Reborn In the Tokyo Bubble Era

Chapter 273: Professional (seeking monthly pass)

  Chapter 273 Professionals (Ask for a Monthly Pass)

  The two women talked about Tao Zhiming's thoughts in the middle of the night, and even discussed forming an alliance.

   However, Tao Zhiming himself was very happy, and Hoshino Suzu was also very happy.

   In the morning, Hoshino Suzu didn't leave as consciously as Onodera Rana did.

   In her mind, as long as Tao Zhiming didn't ask for it, she would not do anything without authorization.

  Tao Zhiming opened his eyes comfortably, feeling the soft body next to him, and was very satisfied.

   Hoshino Rin had picturesque eyebrows and slept soundly, with a shallow smile on the corner of his mouth.

   But when Tao Zhiming started to get up, she woke up quickly. Seeing that she was about to say hello, Tao Zhiming immediately said, "Did you forget what you said? Don't put suspicion and caution in your heart, just relax."

   Hoshino Ling's hand rested on the pillow for a while, did he remember what he said last night?

  Tao Zhiming smiled: "You are my woman, relax. Forgot that I like reality?"

   His gaze involuntarily fell on the mountain scenery after her thin quilt slipped down. Hoshino Suzu remembered his greed last night and couldn't help but smile sweetly.

   "Sleep a little longer, I'll go buy some breakfast and come back to eat."

   Hoshino Suzu said subconsciously: "Let me buy it..."

"Let you go out, it will cause a sensation!" Tao Zhiming looked at the sky outside the window, "Today's newspaper must have come out. Besides, you are not feeling well now, let's go to rest first, I will give you a holiday today, anyway, the ballroom It’s only half a month until it opens.”

   Tao Zhiming said while wearing clothes, and went straight out after a while.

   Hoshino Suzu sat on the bed blankly.

   Is he going to buy breakfast for himself?

   She is the easiest to be content with, but because of such a small act, she feels great warmth and moving.

   Tao Zhiming went out, and Maehara Mina was already there again. She couldn't hear the voice in the residential area, and when she saw Tao Zhiming came out, she asked, "Master President, have you just woken up? Breakfast..."

   "I'll buy it myself. Did you get the paper this morning?"

   Maehara Mina quickly brought a few newspapers over. Yesterday was a press conference, and she knew that the president must pay attention to the follow-up response.

  Although he is so clever and clever, seeing that the president wants to buy breakfast by himself, Mina Maehara can't help but think a lot: "Master president, just read the newspaper here, I'll buy it."

   Tao Zhiming shook his head and opened the newspaper and left.

  Kumina Maehara, who stayed in the office, bit her lip and was secretly annoyed and regretted.

  Tao Zhiming is looking at the newspaper, and the newspapers that can be printed and delivered the next morning are the most powerful ones in Neon. Such newspapers are naturally comprehensive.

   But seeing that a certain page in the newspaper was specially folded, Tao Zhiming opened it directly. Kyu Mina Maehara has done a good job at this point and knows what she is concerned about.

   On the entertainment and social news pages, there were indeed reports about the press conference and performance last night.

   Tao Zhiming frowned, because the headline of the news was: [Sue Ignored! Copyright rights urgently need legal improvement]

   He turned back to the cover, The Asahi Shimbun.

   This is the former king of Neon, who has just been deprived of its status as the number one newspaper. The readers are mainly intellectuals. It has always been considered "elegant and not vulgar" and has great influence.

   Turning back and looking at the text, there is not a single photo, just a brief introduction to the costumes of the characters of "Saint Seiya" in the press conference last night, and mentioned the background of Shueisha's lawsuit against Dimensional Culture.

   Then, the focus was on the discussion.

  Appears as a "fancier", but in essence is using the copyright of a work with a wide range of influence to seek commercial interests for himself. Is it considered an infringement?

  The article published the opinions of some scholars in a serious manner, and also specifically mentioned that they tried to interview the original author and the president of Shueisha, but the two had reservations about this.

  Tao Zhiming's mouth curled slightly, so he changed to another newspaper.

   This is the "Daily News", and the title is [Tokyo's trial operation of another dance hall, super-large-scale causes safety concerns].

