... Well done. Ishl.

Someone cheeks.

Oh. Refia.

The affected area burns, flames and tastes the whole body.

The pain in your whole body, which makes your skin roll up, is like being torn to pieces.

Far from my heart exhausted by severe pain, a sweet whisper descends.

Probably wrapped around his left and right cheeks in the palm of his hand.

Hot pain mixes with hotter exhales.

Something that touches your lips.

... No.

Why at a time like this?



... Ouch.

Is that a dream? When he noticed, he had his face on Lihuia's chest and his head held over him.

Her clasp (chain mails) are rough and stab me in the skin.

"Oh......, good. I was worried because my eyes were blurred and my consciousness seemed blurred."

Rarely, Rifia's cheeks are dyed red. Her eyes are wet.


Ouch. It hurts! Get your hands off me! Don't shake your body.

... and.


Why is a piece of cloth stuck in my mouth again?

Is that, after all, a dream?

"Oh, I don't want this anymore"

Somehow he turns a blind eye and Rifia takes a piece of cloth off his mouth.

Her hands, which should have been bloody, were clean without staining when she washed them.

"It's not sloppy. You're a man, right? That's about it."

Refia says with a warm smile on her face.

She is purposefully, just a little angry to show. Shy.

"If you have left arm, I sewed it up. The wound on the flank has not even reached the gut, but the meat has been shredded off a little. The blood hasn't stopped completely yet. Just a little bit, but I applied it because I had the powder from the Obaco leaves"

"Oh, thank you"

Obaco is the herb used to cut and stop the bleeding. Flowers very similar to chrysanthemums. Did you have the same thing in your previous life, or I don't know that. On the continent, when you're on a journey, or even hunting for a warcraft, it's a major herb.

You've been lucky so far, you've never suffered more injuries since you were reincarnated. There was nothing like anesthesia, and the pain was infinitely tough.

Above all, the pain persists for as long as it is treated by Rifia.

That last blow of the Great Spirit of Gold went between my left arm and my flank. I'd rather have been disfigured with the magic of the water activated from the ground than because I was able to do it myself. No matter how much money the Great Spirit went that far, I guess it was unpredictable.

Of course, the hatred of not letting the wind sword through because of that water magic is a whole other matter.



Lifia hugs my head and won't let me go.

I have been lifted from my shoulder and my pain has doubled, especially in my left arm.

"Refia, it hurts. Let go of me."

"Oh, yeah."

"... ugh"

But she embraces me harder than words.

"I was going to be ready... If only I had been injured in place of Ishul. It's easier."


Her tears fall on my cheek.

"Stop being dangerous, it's harder than anything I can say. It's harder than anything that I'm not strong enough."

Lihuia stares from above with her eyes moistened by tears.


Lihuia took one hand away from Ishl and touched her fingertips on her own lips.

"My lips...... Remember?"

Trembling voice. No more. Poor whisper. She is dyeing her cheeks with shame.


Only at this moment does the pain in the wound disappear somewhere, too. Ishur turned serious and stared at Rifia.


The two shrink their distance silently.

Lifia is already meditating on her eyes. Her lips open thinly and her sweet exhales overflow.

... Oops.

Ishur's gaze was diverted from the rifia.


Makes me look blatantly sorry for Refia's dissatisfaction.

She's already noticed, too.

Is it the back of the house? Signs of one approaching. Multiple footsteps echo from those in the hallway where Refia appeared.

"Master Ishr! I brought Nina!

"Mr. Ishl!

Mira from behind the gray wall, Nina turned up.


Katiri, and sounding a magical armor that shines in gold, Mira turns her sharp gaze to Ishl, no, to Refia.

"What are you doing? Mr. Riffia."

"Hmm? I'm paying Ishr's allowance."

Refia flushes with a soft smile to Mira as she turns her frozen gaze.

"Ishur won't have a head injury. I hope you forgot Mr. Riffia."

"No. I haven't forgotten"

Lifia replied shaking her first time.

