The training ground #13 is similar to training ground #7 but since the reform of the medic ninja program instead of 3 logs stuck on the ground in the center of the field are instead now 4 logs which is now the norm. Also on training ground #13 there are some big rocks around the field compared to grounds #7 since it also closer to some rocky mountains.

By the time team 10 arrive to the training grounds it was already around 1pm. The sun was still up and the sky was clear just with some scattered white clouds. Asuma was sitting on top of one of the logs in the middle of the field. While drinking from his gourd no longer smoking from his cigar that he just put out. Asuma also look calmer now but you could see a little flush of red on his face most likely from drinking too much peach wine.

Asuma:   "Okay, before we start anything let me hear an introduction from all of you. Here is an example:  My name is Asuma Sarutobi, my likes are drinking tea, peach flavor alcohol or wine, smoking my medical cigars. Practicing my swordsmanship, teaching stuff to my daughter and my pet summon, I also like women….well there allot I like. Moving on, my dislikes are lazy people, people that think they know better without any actual experience to back it up. I also dislike noisy and nosey people acting like they are the boss of a gang of bandits and stuff, you know people who are over the top yelling their lungs out.  Now for Hobbies, I like training myself, playing shogi or board games also some card games involving strategies like that recently card game called Yu-gi-oh. Finally my dreams are to be the strongest capable on protecting my love ones. Now it's your turn, who is going first?"

Ino: "I am Ino Yamanaka, my likes are flower arrangements, drinking camellia tea with some sweets. My dislikes are things overly spicy and also lazy people and trouble makers. My hobbies are helping my mom at her flower shop store and learning about herbs. My dreams are to marry a handsome guy that I can really on since I am going to be the head of the Yamanaka in the future I need somebody just as outstanding." She said in a calm not loud voice but just clear enough for us to hear. (Looks like Asuma dislike of loud people got to her.)

Choji: "My name is Choj  Akimichi, my likes are beef and BBQ chips the most but I am open to other flavor  and spicy foods. I like to hang around Ino and Shikamaru. My dislikes are bland or flavorless foods. I also hate it when people call me fatso. My hobby is buying and eating snacks as for my dreams are to find a girl that admires me because of my appetite." That is what he said while still munching on his BBQ chips.

Shikamaru: "Well looks like my turn is up. My name is Shikamaru Nara my likes is do cloud watching and taking naps. My dislikes are troublesome things and nagging persons. My hobbies are to play shogi, go and trading card games like the aforementioned Yu-gi-oh. My dreams is to live a simple life and away of troublesome things." He said with a defeated look since most of what he said was going to be change knowing who his teacher was.

After the introductions Asuma told them that they were not officially gennins till they passed his bell test. This bell test was based on 3 bells and they needed to manage to get one in order to officially pass. They did complain since they were only 3 and they were 4 of them, but Asuma explain that they test was meant to be like that since they were looking for quality on their shinobi's. They one that drop out would return to the academy for extra training for a year before trying again. Depending on whom drop out they would find a substitute who could be from the older generation who also had the same problems, since some teams were not complete and were doing missions individually as gennins till a team was found for them.

This actually got them all on edge, since what Asuma said could possibly be the truth. Since they integrated the Sword Academy and the Medic Ninja program there was way too many graduating shinobi compared to the past.

(Not knowing this was the plan of Asuma to make them in a state of discord to see if they still see through the real meaning of the teamwork test.)

At the beginning it look like Asuma's plan work as all of them separated and tried to attack individually at first except for Shikamaru who was assisting Choji to distract Asuma so they could land some blows on him. Using tactics with a combination of shadow clones and some kunais they manage to bind Asuma for at least 2 seconds for Choji to hit him with a body expansion arm technique sending Asuma flying and smashing against a tree. At the same moment Ino tried to use this opportunity to use her family's body possession technique. Sadly the technique fails as at the moment of possession the instant it hit Asuma's body it exploded in smoke revealing it was a clone from the beginning.

Because of that Ino's body was fully exposed and unconscious on the floor. Asuma popping out from the floor since he was hidden using Head hunter jutsu , Asuma body flicker next to Ino as he tied her up immediately to a tree. As he finished doing this he gets surprise attack with a Dynamic Entry from Guy who popped out from a blind spot hitting the left side of Asuma but responding on time Asuma intercepted most of the impact with his right hand as he cross his chest. Either way he was sent flying some meters back. It looked like Guy was using ankle weights under his leg warmers since the impact carry way too much power for not going that fast.

Guy instead of doing a follow up attack instead took out his knuckle blade and cut the ropes that help Ino on the tree, picking her up and running away using body flicker(or it look like it at least). Asuma just laugh at this. Looks like as a medic ninja Guy took priority to help Ino, which in turned show his teamwork instead of following up trying to get one of the bells.

Either way because of this everyone had a breather as everyone try to hide within the forest of the training ground.  Ino who was unconscious finally woke up and found herself being princess carry by Guy as they were hiding a top a tree branch a good distance from Asuma. She immediately got flustered but calm down enough to inform Guy she was okay to be laid down. Guy didn't even flinch and acted like it was not a big deal looking out with his only eye out revealing a serious look.

Guy informs Ino that Asuma was indeed powerful since his Dynamic entry didn't look like it did much damage. His Dynamic Entry was certified by his dad Kakashi saying that his kick could kill even Jounnin if caught by surprise, and if they even respond on time to defend they would be gravely injured. But Asuma looked in pristine condition just showing how much of a monster he was.

While this was happening Asuma didn't move from his place that much. All he did was just step forward to some small clearing just waiting for his students to try to get the bell. They only had till 6pm to get the bell if not he was going to fail all of them to return to the academy.