   He frowned. This family didn't say a word about dimensional culture, and only described the safety problems that may arise from the gathering of hundreds of people in a dance hall transformed from a huge factory building. Then, it is also mentioned that the dance hall uses a large number of new lamps and equipment, which may bring challenges in terms of high load power consumption and mechanical failure.

   Again, not a single photo.

  Tao Zhiming is really convinced, you can also have some pictures of the underworld.

   However, there is not a single shot whether it is an outside scene or a cos performance. It seems that WanderDance is full of charm as long as it is published.

  I read four copies in a row, and only the report of Neon Economic News is relatively neutral and objective. It not only provided an exterior picture, but also pointed out that WanderDance's combination of original music and DISCO dance hall is a very innovative business model. In addition, it separately reported the press conference of Dimensional Culture, and mentioned the new model of "free creative space", which may establish a mechanism to allow creators to create more worry-free and have space for mutual communication.

   Tao Zhiming went downstairs and saw Takehiko Inoue head-on.

   He greeted in surprise and said, "Inoue-kun, didn't you come with everyone?"

   Inoue Takehiko bent over and said, "Because I still have to go back to Kumamoto, I want to come over and have a look..."

  Tao Zhiming nodded knowingly, and simply made a move: "Xiao Ying, buy two for me... No, three breakfasts. I'll take Inoue-kun to the second floor first."

   Fujiwara Sakura, who had just arrived here, nodded immediately: "Yes."

  Inoue Takehiko felt that he was a big man and must be very busy, so he quickly said: "There should be staff there? I'll just go visit by myself..."

   "It's fine!" Tao Zhiming waved his hand with a smile on his face, "This free creative space is an idea I put forward, and it is best for me to introduce it to you. Inoue-kun, I am looking forward to you!"

   Inoue Takehiko was a little flattered, and while chatting with him, he came to the second floor.

"Have you seen it?" As soon as Tao Zhiming entered the second floor, he waved his hand and pointed to the bookshelves on the three walls of the half area on the right side of the door: "Light novels, single-volume books of well-known comics, and the latest issues of other comic publications within half a year, And some books on the theoretical skills of creation. They will all be placed here for everyone to borrow easily.”

   Inoue Takehiko stared at the layout in a daze, and murmured, "Amazing..."

  Tao Zhiming smiled and continued to point to the other half of the area: "There is a service counter, where you can make tea, a coffee machine, and a lot of snacks. Just treat it as a small convenience store, which is cheaper than the outside."

  Inoue Takehiko saw the desks, sofas, and a few cubicles with floor-to-ceiling glass and curtains that could be put down in the hall, and saw the machines inside.

"Game consoles, video recorders... This large area is a space for everyone to relax and communicate. When you are tired of creating, you can read books, play games, watch animation movies, and find inspiration here." Tao Zhiming pointed. Upstairs, "This location on the third floor is a space for exercise, you can simply exercise, and there is billiards."

  Tao Zhiming's eyes were full of smiles: "And basketball."

   "Basketball?" Inoue Takehiko was stunned and asked in astonishment.

  Tao Zhiming smiled mysteriously: "Let's take a look."

   After saying that, he walked straight forward. Walking through the relaxation area at the entrance, it is actually a bit like a hotel.

   But on both sides of the aisle, the walls are colorful, full of paintings, small dolls and figures related to comics and novels. Tao Zhiming pushed open a door and said, "Look, it's like an apartment. The rooms are well soundproofed, with a dedicated small bedroom and a separate toilet. Besides, the work area can be freely arranged by itself. Even if there are one or two assistants, it can be accommodated here to create quietly.”

   Inoue Takehiko asked dumbly: "If you can sign a contract... Can you really live here for free?"

  This is Tokyo! And it's in the port area!

Tao Zhiming took him to look at the current decoration quality and said calmly: "Of course it is for people who have the determination and talent to take comics or novels as their future career path. Before becoming famous and getting a stable and high income, we are willing to To help everyone create without worries in Tokyo. Therefore, there will be some screening, and everything will be based on the work.”

   Inoue Takehiko nodded, of course it should be.

  Tao Zhiming took him up to the third floor, walked to the sports area, and said, "That's where you can shoot."