... What the hell is "forgotten"?

Your voice is too cold, Mira...

"Ishur seems a lot bitter, so this is how he was comforted."

"Hmm. Do you know what the situation is now? Mr. Riffia."

"So, yeah."

"Hey, hey, both of you"

Refia can't pull. I won't let go of my head...

Nor does Mira, who is usually obvious, hide her ills.

Ishur's little voice doesn't reach the two of us right now.

We're both concerned...

That's right.

Mira is right. We have to get back to the fight soon.

─ ─ My hands and feet move.

Both hands and legs that were tied during the treatment have already been untied.

Anyway, I need Rifia to put her head down......

Ishur raised his right hand and slapped Lifia on the back.

"Both of you, stop..."

Ishur's voice is small and weak.

"Master Ishr! Are you all right, sir?

Surprised by Ishur's weak voice, Mira hugs him. No, have you boiled your business to Rifia, who won't let you go with Ishur?

"Hey, Ishiru."

Mira grabs onto Ishur's chest and screams with half a cry.

... Chi, hey. Don't shake it. Ouch, ouch......

But what a classic "Hey Miya" is.

"Oh, that."

Nina blues her face and is upset by the Ishurs, who have almost turned it into a training ground.


Ishur appealed to Nina with his eyes.

"Nina, please. We don't have time."


Nina jumps at Ishl, too.

"Refia, put my head down and get away from me. And Mira."

Ishur said in a low voice.

I know how you two feel. But I don't have that kind of hippo right now.

"I'm sorry, Ishr."


Mira honestly, Rifia takes Ishl's head off with a hard look.

Ishur looked up at Rifia's face like that.

... she must have felt something while she was treating me.

What would that be?

Asylum craving? Did it inspire something like maternal instinct?

If so, it's a little ticklish, I'm in that mood...

"So here we go, Mr. Ishur."

Nina has been holding Ishur's left hand.

Nina's hands are cold.

I have a fever, don't I?

Ishur became aware of his temperature. Nina held Ishur's left hand with both hands and meditated her eyes.

I don't touch the affected area. Same as last night, especially seems to concentrate even consciousness without casting a spell.


The heart beats an unnatural beat only once, trembling as the tip of the hands and feet swerve.

When I look at Nina's hand holding my left hand, the light water magic I didn't see yesterday glows. She's obviously trying to use stronger magic than she did last night.

Wavy sway through the body slowly passes through......

Ishur's eyes dwelt in the soft light of his dreams.

I can't think of anything......

Consciousness sinks into a carefree sense of trance.

Eventually, the whole body was wrapped up in a different fever, mainly in the affected area.


Unnatural nausea strikes me, and I indulge it.

But not so uncomfortable. Even in the midst of an inexperienced heterogeneous fever, the mind feels more stable and calm.

Something unclear, the remnants of scattered past memories. That's floating boundaries of consciousness.

of the bright sun, a slice of light dancing in some spiral......

That melts into the bottom of my heart.

Shards, the voice of a girl laughing like an angel running right next to her.

I wonder what it is. Lost, forgotten things.

... Wait.

Reaching out, there was Nina's face holding my hand.


"What do you say? Mr. Ishl."

Nina called out to Ishur, who was in love and blurry.

"Oh,... Much better"

Fever, paralysis and carelessness that lingers throughout the body. But I feel refreshed and tired.

The pain in the affected area hasn't disappeared, but compared to earlier, it's no big deal.

"Hmm, let's take a look at the wound. Lord Mira, look at your belly."

Rifia takes Ishl's left hand and peels off the cloth that was wrapped around him instead of a bandage.

Mira says, "I get it," and removes the cloth cut wrapped around Ishl's abdomen.

Ishur floated his back slightly to make it easier for Mira to peel the cloth off.

Even with strength from back to belly, there is no severe pain. It's painful enough to withstand the usual.



Both Rifia and Mira raised their surprises when they wrapped the cloth around the affected area.