Shikamaru was with Choji just waiting hiding behind some bushes a good distance away surveying the area and the situation. Shikamaru was overthinking trying to find a good way to get the bells and at the same time see if there was a trick to pass the exam with all of them in since he like the dependability of Guy. Shikamaru was planning of using the play on words of the teacher against him. Asuma did say as long we managed to get the bells. He never said sharing the bells was not allowed and wanted to use that loop whole to make everyone pass.

While shikamaru was thinking all of this, Asuma finally decided to make a move as he used the Bushin Kage and made 2 clones one headed at the direction of Shikamaru and Choji while the other headed to Ino and Guy. This got all of team 10 on alert, looks like Asuma wanted to test them in combat.

(Clone fighting Shikamaru and Choji)

Asuma appeared just behind them with a leaf shushin giving them a heads up that he had arrived. Shikamaru jump backwards as Choji got in front of him as he expanded his right arm to clash against Asuma. The hit was stop by a giant shadow of a hand that pop out from Asuma shadow as he had just done a rat symbol handsign. This shocked Shikamaru since he recognized the secret jutsu of his family but this one look different since the shadow took physical form and pop out of the ground matching the since and strength of Choji blocking the attack. After the impact both disengaged as Shikamaru did his own family secret technique to stretch and connect his shadow to Asuma to bind him and immobilize him.

Success, he manages to connect on time with his shadow paralyzing Asuma. Sadly for an instant looks like he forgot he was against a clone from the beginning when he notices he also couldn't move along with Choji. Both where immobilize by the real Asuma who was behind them and his shadow connected to both of them. The Shadow clone force break himself from his binding and move forward to tied up both Choji and Shikamaru to the logs in the middle of the field.

(Clone fighting both Ino and Guy)

Asuma clone got near the tree where both Ino and Guy were standing and immediately used the tiger sign with his right hand as he swing it at the tree cutting it clean without effort. Ino and Guy had no option but to jump out of it, while taking distance from Asuma. Guy was specially on alert since he knew that his teacher was strong. But at the moment he was focus on the Asuma in front of him, he got a surprise on his blind spot from behind on his left side of his face by Ino. The kick was extremely sharp and decently fast sending Guy to the floor some 3 meter away. Guy rolled fast and got up taking distance now from both Ino and Asuma. Cleary confused on why Ino just kick him and also cutting his head band with that sharp kick, revealing his left yellow eye with 3-tomoe Sharingan. As this happened Asuma looked impressed as Guy closed his right eye since it would disturb his focus from his [AS] on his left eye.

Guy tried to analyze the situation but he couldn't get around it. Since Ino dashed at Guy with kunai on both hands at Guy. Ino suddently body flicker as she appeared behing Guy but he had already predicted her movement thanks to his [AS] what shock him was that Ino look like she knew taijutsu combat pretty well as Ino used attacks that aim at tricking and aiming for blind spots against her sharingan. The Asuma then just got in as he would throw some shurinken to disturb Guy 's combat flow. Letting Ino to manage to connect several punches and kicks at vital parts like his kidneys and under his armpits numbing him. Guy was trying to hold back since he didn't want to hurt Ino. Trying to talk to her to get her from whatever genjutsu she had fallen too since that was his only guess. Guy at the moment was not as good with his [AS] yet so the most he knew what to do was basic hypnosis to make the enemy to fall asleep which was a basic genjutsu but it was not working agains Ino.

Eventually after some rounds Asuma got Guy from behind with a judo chop to the neck. By the time they manage to wake up they were all tied up to the logs in the middle of the field. Also the alarm clock show that they only had 1hour and 30 minutes left for the exam to finished.

Asuma:  "You guys still got 1 and a half hours, to try again. I hope you guys try harder." He said as he was now smoking one of his medical cigars and puffing smoke in front of his students.

So a second round was initiated, this time everyone was focus on getting the bells while at the same time on alert since Ino inform his team that for some reasons his teacher knew the body-mind switching technique of the Yamanaka. This confirm what Shikamaru saw too which it looked like the signature skill from his Nara clan combine with something similar to the Akimichi by demonstrating how that shadow arm imitated the size and strength of Choji's expansion jutsu. Which made him had 2 conclusions, one was that his teacher analyzed them and manage to copy them to some extent or option 2 he already knew their family secret jutsus, which meant their family patriarchs willingly gave them to Asuma for either to guide them or as a type of bribe to take them as disciples.

Not only have that, Shikamaru noticed Asuma was showing them his superiority. By mocking them using their own jutsus. Using shadows from the Nara, expanding using brute force with it by mimicking the giant arm of Choji with the shadow jutsu. Using the Body-mind switching technique of the Yamanaka and showing his understanding of Taijutsu using the body of Ino to demonstrate his finesse in combat while not over straining Ino's body.

So in this final dash to get the bell they all started working together as they did a overly complicated maneuvers, with trickery in combination with clones, shadow binding kunais, and the physical attacks of both Choji and Guy to finally manage to trick and get the bells from Asuma.

Shimaru was the first to get them and to pass them to the other 3 members. Telling Asuma that he didn't mind to return to the academy.

Asuma laugh at that as he explain the whole point of the exercise was teamwork and that indeed it was a trick all along but it did had some truth since not all teams manage to graduate with all 4 members and there were some 3 members exceptions out there.

After Asuma officially passing them, they all started bickering with him. Like why he knew their families secret techniques. Asuma just laugh it out saying they gave it to him to guide them in the future, as for Guy well he knew the lighting techniques of his dad because he used to train with him when younger.

By the end of the day Asuma did gave them an ultimatum that he will train them to be better than their predecessors so no slacking off or lazing around was going to be tolerated on his training. Making Shikamaru to get depress knowing his peaceful naps were going to be cut short along his cloud watching hobby.

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