Chapter 61: Roger Wants to Help! Karp’s helplessness [to be self-determined].

Full of wine and food, Roger was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he looked up and said to Reilly very seriously, “That… How about we go to the Island of the Gods? ”

Reilly asked, “What do you mean, are we going to help Locks?” ”

Roger shook his head, “Of course not, we’re going to help the Navy take down Locks.” ”


Well, Roger’s convulsions this time are really serious.

Let’s not talk about how ridiculous the pirate gang navy is, let’s say that the Roger pirate regiment has let the navy chase after the ass and shout to kill in the past half a month, and now Roger actually said such a sentence, everyone has to faint.

“Hey, hey, Captain, you made no mistake, did you?”

“Am I having auditory hallucinations?”

“We’re going to help the Navy?”

The pirates of the entire Roger Pirates were basically completely confused.

Roger looked at the eyes of the crew members full of doubt, and knew that what he said was a little simple.

“I don’t think this sea would be interesting if Locks ruled the world, are you okay with that?”

Reilly’s expression was a little numb: “What do you think?” ”

The crew also said, “Captain, you are too willful!” ”

But Roger was unmoved, and even had a little anticipation.

A few seconds later, the whole Roger Pirate Regiment burst out laughing, and it came very suddenly, without a single eye, and it began to laugh.

“Although the captain is very willful, I think the captain is very reasonable.”

“That’s right, isn’t it just a fight against the Locks Pirates, I don’t think it’s a big problem.”

“Let’s have a good fight with the overlord of the sea!”

I have to say that the atmosphere of Roger Pirates is really good, a person convulses, a boat of people accompanying, completely not old to worry about what the consequences will be, life in the world… It is enough to have such a group of partners.

The crew talked a lot, generally cheering, joking, and firmly stated that they would accompany Roger to stop Locks.

It was at this point that Reilly pushed his glasses and asked a question that would shut everyone up.

“Guys, I think we should think about it, even if we want to help, who among you knows where the Valley of the Gods is?”



“I was speechless.”

The Valley of the Gods is a ghost place that is not on the chart at all, and who can find it in a second way except to grasp the eternal pointer pointing to the Island of the Gods?

This basin of cold water toppings immediately made the crew of Roger’s Pirates unable to speak.

Roger groaned, this question he really hadn’t thought about, just thinking about stopping Locks. But thinking about it, Roger laughed: “This problem is easy to solve.” ”

“Tell me…”

As a naval admiral, he should go to the Island of the Gods now, and we will quietly follow him, and the problem will not be solved?”

Hey, this special lady is really a little clever ghost.

The crew was stunned for half a day, and laughed loudly, completely unable to see that they were going to participate in a war that could shake the world, but like a group of enthusiastic people running to watch some large event.

“I didn’t expect the captain to have such a clever time.”

“Follow Karp, Captain, you’re so good at playing.”

“It seems that it is time for me to show my hand in Jabalu, and I have been tracked by Kapu, and as a navigator, today I also want Kapu to learn my tracking ability…”

Roger’s pirates were overjoyed, and they were ready to pack up their things for the Valley of the Gods War, but the Kapu who was tracking them was a bit miserable at this moment.

There is nothing wrong with chasing the pirates, the mistake is that there is no distinction between the heavy and the heavy, there is no primary and secondary, as far as the current situation is concerned, the main thing is obviously to fight with the Locks Pirate Regiment.

“Moses Moses…”

Picking up the phone, Karp was still looking at a chart in front of him, thinking about where Roger’s next foothold would be

“Card! General! ”

The phone bug in Kapu’s hand is called a wonderful one, and hate can’t fly up and bite people.

“Big Brother Steelbone, call me once in a while, don’t be so excited, I still have important things to do, Roger’s pirate group is very dangerous, I am busy chasing them.”

Like Kapu, Warring States and their group of people, and the relationship between the steel bone and the air is very good, basically there is no problem of superiors and subordinates, anyway, it is their big brother, and they also know that this is the top door of their own faction, and they usually do not have much scruples when they speak.

Steel Bone was stunned by Kapu’s angry eyes!

“When did I go to you, when are you still in the mood to pursue Roger’s Pirates, do you know…”

Well, Steel Bone Kong scolded all the dirty words he had learned in his life, and he didn’t care about the image of his own general. But this is also true, all come to this kind of nervous thing, what is there to care about the image, to be able to complete their mission is true.