"You're already blocked. I think I can even remove the thread. That's amazing..."

"Your stomach is clearly boosting your meat, too. She's stopped bleeding, and she hasn't been purulent. It's still going to take a while to fully heal."

"Really awesome..."

The inner wounds on both arms could also be seen from the lying Ishur.

The wound looks like the meat is buoyant and completely blocked. Of course I'm not bleeding.

"Um, but after about half a day, I think there's going to be a shake back. I think I'm very hungry because I feel weak."

"Oh, I guess"

I'm not sure, but I guess it's abnormally speeding up cell regeneration in the affected area, activating systemic metabolism, or boosting immunity.

Naturally, there will be recoil somewhere.

So before you do, you have to kill Yuri Olura.

"Nina, thank you. Wonderful magic."

Ishur woke up to his body like nothing had happened and sat down on the chest.

Naturally the wound has not completely healed, and there is still pain, but this will suffice to fight.

Abdominal wounds may bleed again, but that doesn't matter later.

"It's really great. Nina."

"Hmm. I was touched, too. Comparable to healing magic, this is new magic."

Mira and Rifia also speak of emotion.

"Yes, no..."

Nina dyes her cheeks and looks embarrassed.

... She looks happy too.

Ishur turned to Nina-friendly, not only that, eyes filled with strange colors.

Yes, she did something amazing.

Humans and warcraft are not the only magic I've taught, magic that forces moisture out of the grass trees, too, to drain it externally, attack magic. If used well, the evidence is also difficult to retain, it is also a murder magic suitable for assassination.

Even if he later asked me to hear more from him, in the course of that magical training, perhaps Nina realized that water plays an important role in the physiology of the human body, in the maintenance of the life of the flora and fauna.

She must have felt it through the various lives around her and independently explored the depths of its work.

Nina saw, a stream of water that moisturizes lives. Brilliant......


Ishur leaned down on his face and rubbed his eyes with grace.

... Nina's, one girl's, human potential.

It doesn't change anything, whether the world is different or times are different.

People were still great.

I taught you the magic of attack, the magic of killing.

Nina found the magic of regeneration, saving lives from it.

... in this strange magical world.

I touched another human glow.

This is never a trivial, little thing for me.

By weaving my previous life's knowledge into magic, I may have shown the potential for new wind magic from the people of this world.

But this healing magic of Nina was created by a human being in this world.

It's not just about me.

Just a little push can make a difference in this world......

How far will the gods know about this?

Will they allow this to happen? Would I overlook it?

Among the cathedral lords, Yveda was attracted to the magic I used.

If my magic attracts the gods.


My magic, and Nina's magic, can be a small hope for one muscle...

A figure of the moon god emerged, transformed into Melillah in my heart.

"Thanks, Nina"

When Ishur muttered in a small voice that no one could hear, he raised his face and stood up, pointing a clear smile at Nina, and at Mira and Rifia.

When the Rifias led us out the back door of the private house, there was a familiar sight in Ishur.

A small square surrounded by houses on thin, dirty, ocean lacquered walls. There's a well around the middle. Right next to it are crates, barrels, bunches of wrapped cloths and ropes. You rushed off a lot, there's a barbecue jar rolling in the back of the well. On the trail out onto the front street behind it to the right, the axle was broken and the leaned luggage car was left unattended.

Red or brown, you can see a thinly cloudy sky above the overlap of the roof.

The breeze that hits my cheeks brings in the burning odor of various things from somewhere.

Smells like a fire.

Between the houses, to the north and east, there is a slight glimpse of the ridge of the hill.

You don't see the brilliance of magic here, you don't hear the sound of battle.

Only a slight smell of fire and deserted houses convey some sort of anomaly.

That's all.


Fu and Ishur would have stayed in the king's capital, I thought of Sierra.

Could she have escaped safely? Or if you're already home to Ellistar, you don't have to worry about anything...

"The great spirits of the wind and their wizards are fighting their enemies by the north gate of the castle."