   Inoue Takehiko stared at the device that was placed on the wall and had a very low basket.

   "Just a shot and a little exercise."

   This is actually a basketball machine without integral function and automatic function. Tao Zhiming walked over, picked up a basketball and threw it at it, then said, "They said, this thing can even be improved and made into a device that can be sold for money."

   When Tao Zhiming proposed this idea, he saw that other people were a little surprised, and he knew that this thing was quite trendy.

   may already have a prototype in the United States, but commercial basketball machines that can be seen everywhere, after all, need to integrate circuit boards and other things. Now that arcade machines have only been on the rise for a few years, coin-operated basketball machines have never been seen.

   "Come and try?" Tao Zhiming invited him with a smile.

   Inoue Takehiko felt very fresh, and after walking up, he said, "It's so's easy..."

   After saying that, he joined the Internet.

  Tao Zhiming smiled: "It's not for training your skills, it's more for sports. Besides, there are so many **** piled up here at one time, it's interesting to have them all in a short period of time."

  Inoue Takehiko understood, then nodded in agreement and said, "Indeed, it can be used for fun competitions, right?"

   "Exactly..." Tao Zhiming turned around and raised his hand, "This place is originally a place where everyone can do some relatively relaxing exercises indoors."

   "...Awesome." Takehiko Inoue, who had not been in college for a long time, didn't have much to say for the time being. He could only feel that the dimensional culture was very rich, and he was really willing to spend in order to gather excellent authors.

   However, only great creators can live here for free.

   Having been rejected, he was a little worried about gains and losses.

  Tao Zhiming didn't talk to him about basketball, nor did he ask him to draw a basketball-themed cartoon.

  It’s better if it happens naturally, but what if his current skill is not enough and he draws a too weak one?

   Let him submit the manuscript first. After submitting, let’s see what to do next.

   The two chatted, and Fujiwara Sakura bought three breakfasts.

Tao Zhiming smiled and said to Inoue Takehiko: "You came so early, you probably haven't eaten yet. Xiao Ying, please introduce us to Inoue-kun more carefully. You are from the Strategic Cooperation Department, and this is your job too. ."

  Inoue Takehiko looked at the energetic Fujiwara Sakura, and declined: "Breakfast... already eaten."

"It doesn't have much weight. If I go back to Kumamoto later, the time on the train will be very long." Tao Zhiming took out his wallet from his pocket and took two for Sakura Fujiwara, "Breakfast money, and buy it for Inoue-kun to go back. Let's get the ticket. The rest will be treated as your performance in 'Shun' last night, my personal extra reward!"

   "Huh?" Fujiwara Sakura was cheerful and asked with a smile, "Really? I earned it!"

  Tao Zhiming smiled and stretched out his hand to Inoue Takehiko: "I still have something to do, so I won't continue to accompany you. Looking forward to seeing your contribution."

   Inoue Takehiko hurriedly shook hands with him, nodded and said that he must work hard, only to see Tao Zhiming leave with two breakfasts.

   Then he looked at Fujiwara Sakura, feeling a little terrified for a while.

  Fujiwara Sakura pointed to the breakfast with a smile on her face: "There is no table here, why don't you go downstairs?"

  Inoue Takehiko nodded nervously, and then looked for the words: "That "Shun" last night, was that you?"

   "He's handsome?" Fujiwara Sakura showed off cheerfully and led him downstairs.

  Tao Zhiming has already returned to the 7th floor with two breakfasts. Seeing the things in his hand, Maehara Kyumina just wanted to speak, but then immediately closed his mouth.

   "Let's get in touch with WanderDance and Dimensional Culture, and let everyone collect all the reports about us from outside."

   Tao Zhiming finished his orders and went straight back to the residential area.

   Maehara Mina was in contact with both sides, but she couldn't concentrate.

  Two breakfasts, which one is it?


   Ueda Xana didn't fall asleep until the middle of the night. After waking up, he rubbed his eyes and walked out of the bedroom. The first sentence he asked was, "Dalang... Have you ever called?"

   Ueda Masahiro shook his head, and then said, "I'm afraid he can't care now."

After he finished speaking, he put down the newspaper and said to himself in doubt: "Did the Chiyan family launch the force? The negative views expressed on such a large scale of last night's activities, but the concentrated negative views, according to that kid, are also a kind of Propaganda."

