Of course, the pirates had the final say who contributed more, and they all had spare weapons on their bodies, so they quickly handed them to Kaido, and Kaido followed to intercept the artillery fire.

Without much effort, several of the major cadres of the Locks Pirate Regiment had already rushed to the beach, and when they saw the scene in front of them, they immediately came to help.

“Sea waves!”

Charlotte Lingling rushed Zeus to the surface of the sea, the Soul Fruit ability was activated, and the waves rolled up in an instant.

“Lion Wei Ground Roll!”

The dirt on the island was shaken up by Shi Ji and condensed into dozens of lion heads and smashed into the navy


Whitebeard also arrived, and the seismic wave directly smashed out.

The minions cheered in unison, happy and broken!

The action of several major cadres plays a decisive role in improving morale!

Especially after Locks slowly walked out, the overwhelming Overlord color domineering spirit rushed to the sea, and the momentum of Locks standing there was already very boosted, and now he once again exposed his strong strength, and the effect could be imagined.

The high-end combat strength of the Navy at this time is not as calm as when the artillery fire is tested.


The pirates’ big moves came, and they hurriedly used their shaves to close the distance, and then showed their skills to defuse each other’s attacks one by one!


“Iron Fist!”

“Arashi foot!”

As if the world was trembling with it, the top combat strength of the two sides had already shaken the ground with this simple temptation.

The warships with the navy are more advanced, how to say that they are steel ships, the impact of the wave impact on them is not very large, and they are all elite soldiers, who know when to do what.

At this time, it was a stable place on the ship, waiting for the general to create an opportunity for the warship to land on the beach.

The pirates are a little wasted, and they are now concerned about cheering the cadres.

In the blink of an eye, the high-level combat power has already begun to catch and kill each other.

Steelbone Kong fought directly with Locks.

The strength of these two people is almost the same, and if there are no days and nights in the fight, it is difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat.

But when they fight, the others can’t stand it, and the aftermath of the battle alone is a headache, and there are not a few pirates who have been affected.

Kaido saw the situation, and he was anxious at that time, even if he had no feelings for these pirates, but these guys were dead and clean, could they still have no impact on him?

“The third team…”

Kaido was about to shout, and immediately someone came to him for trouble.

“Iron Block, Steel Fist!”

“Thunder gossip!”

Kaido took out his unique skills at the first time, and the other party was not a simple role.

Purple hair wearing sunglasses, both arms have turned black!

Kaido recognized this guy at a glance – Black Wrist Zepha!


The shock wave of the two people fighting each other spread instantly, and Kaido and Zefa were more energetic.

Zefa this guy’s six styles, the use of that is called an arm-like finger, extending the move is very much, just this one iron block steel fist, with his armed color domineering, and Kaido played an equal color.

After all, Kaido’s current strength is not bad, among the three-color domineering, the armed color has reached an outstanding level, and the remaining two-color domineering, overlord color domineering has also been improved under the oppression of Locks, and the same as the sight and smell of the color are all controlled.

After the initial temptation, Kaido and Zefa separated, and Zefa looked at Kaido a little solemnly, and couldn’t help but wonder, when did the Rox Pirate Regiment have such a cadre?

Everyone else already had their own opponents, and Zefa was watching Kaido command a bunch of pirates on the beach, so he came to deal with this guy first.

As a later naval instructor, Zefa was well aware of how much influence a command talent on the battlefield would have on the face of the battle.

I just didn’t expect that this guy’s combat effectiveness was not inferior to that of several major cadres he had seen!

Kaido couldn’t be curious, he had already made it clear who his opponent was, so he couldn’t think much about it.

“Shaki! Take the third team and leave the battlefield! ”

This place is about to become a Shuluo Field, and Kaido doesn’t want the combat power of the Third Team to be wasted here.

Now that the battle had begun, he had to make good use of every strength, and only then could he go further in the Rox Pirate Regiment.

After arranging this, Kaido casually ripped off his flower shirt, stared straight at Zefa, and said:

“Locks Pirates, Kaido, come on, Navy, have a good fight!”

Hearing Kaido’s name, Zefa was stunned, and he had an impression of this new man.

Supernova, famous in the new world, and the record after his debut is also very strong, it is worth mentioning that he has fought with one of his subordinates, and neither of them has solved the other.

This is not a joke, the position of the lieutenant general in the Navy, that is, the mainstay, the backbone of the pirates.

Face to face with Zefa, Kaido is also very anxious, he knows that Zefa’s strength can not be underestimated, even if he does not know much, at least Zefa has taught the future three major admirals of the navy, countless navies are trained by his hands, and this is not a role that he can despise now.

Considering this, Kaido first fully unfolded his overlord color, although it could not play a deterrent effect on this level of figures, but through the overlord color feedback, Kaido could at least know some information that was beneficial to him.

Just like when playing with Charlotte Lingling, as soon as the Overlord color collides, Kaido can find out how Charlotte Lingling’s current strength should be compared with her own.

“Overlord color…”

Zefa smiled, another opponent with the strength of a king, it seems that Locks has a strong control over these pirates, at least having the Overlord color can prove that this person is very qualified, but just like this, Locks can also let him honestly be a subordinate.

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