Reborn in the Shinobi World as a Sarutobi

5 5 Fight with a Hatake and gift of a Shimura

Today was going to be my birthday party, my mom had everything plan for the party to be by the evening so I got all morning for my self. Which for me meant more training, I have been working with my wind attribute chakra, thanks to absolute wind chakra control that I wished I was able to fly or more like breeze with my techniques I created. I totally ripped off Kurulin form DBZ his Destructo Disk was the best technique for killing and resembles allot the wind chakra attribute of cutting anything in his path.

I also combine my wind chakra with "Body Flicker Technique, a ninja tech that allows to move short to long distances at an almost untraceble speed. To anybody watching is like I teleport.

This is accomplised by using chakra to temporarily vitalise the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and the intended destination. But thanks to my absolute wind chakra control I barely use anything for my movement since the efficiency of my wind control is absolute barely wasting anything with the bonus of cutting wind resistance making me even faster and silent like an actual ghost.

I totally ripped this from the future know "Shisui the Teleporter", has the defect of tunnel vision I got around it by training my hearing like Zabuza silent killing technique and using my wind chakra and wind currents to feel sense my surroundings.

So it can be used in actual combat, and even if I didn't depend on that I got similar abilities has a 3 tomoe sharingan imbued on my soul. So tunnel vision was never a problem to begin with. After finishing my Tai Justsu training which lasted about 3hrs after I woke up, which was usually about around exactly 4 am after my return of it I took a bath and saw my clothes that my mom bought for me.

It was a white short-sleeved shirt with a blue and black collar over chain-armor,along with a simple white vest, a pair of black pants and a white belt.

Looks like the party was going to be around one of the Sarutobi big courtyard since it was going to be a kind of like a outside birthday party. I saw allot of tables like in picnics all filled with the brim with allot of all type of dishes, only some tables where empty with nothing on it, either for presents or for extra visitors. They even had build a ninja course? or a kids playground park set up on the by courtyard.

Even a big freaking "Pinata" in shape of a elephant even thought I never seen a elephant in Naruto apart from the summoning of Danzo in the anime, you know that weird paper mache statues/figures you fill with candies to later to destroy them with a wooden bat/stick to make the candies fall. In my previous life this was a Latin/Mexican culture thing at birthday parties and celebrations on christmas.

Mom later explain that the "Pinata" was gotten actually gotten by a friend of my father since he forgot to order it because of work. While some servants or workers from the Sarutobi where doing that I was having some time playing some shogi with my maid Nanako. She really has grown on me since she and my mom where the ones that usually make sure I went to sleep and was well fed since I most of the time lost myself on my studying/research and training.

As of today I present myself to other clan members and their sons, so from my mom perspective it was the perfect time to me to get some friends my age. At the beginning I didn't get shogi and kept losing over and over again when playing. Well i was never into this type of games like shogi, go and chess, I barely touch checkers on my past life and I thought I was good when I later I discovered I was just average.

Now I for sure I can say I am a decent or advance player, since I was been confirm by my mom, and by dad. I really want to get crazy good on this game and on the "Go" board. I really don't like losing and knowing that in the future I am going to be a teacher to one of the most genius characters on Naruto I don't want to look bad. I want the future Shikamaru to have several loses on this game under his belt from me.

Slowly but surely allot of people where arriving at the courtyard I didn't recognized anybody mostly from some unknown clans or civilians since this was kind of a open party my dad created this kind of party treating it has a holiday since I saw him and mom talking, dad having a relax face has if he didn't have to do paperwork. (I wonder who got stuck with it).

Then I saw a small group escorted by some ninja and a samurai, once they got to the party the ninja and samurai left to the outside of the courtyard, and the guest which I assume was the fire daimyo since he was dress a fancy went to sit with my dad and started talking. Has this was happening and the party was getting lively. My mom called me to present myself has the host and welcome everyone. So I had to do a small speech so people would know who I was.

Asuma: "Welcome everyone to my party! My name is Asuma Sarutobi! Today I am turned 5yrs old and hope that everyone is having or will have a good time in my party! Thank you everyone for coming and enjoy your time!"

I said has I did a small bow in the end.

As I approach my dad who signal me to come, I think he wanted to present me with the daimyo and with the other clan members.

