
Hormitz, created by Charlotte Lingling’s fruit ability, basically calls her a mother.

Zeus is a thundercloud, Prometheus is a flame, passing through these two little guys, Charlotte Lingling can control the heavens when fighting.

Moreover, as far as these two little guys are concerned, attacking together with Charlotte Lingling is not a star and a half for the improvement of strength, it can be said that it is a proportional increase.

When I was punching Kaido in the face just now, if Charlotte Lingling asked these two little guys to help, one punch out would be a thunderclap!

Charlotte Lingling didn’t bother to say anything decent, fair and unfair, anyway, now very angry, the consequences are very serious.

The only solution to the problem was to give Kaido a hard fat beating and dispel the fire in her heart.

Zeus and Prometheus came out to call their mother first, and then they entered a state of battle, don’t look at it is Hormitz, it is not human, it is also human, and it knows that it is time to fight a group.

Zeus’s white and fat body instantly blackened, and a series of yellow lightning bolts flowed through him, crackling and crackling.

Prometheus put a plate on Charlotte Lingling’s head, and the small pink hair on Charlotte Lingling’s head instantly flamed and burst into flames.

“Emperor’s Sword Broken Blade!”


Charlotte Lingling held the sword in one hand, Napoleon became bigger again, and the flame of Prometheus quickly wrapped around the blade, another move called by the name!

Zeus was also very powerful, flying directly into the sky, and a bolt of thunder fell directly from the sky!

Kaido was shocked

‘Sleeper! Sleeper! You engage in sneak attacks, you can’t afford to play, you are a little garbage, you have no strength…’

Kaido almost sang it.

It was not that she did not think that Charlotte Lingling would fight back, Kaido was ready, let her punch twice without any harm, anyway, in the battle, she did her best.

Charlotte Lingling is also one of the cadres of the Locks Pirate Regiment, and it is understandable that she could not react in a hurry, but Kaido also knows that this situation will not last long, after all, people are the future four emperors, and now even if they are not four emperors, they still have the potential of imperial combat strength.

After the adjustment is good, it will fight back, which does not need Kaido to prejudge, this is inevitable.

I just didn’t expect that Charlotte Lingling would suddenly burst out with full force to beat him at this time.

The two people fought very well before, you punched me and punched, even if there is damage, it is acceptable.

Now Charlotte Lingling, isn’t this equivalent to directly flipping the table?

But fortunately, Kaido is a genius in combat, and this is Kaido’s own talent.

When the average person fights, he sees the opponent’s move, thinks about how to crack it, and then responds.

Kaido is not like this, when he plays, he did not think about this statement, a stick was thrown out, the other party had to fight back after catching it, how should this counterattack be dealt with, Kaido subconsciously had already done it.

Thunder in the sky, in front of his eyes was a flaming sword blade, Kaido first armed color domineering and overlord color domineering full open, converged to the extreme, first protected his body, the iron rod in his hand directly against it.

Whether he can take this move of Charlotte Lingling, Kaido himself does not have a specific idea in his heart, but the reaction is in front, first parrying and then talking.

And I have already done a good job of psychological construction, and if I am injured today, it doesn’t matter if it is heavy.

Sou! Sou!

Two figures moved at high speed and rushed straight over, one at the center of the fight between Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, and one behind Kaido.


“Zeus! Move! ”

One or two shouts before and after, the person who shouted in front of him to stop was Locks, and the person who let Zeus dodge in the back was Whitebeard.

Zeus knew Whitebeard and listened to him, and from this point of view, Zeus was really a cute thing, with no brains and no intentions, so he dodged away.

Zeus flashed away, Whitebeard clenched his fists, casually punched, and knocked on the thunder pillar that fell from the sky, and with a bang, the thick thunder pillar of the water tank made the whitebeard scatter.


With a loud noise, the ground shook, and smoke and dust rose up, covering the sky and the sun.

Right at the center of the intersection of the weapons of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, Locks stood steadily, both hands already on display of armed color hardening, one hand holding the giant sword Napoleon, the other holding Kaido’s large iron rod.

Locks is the overlord of the sea, that is, he is a very evil person, and this man has a lovely place.

Although people are not perfect, they also have their shining points.

Locks said three minutes, then three minutes later, he would go and stop the fight.

So he went out first, the battle was over, the rest of the battle was meaningless, he couldn’t hold his hand, then it was up to him to stop the fight.

Whitebeard was helping, he felt that Kaido was good, he could take care of it, and Charlotte Lingling had already made a fierce hand, and there was no problem in taking his own shot.

Moreover, with this sequence, Locks went out first and he went out, which is not to say that the rules of fair fighting are broken.


Charlotte Lingling looked at Locks and was a little puzzled, why didn’t the two continue to fight?

Kaido didn’t speak, he was calmer.

Locks smiled, “Stop, the time has come, the battle is over.” ”

After saying that, Locks looked back at Kaido: “Boy, you managed to hold out for three minutes, and you are now the official crew of the Rox Pirates.” ”

“Thank you Captain, Captain Atmosphere!”

Kaido hurriedly thanked him, and said that the boss would not drop the meat if he said something good.

“Get out, if you respect me so much, you can do less thing.”

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