Reborn in the Shinobi World as a Sarutobi

49 ch49 aftermath and war extended

Lord Danzo: "I am surprise your group could handle 4 out of the 7 Legendary swordsmen. Sadly we can't give credit to my Root, since we mostly do undercover work. But I can at least take credit for them. Since I am renowned as a S-rank ninja the Darkness of Konoha. So to cut it short I am here to inform you as your superior that we shall distribute the glory of the defeat of the mist swordsmen of your teammates swordsmanship accomplishments and me helping backing you up and of course taking credit on the elimination of Fubuki the strongest swordsmen on the team. What do you think Asuma?"

Asuma: "I got nothing to add to it do as you must Lord Danzo. I at least believe we can stay with the swords of the swordsman we defeated right?"

Lord Danzo: "No, it's too soon and we are at war, I shall collect them and sent them to Storage at Konoha's Storage facility that belongs to the Council. Those swords are a heritage of the Mist, but I either way don't care. Don't worry by the end of this war you may collect the ones from the defeated you guys took. I will stay with Samehada since is one of the most dangerous sword, this one will be sent personally to Orochimaru, I got a plan and I hope you Asuma may help on the future. If we can replicate the swords ability to absorb chakra and help his user we could create a powerful army unit with it.  If you caught what I mean. So please could you give me the key to the seal for Samehada. If you don't trust me can you at least sent the key to Orochimaru, after all he will be working with the sword in the future." He said with his political smile, never leaving his face.

Asuma: "Sure Lord Danzo, I do trust you, here have the key this is just one of them, the other key I'll sent it to Orochimaru, via summoning scroll." I said as I took the other key and took out a scroll I created to work like a 2 way postal service similar to how the pokemon box system works to send pokemon to the professor, but this one was to send stuff to Orochimaru's lab, obviously I left a note of what it was for.

This got Danzo to remove his smile with a curious look; he never used or thought of using summoning scrolls like that. He later asks me if I could create a set for him since relaying information and delivering packages was important for his spy network. I said I could help create a set for him but he should let me also have access to the other swords that we didn't manage to kill, collect. He accepted since I had the same goal as him. I wanted to research the swords to later create our own for Konoha.

The war continued a little longer than expected since it's already been the 5th day. Looks like Iwa was pressuring more than usual. There was also the delay of the Kannabi bridge Minato had to take down, it look like they had more shinobi's interfering with their mission.  I also heard the news, Obito died, just like in the cannon but this time Kakashi confronted more than only 1 Iwa Jounnin but actually fought against 3 Iwa Jounnin forcing Kakashi to go beyond and losing one of his eyes. Just like cannon he got Obito's eye but this time the eye Kakashi got was Obito's right eye as all his left side was crushed by a boulder.

Orochimaru been too busy with his research so on this war, he only helped on the back lines with the injured. Basically taking the place that used to belong to Tsunade going from camp to camp to do surgical procedures to help the injured and critical patients. Since the new implemented program of the curse seal of healing palm, we now had allot of Medic corps units capable of assisting with minor injuries and surgeries. Leaving Orochimaru to work on his research and at the same time giving him reputation thanks to his new branch of Medic corps.

It's been already 2 weeks of being deployed, and we had some other confrontations against some of Iwakagure shinobis, looks like the Kiri ninjas stop sending their troops as we haven't seen some in a while. But by the end of the 14 day I got a reaction from one of my Sarutobi Hirashin seals. Looks like Rin was already abducted and infused with the Sanbi. I didn't have much time so I got a anbu mask of a monkey(not very original) and put it on, since I was already at base when I received the signal I immediately sent a message to Orochimaru to have a room ready for procedure for a heart transplant.  I immediately disappeared from the spot on a golden flash by the time I appeared Rin was already on the floor bleeding and Kakashi was in shock as he fainted. I noticed the now Tobi going on all vindicator against the kiri anbu. I didn't wasted time and stored Rin on a body stasis scroll and grab the fainted Kakashi vanishing from the spot, this time putting more effort on my Hirashin not leaving even a flash I didn't wanted Tobi to see me since he was busy killing kiri shinobis.

