Reborn in the Shinobi World as a Sarutobi

47 Ch47 Fighting the 7 swordsman of the Mis

The 7 swordsman look at us as, some of them started to laugh. Mocking us for being just a group of 2 chunnin and a couple of gennins. They couldn't believe we were the ninja units that been wreaking chaos among their Kiri shinobis. You could tell their arrogance since even among them they would bicker on who should target who. Looks like they were not planning on attacking as a team but as indiviuals, showing how big their ego was. Looks like the swordsman don't even get along among themselves.

I could see the nervousness on most of my team since I could see some sweat dripping from their foreheads. I didn't say anything as also the others since we were making for time, and them being talkative was good for us to waste some couples of secs.

Finally one of the 7 swordsmen jumps in front our group. He was wearing a Kirikagure Anbu mask and he had [Nuhibare?] a needle like sword with a metal wire hanging on the end of the pomel. I knew he was trouble, one he had an anbu mask meaning he is use to assassinations, second if I remember well that sword needle could be used to sew his victims together immobilizing them, and that metal wire was made mostly of chakra metal making it really a deadly and almost indestructible material, capable of cutting meat easily.

I knew he was one of the hard to handle so I step up as I drew my chakra metal sword ready for combat. I signal to my group to not directly help or confront him since he was dangerous. From everyone here the one who had the best chance to fight such troublesome opponent was me because I had sharingan ability to keep track of the wires and Ko Hyuga who had his Byakugan also capable to keep track of the almost thin invisible wires of the sword.

As I prepared my stand my team also got on theirs since it looked, he was planning of doing the job alone to finish us off. I noticed the others were just watching, but they were on alert as if ready to jump in if it was necessary. I knew the best chance in this kind of fight was a surprise kill, and getting rid of one of the swordsmen as fast as possible would be the best approach.

I immediately unseal my restrictions I had on, removing my gravity seals I had tattooed on my body. Removing the 10 times gravity made me feel like I could just fly by just jumping. Nobody noticed the difference except Ko Hyuga since he was on full alert with his Byakugan on. He knew I did something just not what. As I did that I rush at the Kiri Legendary swordsman using Shushin imbued with lighting chakra making me vanished in an instant.

By this time, 1 sec just past and the other swordsman got in between me and my target. As a old bearded man jump from the side of me with a giant sword with a scroll on the back of it. I knew that was the blastsword(bombsword). Instead of retreating, I speed it up another notched. I surrounded my body on my Wind Owl Cloak cutting all air friction and making me completely silent, speeding me up even more. By the time the Blastsword hit me. It just went through a physical illusion(an after image). As I was already in front of the owner of the twin lighting swords of Kiba.

Not wasting time I also decapitate her but since she was trying to retreat, my reach was not enough. So I unleashed a [Sword of Light] from the Sword God Style making my reach extend more than 30 meter aways as just a golden light laser cut straight to her neck. Half a sec later her head was falling off her body and blood splattering all over.

As this happened after I attacked the owner of Nuhibare(swordneedle). Raido,Gekko and Gal had activated up to their 3rd gate as they rushed to the owner of Shibuki(bombsword/blastsword). All three unleashing their Sonic Blades to him, but he used his sword and activated an explosion neutralizing the 3 Sonic Blades. None the less he was pushed backward a couple of meters. This took him by surprise and you could see it on his face.

Not only that but it looked like he lost one one of his feet. When he got pushed back Popo had thrown some metal wired around the field beforehand.  Luckily one of the wires was on his path when he was push back. Cutting of the feet of the owner of the BlastSword.

Since he lost his footing he was in big disadvantage,  as he tried to retreat, by using the hidden mist jutsu it was repelled by Anko and Genma as both released a Wind Breakthrough, blowing away the mist. At this moment Juzo the owner of Kuribocho(Zabuza futuresword). Jump in to help Shibuki sword owner, clashing against the giant buster sword of Gal, who at this point she released up to 5 gate of pain. Sending Juzo flying smashing him to the trees behind him destroying some on the way and some cut since it looks that at the clash Gal unleashed several Sonic Blades that followed after the first clash.

She did them so fast nobody notice when she unleashed them leaving poor Juzo cut in half or in 5 parts? He no longer was alive and in pieces.

Hyuga Ko got in the action as well since now that the owner of Shibuki was immobilized, He, and Genma attack simultaneously, as Genma used allot of metal sebons and aim at acupuncture points immobilizing the Kirikagure shinobi owner of Shibuki. While Ko Hyuga used his 64 palms as he cut him from his chakra.

At this point the other 3 left Kirigakure Legendary Swordsman didn't had a good look since all of this happened within some seconds of the start of the fight. They didn't for saw how powerful our group was actually. The 3 remaining decided to abandon ship and retreat. But at this point they noticed they were surrounded by 5 units of 5 members of total of 25 Konoha anbus led by none other but Lord Danzo. Who had a big smile on his face.

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