Reborn into Fairy Tail
12 Chapter 12: Phantoms Nightmare 1
Draco has been training for 5 days straight. At first the guild was worried, however after being informed of what he is doing they began to calm down. It was 120 hours for them, but with the monsters he has been slain and the tokens he has earned… He has been training for above 600 hours. This is because of a handy dandy magic which he invested in.
Name: Draco Malphins
Titles: Magic Creator [You're so op you can create your own magic combining
loads of ancient ones].
Scarier than Erza [People in the guild fear you and try not to piss you off
gained respect with Erza].
Zombie Slayer [Zombies do 50% less damage, You do 50% more damage to zombies].
Grinder [Grinding non-stop increases XP by 10% every 100 hours]
Age: 16 (Nearly 17)
Level: 105 (321,002/5,523,695xp)
Race: Human (Dragon/God/Demon Hybrid?) [Omni Draconian Devil?] (Write a better name if you got one)
HP: 40,000
Strength: 29,000
Agility: 16,500
Speed: 18,250
Magic Power: 75,000 [Exact No: 600,000] Exact No increased due to level unlocking more Magical power.
Mana = The amount of unsealed Magic power available.
Charm: Over 9,000 (Power Level?)
Luck: 110
Intellect: 290
Fairy Tokens: (System Currency) 7,250
Unspent Fairy Points: 0 (Only acquired from missions[In high quantities].)
Special Abilities / Skills
[Fusion Magic <Lvl Max>] (Automatically came maxed out, it means it's very effective. (Lvl10 = MAX)
[Fuse any magic]
[Divine Dragonian Devil Slayer Magic Flaming Dark Lightning <Lvl??? **>]
[A fusion between three powerful slayer magics. One being God Slayer, another being the Devil Slayer and the last being Dragon Slayer. With these three magics combined one will gain the power to sit atop a throne of all mighty beings. If one were to enhance this with other magics, they will be able to destroy everything.
This was formed with:
God Slayer Magic; Lightning <Lvl 5>
Devil Slayer Magic; Darkness <Lvl 3>
Dragon Slayer Magic; Fire <Lvl 3>
[If wished upon you may use these magics individually]
[Healing Magic <Lvl7>
[Heals anyone the user touches for a certain amount of HP depending on Lvl]
[Seal Magic <Lvl Max>]
[Seal up to 100% of your magical power.]
[If magic is forcefully sealed it will automatically unseal once user is able to fully control the magic]
[If seal is forcefully broke HUGE repercussions occur towards the user]
[Time Magic <Lvl 3>]
[Every 1 hour in the real world is 6 hours in the dimension in which you use this.]
[ID Create <Lvl 4>]
[The ability to create an Instant Dungeon full of a certain number of mobs depending on the level of the magic.]
Draco was quite pleased with his results, if anyone had seen this, they would sweat drop at the sheer strength of their comrade and at how strong he became in such a short time… For them anyways. After finally coming out of his little world he began to sprint back to the guild to inform his new-found family of his prowess. Suddenly he saw smoke in the distance of his destination.
"Shit… It's that time already. Ok Gajeel you goth looking, piercing wearing mother fucker, I'm going to make sure you remember to never hurt this guild again." (Nothing against Piercings or Goths FYI)
Taking off at light-speed hoping to get some action, he would've mistaken for Jet as he carried the wind as he dashed forward looking menacing, yet handsome.
Arriving at the guild he saw Iron poles sticking out of it, just like the anime, however this was much more brutal. He felt his anger rising slowly his power manifesting turning inside of him as it was begging to be released. Looking down Draco felt the surge of power and saw his arm flickering into a beastly claw. Thinking it was just a problem with his eyes he rubbed them to make sure he wasn't seeing things and the clear disappeared as if it wasn't there.
Behind the smoke and clutter of the guild, Draco spotted his guildmates standing there in shock, anger and frustration.
<Guildmates P.O.V>
We were all standing outside of our broken guild furious until we felt an absurd amount of power from the other side. We all looked in the direction scared as they felt the pressure increase until it suddenly dispersed. That's when they saw a tall handsome figure walk out into the open. It was Draco.
<Back to ya boi>
"Hey guys, I'm back." He said happy to see his friends but unhappy that he didn't stop the destruction.
Ah well he would have his revenge later and he would take great pleasure in kicking Gajeels ass. Don't get him wrong he didn't mind him in the anime, but sometimes he was just annoying as hell.
Everyone standing there was snapped back to reality after hearing his words and begun to feel better as they realized that a strong friend was with them and that they could take their revenge. Especially after bearing witness to his power.
