However, Kaido didn’t have the heart to think about these things now, after all, people are afraid of being famous, pigs are afraid of being strong, and once they become famous, his troubles will come.

The two great mountains that stood in his way now.

The first big mountain is this strength problem!

Since joining the Locks Pirates, Kaido has felt that he has not been happy, fighting with Charlotte Lingling, fighting with Zefa, fighting with the Golden Lion, and each time he is particularly sacred

If I hadn’t been somewhat lucky, I’m afraid that the grave grass should be one person tall now…

Another big mountain is that after Kaido became a cadre, he didn’t know how to form his own team.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the people he can use are Xia Qi, who is talented in intelligence, and the captain and the vice captain can only mix in the third team day by day

At that time….

The Locks Pirates have re-sailed the seas, and Locks has found Kaido.

When Kaido entered the captain’s room, he had immediately found a stack of newspapers and a new bounty order on Locks’s desk.


Locks didn’t lift his head and asked Kaido to sit down across from him.

Kaido sat down honestly, without speaking, waiting for Locks’ reaction.

“One hundred and thirty million, a sea thief, and now that you’ve become a cadre, I wonder if you have any ideas?”

Locks sighed slightly and went straight to the point.

For this bounty amount, Locks did not have any surprises at all, after all, allowing intelligence officers to collect the latest intelligence of the Locks Pirate Regiment was also something that Locks had considered.

Since he was ready to promote Kaido as a cadre, he had preset many situations for this matter, without any exceptions, basically Kaido’s fame and strength would limit his subsequent development.

So he deliberately asked the intelligence officers of the world government to pass on this matter in order to create momentum for Kaido.

Now that the matter is half done, the remaining half depends on how Kaido intends to answer.

Kaido seriously considered it for a moment and said, “As a cadre, it is very important to have a group of qualified subordinates, and at the moment I want to select some potential guys from the trainee crew to my team, strength is not important, I will slowly cultivate them.”

The butt decides the head, where to sit, and what position to consider, and after Kaido becomes a cadre, he is more often thinking about how he should build his basic disk in the Locks Pirate Regiment.

A man who can fight, at best, is brave, and he knows exactly what Locks wants, and when he has finished picking his men, he simply adds another sentence.

“I am confident that the crew supplemented by my men will be trained as qualified warriors.”

Locks also captured Kaido’s key word in an instant, warrior!

With great power in his own hands and a change in his perspective on things, Locks understands Kaido’s move to take his own development from personal to team-shifting.

If Kaido can really do what he says, then since he can solve Kaido’s fame problem, it is only a matter of convenience to improve Kaido’s strength.

“What do you think of the fact that I am going to destroy the world government?”

Turning around, Locks asked Kaido a question that was completely unrelated, which had nothing to do with what he had said before.

Kaido’s mind had been following Locks, and he could say whatever he asked.

“It is difficult to overthrow the world government, with our current strength… If you really want to overthrow the world government, you need a more powerful force, and in my understanding, the power that can overthrow one regime must be another regime. ”

Kaido wasn’t afraid that his words would offend Locks, who made what he said a little unpleasant.

But Locks was dazzled, shocked by Kaido’s timeless theory.

You must know that what Locks seeks is too big, and he has been tossing and turning, in addition to growing his reputation and attracting many powerful pirates, in fact, it has had very little impact on the goal of promoting him.

In recent years, Locks has not understood why his influence on the sea has reached such a peak, but in the face of the world government, he is still powerless, often thinking that he is a strong action, but the results of the harvest are not satisfactory.

It is said that this time it directly destroyed three naval branches, but it only attracted the retaliation of the navy, and the world government did not have some turmoil because of this matter.

That’s three naval branches!

The sea was able to slaughter the forces of the three naval branches so quickly, and there was no second one except the Rox Pirates.

But from the information Locks received, the member states of the world government did not change their attitude towards Locks because of this incident.

“You mean… Should I establish my own regime? ”

Hearing some new theories for the first time, Locks instantly became a curious student, completely unconcerned about the gap between his and Kaido’s identities, and directly asked.

Kaido said bluntly: “Captain, after you established the regime, what was our core idea?” What is our mission? What kind of scenario do we hope to see by establishing a regime? Other than that… In the face of the world governments of more than 170 member states, how can we persuade the member countries to give up supporting the world government? ”

Kaido asked several questions in one breath, almost all of which were epoch-making.

After all, no matter how well the pirate slogan is shouted, it is nothing more than robbing a house, committing a crime, and if necessary, it will meet the navy head-on.

And the question asked by Kaido is almost like pulling out a lighter directly in front of a group of primitive people….

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