Hiruzen: "Mr.Daimyo this is my son Asuma has you can see".

Daimyo: "Hello there, little Asuma has you can see your party is super important now that I am here, actuality is that I wanted to visit Konoha for a while now but I been busy, your birthday party invitation just came at the most welcome time. If you want something for your birthday I can get you anything but it will arrived at a later date. So do you wish for anything little Asuma." The Daimyo said has it looks he didn't got a present with him.

Asuma: "Sure I would love to have a chakra metal ninjas sword if possible, about 3ft 6in long."

My dad look shock at my request. Most likely because chakra metal is expesive and rare to find, but then again he is the Fire Daimyo he has all the money and resourses of the land of fire it would't be hard for him right.

Daimyo:" I see, that indeed is possible but to prepare such a thing it will take about maybe 6months before you get it. Are you sure about the sword."

Asuma:" Yeah! I been interested in swordmanship and want to be renown by it in the future for that I need a good sword."

Daimyo: "Okay then you'll have your sword in the future. I hope I do here great things about you in the future and see what legends you create as a swordman. Maybe you'll be able to match the 7 swordsman of the mist. I would totally would love for our land of fire to have their own renown ninja swordman."

After that I had some idle chat with the damyo about my future interest and my hobbies. I even had some matches of shogi with him.

Finally I disengaged from the Daimyo and my mom took me to present me with some of the other clans.

Hibiko: This is the head clan patriach of the Hatake Sakumo and his son Kakashi.

As I saw kakashi look he resemble his father allot. Crazy he is using that mask already covering his face. Even his father doesn't cover it.

Sakumo: "I have heard from your mom that you like the way of the sword/blade and been practicing allot. Do you want to have a spare with my son Kakashi he been practicing the Hatake blade techniques. Wanna give it a go and see how you fair againt him." Sakumo said has if just a daily occurence.

Kakashi acting a little suprise at his dad, like he had just read his mind. Since he was giving me a weird look at me since most likely I was carrying with me a wooden tachi sword at my waist.

I notice from a far that Hiruzen was overheard our discussion and not only him but Danzo too which he was seated next to him and the Daimyo. Most likely talking about political things.

Asuma:" I accept I have not been able to test my techniques in actual combat. Let me go get another wooden sword tachi for Kakashi." I said has I went inside the home and brought out another wooden tachi sword and gave to Kakashi.

Sakumo: I'll over see the match lets do it over there near the playground set over there.

Kakashi and me headed with Sakumo to the training ground/playground and set our distance with our wooden tachi on hand. Sakumo watching from the side raising his hand for the start of the match.

Sakumo:" 2 or 3 matches and you will be consider the victor" he said like if he was proctoring an exam.

From the distance you could see Hiruzen,Danzo the Daimyo and other watching us. Since we took all the attention being the birthday party host and all.

I immediately took my relax side ways pose based on my SwordGod style. Has Kakashi took his Fang over Fang blade style of the Hatake's. I was going to totally rip off his Hatake style thats why I accepted this challenge since I was still trying to improve my 8 movements swordmanship of the SwordGod style.

Has Kakashi dashed immediately to me with his blade, I dashing to but in a more stand up form with my hand ready near my waist grabbing my wooden tanto. I set a limit to myself has Kakashi chakra level where gennin level and for me to improve in actual combat I needed the experience which most likely Kakashi had practicing against his father which I didn't had. So I went with half of of chakra levels of what Kakashi was demonstrating/outputing while fighting. Our Blades clash as at the last moment I unleash my tachi from my waist in a fast trajectory to his blade blocking it completely.

Kakashi immediately withdraw backwards, but not letting him breath I follow to close the gap. Kakashi immediately unleashing some pattern slashes toward me while withdrawing. For some reason even thought I knew what he was going to do I was a little slow. Has since this was my actual first combat experience the nervousness was getting to me. But I was not missing any of the movements of Kakashi blade. He then vanished has he jumped from one of the poles on the playground and appear just above me strinking down on me with the tachi.  I noticed this attack had allot of power from gravity and his whole body using it as a spring to realease full destruction. I barely dodge has I saw my shirt rip partially apart has I dodge. I got to admit it hurt, thank god I had chain mail.