But what they didn't expect was their Master to deny them the pleasure in retaliating, however Draco knew it would be soon. He wanted to save Levy, but alas it must be done.
<Time-skip to morning after Levy, Jet and Droy? Have been strung up (LIKE JESUS LMAO xD..... ok… moving on)>
"I can take my guild being destroyed but I will not allow my children to be harmed. SADDLE UP WE'RE GOING TO WAR" (I know it's not word for word but it's a fan-fic chill…) Makarov boomed, clearly pissed beyond recognition
Using my darkness magic, I hid in the shadows behind the army of guildmates marching towards Phantom Lords hall. The fury they gave off was immeasurable and kind of scary.
"Natsu BRING IT DOWN!" Makarov ordered with seriousness in his tone whilst he commanded Natsu to decimate Phantom Lords guild door.
"Aye" Natsu said, being serious for once and oh boy he is different when he's serious.
"FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST" He shouted full of vigour as his fist came crashing down on the double doors blowing them too bits.
"FAIRY TAILS COME KNOCKING" Makarov roared sending Phantoms guild into a state of panic.
Everyone then started to charge in going head to head against Phantom Lord. Natsu ran ahead and started punching the crap out of a bunch of them.
Natsu: I don't care who it is.... Bring it on!!!
Macao and Wakaba started to take them down in one end by using their own magic
Macao: Purple Net! Wakaba!
Wakaba: Gotcha! Smoke Crush
Al: Guns Magic Spark Shot
Bisca: Target Lock On Homing Shot
Erza had her twin swords and started to cut down each foe with no mercy that was unfortunate enough to cross her path.
Makarov had just started to increase his size becoming a Titan crushing those beneath him
Idiot 1: He's a monster
Makarov: You laid hands on this monsters' children! Don't think any laws will protect you!
Makarov then started causing immense destruction within the guild as he was calling out Jose their guild master.
Erza: Where's Gajeel and the Element 4?
While everyone was fighting down below, there was a figure up on the beams in the ceiling watching everything go down, of course, this was Gajeel blending in with the darkness but little did he know someone else was stalking him…
Gajeel: So that's Titania A.K.A Erza, I guess Laxus and Mystogan are sitting things out huh? cocky bastards.... but things are going pretty much according to Master Jose's plan. They rage pretty good for trash
As Gajeel was standing there like a douche, he started to sweat drop as he felt a very powerful killing intent coming from behind him
A voice had whispered into his ear, only for Gajeel to turn around and see no one there
'What the hell?!'
Name: Draco Malphins
Titles: Magic Creator [You're so op you can create your own magic combining
loads of ancient ones].
Scarier than Erza [People in the guild fear you and try not to piss you off
gained respect with Erza].
Zombie Slayer [Zombies do 50% less damage, You do 50% more damage to zombies].
Grinder [Grinding non-stop increases XP by 10% every 100 hours]
Age: 16 (Nearly 17)
Level: 105 (321,002/5,523,695xp)
Race: Human (Dragon/God/Demon Hybrid?) [Omni Draconian Devil?] (Write a better name if you got one)
HP: 40,000
Strength: 29,000
Agility: 16,500
Speed: 18,250
Magic Power: 75,000 [Exact No: 600,000] Exact No increased due to level unlocking more Magical power.
Mana = The amount of unsealed Magic power available.
Charm: Over 9,000 (Power Level?)
Luck: 110
Intellect: 290
Fairy Tokens: (System Currency) 7,250
Unspent Fairy Points: 0 (Only acquired from missions[In high quantities].)
Special Abilities / Skills
[Fusion Magic <Lvl Max>] (Automatically came maxed out, it means it's very effective. (Lvl10 = MAX)
[Fuse any magic]
[Divine Dragonian Devil Slayer Magic Flaming Dark Lightning <Lvl??? **>]
[A fusion between three powerful slayer magics. One being God Slayer, another being the Devil Slayer and the last being Dragon Slayer. With these three magics combined one will gain the power to sit atop a throne of all mighty beings. If one were to enhance this with other magics, they will be able to destroy everything.
This was formed with:
God Slayer Magic; Lightning <Lvl 5>
Devil Slayer Magic; Darkness <Lvl 3>
Dragon Slayer Magic; Fire <Lvl 3>
[If wished upon you may use these magics individually]
[Healing Magic <Lvl7>
[Heals anyone the user touches for a certain amount of HP depending on Lvl]
[Seal Magic <Lvl Max>]
[Seal up to 100% of your magical power.]