Mira's voice was heard from the side. Turning to her eyes, she stares at the northwest sky in distress.

The great magic of Paola Pierca's unleashed water was then inhibited by Yuri Olura's powerful golden magic and vanished before it was fully expressed. But the enemy horses gathered near the castle gate, the knights on the defense, apparently caught in the magic unleashed by Yoranche on the Great Spirit of Gold and were devastated.

"If you give the Grand Duke of Olura a gap, he may summon another powerful spirit. If they summon the Great Spirit again, it's going to be a big deal under the circumstances."

Mira has sparkled her blue gemstone-like eyes and turned her face to Ishl.

It's the color of the eyes that made me nervous and anxious.


Ishur let Mira's anxious face snort firmly.

Essentially, when the summoned Spirit is defeated, the normal magic fixture will not allow you to summon a new Spirit immediately. Or rather downgraded, only weak spirits can be summoned.

Even if the Contract Spirit is defeated, the connection with the Contractor will be broken for a while and he will not be able to show himself on this side.

But I guess that means that God's magic equipment is not the only thing.

Leni, Yveda's oversized exorcism book he showed me had very little description of the Spirit.

There was just a brief explanation in the first, overarching sentence.

Explanations about the Spirit and his summons could have been deliberately omitted from that Book of Magic.

Maybe that's because you decided you didn't need to tell me more because you needed to hide something.

Klau told me that whenever I summon a Spirit, the Spirit is always summoned as I wish. "Why do you not call me," said Yveda, who descended among the Lord God.

If so, what else needs to be taught regarding the summons of the Spirit?

Having said that... Actually, I still have a lot to know.

Anyway, God's magic fixtures are also different in dimension from other magic fixtures. It would also be possible to summon powerful spirits in succession.

I've had few of those occasions before, but either way, the Summoning of the Spirit requires concentration, or a spell chant. If you're in battle, even more so if it's intense, you can't afford to summon a new spirit.

One of the reasons why the Domills, and Yoranche, continue to attack, will be to avoid being summoned a new Spirit by Yuri Olura.

"I'll fly straight north from here."

Ishur turned to Mira and to Rifia, Nina.

"Rise, extinguish the city's fire as you speed up, and shoot magic at your enemies. 'Cause we're pulling our enemies north."

Ishur tightened his gaze.

"Keep your distance in moderation and don't climb high"

And then I smiled.

"Let the wind sword go. Try not to get involved."

Look up at the thin cloud flowing sky.

"If the magical light of the wind flashes through this sky, head north"

"Um, Mr. Ischl"

Nina told me to stick to Ishr.

"My master, Dr. Paola, apologizes for interrupting..."


Ishur blocked Nina's words and let her snort with a smile.

I don't care about that now.

I'm not fighting for the kingdom, like her. That's not all I'm fighting for.

The primary reason, of course, is to make his gold magic appliance mine.


Ishur says it's quick, or he jumped up without even shaking his side.


"Master Ishur, be careful!

"Good luck!

I hear the rifias screaming from behind, and they disappear.

I don't need to hide myself anymore.

He drew his magic from other worlds and wrapped it around him.

Jump up into the sky.

A panorama of the King's capital that stretches out full of vision. A stretch of hills, stretching streets.

The black smoke rising from the left hand side is slightly westerly in the breeze blowing from the east.

The big fire is only in one of those places now.

Ishur ascends northwest, drawing a loose curve towards the north side of the king's capital.

Then he lowered the magic of the wind and hit the red-burning streets.

A heavy grey blast of smoke rises, and the noise sounds late.

Ishur decided on a whole picture of a fire, even crushing ground pushed by the magic of the wind.

At the bottom of the smoke covering your surroundings, you can see that the flames are completely gone.

The city of Wang Capital, which stretches between the hills, is spotted, as Yoranche reports, where the houses have burned down and where they remain.

The sprawling area of debris stained with black and gray was blocked by hills, blocked by roads and rivers, or changing its place in the direction of the wind.