Sakumo:" Stop! First match is Kakashi." he said has he brought his attention to me.

Sakumo:" Are you okay Asuma, do you want to continue because if you don't want to I can end it here."

Asuma:" NO! What I meant is I want to continue. I am learning allot just from sparring."

Sakumo:" Okay lets continue then Round 2....Start".

This time the battle was getting better, I was now immitating Kakashi's style but you still could notice that who had the advantage, which was Kakashi after all he was practicing this style for more years, but thanks to my harsh tai jutsu training I had the upper hand on strenght. Also the Hatake blade techniques depended on fast dashes  with all the body behind the attacks and allot of suprise attacks from weird angles and powerful drops with allot of chopping/slash power. The longer the fight was going on the more Kakashi was getting tired in the end we ended with a frontal attack dash from the Hatake style blade techniques. Has we clash our blade at full power....or at least Kakashi was I was going half my power. He was sent flying backwards with his hand shaking and his blade out of his hand on the ground. My physical prowess was to much for his arm/body.

Sakumo:" Victory for Asuma on the 2nd round,  for the last round less have a 3 minute break so you 2 can recover" he said has he look at me a little suprise.

Kakashi also look suprise mostly shock that I was capable of imitating his Hatake blade techniques, even if a little sloppy compared to him. Most likely he also was shock at how strong I was and that I didn't even look tired. The 3 minute break was most likely Sakumo trying to give a breather to Kakashi.

Has Kakashi was sitting on one of the benches in the playground resting and watching me has I just sit where I was streching my neck muscles and breathing smiling to Kakashi. Showing a toothy grin. Also the nervousness was about already gone and I was feeling all hyped up. I was planning to go all out in the Hatake blade techniques against Kakashi also integrating my SwordGod style into them. I got to admit I learn allot from this matches I could now further the power/speed and techniques of my 8 sword movements I been developing for the SwordGod. Also I already learn all the attack patterns and main movements of the Hatake style since it revolves on full body movement techniques unleash in a suprise all for one attacks. Most likely combine with the lighting chakra there is nothing they cannot slash/chop in one movement.

Kakashi was massaging his right hand with his lefthand has for sure he got some nerve damage or muscle burden from our final clash on the second match. Never looking away from me who looked like I was just chilling while taking deep breaths.

Sakumo: "All right 3 minutes of rest are over, participants please get in position." He said with a smile, he really was getting into it.

I got in position has before but this time I was mirroring Kakashi pose. Kakashi was taken aback and then you could see anger in his eyes. Most likely getting mad that I was straight up challeging him with his family Hatake blade techniques.

Sakumo:" Start!!!!"

Immediately my music flew inside my head specifically "Linkin Park-PaperCut". Has I went full gear toward Kakashi only using 1/4th of my physical power to match Kakashi speed and strengh. This time the battle was flowing in my favor has I use the Hatake blade techniques. Flowing my own rhythm based on the song "PaperCut". Kakashi was getting serious has hell since you could see his focus look, but non the less he couldn't follow my flow. Me ending him with the movement he used to finish our first match, me aiming at his face and neck just scraping it on purpose cutting his mask. Making it fall for his face to be shown to the world.

Sakumo:"Stop! The winner of the 3rd match and over all victor Asuma." He said has he look shock on how I ended the match.

Kakashi stunted at how he was defeated with his own style, Sakumo approaching him and passed a scarf to Kakashi who immediately cover his lower face with. In actuality he doesn't look bad a he is in the handsome body faction, maybe that's why girls, like the Ichiraku Ramen girl had hearts on her eyes when she saw Kakashi's face in the future. Kakashi went directly to a bench and slumped dead tired has he was sweating allot looking down alittle. Maybe he had never been defeated or humiliated like this.

Sakumo approach me, brought me to Kakashi to sit next to him, and said.

Sakumo:" Kakashi, you did the best you could do don't look dissapointed, I was shock has well how good little Asuma here pick up the blade techniques, but do you know whey he won in the end compared to you even thought both of you where using the same techniques."

Kakashi looked up at his dad and show a look that meant he didn't know why.

Sakumo: "Little Asuma here not only use our clan techniques but made them his own, he flow with the blade creating his own rhythm compared to your bland,strict techniques, he manage to set the pace for the fight. For you to even have a chance you would have to break his flow, to interrupt hi rhythm. Which it could be hard to grasp depending if he even decided to change it midway or otherwise."

