
Locks reached out and pushed the box in front of him, “Since I’ve given it to you, you just take it.” ”

In this sentence, Kaido heard the sound of the string.

The subtext of Locks is that if you can make you, you can also destroy you!

I have to say that Kaido’s performance in the eyes of Locks is undoubtedly amazing, and people have to move.

As far as what Kaido said, Locks can be sure that Kaido will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him, and without Kaido, the possibility of him wanting to rule the world would be very low!

A demon fruit for a dead-hearted Kaido is totally worth it for Locks.

What’s more, even if Kaido had two hearts, Locks didn’t think he could get out of his control.

Are there fewer people with two hearts on this Rox Pirate Regiment?

It is precisely because he is Locks that all the careerists on this ship will be honest, and it is precisely because he is Locks that he will give Kaido more strength.

Say a thousand words and ten thousand, and Locks is not afraid of any accidents in this matter!

With his hand on the box, Kaido suddenly asked, “Captain, you should be a capable person too, right?” ”

Locks nodded, “That’s right. ”

Then Locks held out his right hand, and the entire palm instantly turned black, and a kind of black smoke similar to silt rose up.

“Dark Fruit?”

Kaido opened his mouth unconsciously.

Locks was stunned, the Demon Fruit Chart Book is not something that anyone has the opportunity to see, Kaido subconsciously opened his mouth, directly reflecting his understanding of the Dark Fruit!

The knee-jerk reaction is the most real, and if you don’t understand the dark fruit very clearly, it is impossible to see it at a glance and blurt it out.

How many secrets Kaido still had, Locks was a little puzzled.

However, Kaido was even more surprised than Locks, and there were many clues in his memory that Locks was the last capable person of the Dark Fruit, but there was no evidence of a stone hammer.

Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, it is more shocking than just hearing about it.

And Kaido was impressed by the power of the Dark Fruit

Later, the ability was hailed as the strongest era on the sea, but the dark fruit could directly deprive the fruit of its ability, and after the black beard who had endured for more than twenty years got the dark fruit, he directly became the king of the sea, which of course had a fluke factor, but this could not erase the strength of the dark fruit.

And Locks obviously has the ability to fruit, but when he fights with Steel Bone Empty, he actually does not use it at all, Rao is so, Locks can also suppress Steel Bone Void to death, such a terrifying strength has exceeded Kaido’s understanding of the strong.

Back in his cabin, Kaido took out the Green Dragon Fruit and at the same time took out a pure white card.

‘Ability Extraction Card: Abilities can be extracted from Demon Fruit, because they have not eaten Demon Fruit, so they will not be cursed by the sea! ’

This card is a quest reward from the system after Kaido completes the mission to fight the Golden Lion.

Originally, I thought that this card should be kept in the system space to eat ashes, after all, I would not immediately get the desired demon fruit for a while and a half.

Who ever thought this would be used!

According to the prompt of the system, Kaido inserted the card into the fruit, and the whole demon fruit instantly dried up, and then turned into ashes, and a black smoke came out of the demon fruit and escaped into the air.

“This is the demon that dwells in the fruit?”

Seeing such a picture, Kaido still had some curiosity, but what he was looking forward to more was the ability to extract the card.

Picking up the card, Kaido squeezed it hard, and the card shattered, and a powerful force emanated from every cell of the body.


Host: Kaido

Talent: Monster Constitution – You have a monster-like physique, whether it is strength, reaction, immunity, resilience… They are dozens of times that of ordinary people!

Abilities: Armed Color Domineering (Outstanding), Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering (Mastery), Overlord Color Domineering (Controlling), Esper Breed Green Dragon Fruit (Entry



Kaido opened the system panel and looked at it, the fruit ability was in hand, and he inexplicably had an urge to release this ability immediately!

One punch shattered the window of the cabin, and Kaido didn’t even bother to open the door and jumped off the ship.

“Green Dragon!”

It didn’t matter what he shouted, Kaido clearly felt a powerful force appear in his body, as if he had been born with this ability!

In the blink of an eye, the sky was thick with dark clouds, and lightning and thunder were roaring!

“It’s a different day?”

“Damn, there shouldn’t be a thunderstorm in this area!”

“Look what that is!”

The climate of the New World is hard to guess, but there are navigators who can accurately capture the changes in the climate.

At this time, the sea where the Rox Pirates were sailing, relative to other areas, at least there would be no sudden change of harsh weather.

So the moment the sky changed, almost every crew member standing on deck hurried to look up and wonder what was going on.

I saw that above the sky, among the clouds, a huge shadow vaguely appeared, as if it were a snake.

However, unlike snake creatures, this shadow has a antler-like mentality on its head, and two long whiskers are extremely floating.

“Look at that!”

The clouds cracked a little bit, and a blue scale appeared.

As the clouds gradually disperse, the shadows in the clouds have a clear image.

“What a terrible existence this is?”

Relatively speaking, the creature of the dragon, the common image at sea is the posture of a Western dragon, with wings and a small butt…

The image of a divine dragon like the Green Dragon has really never been seen by ordinary people, but just by looking at it, from the perspective of the dragon power that it unconsciously emitted, whoever sees it will have his legs trembling…

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