Royal Castle Hill soon appeared slightly to the left at the front. In its northwest, there is a slight brilliance of magic.

Gold, water and unsystematic magic glow in the wind and disappear, repeating it.


Ishur increased his speed and filled the wider range with the magic of the wind as well as around himself.

The smell of blood, iron and flames, the wind that blows the king's capital is no longer blown away at the magical tip of several layers of wind, and it does not reach Ishur.

... There's just a clean stream of wind around me right now.

Vision widens as it rises. Almost there, you reach a height that overlooks the entire Wang capital.

At that time, east to west under my eyes, a light bullet of wind crawling through the earth.

Almost at the same time, all of a sudden, a wall of iron rose all over the city in the north of the castle. Blunt, glowing walls jump wind arrows.

But by then, a new arrow of wind has now been fired from beyond the northwest hill.

Again the iron wall rose and the wind arrows clashed, bouncing back.

The surrounding area is covered in smoke and the houses of the city caught in the blast are blown to rubble.

... Yoranche. He's fighting well.

The magic of the water gleams there, and the water smoke mixes with the black smoke.

Does water magic belong to Paola Pierca?

And pitch-black magic covers the perimeter of the enemy. Almost on the smoking street corner, a domed black space was created. But it is also instantly devoured by the magic of gold.

That's a demon seal. The magic of darkness is Domil Fullsiek......

I see, I can't wait to get a series of attacks from all those directions.

But the opponent has the magic of gold.

He defeated the king's army in a showdown on the outskirts of the capital. If you mean it, Domill and Pierca and others, it would be all over the grid. Even Yoranche doesn't know if he's had it before.


Ishur increased his speed when he decided to go to the north of the city, to the center of the struggle.

... Yuri Olura suppresses his powers and keeps his magic warm, I guess.

The battle is moving from the castle gate north of the royal castle Mira said, all over the city.

I guess they lost a lot of soldiers and horses in an ambush between me and Pierca, decided to give up their treasure trove exploration and rush their return to Balstal.

I have already made King Ladis, the Queen and the Princess the deceased, the biggest purpose I have traveled (then) to the King's Capital.

And naturally, you'd expect a rematch with me on the road.

You know very well that he must destroy not only the king, but me as well.

At dawn, I fought right in front of me, and I was in opposition. For he that hath the magic of the wind appeared before him.

... the sword!

Yoranche's cry echoes in the back of his brain.

... It's too late.

Even so, the voice sounds like fun. I can still afford it.

"Hehe, you kept me waiting"

Ishur ascends, taking a distance of about two miles long (scar, about 1.3 km) and exiting directly beside the enemy.

"Can you tell your allied magicians to back off"

...... yeah. I can.

Yoranche roared "come" shortly afterwards, now releasing an arrow of wind from the south side.

Enemy horseback squads with glimpses between the houses are a lot less numerous.

I don't even have a hundred rides. About half a dozen horsemen.

Three times there, the wall of iron rises and the arrows of the wind clash.

A huge blast of smoke engulfs the horseback riders running down the street.

... Yoranche is also in the mood.

Ishur hides in that smoke blast and approaches his enemies.

... Yuri Olura must have noticed me, but he hasn't attacked us yet.

The horseback squad made it through the city.

The horde of horseback riders, reduced by a few rides, drags the grey smoke and proceeds between sparse houses and trees.

Connect to Army Metropolitan Street heading north in a few moments.

The streaks of hills have disappeared, and the black soil of the barley fields that have been harvested has become more prominent around them.

Yoranche is the only one who is already attacking his enemies.

Domill and Pialka seem to have stopped pursuing.

The message I entrusted to Yolanche seems to have passed on to them well.

... It's about time.

Ishur threw an oversized mass of wind magic at his enemies as he pulled his tight lips into one letter.

Horse riders running down the street under their eyes, where a mass of magic falls.

The surrounding ground turns and a lot of dirt and sand blows up. And a big explosion shortly afterwards.

