The battle between Kaido and Charlotte Lingling is the focus of attention now.

At this time, the two people were already fighting very fiercely.

Meeting and saying hello is just ten seconds, and it is impossible to compete all the time.

After the power was fighting for a while, Charlotte Lingling took the lead in changing her moves, changing her hands to one hand, and the other hand was freed up, and she punched Kaido in the face with a straight punch.

Kaido narrowed his eyes and saw that she punched her directly in the face, not evading!


A loud noise, listening to all the people seeped in, this hit the other people’s bodies, not to mention the mouth full of good teeth, even the head was also knocked off!

Kaido simply crooked his head and ate this punch.

Come and go without being rude also

Let the family punch in the face, Kaido is not a good master, the same move, the same rhythm, pull out a hand, but also according to Charlotte Lingling’s face hammered hard.


It is no wonder that Kaido and Charlotte Lingling are not clear between the two people, just rush to the style of the two of them, then it is already destined to have a fate.

Charlotte Lingling don’t look at women, have this guts, punch your face as a fart, hard resistance!

It is really fist to flesh, knife to blood, what is called the most primitive way of fighting, this will be reflected vividly.

These two are also full of indifference, anyway, they all have a good physique, you give me a punch, I give you a punch, in addition to not eating weapons to attack, for this fist, both of them are not defenseless.

The spectacle of this battle went up at once, and it sounded like a drum, and it sounded like a drum.

Locks raised his hand slightly, and couldn’t help but hold his forehead.

What a marvel this is!

‘What kind of stuff am I recruiting?’ ’

Kaido is also really good enough, hitting people does not punch the face, let alone a woman, Charlotte Lingling at this time that the peak of the look, the highlight moment, a pretty face can be topped.

In the Locks Pirates, Charlotte Lingling, that is the Valkyrie-like existence, except for the nervous abnormality, everything else is very good.

Now it is this Valkyrie in the hearts of everyone, and a fledgling Kaido, two people come to such a bloody fight, fist to flesh, it looks both tangled and exciting.

At this time, both of them were holding their breath, Kaido was so that his future path could be wider, and Charlotte Lingling was simply venting her anger.

These two are powerful and fast, in less than two minutes, they have already inserted moves, simply and effectively exchanged dozens of punches with each other, and no one can help anyone.


“Thunder gossip!”

Finally, a little bit of a move that can be called by name has appeared.

Both used their signature stunts.

The sword qi flew wildly, swinging a gust of strong wind, and the color of the Thorn Lara King was still surging with it, and the aftermath of this battle alone was so strong that it was difficult to overwhelm.

A few sloppy, thinking that they were standing far enough, and who knew that a strong wind blew over, not only blew a rolling belt to climb, but even the clothes on the body were not left, directly shattered…

The smoke and dust are really stunning.

It was at this time that the battle situation suddenly changed, which could be called a sharp turn.

Charlotte Lingling was negligent, and she did not expect Kaido to play all the cards in two minutes.

After all, she didn’t say that the ability to launch the Soul Soul Fruit was not.

Playing for three minutes is at best weighing the strength of your opponent.

From this point of view, there is still some merit in Big Mama, Kaido did not use the ability to use the Demon Fruit, or Kaido did not eat the Demon Fruit at all.

Even Charlotte Lingling did not have the ability to use Demon Fruit.

It is to fight with Kaido with both good physical skills and domineering.

It’s just that… Charlotte Lingling really did not expect that Kaido’s young age would actually be able to develop the armed color domineering to the extent of internal destruction.

In her opinion, Kaido can achieve full body hardening and winding, which is already a great achievement of his age, and he did not expect that Kaido still hid a deep hand of armed color domineering skills.

In the thunder gossip, invisibly mixed with the armed color, with Kaido’s strength, Charlotte Lingling suffered a dark loss and fell directly into the downwind.

Kaido naturally will not give up this rare opportunity, take advantage of the situation to rush to attack, a series of rapid heavy blows, really heavy, actually hit Charlotte Lingling has no power to fight back, can only be overwhelmed.

Of course, Kaido also has no ability to hurt her, Kaido is the strongest creature, Charlotte Lingling is still a steel balloon, but it is very resistant to beating… It is a good material for sandbags.

Rao is so, and Kaido, who can suppress Charlotte Lingling, is also terrifying enough!

Charlotte Lingling was really going crazy, she didn’t expect Kaido to be able to use the armed color domineering to such a level of skill, and for a moment she didn’t notice it, which allowed this little devil to have the upper hand.

But to be fair, falling into the downwind for Charlotte Lingling, it is really not very hurtful, extremely insulting!

Kaido grabbed his big iron rod and played with his life, with a bit of a stormy trend, and hit him, Charlotte Lingling was just able to take care of the fight, after all, the two of them were not much different in this regard.

It’s a matter of seizing opportunities and making the most of them….

But… This scene falls in the eyes of others, and it is not like that.

Let’s start with the perspective of the Locks Pirate Brothers, who watched Kaido suppress Charlotte Lingling in this way, and their jaws could hit the face of their feet.

“Cadre Charlotte Lingling was actually suppressed by the newcomer?”

“On… What a joke! ”

“It’s over, I’ve crushed Bailey this month…”

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