In these attacks on the Navy, Kaido’s performance was even more impressive, and in terms of his record on paper, Kaido’s performance was second only to that of a few cadres, and he was the best of them in the entire Rox Pirate Regiment.

At a deeper level, this three consecutive breaks of the naval branch, Kaido’s credit is far more than what people can see!

Navy Headquarters, in front of the memorial monument in the Navy Cemetery.

All the headquarters navies arrived, stood up in order of rank, and the person who presided over the memorial ceremony was Admiral Steel Bone Kong.

Although the navy is sometimes called the lackey of the Draco, in the overall situation, the existence of the navy does maintain the order of the world.

It’s not that I didn’t care about seeing the Draco people doing mighty deeds, this is the fault of the Navy, the Navy is rotten and hateful, and some things in this world are very helpless.

At the very least… After ordinary people join the Navy, this posthumous mourning is usually not available.

Every righteous navy, from the day it joins the naval battle sequence, already thinks of its own death, may die on the battlefield, may fall under the knife of a pirate, or let others shoot a black gun

The atmosphere in the cemetery was very solemn, some people had tears in their eyes, some people looked numb, some people took it for granted, some people felt sad…

Three naval branches, nearly 40,000 naval soldiers killed, their bones can not be recovered, under the cruelty of the Rox Pirate Regiment, it is really a response to the four words of death without a corpse.

On the Monument to the Soul, there are no other words, just a few large characters of gilded gold, the Memorial of the Fallen Soldiers…

Without a specific name, this is a tombstone of a collective honor nature.

On the stele, there are some white cloth strips, which record in detail what happened and how many admirals died generously.

“Silence, all of them, salute!”


All the navies facing the memorial monument is a standard naval salute.


Bang bang bang…

Gunshots rang out, white smoke from gunpowder drifted over the cemetery, and every navy’s face was filled with hatred.

The mourning ceremony did not take a long time, basically it was simply to pay tribute to the admirals of the three branches, send them a posthumous tribute, and then the headquarters navy would be silent for a few minutes, fire a gun in greeting, and then quickly disbanded.

After all, the three branches were destroyed, the Navy would not just let the Rox Pirate Regiment go, and navies around the world were in a state of combat readiness.

The Navy Headquarters also mobilized a group of battlefield veterans as combat troops, ready to go to the New World at any time to destroy the Locks Pirate Regiment.

At the top, many admirals gathered together, and William Gurillian, then the field marshal of the navy, known as the Marshal of the Wind, was the leader of the meeting.

There was no him in the previous mourning ceremony, mainly because the five old stars called him to Mary Joa, and they did not allow him to go after the mourning ceremony, and they had to go immediately.

When they met, the five old stars were also quite ‘polite’, first scolding the waste, then throwing away the intelligence, and finally sternly demanding that William Gurillian destroy the Locks Pirate Regiment in a short period of time.

Frankly speaking, the navy’s military expenses are in the hands of the world government, otherwise William Gurillian would have slapped the table and scolded the mother.

But the words of the five old stars also made him have an extra sense of urgency in this matter.

‘Locks · D. Gibbeck, what the name means, don’t need us five old guys to say more, did not curb the development of the Rox Pirate Regiment, has been a strategic mistake of the Navy in the new world, and now we have checked the information of this guy, the D family, the predators of the gods, you weigh it yourself. ’

William Gurillian sat in the main seat and looked at the naval generals beside him.

“Is there any intelligence on the Locks Pirates now?”

Everyone was silent, and after Locks raided the three naval branches, he went into hiding, and now the navy is really black and white.

William Gurrilian groaned, the D clan did its best to get this headache guy, there is one in the Navy Headquarters, Lieutenant General Karp, this guy is very difficult to do, obviously he can already be juxtaposed with Sengoku and Zefa as a candidate for the general, and the result is still pushing three or four …

Karp is still his own person anyway, and within this control, it is more troublesome for people like Locks, and now without their intelligence, the Navy is in trouble to take revenge.

But the orders of the world government had come down, and William Gurillian could not let it go.

“Order, General Steel Bone Air leads the elite men and horses of the headquarters into the new world, launches a search and hunting activity, discovers the Rox Pirate Regiment, and strives to do everything in his power to take it down!”

In short, soldiers cannot be left idle now, otherwise the three branches will be overthrown and this breath will be held in their hearts, and sooner or later there will be problems, and they will be released first.

Anyway, into the new world, pirates are not lacking, even if it is temporarily impossible to destroy the Locks Pirate Regiment, other pirate regiments can also become the Navy’s punching bag.

As soon as the battle order came, Steel Bone Kong found his four right-hand men, Sengoku, Kapu, Zefa and Crane, these four people can be the mainstay of the Navy in the future, and choosing them to go out together can be described as a very luxurious lineup of the current Navy.

After all, in the later era of the Sea Thief, the people who could be called by name and active on the sea in the previous era were a few of them, and the others… At least 90% of them have been eliminated by the times.

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