[If magic is forcefully sealed it will automatically unseal once user is able to fully control the magic]
[If seal is forcefully broke HUGE repercussions occur towards the user]
[Time Magic <Lvl 3>]
[Every 1 hour in the real world is 6 hours in the dimension in which you use this.]
[ID Create <Lvl 4>]
[The ability to create an Instant Dungeon full of a certain number of mobs depending on the level of the magic.]
Draco was quite pleased with his results, if anyone had seen this, they would sweat drop at the sheer strength of their comrade and at how strong he became in such a short time… For them anyways. After finally coming out of his little world he began to sprint back to the guild to inform his new-found family of his prowess. Suddenly he saw smoke in the distance of his destination.
"Shit… It's that time already. Ok Gajeel you goth looking, piercing wearing mother fucker, I'm going to make sure you remember to never hurt this guild again." (Nothing against Piercings or Goths FYI)
Taking off at light-speed hoping to get some action, he would've mistaken for Jet as he carried the wind as he dashed forward looking menacing, yet handsome.
Arriving at the guild he saw Iron poles sticking out of it, just like the anime, however this was much more brutal. He felt his anger rising slowly his power manifesting turning inside of him as it was begging to be released. Looking down Draco felt the surge of power and saw his arm flickering into a beastly claw. Thinking it was just a problem with his eyes he rubbed them to make sure he wasn't seeing things and the clear disappeared as if it wasn't there.
Behind the smoke and clutter of the guild, Draco spotted his guildmates standing there in shock, anger and frustration.
<Guildmates P.O.V>
We were all standing outside of our broken guild furious until we felt an absurd amount of power from the other side. We all looked in the direction scared as they felt the pressure increase until it suddenly dispersed. That's when they saw a tall handsome figure walk out into the open. It was Draco.
<Back to ya boi>
"Hey guys, I'm back." He said happy to see his friends but unhappy that he didn't stop the destruction.
Ah well he would have his revenge later and he would take great pleasure in kicking Gajeels ass. Don't get him wrong he didn't mind him in the anime, but sometimes he was just annoying as hell.
Everyone standing there was snapped back to reality after hearing his words and begun to feel better as they realized that a strong friend was with them and that they could take their revenge. Especially after bearing witness to his power.
But what they didn't expect was their Master to deny them the pleasure in retaliating, however Draco knew it would be soon. He wanted to save Levy, but alas it must be done.
<Time-skip to morning after Levy, Jet and Droy? Have been strung up (LIKE JESUS LMAO xD..... ok… moving on)>
"I can take my guild being destroyed but I will not allow my children to be harmed. SADDLE UP WE'RE GOING TO WAR" (I know it's not word for word but it's a fan-fic chill…) Makarov boomed, clearly pissed beyond recognition
Using my darkness magic, I hid in the shadows behind the army of guildmates marching towards Phantom Lords hall. The fury they gave off was immeasurable and kind of scary.
"Natsu BRING IT DOWN!" Makarov ordered with seriousness in his tone whilst he commanded Natsu to decimate Phantom Lords guild door.
"Aye" Natsu said, being serious for once and oh boy he is different when he's serious.
"FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST" He shouted full of vigour as his fist came crashing down on the double doors blowing them too bits.
"FAIRY TAILS COME KNOCKING" Makarov roared sending Phantoms guild into a state of panic.
Everyone then started to charge in going head to head against Phantom Lord. Natsu ran ahead and started punching the crap out of a bunch of them.
Natsu: I don't care who it is.... Bring it on!!!
Macao and Wakaba started to take them down in one end by using their own magic
Macao: Purple Net! Wakaba!
Wakaba: Gotcha! Smoke Crush
Al: Guns Magic Spark Shot
Bisca: Target Lock On Homing Shot
Erza had her twin swords and started to cut down each foe with no mercy that was unfortunate enough to cross her path.
Makarov had just started to increase his size becoming a Titan crushing those beneath him
Idiot 1: He's a monster
Makarov: You laid hands on this monsters' children! Don't think any laws will protect you!
Makarov then started causing immense destruction within the guild as he was calling out Jose their guild master.
Erza: Where's Gajeel and the Element 4?
While everyone was fighting down below, there was a figure up on the beams in the ceiling watching everything go down, of course, this was Gajeel blending in with the darkness but little did he know someone else was stalking him…
Gajeel: So that's Titania A.K.A Erza, I guess Laxus and Mystogan are sitting things out huh? cocky bastards.... but things are going pretty much according to Master Jose's plan. They rage pretty good for trash
As Gajeel was standing there like a douche, he started to sweat drop as he felt a very powerful killing intent coming from behind him
A voice had whispered into his ear, only for Gajeel to turn around and see no one there
'What the hell?!'
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