Mistaken with Whitebeard, Kaido smiled and said, “Captain, my stick is broken, borrow your knife and use it.” ”

Whitebeard ignored this, just ordered: “Be careful, Shi Ji is not a fuel-saving lamp, if you can’t beat it, you will admit defeat, everything is still me.” ”

The two men went one after the other, pulled away, and were ready to move.

A belated voice rang out in Kaido’s head.

“Ding, event detected, task triggered.”

“Mission Choice One: Agree to fight the Golden Lion (unfinished), Reward: One Ability Extraction Card!”

“Mission Option Two: Refuse to Fight the Golden Lion (unfinished), Reward: Entry-level Turtle Shell Divine Skills!”

This also chooses a six!

Standing opposite, Kaido made his own request: “Shiki, to be fair, how about not using the Demon Fruit ability?” ”

Kaido didn’t have so many good manners, and the decision to face the golden lion was made by him, maybe he couldn’t beat the golden lion, he also knew, but the things that should be asked, he wouldn’t hold on to it.

The Golden Lion didn’t care about this at all, but just said coldly, “Even if you don’t use the Demon Fruit ability, I will knock out your teeth!” ”

At this time, the happiest people should be the members of the Rox Pirates.

The cadres are still good to say, after all, their status is here, not to make a fuss.

But this matter is put in the eyes of many little brothers, that is a big thing.

In particular, Kaido had not even joined the Locks Pirate Regiment for half a month, and it was actually the second time that he had confronted the cadres, such a rare scene really excited them.

Kala Kala Kala

Agreed, this is not so much words, the two overlord colors directly hedged together, black and yellow substantive air flow lines appeared, like lightning and thunder.

The Golden Lion’s domineering strength is not as terrifying as Locks’s, but there is no problem with Kaido, who reluctantly supports his momentum from being crushed by the Golden Lion.

If the space in the battlefield is already full of overlord color domineering, then these two people are six or four points, and more than half of the venue is shrouded in the domineering spirit of the golden lion.


Without saying a word, the golden lion raised his hand and directly threw a sword, flying in the air to slash, also known as sword qi, no grade swordsman can not do this, and the golden lion is still a famous sword master!

Kaido slashed at Cong Yunche and slashed at the chopping wave, and the only blade was already wrapped in his domineering spirit.


There was a loud noise, splashing dust.

Borrowing Cong Yunche with Whitebeard is also Kaido’s helpless move, there is really no weapon suitable for him, not to mention the two famous swords of Sakura Ten and Dead Wood, which are the top twelve workers, in order to minimize the disadvantage in terms of weapons, Kaido can only borrow Cong Yunche, who is also a twelve.

The weapon is a good weapon for fighting, and if it doesn’t fit, it’s like scrap iron!

In terms of proportion, the current Kaido holding Cong Yunche actually has some discord and requires him to have a process of adaptation.

That is, when Kaido fights, the reaction will instinctively improve in all aspects.

Therefore, the way he adapts to Cong Yunche is also very simple and crude.

Cut, sweep, smash, slash!

More than six meters long, the cloud cut was placed on Kaido’s hand, just like a large elongated iron rod.

This gave Whitebeard a heartache, and he was eager to go up and snatch Cong Yunche now.

That’s a bit of a mess!

The Golden Lion released the sword qi one after another, all of which allowed Kaido to dissolve, and with the extended and expanded combat range of Cong Yunqie, Kaido could be very flexible in the face of the Golden Lion’s swordplay.

For a while, the battlefield was full of smoke and dust, and there was no way to observe what was happening on the battlefield.

A strong wind, the dust blocking the line of sight was blown away, and the onlookers immediately saw the situation on the battlefield.

The golden lion was very old-fashioned, and after testing on the periphery for a while, gradually this had already approached Kaido’s inner line, and the double knife was about to force Kaido to give up his weapon.

Kaido is also getting closer and closer, and the limitations of the action are greater.

Frequently flicking the blade of the golden lion from side to side, this slowly seemed to be stretched, and as soon as the golden lion approached, it laughed viciously.

“Hmm, but that’s it!”

During the conversation, the golden lion slashed down with a sword and puffed, thanks to Kaido’s timely withdrawal of half a step, otherwise it would have been disembodied.

Rao was so, but there was still a long wound on his chest!

After being stabbed by the golden lion, the person who should laugh did not laugh, but Kaido, who should not laugh, laughed wildly!


Kaido smiled, the people watching the game were confused, seeing that the golden lion was dominant, Kaido actually laughed out, I really don’t know whether to praise him for his big heart, or to say that he doesn’t know what to do.

However, the golden lion also captured the dangerous breath of meaning in an instant.

He was close, and of course Cong Yunche in Kaido’s hand had already taken the lead.

Immediately after the situation changed instantaneously, I listened to the whistling in my ears, the sound broke through the air, and the scalp of the person who listened was tingling!

Kaido’s movements were particularly simple, his two hands were holding the piece under the head of Cong Yun’s cutting knife in one hand and the other, and he jumped backwards to pull away the distance, and as soon as his body turned, he picked up the rod of Cong Yun’s cut.

It is always said that a rod was rounded, and now this is called rounding!

The famous knife Cong Yunche was stunned to be used as a stick, and Kaido’s fighter was also flexible enough.

From the skill of using the weapon of the stick, it must be an inch long and an inch strong!

Especially when the distance is pulled, it is a circle, and all the power is turned this time, especially the third of the front section of the stick.

People who can be beaten, the injuries caused by a stick down are not inferior to those of knives and axes!

Especially blunt wounds, hit this is an internal injury.

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