“Lingling, I heard that you have a very good relationship with a newspaper, right?”

Charlotte Lingling nodded, “Well, but… It was a new newspaper, and the president was very interesting, a bird man. ”

“No matter who he is, if the newspaper circulation is good, call him here, I will send him a big news, it must be written according to Lao Tzu’s requirements, and this news must be spread all over the world!”

Locks’s eyes gradually became fanatical, and a special momentum emanated from his body.

“In addition, a summoning order was issued, and all the ships under my command would arrive at the station within three days, and if anyone did not come, then wait for death!”

Okay… The pirate ships under Locks’s command will be thousands of them, and all of them will be assembled, at least tens of thousands!

What is it worth so much effort?

Everyone is very confused, like John, Wang Zhi, and Silver Axe, the three of them have always been in a group, and there are many people, and the entire Locks Pirate Regiment has the second largest number of people.

“So urgent?”

“It looks like a big thing to do.”

“Isn’t it the intention of letting our people be cannon fodder?”

A few eyes handed over, the three people have completed a simple communication, this tacit understanding is still there.

The current Locks Pirate Regiment is a very simple interest group, and the seven cadres do things to a large extent, first consider their own interests.

Therefore, things that involve interests must be asked clearly.

The Golden Lion was later known as the Admiral of the Flying Pirate Regiment Fleet because of his great development, which had already begun to take shape during the time of the Rox Pirate Regiment.

Others did not dare to ask, the Golden Lion is still one of the four powerful people of the Locks Pirate Regiment, and there are some things he can say directly.

“That… Captain, what are you going to do? ”

Throughout the cadre conference room, everyone was waiting for Locks’s answer.

He issued several orders in succession, and everyone smelled an unusual smell.

The golden lion asked, and Locks took out an eternal pointer from his arms.


Pointing to an island’s eternal pointer, what is this thing, is it still Ralph Drew’s eternal pointer?

Seeing that everyone was looking at each other, Locks did not sell Guanzi anymore: “This is the eternal pointer of the Island of Gods.” ”

“Island of the Gods?”

Kaido sighed softly, it seemed that he had guessed correctly, it was all related to the Island of the Gods, and this great event that subverted the Locks Pirate Regiment was the beginning.

The golden lion groaned in an uncertain tone:

“The Island of the Gods… It can’t be the island where dragons live for half a day all year round, and I’ve heard that the island doesn’t exist in any chart…”

This is clear, the Island of the Gods has no detailed records, how can there suddenly be an eternal pointer?

“Captain, how can you have such a thing, the Draco people should attach great importance to such a thing, how can outsiders get it?”

This had to be put in the past, the golden lion would not have asked such a question when he was killed.

Now that the status is here, it is nothing for him to ask more, but Kaido looks at his reaction, and he thinks that he is a bit deliberate, this is a superfluous question, whether it is true or not, look at Locks’s attitude is not understood?

Besides, having been together for so long, Kaido was vaguely able to guess something through Locks’s attitude toward the World Government and the Draco.

He knew that Locks hated those people to the point of bone crevices.

The specific situation is not clear, but it is certainly not easy to make a person like Locks hate like this.

The golden lion asked so, it was no different from tearing up the scar of Locks.

Just look at the muscles on Locks’s face twitching slightly, although it is very short, but this expression still changes.

“Twenty years ago… I have this thing. ”

Locks said slowly in a low voice: “At that time, I wanted to do something big, but the time was not right, I always felt that something bad would happen when I suddenly launched, and now that the time is ripe, everything is very good for us.” ”

“The Island of the Gods is in the New World, and the New World, whether it is the World Government or the Navy, has no power in the whole New World, and it is much easier to destroy the Island of the Gods.”

At the sight of this Locks was exasperated: “Think about it, if we can slaughter half of the Draco, what does that mean for the world government?” ”

“Mm-hmm-hmm-h Slaughtering Draco, it sounds exciting, can I raise one as my collection? ”

Charlotte Lingling has two goals in life, one is to have a lot of children, in her concept that the family is the most stable relationship bond, do not worry about betrayal. The second is to collect all the creatures in the world so that all the creatures can become family members and sit at a table to eat.

Today is also a whim, suddenly think that if you raise a Dracobo to play, will it be more interesting?

When Charlotte Lingling picked her head, it was originally a speech that deviated from the theme, but it aroused the thoughts of others.

“Eh, if you say that, the treasures of the Draco’s people seem to be many, can I take the opportunity to accumulate wealth?”

Everyone knows that the Dracos are rich, and unreasonably rich, and they can take out the devil’s fruit for the slaves to eat and play, too rich.

As soon as the topic deviated, John became excited, and did not hide his greed for treasure at all.

Locks smiled, “Don’t be out of luck, what is the financial report, after destroying half of the Draco, the prestige of the world government will be greatly reduced, and then we will not only develop in the new world, but even on the entire great route, our shadow will appear.” ”

Shouldn’t have said it, that’s right!

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