Ishur went to the enemy army and unleashed a mass of magic.

The northern Brektas mountains, far to the west, and their snow-covered whites are wiped out by smoke.

Shockwaves come along with the roar. A wall of wind magic vibrates around the bickering and Ishur.


The light of magic shines through the smoke rising from the earth. It's not my own, heterogeneous magic.

Ishur narrowed his eyes and stared at the brilliance.

...... Yoranche.

Ishur raised one hand and stopped Yoranche shooting.

When the cloudy blast of smoke faded on black tea, a rough iron wall appeared from the ground, choosen like a crater.

Continuous iron walls of numerous irregularities, large and small, cover the perimeter of the street.

In that black, ugly mass of iron, many signs of horseback riding noise are conveyed.

... that unshaped iron wall. Was there not enough time?

Ishur crooked his lips.

Preventing this windy magic not only from yourself, but also from the entire soldier horse on your side will be a big deal.

"Yuri Olura!"

Ishur exclaimed. Bring the voice into the wind to the enemy general.

"Follow me! Give me your gold magic kit."

Ishur's voice broke through the wall of wind magic that covered his surroundings and rocked the ugly iron wall that covered the streets.

Moments, the magic of hard and sharp gold (kane) blows up like a cut.

…… ……

From the earth, the unspoken beastly cry broke out.


Wow! Intense magic I've never felt before.

This is not the same as Red Emperor Ryu or Malefioa.

Cover of iron walls protruding into its center, determined by craters around it. Its tip blew away and a lump covered with dazzling gold magic popped up.

An object gleaming in the magic of gold jumps over the crater and descends beyond the stretch of a broken street.

Horse armored horseback riding in golden. A flickering white cloak. This is the enemy general, Yuri Olura.

Surrounded by the magic of gold, he and horseback riding rushed north down the street at an unusual speed.


I don't know what you're talking about. It does not reach Ishur, who floats in the air away.

... but I can clearly hear that grudge.

You must be mocking me, cursing me, cursing me.


When Ishur spoke to the Spirit of the Wind to shoot his bow again, he turned himself and headed north the same as Yuri.

Increase speed and increase altitude.

Impossibly dense wind magic that radiates around. Hard, cold, hot, sharp unknown magic that floats up to cut that stream off.


Just behind the flying Ishur, a mass of iron emerges covered with many projections pointy as a cone, emitting strange sounds like the bark of a beast.

Iron chunks covered with projections fall intact. Shortly thereafter, however, several of its iron masses were created in the air, where there was nothing around Ishur.

But no iron mass can keep up with Ishur's speed, and they all fall back.

Ishur increases his speed even more. Behind you, when you look above the ground, a brilliant enemy chases you down the street to the magic of gold.

An explosion that happens around the perimeter on time would be an attack by Yoranche.

But it hasn't reached him. Whoever possessed the magic equipment of gold increased the level of its exercise.

Enemy horseback riding increases speed even more.

Just behind Ishur, a pointed iron mass appears one after the other and falls to the ground.


... That iron mass would have been embodied by Yuri's wrath, the intention to kill, by magic.

That odd chunk of iron.

The magic of gold that pushes the magic of the wind covering the sky and extinguishes brightly.

This is not like the vicious, giant monster like the Red Emperor Dragon, or the magic used by the Great Spirit.

It is the magic of human use that has exposed concepts, imagination and will as knowledge, and the will to kill.

Eventually, the iron mass covered by the protrusion appeared overhead, exploded on the way down, and slammed sharp pieces of iron on Ishur's path.


Ishur laughs thinly.

... This is what I expected.

Hold the iron mass in your hand (...) (...) Chi (...), try to move it in the air and hit it, much more efficient than that. It takes a lot of work to do that, and you can't capture me.

Then it would be more effective to make a random iron mass appear and explode, wide on or over the expected path.

At the moment of the explosion, Ishur slipped her body wide to the side, flipping herself and moving up.

