Reborn in the Shinobi World as a Sarutobi

51 ch51 getting my canon team


Today was the day we got assign a new team. Well, actually for me this was going to be my 3rd team assignment since I started early as a teacher. My previous students were mostly from civilian background so I had a system with them, I would train 2 out of the 4 on SwordGod style swordsmanship and 1 on Defensive/counter WaterGod style swordsmanship.

As the last one was a medic all I did was assist them on chakra control exercises, expanding their chakra reserves and also training them on using chakra scalpel as an offensive jutsu integrating WaterGod style with it, kind of similar to the 8-trigrams of the Hyugas fighting style but uses scalpel to cut ligaments, tendons, nerves, blood vessels instead of chakra points.

Teaching them also some C-rank elemental jutsus with their corresponding affinity and with Head-Hunter Jutsu as a mandatory escape technique as I wanted high survivability on my teams. After that I made sure they at least had minimum requirements of advance or peak advance swordsmanship nearing saint rank before allowing them to participate on the chunnin exams.

Either way back on topic, Kakashi recently got out of Anbu since his son Guy Hatake was graduating as a gennin also Gal Hatake, Kusei  Yuhei and me pressure him to be a teacher since prolong exposure with Anbu as kind of change his attitude, being way to serious at most times. My dad then just passed us the team profiles. He wanted to do this since some of our kids were involved. To not make it preferential treatment we were not assign our own kids or family members.

Hiruzen: "Asuma, your team consist of the Ino, Chika,sho and as the 4th member taking the medic role will be Guy Hatake. I hope you know he has already previous sword training and rigorous taijutsu training given by both his father and mother. So you don't need to worry much but to help him improve his medical knowledge and ninjutsu. "He said as he looks between Kakashi and me while smoking his pipe.

Asuma: "Got it, my focus will be being more on that front, and what about the other clan heirs?" I said as I took my own pack and took out a cigar as I light it up.

Asuma: "Okay, no need to be so serious, you do know one way or another I could figure out their techniques right?" I said with confidence.

Hiruzen: "Exactly, that why they offer them to you in advance to keep it a secret, binding you to not reveal them. If you had figured them out yourself and recreate them, then you would be free to pass them on. But now that they gave it, you can't proclaim them as yours not allowing them to roam free."

Asuma: "Well, most likely the one that came with this idea was the Head of the Nara clan. But I don't blame him. I would have done the same."

Hiruzen: "As for you Kakashi because of the odd number of graduates you don't have a four man team squad but more of the classic 3 man squad. Your students are Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki and your medic ninja will be Sakura Haruno who is from a civilian background. Since this is your first time as a teacher this should be fine. But I would like to see some results on your teaching abilities. "He said as he gave a nod to Kakashi.

Kakashi: "Don't worry Lord Hokage I would do my best. I do have some teaching experience." Kakashi gave a smile with his eye, thinking that teaching his son counted as experience.

Hiruzen: "That's what I am worried about. You and Gal are always expecting allot from people. Try to not to be so serious on your training or cold with them. Remember they are not your kids, and Kushina would nag at me if something happens to Naruto." He said as he rubs his forehead temples.

Kakashi didn't knew how to retort back, most of his training was harsh but he was used to it that's how his father taught him and that's how Gal used and still trains. But he didn't want to get the wrath of Kushina. Now he needed to see how he needed to approach his new students.

Asuma: "Dad, being unofficial right now and asking as a father. Where did my daughter Mirai ended on." I said as I was curious.

Hiruzen: "Mirai ended with Kusei Yuhi as their teacher, with Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame, and Hinata Hyuga as the medic ninja. Most of the team was form like this to make a tracker team. Mirai been a exceptional chakra sensor since young that's why she was included on this team. You know she is on good hands since she is with Kusei." He said with a smile.

Asuma: "Right, I trust him and he could teach some genjutsu to Mirai. I really didn't cover that material with her when I was training her when little."

Hiruzen: "Okay, enough with the chatter you both may go. I got allot more work to do." He said as he turned to his paperwork.

Kakashi/Asuma: "Yes, Lord Hokage!" we said as we disappear from the spot.

(Other things that happened within the last 3 years)

Danzo along most of his Root members took off 3 years ago as an ambassador of peace. This was a excuse for him to try to calm the region around the edges of the land of thunder in between the land of Hot water and the land of Iron, who was a impoverish lands and suffered from conflicts from rouge ninjas, some ronnin samurais  and some unorganized ninja clans. Within 3 years he manages to convince the lords of the area to unify all this forces under the name of the Hidden Sound Village. Danzo becoming the Otokage of such village as he used force methods to unite them and also instill loyalty towards him and his Root.

For this reason part of the Shimura Clan relocated, as now they were spading trade, and other business helping the economy of such areas while also extending the spy network of Root. Danzo as the new Otokage signed a peace non-aggression treaty with Hiruzen since he still had loyalty to Konoha and was more like Otokagure was under Konoha protection.

Thanks to this, Orochimaru had some other resources to draw upon, since Konoha was now trading with Otokagure and open some medical facilities to help the impoverish village and his surroundings. Obviously benefiting by finding talents like Kimimaro from the Kaguya clan. Also thanks to Orochimarus advance medicine, Kimimaru was cured from his genetic disease only taking 3 months to cure him while at the same time empowering and purifying his blood line of the Bone Pulse Gekkai Kekkai.

If you wondering how all this happened and how the council let Danzo be was because, first he was influential and had connections with some lords and daimyos. Second he was helping a chaotic poor country who didn't had an official military power, and 3rd he brought business and trades with him by relocating part of the Shimura clan taking most of the business around but also helping them under his banner. This Danzo was acting more like a businessman of a corporation to take over the economy of the land before taking it with his military, making it so they are dependent of him.

They were some small conflicts at first, mostly from Kumokagure but most of Kumo forces were deter by Danzo and his Root. Danzo showing he was as strong as a Kage and why not, he had some upgrades since some years back with his Hashirama wood elemental right arm and his Artificial Sharingans [AS] thanks to that he had an enough boost to actually reach Kage level chakra capacity. Takikagure wanted to intervene too but because the area was not near their territory they couldn't interfere since the land of Iron was in-between them which is a neutral territory own by the samurai.

Because most of the lords of the area and because Danzo had connections with the Daimyo of the Land of Fire Otokagure was recognized as his own hidden village, allowing them to participate on the chunnin exams of the other hidden villages, well that is if they do get invited but they none the less are allowed in Konoha for the chunnin exams.

At the moment Danzo is involve with trying to take over the fishing industry that is owned by Gato's firm, but since he is too busy with the management of Otokagure he hasn't taken any moves against Gato yet.

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