Although I don’t know if Kapu paid attention to this incident, Steelbone Kong knew very well how much pressure the marshal had withstood with the Five Old Stars.

Everyone knows that the world government has no reason to shelter the Draco, or… The world government has given the Dracos the supreme privilege.

It is said that even if the ancestors of the Dracos created the world government and once ruled the world, the remnants of the ancestors will definitely not be able to enjoy every lifetime of grandchildren without limitation.

This is a very natural thing.

Let’s say that ordinary people’s families, if the grandfather can earn a family business with his bare hands, then the father will take over the family business at a certain time, and several situations will occur at this time, one is to create a new high, one is to lose the family business, and then there is a steady inheritance of the family business.

From this point of view, every generation has to go through such things, and who can guarantee that their descendants will be on the right path every step?

The Dracos enjoy privileges, but they don’t have a thousand personnel at all, but anyone with a little brain, who can let this kind of miscellaneous and wanton development continue?

The terrible thing is that the world government has done it, not to mention how ridiculous this thing can be, just to say what this act has invisibly brought…

That is a direct proof of the importance of Draco!

Although no one knows where the Draco people really are, the Dracos are definitely more worthy of the world government than the commoners.

William Gurrilian chose not to place the main force on the Island of the Gods in this situation, and the consequences of this action can be understood with your toes!

In the face of Steelbone’s scolding, Karp was obviously very experienced, and he directly handed over the phone worm to his lieutenant, and then he faced the map himself, carefully considering where the Roger Pirates would appear.

About half an hour passed, and the adjutant brought the phone bug to Karp’s face.

“Cough cough… Karp, are you an asshole still listening, do you understand what I’m saying? ”

Kapu nodded fiercely, “Yes yes yes, I will definitely hurry up and hunt down Roger’s Pirates…”


Steelbone’s scolding voice is all smoking, and Kapu is still in such a state that Steelbone wants to give up his task, directly kill to the new world, kill in front of Kapu, and let him have a kind and friendly exchange with his fist.

Kapu a spirit, to know that the steel bone emptiness is usually to this extent, it is almost the same, and now he can still raise the spirit of scolding, which shows that the matter has reached a very serious point.

Anyway, it’s better to show your attitude first.

“Big Brother Steelbone, I am deeply aware of my free and loose side, and I apologize when I go back.”

“I want you to apologize for having a fart!” Right now! Immediately! Right away! Give me a trip to Kansaeus, where there are our dark threads, get the Eternal Pointer from them, go to the Island of the Gods and cooperate with the Storm Admiral to do all the defenses, and the follow-up support is already on the way to the New World. ”

“You give me the death order, either you and the Storm General are killed in the line of duty, or you will hold out until the arrival of reinforcements, and if you are strong enough, you can also destroy the Locks Pirates, in a word, no matter what happens, you must hold out on to the Island of God until everything is over, do you understand!”

Steelbone Void was obviously very excited, and the telephone worm began to show some pain in order to transmit his voice…

Steel bone air is also very hard, I hope to be able to make Karp realize through his own words, this matter is very serious, there can be no slightest delay, otherwise once Kapu’s brain is off the line, do something messy, then it is really a small thing to become a big thing, a big thing to a bad thing.

Again and again, without repeating it, Karp is thick and sometimes not so reliable, but he is definitely not a person who does not know how to be good.

Steel Bone Air has already spoken to this point, and Kapu can only bow down and obey.

“Understand, I will go to Kansaeus Island and rush to the Island of the Gods as soon as possible…”

When the phone hung up, Karp still had a lost regret, and the pursuit of Roger could only be temporarily ended.

“Alas… Locks this bastard can’t sneak up on the Island of the Gods, if he has to make it look like this…”

“Lieutenant General Karp, please pay attention to…”

The adjutant frowned, although he had long been accustomed to Kapu’s appearance, but it was really not like words, how to say so..

Kapu still grinned widely, and waved his hand repeatedly: “Forget it, rush to Kansavius Island at full speed, protect the garbage of the Draco, it is really very helpless…”

Water has a source, trees have roots, not to say how much prejudice Kapu has against Draco, the key is that Draco has never been a respectable existence, especially after Kapu joined the navy and gradually able to contact Draco, a number of things, Kapu would rather think that he did not see…

He is not unwilling to face it, the key navy to kill the Draco is a very troublesome thing, life is nothing more than a rare confusion of four words, by his own can not change the status quo, it is better to be deaf and blind, do what you want to do.