... which scattered pieces of iron will not penetrate the walls of the wind's magic strewn around them. Not that powerful.

He wants to lower my flight altitude and get me off the ground if possible...... But that's not true.

Ishur twists his body, flips, and draws irregular spirals to increase his altitude even further.

At the end of his sight, a forest burned to the north, and a strip of black dyed ground was seen.

Is that the battlefield trail where the King's army and the enemy fought?

Point your gaze at the sky.

The sun is close. Yang is trying to get to Jomtien. Around, clouds are wiped out and blown away by the magic of Ishur and Yuri.

Iron pieces fall around, and the heavens and the earth rotate.

The horizon draws a loose arc and a magnificent panorama spreads beneath your eyes. That goes overhead, circling directly beside it.

... Not good.

Once you've hidden yourself, you can activate the magic of the Special - that's what I'm after. We need affordable clouds around us.

Ishur reaches out and grabs the clouds, trying to attract them.

It was then.

The unknown immense magic sparkled at far altitude.

The light sphere of dazzling magic overlaps the sun.

The sky around me sinks into darkness. Corners of vision stain black.

Not good!

At the same time, Yoranche's, voiceless screams pierce my heart.

Bite your teeth and put all your strength into your hands.

My left arm wound hurts.

Ishur developed the magic of a sky-high, powerful wind over his head.

At the same time, an unidentified magical light sphere explodes.

Another sun, it was a hot, boiling mass of iron.

The exploding burning sphere became innumerable rays, pouring Ishur into everything within sight.

Strange, inexperienced scream-like treble thrusts through the wind's magical wall, striking Ishur's earlobes.

Countless rays of light clashed against Ishl's tense domed wind walls. Then it bends at a sharp angle, diffuses in all directions and disappears across the horizon.

The countless iron bullets that have been heated strike the wall of magic and are bounced back. The sensation irritates and invades Ishur's nerves.

Holy shit!

As an unusual rubbing noise covered his surroundings, Ishur looked up to heaven.

Isn't that amazing?

He didn't want me down on the ground.

He was leading me up to the sky.

... the sword!!


Ishur instinctively slipped his body to the side and, at the same time, forward, appeared a dense mass of wind magic.

Down, a small light flashes in the corner of your vision.

and a blade of iron glowing in condensed magic pierces a mass of wind magic.

A flash of speciality, unleashed from the ground with a moment's gap.

Nellie's bracelet reacts slightly in the dense swirl of magic.


Just a moment stretched out. Ishur distorted his lips.

... a double, triple-stranded trap.

Expressing huge magic at high altitudes, he drew attention overhead, releasing sharp and fast magic into the gap from the bottom. Everything was set up from the beginning to lead me to the sky.

So the human opponent is afraid......

Ishur cut off all his magic there.

Loose yourself in the sky as it is. It falls straight to the ground.

The moment I entered the clouds floating beneath my eyes, I saw Yuri alone on the hill, standing.

The countless large and small craters that stretch to the south of it will probably be the result of Yoranche's attacks.

At some point Yuri Olura had abandoned the horse that had the magic of gold on its armor, forming one on the hill and concentrating on attacking me while preventing Yoranche from attacking.

Vision is covered with white mist.

Ishur hid his body in the clouds while cutting off the magic of the wind. It forms a cover with a slight wind magic around the face so that even intense wind pressure can keep your eyes open, blown from the bottom.

... Yoranche, it's time to put a piece on. Do everything you can.

Ishur commands the Spirit of the Wind as he falls through the air.

The Spirit of the Wind arouses. His courage flows into Ishur's heart.

At this distance I'm in the clouds. Yuri doesn't use magic. He can't locate me.

An arrow of Yoranche wind explodes as the wind slashes his ears.

In a bright white vision, the magic of the wind and the magical glow of gold flash.

Clouds fade.

Out below, a vast panorama spread across his sight.

Far west, the mountains run north. Clothes stir in the wind pressure, but it shakes.