   Ueda Shana then leaned over to read the newspaper, and then said angrily, "How can you only say bad things? Is this still a newspaper?"

   Ueda Masahiro chuckled: "This is a newspaper."

   "No way! I'm also a shareholder of the Peach Club, just to ask about the situation!" Ueda Xana was thinking about this matter, and found the reason, and immediately ran to the phone and started dialing.

   After a while, Tao Zhiming's voice came: "Hello?"

   "It's me." Ueda Shana said calmly as usual, "I saw the newspaper too... Is it all reported like this?"

   "It's okay, don't worry, I'm in a meeting."

   "...Oh." Ueda Xana was disappointed when he heard the voice on the other side who hung up the phone.

   Sitting there quietly, Ueda Shana felt that she couldn't help him.

   His career is already huge, and he is still too young.

   is not even as good as his financial secretary, who has very professional knowledge and experience in some aspects.

   Ueda Xana then woke up, turned around and smiled: "He said it doesn't matter, he should be in a meeting to discuss how to deal with it."

   Learn to live with your own troubles.

What    Sister Runa taught is very reasonable.


   "Already made?" Tao Zhiming was a little surprised after hearing Tagawa Kenjiro's answer.

  Tagawa Kenjiro nodded affirmatively: "Yes! Last night, I was busy."

  Irie Yuta was a little worried: "But isn't it being talked about as an infringement? Are we really not passive when we do this?"

Tao Zhiming waved his hand: "You don't have to worry about legal matters. Don't be afraid of people talking about it. The more talk, the better it will be for us. We are already very powerful. Now, let's add some material to these discussions. Right! Is the vehicle ready?"

   "It's ready." Yuta Irie nodded, "Suzuki-san, we're just waiting for our videotape."

  Tao Zhiming smiled and nodded: "Then let's start, I have already obtained this publicity license."

  Nara Yuma was very bitter.

   He didn't expect that the torture never ended.

   As a yakuza, of course, he can only follow the orders of the team leader.

   Now the team leader said that, as a secret shareholder of WanderDance, he accepted the entrustment again, and he must do it beautifully.

   So he stood on the van, feeling that his life was over.

   I don’t know how the other brothers are in the situation, probably like myself, the toes have been pulled together, and they are about to cramp.

   Several specially decorated cars appeared on the streets of Tokyo.

   On the rear half of the minivan, there is a large advertising board on the body, which is printed with a real-life image of WanderDance.

   And Nara Yuma is still wearing the suit of Glacier, standing in front of the advertising board swaggering through the market, his face is cold, this is very glacial.

  The six songs that have been recorded are playing on the car stereo of the truck.

  Origuchi Yabo was dumbfounded as he watched such a car slowly walk through the streets. He was already numb.

   Still playing like this?

  Why didn't the police arrest him?

   Just finished visiting the Dimensional Culture, and Takehiko Inoue, who came to the station, also stayed. Is their propaganda going so hard every time?

  Sugihara was arguing with the editor-in-chief about the unusualness of WanderDance's four songs, and he heard a familiar melody in his ears.

   He ran to the window, took a look and said in surprise: "This is the song! Listen! Is it good enough?"

   The editor-in-chief walked to the window, listened to the sound getting louder and then quieter, and immediately said: "It can be played on the vehicle, there must be a tape! Go and listen!"

   There was also a car that drove slowly to the door of Ueda's house. Ueda Masahiro heard the familiar melody, he couldn't help walking to the courtyard door, opened it and took a look, and then his scalp became numb.

  Good guy, why does that kid always like to do this? What a boisterous fellow!

  Nara Yuma saw Ueda Masahiro, and felt embarrassed in her heart, and bent over to salute: "Good morning, Ueda-sama."

   So Ueda Masahiro also gave Binghe a salute, and then embarrassed that the cancer was about to commit again, so he hurriedly closed the door and went home.

  Nara Yuma looked up at the two doors that were suddenly closed, looked up at the sky and sighed.

  Life is so hard.

   I'm very busy today, so the update is a bit late.

   But today it is 10,000+, ask for a monthly pass.



   (end of this chapter)

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