What Kaido did at the recruiting scene is already the most surprising thing about the recruitment of the Locks Pirate Group today.

When several members of the Locks Pirate Regiment heard about this, they were basically instinctively stunned.

They didn’t expect anyone to dare to do this, and at the same time, they also developed a strong interest in this matter, and they wanted to know what kind of person this really was.

So the crowd slowly gathered as well.

When Kaido and Locks Overlord collided, several of the major cadres of the Locks Pirate Regiment had already arrived at the scene, and they put down what they were doing and came to see what was fresh.

Seeing Kaido and Locks’s simple passing, they were still quite fresh.

The Rox Pirate Regiment had a cadre named Wang Zhi.

Even if his relationship with Whitebeard is good, the two have this friendship.

This area is the main responsibility of Whitebeard, so if there is anything that Wang Zhi thought of is the first time to ask Whitebeard.

“Newgate, who is this little devil?”

As soon as he heard this familiar voice, Whitebeard knew that it was Wang Zhi, but he was watching the hilarity at this moment, and there was a kung fu who was worried about this, so he responded: “A new person is just …”

“Hmm, pretentious little devil’s head!”

This kung fu golden lion had already come over and laughed dismissively.

There is a saying that there is a wrong name, there is no nickname that is wrong.

The golden lion was just like his name, and there was really a kind of lion-like pride, and he didn’t look at anything.

Seeing Kaido behave unwisely against Locks, stereotypes come up.

It was at this time that Locks spoke, and Kaido did his best to stimulate his overlord color, shaking Locks’s domineering.

When Locks saw this situation, his eyes lit up as if he had obtained a treasure!

‘That’s so good! ’

With a good cry in his heart, Locks also did not expect that he was recruiting some new people, replenishing the cannon fodder on the ship, and actually let him meet a guy who could become a dragon.

This is even if I bought a lottery ticket when I was walking around, I didn’t expect to win the jackpot!

Locks laughed loudly, incomparably heroic.

Kaido also laughed along with it, although he didn’t know why he was laughing, but he always felt that if he didn’t laugh at this time, he would ruin the atmosphere a little.

Locks gathered his momentum and looked at Kaido from top to bottom, very satisfied.

“Boy, I have a crush on you, and that’s right, the Locks Pirate Regiment is really not all kinds of garbage, you are not garbage, so you are eligible to join, and now you are a member of the Locks Pirate Regiment.”

“Isn’t it?”

As soon as Locks said this, everyone basically did not react.

That is, a limited number of sea thieves with the posture of a tyrant, such as the whitebeard and the golden lion, they can understand what the situation is, and the rest of the people are basically dumbfounded.

If you want to achieve great things, how can you not tolerate people?

Kaido has already proved his worth, some of the miscellaneous fish that were stunned by him, just a little bit of face, what is this?

What’s more, Locks didn’t think anyone would dare to say that he was old and couldn’t lift the knife because of this small matter.

If this had reached the Navy’s ears, it would have been Locks, the bastard, who had found a nice guy in a pile of garbage

“Ding, mission complete, successfully join the Locks Pirate Regiment, get mission rewards, and increase your armed color domineering to the top!”

Locks allows Kaido to join the Locks Pirates, and Kaido’s mission is completed.

At this time, Kaido is also blessed, not only because the reward has arrived, but more importantly, after facing Rox head-on, his mentality and courage have also grown to a certain extent compared to before.

This is a great joy for him.

People are happy to be in good spirits, Kaido is no exception, the heart is beautiful, Kaido is also smiling more brightly, casually joking: “I am also helping the captain to screen it, I want to join our Rox Pirate Group, how can I do it without some skills.” ”

As mentioned earlier, Kaido has been controlling himself and not making a bad scene, just because of this!

This is the way back, at least until the end to say it, no matter whose face it is, it will be passable.

Locks was happy to hear him say that.

Be sensible….

At least the boy hit the snake with the stick and knew that he should bow his head.

“Oh, you boy is talking this way, and your image is a little mismatched.”

But isn’t it, Kaido looks like that kind of heartless thing, the reckless man of the reckless.

Being able to hear this from his mouth is really a strong sense of violation, but this does not need to be studied in detail, and being able to say this is already comfortable in people’s hearts.

“Go back to the ship to report, follow the third team, first be a trainee crew, the third team is the combat team, will develop your potential.” 」

If a person likes and values another person, this is a little more.

Locks was like that, he liked Kaido, so he told him more.

Kaido was stunned, intern crew?

Anyone who has worked as a pirate knows what a trainee crew is, that is, a reservist, the same as a contractor, not even a staff.

This is to join the pirate group, of course, to be a regular crew, who wants to be a trainee crew?

What’s more, this trainee crew earns less, and the treasure that is snatched back at a time, how much money is enough for the trainee crew?

That’s not enough for him to buy wine to drink!


PS: The new book is set sail, and it urgently needs the strong support of the readers’ fathers!!!!

The author of the street is here to throw and kneel for the flowers, evaluation votes, reviews, monthly passes… Kneel down and ask for all your support!!!!

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