades" destroying the shurinkens and even targeting some of the water clones that were bothering him managing to kill 3 out of the 5 clones. When Raido managed to reach the ground, he shushin at max speeds and close the distance between him and Mei.

He did the start up move of the primary lotus kicking Mei right on her chin and sending her flying in the air by several meter high. Mei turned around immediately as she released a type of liquid from her mouth while Raido was getting close to her. Hitting Raido in the left side chin, near his eye on his face.  This stopped Raido in his tracks as he fall down again him covering his face with his left hand. Mei while falling was doing hand signs as she released a type of steam mist that was aimed at Raido. Raido barely reacting started to retreat as the mist was corrosive as part of his clothes where disintegrating.(looks like Mei was using her Blood line limit of magma release or Boil release since I remember she had 2 blood line limit.) The arena was going to be filled with this acidic mist. Raido not knowing what to do rush near the closest wall. Seeing no place to escape he said.

Raido: "I give up!!! Please stop your attack!!!"

Minato appeared and commanded Mei to stop it. She did has she changed the properties of the mist to be less acidic and harmless

Minato: "The Winner!!!! Mei Terumi!!!!!!! Now everyone that passed  we will have the finals in a month. Give us 3hrs we will announce who is going to fight who in the finals.

Raido look tired as he had the gates activated for some time now and it was the second time consecutively using it since last time was 2 days ago. Well looks like we got about 3 hours to settle, I wonder who we are going to fight in the finals.


(By:Author, thanks for reading, I would like your opinion about the fights. Also throw me your opinions on who should fight who, I will post in the authors comments the names of the people that manage to pass to the finals.)

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