Under the oppression of Kaido’s overlord color, the pirates present had a very difficult time, and if they could hold out until now and not have fallen pirates, none of the bounties were below 50 million.

You must know that the bounty of this year is not as watery as later, and fifty million is already a watershed.


Feeling that he had suppressed most of the parallel trade, Kaido knew that he should give up now.

Just when Kaido was ready to close, suddenly a powerful momentum soared up from the other side, directly targeting Kaido, who was also overlord color domineering, and the gap came out at that time!

Kaido is not as good as others!

The domineering spirit he had condensed, in front of people’s courage, let alone a collision, this did not even have the strength to fight, it was the same as a kitten seeing a big tiger


Kaido groaned, although his overlord color domineering spirit was suppressed back, the person was fine, and he could still stand firmly on the scene as usual.

After Whitebeard felt this familiar overlord color domineering, he smiled even more joyfully.

The internal relationship of this Locks pirate group is not very complicated, that is, simply who has the big fist and who has the final say, and the people that Locks later receive are all coercive and induced, or they are directly subdued.

Unlike later, after the beginning of the Sea Thief era, the bond between the captain and the crew was not so deep.

So now seeing Locks come forward, Whitebeard not only had no idea, but even wanted to laugh a little.

“Kula la… The boy got the captain out. ”

Whitebeard said to himself, it can be seen that his curiosity about Kaido is still quite large, after all, to do such a reckless thing, no two brushes are obviously not appropriate, and this boy is still quite skilled, which deserves his more attention.

The tall figure of Locks came step by step from a distance, and the pressure exerted on Kaido’s body also increased, and at this moment it seemed to have reached an eye-catching level.


A mouthful of blood directly coughed out, Kaido really did not expect that this guy Locks would actually be so powerful, even if he knew that this guy was a very evil person, daring to confront the world government, it was the peak of an era, but he also did not expect it.

The Locks guy had just let go of the Overlord Domineering Spirit to the point where he could get slightly injured.

It seems that Locks’s overlord color has reached the ultimate level. ’

For his physical strength, Kaido has absolute confidence, it is far beyond ordinary people, even famous monsters in front of him, it is still inferior to three points, if Locks had not raised the Overlord color to the ultimate level, it would be impossible to hurt himself with this strength.

Kaido muttered in his heart, and his eyes naturally turned to the place where Locks had come.

Seeing this legendary man with your own eyes is a very different feeling from just listening to some of his rumors.

Locks walked slowly, approaching little by little, and at this moment everything fell into a death-like silence in front of him.

Except for Kaido’s powerful coercion in the face of Locks, the rest of the people were basically in a sluggish state, and they were already excited to the point of losing their minds.

To be honest, Locks really did not expect that someone would dare to make trouble at his own recruitment site, if the Navy could still say it, but everyone present was a pirate….

Is Lao Tzu’s knife not sharp enough?

Strolling over to Kaido, Locks glanced at him and understood the identity of this guy, the monster of the New World, Kaido, who had recently become in the limelight.

“Boy, are you provoking me?”

Locks opened his mouth coldly, and the oppressive feeling in his voice was full of oppression, while the overlord power he exerted on Kaido was still rising.

At this time, people seem to react.

“Lord Locks!”

“Long live Lord Locks!”

This was just a shout, the voice stopped in a blink of an eye, excitement turned to excitement, but Locks’s face at this time was not so beautiful, who dared to touch his moldy head.

Shouting, it was the first time that he had not controlled his emotions.

Of course, Locks didn’t care about these things, he was just staring at Kaido coldly now, giving him more pressure.

There is a saying about pressing the faucet with one hand!

Even if the creature of the dragon is a creature standing at the top of the living body, one hand is pressed to the dragon head.

At this moment, Locks is in this state, although it is not hands-on, but just by the degree of difficulty in fact, this can see the strength of Locks.

Kaido felt like he was carrying several big mountains on his back, and under such pressure, he could stick to the square inches, which was already very rare.

After all, this was a newborn calf, and Kaido at this time was still a long way from his full form.

Locks asked, and no matter what, Kaido always had to answer.

If you don’t understand the situation, maybe you can open your mouth and talk?

That’s not something that a man can easily open his mouth under the coercion of Locks.

Even Whitebeard saw Kaido’s situation now, and his heart was a little afraid.

What kind of medicine is sold in the Locks gourd, and the white beard is very clear, but is it a little too harsh to test a new person to achieve this level?

Kaido looked at Locks, and a rush of energy came up.


Kaido laughed at first…

This loud laugh shocked many people’s jaws.

In front of Locks’s face, Ming saw that Locks was already very dissatisfied with him, this guy could actually laugh out, was he not afraid of death?

Whitebeard was also surprised, what is this guy’s brain?

Laughing under pressure?

It is said that under this kind of coercion, it is not easy to open his mouth, do not hurry to serve the soft, this also dares to laugh, he really does not know how to write the dead word.

Locks looked at Kaido with interest, and to be honest he was surprised.

What kind of reputation he has on the outside, Locks knows that this guy dared to do things has been unexpected, and now he is still laughing loudly under his own oppression, it seems that this boy is an interesting character.

Kaido just smiled, and a little bit of blood gradually spewed out of his mouth…

Kaido looked at Locks very seriously and asked, “Locks Pirates, do you need all this garbage that I stunned?” ”


PS: The new book is set sail, and it urgently needs the strong support of the readers’ fathers!!!!

The author of the street is here to throw and kneel for the flowers, evaluation votes, reviews, monthly passes… Kneel down and ask for all your support!!!!

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