Reborn In the Tokyo Bubble Era

Chapter 219: reception briefing

   Chapter 219 Reception briefing

   The same hotel, the same conference hall.

   Today is the reception briefing session of Onodera Fortune.

   Onodera Runa naturally arrived early, and Kawasaki Ichiro and Sada Nick were also present.

Kaanae Kitagawa, the housewives who had known Runa Onodera for the first time, had also come. She looked at the cameras and reporters in the last row, and asked Runa Onodera with anticipation: "Mrs. Runa, these reporters today are for reporting. Our reception briefing, or is it because Tao Jun is coming?"

   Onodera Runa smiled and said, "I have it all."

   Beichuan Xiangmiao sighed softly: "I didn't expect that the adult you mentioned at the beginning was Tao Jun..."

Onodera Rana was a little helpless: "Sister Xiangmiao, this matter is also helpless. To be honest, although I do have this extravagant hope for Tao Jun, it is only an extravagant hope. When I met you last time, Tao Jun behaved right. I respect it very much, and I just hope that I can truly become self-reliant and do this well. The chairman is himself, but I didn’t expect that this matter would be exposed because of Miss Ueda.”

   "...Yeah, Ueda-sama seems to be very dissatisfied with your existence..." Kitagawa Kanae glanced at her secretly, "Then later..."

"In the future, just concentrate on doing this well." Onodera Rana's eyes firmed, "I believe in the abilities of Tao Jun, Kawasaki-kun, and Sada-kun! Tao Jun is right, every wife and mother , all have the determination to protect the family wealth, don't you? If you can help more people, it is also a meaningful thing that you don't lose as much money as you did last time."

  Kanae Kitagawa was a little embarrassed but very fortunate: "It is true, only here, assets have always been profitable..."

   "So...the content we talked about at the beginning, please keep it a secret for me." Onodera Runa bowed, "I believe you can understand, what I expected at that time."

  Kanae Kitagawa hurriedly returned the gift, feeling emotional.

   At the Housewives Club last time, some of them who knew Runa Onodera from the earliest days naturally wentssip about what Masahiro Ueda said to the camera lens.

   Then, the template of the story changed, and it became Runa Onodera's unrequited love.

   It is normal for a woman who suddenly had such a wonderful encounter to have new extravagant hopes for such an excellent young man.

   So try to be young, to be beautiful, to attract him.

   But all along, it was just her personal extravagance. Tao Jun herself just felt that if she could help her accumulate more personal wealth, it would be enough to solve her problems.

  During this period, Tao Jun's heart, of course, belonged to that Miss Ueda.

   Later, because Kitagawa Kaneo and the others lost so much money in the last interest rate cut, they asked to go to Onodera Runa, Tao Jun had this idea, and simply helped them to do it formally.

   The process of things is just that.

  Whether Kitagawa Kaane and the others believe it or not, Rana Onodera said so anyway.

   Now the status of Onodera Runa is different, they are embarrassed to break the casserole and ask the question to the end, and investigate the doubts in more details.

   But today, Kitagawa Kasumi is looking forward to seeing the Taoist that day again.

   It's a wonderful feeling that people who I have known for a long time have been on a lot of news and become famous people all over Tokyo.

  Especially, the reporters are starting to interview people who are already present. Kitagawa Kanae sat on the seat and kept looking over there.

  Unfortunately, no reporter has ever looked at her and came to interview her.

   After a while, there was a commotion at the door, Beichuan Kasumi looked over there with his head raised, and then stood up abruptly: "Mrs. Shiqiao?"

  I saw Tao Zhiming smiling and asked Ishibashi Reiko to walk into the conference hall together.

   There was a commotion in the room, and the flashes began to come on. No one thought that Reiko Ishibashi would appear here.

  From April to the present, the star of the past has been active in Tokyo, frequently appearing in newspapers and on TV, known as the "Mother of the Nation", and cheering for the families suffering from land development.

   Now, she actually appeared at the reception briefing of Onodera Fortune?

   Facing enthusiastic housewives and reporters, Ishibashi Reiko skillfully greeted everyone and said hello. Tao Zhiming, who was supposed to be another focal point, was left out for a while, but he didn't seem to mind at all and stood there smiling.

   Onodera Runa couldn't help but walk up to him and bowed, then asked in surprise, "This is..."

   "Wait a minute, there will be good news announced, and it has something to do with Mrs. Shiqiao." Tao Zhiming looked at the people in the conference hall and nodded in approval, "There are a lot of people here, it's hard work."

   "It's all the efforts of Kawasaki-kun and Sada-kun... So, can we start?"

   "Yes. You are the president, so I'll introduce you first. Have you practiced? Come on!"

"Yeah!" Onodera Runa nodded heavily, then stood in front and picked up the microphone, "Excuse me. I'm very pleasantly surprised to see our 'national mother' here, Mrs. Ishibashi Reiko, you are welcome, Everyone adore you."

