Whitebeard this monster, the interests can not impress him, the beauty can not impress him, he does not have his own diehards, the combat effectiveness is very strong, Locks attaches great importance to him.

This is the reason why Charlotte Lingling, even if she is angry, still has room for reverie and can suppress the fire.

Angry because Kaido fights her and makes her face unbearable.

But a tough man, for her, has a very high use value.

Moreover, the monster of Whitebeard is too short-guarded, and the people under him, as long as they do not violate his bottom line, basically Whitebeard is unconditionally short-protected, and he will not weigh the pros and cons at all, he is short-guarded!

“Cough cough…”

When the golden lion saw that Charlotte Lingling did not accept the offer, but still did it with herself, then she knew that the idea she had provoked would not work, and she laughed twice, which made the soles of her feet smear oil.

But the thief bites and breaks into the bone, and if this matter really ends here, it will be too whimsical.

Charlotte Lingling just watched, the golden lion fart ran to the other cadres, look at his meaning to know, this guy did not hold a good fart, it is estimated that he plans to unite several cadres to clean up the whole Kaido.

“This new man is crazy, who of us has dared to be like the captain all these years…”

“Today he calls Ling Ling, tomorrow he dares to on your silver axe head.”

“John, do you think this bullshit newcomer is going to be interested in your treasure?”

How big a joke does it have to be to do such a skinless and faceless thing

If you really don’t say that this person is a golden lion, others still think that this is a rogue of which family has not been tied up, and has run out to bite people.

Hachnos Island is Rox’s hometown, and although he didn’t grow up here, at least this is where he really soared.

As for Locks’s own true hometown, it has long been destroyed, destroyed by the Heavenly Gold of the Draco, destroyed by this chaotic era.

Why can’t Locks get along with Dracos and the World Government?

The reason is that he has been oppressed by these people with intolerable oppression.

In other words, times create heroes, and chaotic worlds produce heroes!

It’s not that having ambition and strength can do what Locks is so good.

What about the Golden Lion?

The Locks Pirates, people with names and surnames are counted, Silver Axe, Wang Zhi, Charlotte Lingling….

These people can’t become Locks!

The main reason is that they don’t have a core power at the moment, and they are not like Locks.

Nominally speaking, Locks wanted to dominate the world and openly make enemies of the world government.

In fact, there is still a bit of heroic romanticism in Locks’s bones, he wants to overthrow the world government and establish the new order he wants.

After drinking the wine of his hometown and seeing the scenery of his hometown, Locks’s journey on Hachnos Island is over.

The recruitment work was completed, and just at the port of departure, a large area of pirates like dark clouds gathered in front of Locks stood together.

Kaido was standing next to Whitebeard.

In just a few days of contact, Whitebeard makes Kaido very happy, and Kaido likes Whitebeard’s father before crossing, and in the process of joining the Locks Pirates, Whitebeard takes good care of Kaido.

So when Kaido faces Whitebeard, he naturally gets closer.

Whitebeard can also feel that Kaido’s boy really respects himself, when the two get along, talk about something, this can be said to go together, so in the past few days, Kaido invisibly, has become Whitebeard’s cronies in the Locks Pirate Group.

Locks also saw, a little confused, but did not feel that there was anything inappropriate, but Kaido’s performance of this product is really a little inconsistent with his image, it is inevitable to be shrewd, but it is also a good thing.

Let’s do the right thing first, Locks waved his hand, and a few cannons banged on the ship behind him, suppressing these slight communication sounds at once.

Everyone was also in good spirits, knowing that the captain was going to speak.

“Little ones!”


“It’s almost done, we have to do something big on this voyage, the world government doesn’t treat us as people, then we can only use our own way to let them know that we are not casually able to provoke!”

No matter what you do, you have to say something nice after all.

Especially when a group of people are together, a person has more than a dozen hearts and eyes, and there is no name, so it is delusional to want to lead this group of people to do something.

Not only is Locks strong, but his wisdom is not to be underestimated, and this one voyage speech makes him particularly fully utilized.

He also knew that his men were a bunch of vicious, mobilizing their emotions, this bait could not be small, and he could still say that in order to live in pain and happiness, now it was time to make trouble.

“This world is the law of the jungle!”

“Our fists are big, of course we have to decide!”

“We will be the masters of this world, and this world will be conquered by us!”

“More than seven hundred years ago… Twenty kings established the world government and controlled the world for more than seven hundred years, and these seven hundred years … Their descendants live in Mary Joa, eat delicious and spicy, want to play women play women, do whatever they want, all the good things are theirs! ”

“More than seven hundred years later, right here, we have more than twenty kings, we have two hundred, two thousand, twenty thousand!” We are all kings! Overthrow the world government, conquer the world, and make the world tremble under our feet! ”

What an impassioned Locks!

The strength was here, the shouts of Locks, the people standing in the harbor heard it clearly, and everyone felt their breathing quicken a little.

Some excited redness gradually appeared on people’s faces, and the sound of wheezing came and went!


“Overthrow the world government!”

“Conquer the world!”

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