Reborn in the Shinobi World as a Sarutobi

56 ch56 Attacking Gato, Hidden Sound Village!

We didn't find Gato, in any of his bases and most were barely guarded. Looks like Gato took a bunch of his men to attack the Bridge were team 7 is currently residing. Most likely to also kill of Zabuza and Haku like in the cannon.

Thanks to that we didn't had much trouble as we took all of Gato's assets and destroy his bases and supplies we couldn't benefit from. We manage to find his main hidden vault with his contracts and land tittles. With this he could no longer claim such locations and land as his. Since the land contracts were now on our hands. We also find allot of relics and fancy artifacts that most likely Gato got using illegal methods as we also found several slave market location belonging to the disgusting Gato.

We hit those locations hard as we only left the slaves free and only gave them enough supplies for 3 days as now they were on their own. I didn't recognize anyone there but Kimimaru also look like he had another mission since he ended giving them some papers with locations were they could look for refugee or asylum.

Kimimaru said those were funded by the Otokage to look for future prospects for manual labor as he had created a type of screening offices and if they were cleared he could get them temporary jobs till they got accustomed and if they wanted find permanent jobs within the land surrounding the Sound Village or in the land of Hot Water, and for those under age who didn't had parents could be sent to the Orphanage's founded by the Sound Village.

This Orphanage's would train those with talent to be future shinobi's for the sound and for those that didn't qualify they would be train to take professions needed in the village, like administration, bakers, blacksmiths, carpenters basic medics like nurses etc.  Since it was now known to be one of the main spots for merchant trading on the region and was also recognized as a type of hot spot for anyone who was in the arts and crafts, one of the big things they excel at since they got plenty of musicians one of the other reasons to be known as the Hidden Sound Village.

Seeing Gato and his thug wannabe samurais approach then claiming he was not going to pay them. I just appeared next to him and took my sword out decapitating him. Kakashi was surprise since most likely he didn't knew our exact mission details. But my team then step in as Shikamaru binded all of the thugs shadows immobilizing them. After that Ino and Choji just rush with Kunai in hand as they both slash at the throats of the individuals cutting them and making them drop like puppets without strings. As Shikamaru let go of his shadow bind.

Seeing this Zabuza knew he had no reason to stay but he didn't knew if he was allowed to leave. Since he was now surrounded by my team and on the other side Kimimaru had block his path of retrieval. After all they just had an intense fight and were pretty tired.

But the first to speak was Kimimaru, as he said his Otokage was willing to buy their services as he wanted to aid the Mist resistance group that wanted to take down the current Mizukage. This attracted his attention since it look not only that Danzo wanted to take over the industries Gato left but he wanted some benefits where he could trade freely without the Mist interfering with him. The best option was to assist for the resistance to take down the current Mizukage and politically help the leader of the resistance to take over. This way he could have safe route all around the land of water to trade and expand his enterprises (along with his information networks).

After explaining the situation, Zabuza and Haku along with team 7 disengage from their combat positions as they got on more neutral positions. In the end we ended taking with us Zabuza and Haku along with us as we head to the land of Sound to meet with the Otokage.

Since Zabuza was injured we rested for 1 day as Guy Hatake help heal Zabuza using his Mystic palm along with some ointments and bandages. It didn't take much as by the end of the day Zabuza was fully healed from his injuries alongside Haku was heal by Sakura as we also found out Haku was indeed a girl. She only like to denied it since she would most likely been look down upon. I really didn't care but at least one of the mysteries of Naruto was finally clear at least in this world as Haku was confirmed a girl.

Took us about 4 days traveling till we reach the land of sound there we meet up with a forest just similar to Konoha surrounding trees. Most likely this was done by Yamato or Danzo since both could do Mokuton jutsus (Wood Style techniques). The Village was also surrounded by wooden walls similar to Konoha the only difference was that on the gates the symbol of sound was on it. The architecture inside was almost a replica to Konoha too but there were some differences since some structures were made from concrete or earth jutusus  making them look greyish purple as also the roofs were color pale violet, compared to Konohas red roofs.

Damn, Danzo really wanted to be Hokage, so he took down this area and made it a replica in a way. Even the Otokage building was the same as the one on Konoha but with sound inscribe on it, with his purple logo and roofs. The only thing missing was a….Oh…No he didn't...He did….. Danzo had a rock mountain with his face on it. I just couldn't believe it, I had to drop my cigar that was on my face, and I was not the only one surprise as my team felt rather strange looking at the uncanny similarity to Konoha. The guards on the gate though look like Root members with their expressionless Anbu Root masks with their hooded capes which were color purple, and had the sound symbol on their chest and back. Looks like Danzo put efforts on security to put his Root Anbu as gate keepers.

As they took Kimimarus identification and coded password to verify he was him. Looks like Danzo put extra security measures for his ninjas. Once the check-up was cleared we were allowed in as we follow Kimimaru to the Otokage office. When we arrived there was also 2 Anbu Root on front of the door as we did a second confirmation of our identities.  Then we finally meet up with the Otokage who was none other than Lord Danzo himself. All dress up in the Hokage…or should I say Otokage attire as he was smoking a pipe and doing paper work. Damn he totally is ripping off my Dad here; I just couldn't know what to think about this.


Kimimaru:  "Kimimaru here to present accomplishment of mission, code number#****** as verification code."

Otokage: "let's see, very well you may proceed."

Kimimaru: "We manage to hit every base and have already delivered the assets to the Root compound as ordered. As for the important documents here they are Otokage." Kimimaru said in a professional tone as he delivered the paper land contracts.

As Danzo look at them he face started to show a smile. He then turned to look at me and at my team, as he also turned to look at my medic ninja, and at both Zabuza and Haku.

Otokage: "Long time no see Asuma, looks like the mission was accomplish, here take this envelop it has the verification of the mission success so you can give it to your old man. With this the reward should be added to you and your students account." He said as he gave me and envelop.

Asuma: "Thank you Lord Danzo, it was a pleasure to do business with you. But it was indeed a long journey at least for my students since it's there first time out of Konoha. Since I am here is there anything you need me to report to the Hokage now that I am on my way back?" I said to the Otokage.

Otokage: "Actually yes I would like to you to deliver this bags of tea, this incense and this herbs to the Hokage as a gift for being so cooperative. Also to send him a message that I should visit him in about a month for some political discussions." He said as he took about a gift basket with tea bags, incense, herbs and some candies on it.

Asuma: "I shall deliver them as I report my mission. Thank you very much again, if you excuse me we will rest today on a inn in town and head back home tomorrow." I informed.

Otokage: "Very well Asuma enjoy the stay and check our local stores, we got great artisans in the area, you may find thing here that are not available anywhere else. I recommend you to check Shimura's Restaurants, as of recent one of my chefs develop a recipes with bread, tomatoes, and bologna with some garlic and other spices. He calls it Pizza and it's a big hit here in Otokagure." He said as he recommended his own clan own restaurant.

Asuma: "Very well I shall check it out with my team." After that I and my team headed out to the nearest Inn which was named Musical Inn. Leaving behind Kimimaru, Zabuza and Haku in Danzo's office. Most likely to talk about the investment he was planning to do to help the Kirikagure rebel alliance…ooops I mean the Mist Resistance group who was against the bloodline purge.

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