Not wasting time I appeared within the compounds of one of the medic surgery rooms. Orochimaru dress in all white already in surgical clothes.

Orochimaru: "So is it the Hatake the one needing surgery?" he said as he saw me I was carrying a unconscious Kakashi.

Asuma: "No, the one we performing heart surgery is on Rin the medic team member of Kakashi. Don't ask more questions, we got work to do." I said as I open the scroll on the surgical table, telling Orochimaru to take the appropriate equipment and blood type organ heart and blood.

The surgery took us about about 6 hrs, by the time we finished we were a little tired. Rin was now needed to rest and recover for about 10 days, as well to get accustomed since she now would have to retrain her chakra from the beginning. This could take her a couple of months since she was a medic ninja and her control was exceptional to begin with instead of 1 or 2 years. Another thing that happened after the surgery was that Rin's hair color was now white, most likely a weird side effect from the transplanted heart which had a high affinity for lighting release.(irony is see you)

Kakashi took 3 full days unconscious since he was tired and chakra depleted. Orochimaru and I notice he was being drain allot from his new Sharingan. So Orochimaru and I played with some seals and made a type of on and off switch for Kakashi's Sharingan eye. Now he had both eyes look the same pure black eyes. All he needed to do now was infuse chakra on his finger with a tiger sign and touch near his Sharingan eye with a "Sailor Moon kinda pose" if you know what I mean, to activate his sharingan.

Orochimaru still needed more research on the sharingan so we could make it so Kakashi didn't need to waste as much of chakra and instead make it like it was actually his and diminish the drain. But that still was a long way since we were busy with the war at the moment.

It was finally the 20th day when the war was announced over, since Minato step up into the front lines Killing over more than 2000 Iwakagure shinobis! It was double of what it was on the cannon! This crippled the fighting forces of Iwa forcing them to surrender and force to a peace treaty by Hiruzen and Danzo also gaining allot of reparation money and some land territories. Hiruzen just wanted the treaty but Danzo and the council put their hands on the matter of collecting for the forces loss in the war. With the pressure given by Danzo now that he had help allot by killing, helping his son kill the 7 swordsman he had to give in.

From this war in the end the one that benefitted was Konoha, nobody saw this coming as we fought against different fronts. Looks like the Kumo also lost their 3rd Raikage against Iwa fighting for over 10 days till chakra drain got him and died fighting and repelling over 10 thousand of iwa ninjas to help his troops to retreat to safety. Looks like Iwa wanted to weaken Kumo even though they proclaim being allies of them.

For summary of what happened in this 3rd ninja war. Lord Danzo along with Asuma, Gekko, Gal, Raido, Anko, Popo, Ko Hyuga, and Genma. Using the new swordmanship style of the SwordGod along with amazing team work took down 4 of the seven sword man. Lord Danzo taking care of the most dangerous Fuguki owner of Samehada a ninja comparable to a quasi-kage or kage level threat, along dispatching 2 other legendary swordsmen by himself.

Orochimaru's Medic Corps also shine on the battle field making fast recoveries and surgeries. Making the losses of Konoha almost minimal on the battle field.  Proving that having competent Medic nin's could turn the tides on logistics.

Fugaku, killed over 1000 of iwa shinobis along his Uchiha members, getting him the moniker of "Evil Eye Fugaku".

Danzo and Hiruzen fought along each other to stall against the Tsuchikage, thanks to the fast sword techniques of SwordGod along the special "King's Techniques" they could keep Onoki busy and even worried. Since Danzo showed that he too could fly in the air, getting Lord Danzo the new tittle of " Sky Sword Dancer of the hidden leaf".

And Minato ending the war by killing over more than 2000 iwa shinobi's in the front lines by himself in less than within one hour. Getting him the name of "Minato of the yellow flash" and gaining allot of hatred from the Iwa forces. Also managing to literally making them surrender and forcing the peace treaty.

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