Chapter 63: Locks! World Overlord!

[Ask for self-determination].

The adjutant said in a deep voice, “There are still ten boats, three thousand five hundred and seventy-two people.” ”

Cap took a few breaths and asked bluntly, “Do these people still have a chance to break through the remaining blockade?” ”

The adjutant was a little embarrassed, he knew what Karp was trying to say.

“Lieutenant General Kapu, please be sure to exercise restraint, the remaining two blockade lines, we will definitely rush through, even if the soldiers all take their lives, we will also send you over, the Valley of the Gods battlefield needs a full state of Lieutenant General Kapu, every bit of your strength consumption, will affect the final battle situation.”

Karp had heard this several times, and each time he had put up with it, but now he couldn’t help it!

He picked up the adjutant’s collar and pointed to the battlefield in front of him: “Then you tell me, should I watch this?” ”

The adjutant did not mind Kapu’s behavior, he was also a professional soldier, the strength was not too strong, there was no such trouble as Kapu, not to mention that the above assigned him to Kapu as an aide-de-camp, because this guy was more rational than Kapu.

“This is my commander in war, and if you strike now, what’s the point of what we’ve done before?”

The adjutant looked at Kapu and was also a little moved.

“Lieutenant General Kapu, our task is to rush to the Island of the Gods, our more important task is to get you to the Island of the Gods, as soldiers we know very well that even if we reach the battlefield of the Island of the Gods, the role we can play is only to block a few miscellaneous soldiers, but what about you?”

Who doesn’t understand these truths yet, Karp is just a temporary gaffe, and he is not overwhelmed by anger.

He changed and put the adjutant on the ground, his eyes slightly reddened: “I’m sorry, I just lost my mind…”

He really couldn’t see Robe Ze desperately on the battlefield, but he could only hold his shoulders and watch…

Karp is forty years old this year, it is the peak of his strength, he wants to launch a fierce attack, the world’s top combat strength, at least to take out the top few talents to stop him.

These things, although no one has verified them, are facts.

So Karp knows better how much of a role he can play when he arrives in the Valley of the Gods…

The Rox Pirate Regiment can be said to have gathered up all the powerful fighting forces among the pirates, and it was difficult to repel them by the defenders of the Valley of the Gods alone.

Just after breaking through the sixth blockade line, the group led by Kapu was left with a dog-headed warship and two small ships, a total of less than five hundred people!

“The last way!”

All the naval soldiers said such a word silently in their hearts.

For the sailors, this is their final destination, the final end of their battle, that is, this blockade line. As long as they go up and send Lieutenant General Karp’s ship out of this blockade line, their mission is complete.

To be honest, when these people set out, they did not think that the war would evolve into this, but the reality is that even if they can’t think of it, they can only choose to accept it.

Almost every naval soldier has already made a conviction clear in his heart, that is, to escort Vice Admiral Kapu to the last battlefield of the God Island!

“Prepare for battle!”


The warship’s whistle sounded, and the remaining men shouted slogans almost simultaneously to prepare for battle. In front of the last blockade line, the black pressed pirates are not far away.

“Rush over!”

The navy on the two small boats had been supplied by the dog-headed warship, almost to full capacity, and they had sacrificed their lives to rush to the pirates who were several times more than themselves, or even ten times more!

This is a suicide attack!

The pirates were also sharpening their knives, and when they saw that the navy still had spare strength, a cruel glow burst from their eyes.

“Guys, destroy these navies, keep them here, the captain is doing great things on the island of the gods, you can’t let them add chaos to the captain and shout anything, anyway, the pirates are excited, one by one screaming and fighting with the navy.”

However, because of Kaido’s arrangement, from the actual point of view, the quality of this blockade line is not as good as one, and the original seventh team can also organize mature tactics to resist the navy, and the more they get to the back, the more they can return to the essence of the pirate rabble.

With a large number of people, they did not care about other factors at all, and they did not even play the conventional tactics of artillery attacks, and directly chose to engage in a battle, and surrounded the only remaining naval reinforcements.

“Soldiers, crash the ship!”

The commander of the small boat was very calm, and directly issued the order to crash the ship, like this kind of boat crashed into the pirate ship that blocked them, at best, hit a small hole, which was not much different from suicide, and in the end it must be a high-intensity battle on people’s boats.

But the execution of the Navy is very strong, say crash ship, crash ship! Bang!


“For justice!”

The ship crashed into the face, and the pirates were face-to-face, and the navy took the weapon and fought with many pirates to the death! Karp rolled his arms around his sleeves, “Can’t rush, I’m going to destroy them!” ”

The adjutant was dumbfounded, the navy’s will to fight was tough, and the probability of two small boats breaking through this blockade line to send out Kapu was almost zero, and if he tried to persuade again, it would be meaningless.

