A banquet went on for a day and a night, and it was very happy, and Kaido asked Roger by the way to borrow a small boat, not much stronger than the coffin board boat, but fortunately, although the sparrow was small and complete, the sails and so on.

Seeing Kaido leave in a small boat, Roger and his party stood on the beach to send them off.

“Kaido this guy is so funny, and I’m not alone at all like I’ve heard before.”

Roger was also very emotional, especially for Kaido’s very bold white beard, who was also full of expectations.

Reilly was more cautious, but simply reminded: “Roger, don’t trust others so easily, pirates are the most vicious kind of people, and there are not too many good people.” ”

“Okay, I’ll pay attention.”

After separating from Roger, Kaido also sailed along the ocean currents and the direction of the wind, not that he was not in a hurry to go back, but in recent years in the Roxx Pirate Regiment there were always things to be busy, somewhat tired, taking advantage of this time out, he also wanted to be comfortable for two more days, even if it was to give himself a vacation.

Fortunately, the ocean currents and wind direction are basically going to the garrison of the Rox Pirates, and there will be no such situation as going farther and farther.

Come out to relax, of course, Kaido will stay on an island for a while, buy some local specialties, such as wine, desserts and the like.

The wine was brought to Whitebeard, and the dessert was brought to the little fart boy of Katakusu.

There is a saying that although Kaido does not like Charlotte Lingling very much, he has a lot of appreciation for Charlotte Lingling’s second son, Katakusu, and sometimes goes to play with him and teaches this boy how to fight, which is a friendship.

But fundamentally, Kaido still looks up to Katakusu’s talent, don’t look at it now, this kid is great when he grows up.

Thinking that the Rox Pirate Regiment would fall apart after the Valley of the Gods incident, Kaido’s plan to form the Pirate Regiment to expand its power was included in his own plan.

From this point of view, he likes Katakusu, in fact, it can be regarded as a solution to the desire for talents in his heart.

Sitting in the bar, Kaido found a rather remote corner to stay and listen to if the people here would say anything new.

“Have you heard that the kingdom has come to collect heavenly gold?”

“I have heard that this time His Majesty the King has taken out a part of his private property, and the taxes that fall on us are much less.”

“Ah, the king of your country is so merciful, our country will be miserable, the king uses the heavenly gold to raise taxes, so that the people will not survive, I really hope that the Locks pirate group can occupy my country.”

Gathering intelligence, especially some obscure news, market rumors are often the best channel, and bars are also an important distribution center for some intelligence.

Kaido came here, but also for this, through the bar drinking people you say a word to me, Kaido slowly sorted out the clue.

This time, the heavenly gold has begun to be levied again, and in some places the people’s will is stable, and in some places the people’s sentiment is floating, so if we continue to work steadily and steadily, I am afraid that in two years, the world government countries in the new world will probably withdraw from part of it.

This is a poisonous plan specially formulated by Kaido for the world government!

No matter what the world is like, the meaning of their life is to be disgusting, especially to supply the heavenly gold to the countries that have joined the world government.

Don’t look at the fact that now the Locks Pirate Regiment has conquered the New World, and the navy has been driven out, but the ships sent by the Dracos to collect the heavenly gold, Locks is a ship that will not be stopped, and how to collect and how to collect.

The member countries of the new world, in addition to offering sacrifices to the Rox Pirates, also have to pay heavenly gold, that kind of pressure can be imagined, the original heavenly gold alone made many countries unable to persist, and now the double offering, the country can have a living person is the ancestor blessed.

Kaido also knew that he was harmful, but instigating the allies to rebel and not to ally with the world government, except that this trick worked best, and other methods were troublesome.

Anyway, no one in this world can reject the Draco, and the Dracos don’t care so much, so this plan, whether it is the top level of the navy or the rulers of the world government, even if they know it, there is no way to counter it.

“The rest is up to Locks, and if we go on as it goes, there will be no world government in the New World in a few years at most…”

Kaido was also tired and found a place to rest on his own.

He said this to himself, and promised to assist Locks, and if Locks himself could not do it, then he would not complain about him.

Early the next morning, Kaido continues to sail, his time is almost up, and it is time to take off back to the Rox Pirates in the evening.

So today he is also a few neighboring islands around, I heard that these islands have very good food, the biggest feature is short shelf life, in addition to personally come to taste, there is no other way.

Kaido was also reluctant to delay.

In the blink of an eye, at noon, Kaido’s interest in playing gradually became high, and the two islands he went to in the morning were particularly satisfactory, and even Kaido’s sense of anticipation for the next few islands was directly full.

He was on his way when suddenly Kaido heard a high trumpet in his ear.

This voice sounds very exciting, as if you are on the battlefield, and it is particularly easy to arouse the blood hidden in people’s hearts.

Of course, it was because of his strong strength that he felt that this horn sounded hot.

There were a few merchant boats near him, and when they heard the sound of trumpets, they quickly packed up their things and prepared to run.

This momentarily hooked Kaido’s curiosity and followed the sound.

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