William Gurillian wanted to argue, but how could the Five Old Stars care about his thoughts, and didn’t care what he said, that is, in a word, the Navy doesn’t have to care about anything, and now it is the most correct choice for them to arrange everyone to the Island of Gods.

There was a bit of a stalemate for a while, and the five old stars all moved the decision to remove the admiral.

“I solemnly warn you once again that Locks is very harmful to the world, and now that he has fallen into madness, we don’t want to hear any vague words, we just want to make it clear that the Locks Pirates will not cause harm to the Island of Gods, except for this… We don’t care about anything else! ”

The Five Old Stars warned William Gurillian one last time.

“I’m going…”

As he was about to burst into a scolding, the telephone bug in William Gurillian’s arms suddenly rang.

William Gurellian was not in a very good mood, so he didn’t pay any attention to whether the five old stars were still in front of him, and directly picked up the phone bug.

“Marshal, something big has happened!”

“Crane, please stay calm, what happened?”

William Gurrilian did not want to argue with the five old stars, and suddenly entered his own state of work.

Tsuru is now a combat staff officer trained by the Navy, and everything she can access is a major event.

“It is like this, the entire first half of the great sea route has been chaotic, many vicious incidents have occurred in the four major seas, and the lives and safety of civilians have been endangered in the eyes of the people…”

The crane quickly spoke out what he knew.

The whole sea almost turned into a pot of porridge.

In the first half of the Great Passage, there were many attacks on the member states of the world government, focusing on the Kingdom of Alabastan, which was the kingdom established by the Nafilutali family of the former Draco king!

In the East China Sea, there were actually more than a dozen pirate groups of more than a thousand people making waves, and the leaders of these guys basically had the strength of lieutenant generals.

In the West Sea, the underground underworld family organization launched a number of violent activities, and several major underworld families all participated in this activity, affecting almost the entire West Sea.

There have also been major incidents of similar magnitude in the North Sea and the South China Sea

After quietly listening to all that had happened in the first half of the Great Passage, William Gurillian slowly became calm.

Obviously, he was still furious because of the dispute with the Five Old Stars just now, but at this moment, he was unusually calm.

The crane’s report fell into the ears of the five old stars without a word, and at this time, the five old stars did not show the slightest expression, and their expressions were very indifferent.

For them, the attack of the Rox Pirates on the Valley of the Gods was the biggest thing, and the rest was not important….

And so many things suddenly happened on the sea, it is obvious that the Locks Pirate Regiment secretly manipulated, only when the sea is chaotic, the navy is exhausted, and the Locks attack on the Valley of the Gods will be more smooth, and such an off-the-board move is not the first time to see…

“Gurillian, can you carry out our orders now?”

William Gurillian looked up at the five old stars, facing the five people who were already at the top of the world’s power, William Gurillian was surprised that he could not.

“Didn’t you hear what the crane just said?”

The long-haired Fifth Elder Star said coldly, “It is precisely because we heard it that we will ask you to send someone to the Island of the Gods to organize defenses, don’t you see that Locks has used almost all his strength to cover his actions.” ”


William Gurillian slapped the table with a slap: “What a joke! ”

“Now that there have been unprecedented vicious events on the sea, you actually let me care about the life and death of a group of moths, do you still have the consciousness of being a human?”

“I don’t care how much the current chaos in the world has to do with Locks, I just know that if I delay for one minute now, countless civilians will lose their lives!”

“Don’t expect Lao Tzu, the admiral, to serve you without a bottom line, my true loyalty will always belong to the justice behind me!”

In a sense, an admiral is also a tough five-year-old star.

To be in power in such a violent institution as the Navy is a joke to say that a few old men are afraid to die.

Know that soldiers will always trust their comrades who stand in the same trenches as themselves, and the big boss who sits in the office drinking coffee and reading the newspaper will not get their support!

History has long proved this.

It is true that the world government can control the navy to some extent, but it does not mean completely unconditional and bottomless control, which is beyond doubt.

Angered by William Gurrilian, the nose of the five old stars is not the nose, and the eyes are not the eyes.

“I will send people to the Valley of the Gods, I want to calm the chaos in the four seas, I want to protect the Valley of the Gods, in short, don’t think that what you say is what it is, at least one day I am a field marshal, then the Navy will carry out justice to the end!”

William Gurillian made his position clear.

He could accept that the navy was called a lackey by the people on the issue of the Draco, and he could also accept some unreasonable demands of the Five Old Stars not to harm the interests of the vast majority of the people, but he could not accept the decision to give up the whole sea for the sake of half of the Draco.

People get along, sometimes just like a spring, you are weak it is strong!

William Gurillian’s sudden outburst caught the five old stars by surprise, and without waiting for them to say anything, William Gurillian turned his head and left.

The sunlight through the window reflected on the cloak behind him, with only two piercing letters on it… Justice!

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