Kakashi looked like he understood but at the same time he looked at me like I was a kind of monster for being able to pull all of that off within just 2 matches.

Kakashi extended his hand to me for a hanshake and said to me.

Kakashi: My name has you know is Kakashi, I have learn allot from you has you have learn from me. I won't lose the next time. As for now I consider you my rival so you better not slack off.

Asuma: "Sure, no problem I'll love to spar with you again after all I am developing my own sword techniques. I hope you enjoy the party since is still not over we got allot of food so enjoy I said.

Kakashi nodded and left with his father to some other tables where people where eating. There where some kids cheering to Kakashi which he totally ignore. Same for me thought, so I try to separate from those and try to approach anyone that look familiar to the anime series.

In the background I saw Hiruzen and Danzo discussing looks like they got in a verbal argument. I couldn't see it clearly but looks like Danzo won on their argument. He stood up and started walking towards me. I suddently felt nervous, what does Danzo wants with me, obviously nervous has Danzo always been depicted has the most evil/distorted selfish mind.

Danzo:" That was a magnificent way of using the blade, was that not the Hatake techniques, did you practice them previously?"

Asuma:" No, I just learn them in combat just now."

Danzo:" Amazing! You have incredible talent in the way of the sword, I already ask for permission from your father, so I have this scroll for you, it has the Shimura's Sword Techniques and hope it helps you on your path to become famous in the way of the sword. Also has I was discussing with your father, you are not allowed to straight up use the Hatake techniques since there are their Clan techniques and you don't have permission to use them, but since I am giving you mine and I approve you can use them has your own. Happy Birthday Asuma." He said with a sincere smile. Which freak me out more, if I didn't knew he was one of the main/side villain from Naruto I would totally believe he is a good old man.

Asuma: "Thank you Lord Danzo!" I said has I received the scroll.

Danzo:" That's not all, I also have some of my own wind style jutsus for you, for any one with potential in the way of the sword wind techniques can help you complement them, and I have a hunch you have affinity for wind chackra." he said has he was still smiling while giving me another scroll.

Hiruzen was watching this with a concerned look but it look like he expected this.

Asuma:"Thank you so much again! " I said to him in a appreciated tone.

Danzo: "It's not much, plus I don't have nobody to pass on my techniques, never had a son for myself. Well got to go, I got some business elsewhere." He said has he left in a casual manner his smile never leaving him.


That was weird. How did he had a hunch I am wind attributed chakra. Has he been spying on me with his root? I got to watch out more during my training.


(Behind the Scene on the Background watching the Fight between Asuma and Kakashi)

Danzo: "Do you see that Hiruzen he has talent for the sword, also who taught him those sword movements they resemble my Shimura's clans techniques! Hiruzen have you teach him my techniques!"

Hiruzen:" I have not had time for him at all, and no, I have never actually train him on anything to be fair, I don't know where, he pick up those techniques! I am just as suprise has you. I thought maybe you where teaching him in secret behind my back!" He said retorting back to Danzo.

Daimyo:" Gentlement just watch the good show you two can discuss later!"

Hiruzen/Danzo:" Yes, Lord of Fire! You are right!"


(After match ended)

Danzo:" Hiruzen let me train your son in the way of the sword, he will be a remarkable swordman and pride for konoha in the future! His talent can't go unwasted!" he said in a firm tone.

Hiruzen: " You know, very well I will not allow it, you would use him for you own use, I know you well Danzo. I won't let you teach him. Even if he was your son I am his rightful father."

Danzo: "Then let me at least pass on my sword techniques I have them with me in a scroll. He will waste too much time if he is indeed trying to develop sword techniques and it's more convinient having a foundation. You can't just waste your son's potential! I also over heard your wife comment to you that he wanted to learn jutsus why haven't you teach him anything. Its just such a waste of potential. I may has well pass him my wind vacuum jutsus." he retorted.

Hiruzen:" Ok, I'll allow you to "gift" them to my son but you are not allowed to teach him yourself or have anyone from your faction approach him. You'll have to pass by me first if anything." Sarutobi said has he was tired disscussing with his old pal.



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