  Ishibashi Reiko nodded with a smile and bowed slightly to thank everyone: "To come here today, I also fulfilled my responsibility. Madam Runa, are you going to start?"

"...Yes." Onodera Runa didn't know what she meant by fulfilling her responsibilities, but seeing Tao Zhiming smiling and sitting beside Ishiqiao Reiko, she tried her best to calmly say, "Then we of Onodera Fortune Reception briefing, start now."

   With the assistance of Nick Sada and Ichiro Kawasaki, Runa Onodera prepared a very professional document for the reception briefing.

   First of all, Onodera Wealth’s vision and operation method are indeed focused on family financial management, and they have signed a very standardized entrustment agreement.

   Then, the team introduction about Onodera Fortune. In addition to Runa Onodera's lackluster performance, Tao Dalang, who can study economic topics with Professor Yamamoto Kianto, Kawasaki Ichiro, a senior investment expert from Nomura Securities, and Sada Nick, who was the general manager of Bloomberg's Tokyo office, a new financial enterprise on Wall Street in the United States, are all Shows a very professional background.

   During the past period, the records and incomes of account transactions and income of people related to Onodera’s wealth were also included.

Onodera Runa finally said: "The establishment of Onodera Fortune is to help every ordinary family, so that everyone's assets can find the right investment direction in the next increasingly complex era. I was able to meet Tao Jun. A very fortunate thing in life. Our president Tao Jun, I believe everyone is familiar with it. Now, please ask Tao Jun to give you a further introduction. "

  Tao Zhiming smiled and nodded at Reiko Shiqiao, then stood up and walked to the stage.

   "Hello everyone, I'm Tao Dalang."

   Tao Zhiming stood on the stage, the projector no longer needed to play, and the lights were turned on.

  The housewives in the audience looked at him and naturally thought of the previous reports on him on TV and newspapers.

  Especially the image of the naked upper body muscles, waving a real sword and rushing towards the Ueda-sama, and at the end, the blood gushing out of his heart was suddenly vivid in his mind.

   Now, he is standing here, why does he feel a little more handsome than what he saw on TV?

"Actually, in the process of creating Onodera Fortune, there are many things that moved me." Tao Zhiming first looked at Onodera Runa who was standing beside him, and said with a smile, "When Mrs. Runa repeatedly asked me to sell When I lost my house, I deeply felt how hard, how hard, but how determinedly an ordinary family is working hard for the future in this huge and prosperous Tokyo..."

  Tao Zhiming talked about how to help her make some money using the financial market, and how she came up with this idea after her friend lost money and asked her for help.

"...Later, when I saw Sister Reiko fighting so persistently for her own home and more people's homes, I felt even more: the future is always full of so many uncertainties. When there is a sudden misfortune, we are all So fragile! For this reason, I began to firmly want to do this in a more standardized and long-term manner. Kawasaki-kun and Sada-kun were all persuaded by me to leave the place where they were stable and promising, and come here Arrived at Onodera Fortune."

   "Today, we have a higher starting point." Tao Zhiming looked at Reiko Ishihashi and introduced with a smile, "Let's welcome Mrs. Reiko Ishibashi as the supervisor of our Onodera wealth!"

After a burst of warm applause, Tao Zhiming said: "Why did Mrs. Ishibashi Reiko serve as the supervisor of our Onodera wealth? Some of you may have seen it on the news. Because of Sister Reiko's firm resistance, the real estate clubs A compromise was made and a charitable trust fund was set up together…”

  Tao Zhiming gave a detailed introduction on the scale, operation method and mission of the Trust Charity Fund on stage. Inside and out, it is naturally a benefit that Reiko Ishibashi has won for ordinary people.

   Moreover, she will also set up a non-profit organization to supervise the fund to fulfill its mission when it was established.

"Here, I am very happy to announce to everyone." Tao Zhiming said solemnly, "This beautiful new home real estate trust charity fund will entrust 50% of the principal scale to our Onodera Wealth Management! Therefore, I am fortunate to invite Reiko. My sister serves as the supervisor of our Onodera Fortune. Here, the entire management team of our Onodera Fortune promises Mrs. Ishibashi Reiko and you all: We must not forget the mission of Onodera Fortune when it was established, and do our best to protect everyone’s wealth!”

   The four people on the stage bowed in unison. Reiko Shiqiao looked at Tao Zhiming with a smile on her face, but her heart was filled with endless curiosity.

  What kind of magic does this young man have?

  Why did she think it would be difficult to convince the people behind her plan, but because of the appearance of Tao Dalang's name, she was suddenly encouraged?

   If you say that, isn't it possible that there are three major financial groups watching him at the same time?

   (end of this chapter)

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