Front, on a hill floating up diagonally.

The figure, supposedly Yuri Olura, threw away something he had in his hand and ran the magic of gold on the ground around him.

What you throw away is the vanished sword at the tip of the blade. An ambush from so far down must have used that sword.

... Yoran, here we go.

Yoranche nods and tells us signs of moving away somewhere.

Ishur meditated on both eyes as he gazed at the heart of the hill, the shining light point of the Golden Magic.

Wind, squeal.

Sound disappears from around, light disappears, the world disappears.

My mind is fogged and my memories carved into its depths are exposed.

So hard, sad.

... just sinks into darkness.

How much time had passed before a tiny light eventually lit up ahead of the black-filled darkness.

Did the wound open? My whole body twitches, and the pain of being rubbed through my lungs breaks my heart.



Still frosty in front of me, black and white ground.

From under the severe pain of choosing the flesh, I heard a lot of noise. A creepy sound stepping through the frost column.

For a moment, the pain is far away.

Small childhood memories, unchanged in previous and present lives.

Memories of being spinned.


Ishur held his father's sword when he laughed in his heart.

Already, at the end of the missing blade in the sheath (if you do it), that shows up.

After tracing distant memories, that wind was blowing.

Just a breeze blowing far, near, to anyone, anywhere.

But no one sees the wind. I can't grab it.

Look at Yveda and me.

Ishur reached out and put his fingertips up and gently touched the wind.

Now I'm behind Yuri. I'm turning my back on him, too.

I couldn't turn my sword tip around and shook it behind me.

"Oh, yeah."

Moments, a grudging voice blowing on my back.

Kill. Kill. Kill it. Give it to me. Give me that. Give me that. Me, me, me, mine, mine. Everything, everything.

I'm the only one.

Anger. Resentment. Obsession. Murder intent. Desire.... and fear.

A storm of evil becomes magic and materializes.

A blue light ran there.

There was a circular shield floating around the corner of my vision.

The black and silver mixed iron clams were incomplete in molding and looked like ugly, torn umbrellas.

On that torn shield, there was a crack running across one letter.

Beyond the circular shadow is a line of light that fills the sky with vision and cleaves to the north and south.

Far beyond the eastern sky, the blade of the wind, which blew white clouds, eventually disappeared to become small and thin and dissolve in the color of the sky.

The iron shield, which had been turned into two pieces, collapsed, cancer, and rolled to the ground making a noise.

There was Yuri Olura poking her right hand out behind it.

The masked man stayed stiff and fell on his back with his upper body shifted sideways.

Only his lower back to bottom and lower body remained intact, standing on the ground.

There came a shock wave about now. The blade of the sword of the wind, which was enormous enough to cover the horizon. The blade is a shockwave that penetrated the atmosphere.

On one side of the hill, pointed pieces of iron large and small protruded irregularly.

A strong wind hit the iron, making a cold, rough noise.

In a sad barren sight, the iron shards protruding from the ground looked like tomb marks of the dead.

Against the backdrop of countless iron tomb marks, the remaining lower body of Yuri Olura fell without sound.


Ishur moaned low on one knee on the spot as he lowered the sword he shook up.

Your whole body seems to sink into a sea of pain.

The magic of gold produces and deforms iron. So inevitably it emits a high fever.

But the dirt on the hill was cold.

Cold dirt reminds me of the fanaticism in my heart.

... I won.

I beat the General of the United Kingdom to the magic of gold.

Ishur raised his face, which he was leaning over.

Turn your gaze to the object that was Yuri Olura lying on the ground.

Ishur stood up stunned, unintentionally.

And he spanned the lower body of the man, and gazed upon the face of him.

The iron mask was on the side, sliding off on the dirt.

Yuri Olura is dead. So that iron mask, said to be the cursed magic tool of the Spirit God, is now just an iron plate cut off.

What? Why...

Seeing the revealed face of Yuri Olura, he stood Ishur on the spot in dismay.

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