Anyway, Karp was able to pat himself on the chest and tell everyone that everything he did was unashamed.

As for the Draco, this moth… Let him work hard to go to the disaster, that is, some people are hurt. Protect most people first…

Kapu rushed to Kansaurus Island with great speed, and the moment the ship docked, a man in a black suit appeared on the deck.

For the mysterious world government intelligence officer, Karp did not feel surprised, that is, he held out his hand, waiting for the eternal pointer that should be delivered to his hand.

The intelligence officer handed something to Kapu, and when he saw that Kapu was going to call the people to leave immediately, he hurriedly said, “Lieutenant General Kapu, please wait.” ”

Karp turned his head back and looked at the man with a puzzled face.


What Steel Bone Ku said, Kapu remembered very clearly, now this situation should be that everyone wants to rush to the Island of Gods, why should this have to wait?

“That’s right, please wait here for the arrival of the follow-up reinforcements, according to our latest intelligence, the Rox Pirates have laid out seven blockade lines in the New World, and are fully committed to intercepting all the forces of the Navy on the Island of the Gods…”

Karp’s pupils contracted slightly, and he was stunned for half a day before he reacted.

“It’s Kaido’s arrangement!”

Such a big thing happened, Karp really didn’t study what was going on.

He didn’t like Draco, and he was busy hunting down Roger, so he completely ignored many things, and he knew that Locks was going to attack the Island of the Gods, but the chaos in the world, Kapu didn’t pay attention to it.

According to the idea in his heart, the navy is so big, and there are many powerful masters of the world government, and it is not a simple thing to defend an island of gods?

As a result, I was woken up by this intelligence officer today!

Can do the work in detail, a look is a thing that has moved the brain, then there is no one else, it is Kaido’s dominant, old rival for many years, Kapu can’t be clearer.

With just a moment’s effort, Kapu immediately became sober, his eyes flashed, ignored the intelligence personnel, and first arranged for his lieutenants: “Take a chart and come here!” ”

The chart was brought over, and Karp pointed to the chart and said to the intelligence officer, “Now tell me about these seven blockade lines, and what other information to tell me.” ”

“Yes, these seven blockade lines, according to the investigation of our lurking intelligence personnel, were organized by the Fan Team under the seven cadres of the Rox Pirate Regiment, the first is Kaido’s seventh team, and the second is Whitebeard’s third team…”

“In addition, the first half of the Great Passage was 3.3 times of the Great Passage, there was a big incident, the sea was in chaos, and most of the effective forces of the Navy were withdrawn…”

The intelligence officers threw out one piece of information, and the more Kapu listened, the more he felt that the seriousness of the situation had exceeded his imagination.

At this time, he understood why Steel Bone Void would scold him like that, it turned out that it was only because the Navy could take it out at the first time to maintain the combat effectiveness of the God Island, and there were actually two people left, himself and the Storm General!

Looking at the chart, Karp’s mind was spinning fast, and soon he found something wrong.


With a finger outstretched, Capbi drew the first and second blockade lines just pointed out by the intelligence academy personnel.

“Why is this the strongest two teams of the Locks Pirate Regiment fortified?”

“According to the intelligence, this is the seventh and third teams…”

The intelligence officer looked at Karp and knew in his eyes that he hadn’t said anything nice.

Also, in the eyes of outsiders, Cap is just a big old man, this kung fu he looks at the chart and questions the layout of the Rox Pirate Regiment, which is obviously a convulsion.

Is his judgment more accurate than that of intelligence officers who go deep behind enemy lines and see everything with their own eyes? The fact is that the first two blockade lines are the strongest team of the Locks Pirate Regiment in defense.

“There’s a problem, it’s not going to be Kaido’s style, he couldn’t have made that decision…”

Kapu was talking about how Kaido was smart, and the decision was stupid, as if he were very good at strategy.

The intelligence officer was not familiar with Karp, but Karp’s lieutenant knew very well that his commander was definitely not the kind of reckless man in the eyes of outsiders.

Truly, Karp’s wisdom cannot be underestimated.

His vision is so long-term that even the Warring States will not easily ignore his opinion.

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