It was at this time that there were suddenly several rumbling cannon sounds in my ears!

Just as they had already broken into the rear, suddenly a dozen naval ships appeared, firing their guns and rushing towards Kapu, who was already surrounded.

The sudden appearance of this group of people and horses made everyone scratch their heads. It’s just that this can be said to be a shot in the arm for the morale of the Navy!

“Reinforcements have arrived!”

“Hold on!”

“The victory is ours!”

Karp was confused and looked at the adjutant: “Do we still have someone coming?” ”

The adjutant did not know what the situation was, and looked at Karp with a confused face.

When the navy was near, the leader was also standing at the bow of the ship.

“Karp, it’s a bit of a mess.”

“Zefa, how did you get here?”

To Zefa’s ridicule, Kapu did not pay attention to it, but was very curious about how he had rushed over.

Zefa was just a cheap word, and he knew that Kapu was the same as the locked tiger until now, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to mix with it.

“Of course, it is because of you, I chased for three days and three nights, broke through six blockade lines in the same way, and finally caught up with you, here do not need you to worry, leave it to me, let me open the way forward for you!”

Speaking of which, Zefa, the general candidate, has been in the rear for a long time to train new recruits, and he still has not given up his belief in not killing, so many battles are unable to participate, and the enemy will take advantage of his weakness, which is not a weakness.

After the Navy also allocated all the living forces, it realized that there was still such a big treasure in its own training ground, so it simply let him take people to the new world and do the second wave of support.

This is even a series of arrangements for the Rox Pirate Regiment to react relatively quickly.

Zefa, who was in full fire, came up and sank several pirate ships, directly opening a road for Kapu.

“Kapu, everything is looking at you, I will organize people to drag these seven blockade lines here, you can rest assured to go to the Valley of the Gods, everything has me!”

Kapu growled, “I’ll come to see you with Locks’ dog’s head!” ”

At this moment, the anger in Karp’s heart was about to burn him to death!

Tens of thousands of soldiers paid a heavy price in order to allow him to break through the blockade, and his suppressed emotions finally had a chance to be released at this moment.

This goes…

With his fist, he will take off Locks’s head and pay tribute to the admirals who died for this battle!

“Lieutenant General, the island of the gods lies ahead!”

The adjutant looked at the eternal pointer in his hand and confirmed that the island that appeared in front of him was the Island of the Gods. Hurrying and hurrying, Kapu finally arrived at the Island of the Gods.

At this moment, the island of the gods was surprisingly quiet, and compared with the several blockades I had seen before, the island of gods was not calm anymore. The semaphore soldiers signaled on the ship, and the observatory of the Island of the Gods saw it, and quickly replied, and Kapu got the accurate news, that everything was fine on the Island of the Gods, and that the Locks Pirate Regiment had not yet appeared.

Fortunately, this is a timely arrival.

This is when the warship enters the harbor, and Cap comes down from the ship to meet him, one of the three admirals of the Navy, Haug Loyerva, the Storm General!

“You’re finally here!”

As soon as he came up, the Storm General saluted, shook hands, and immediately entered the state.

“Admiral Loyewa, is there any news from the Locks Pirates?”

Karp was in no mood to pay attention to anything else, as he roared at the seventh blockade, and he had come this time to take down Locks’s dog’s head!

Although it seems that the battle has not yet begun, Cap has begun to hope that Locks will appear soon.

The Storm General’s face was solemn: “We will send a reconnaissance team every fifteen minutes, an hour ago, the reconnaissance team due south was lost, look at the time… The Rox Pirates should be here at this time. ”

Karp nodded, “Great, Lao Tzu is a little impatient!” ”

At this time, Karp was not in the mood to take care of decency, etiquette, these meaningless things, in front of the general.

But his appearance is actually a good boost to morale!

Just by looking at the mental state he showed, there was a sense of war in the hearts of the navy present.

The Storm General didn’t care at all about what respect or disrespect he claimed to have, he knew one thing, Karp’s combat effectiveness was the fastest improving one among the navies of the same period, and Kapu’s strength was nothing to give him a general.

As a few good seedlings closely watched by the Navy, the strength of Kapu’s group of people has a clear understanding in the minds of the Navy high-level people to talk about, and now the Storm Admiral feels that the pressure on his shoulders is slightly less.

Now the combat power on the God Island was finally barely enough to see.

There is a general-level combat strength like Kapu, plus two close to the general-level combat strength of the CPO who is already sitting on the island of gods, and several lieutenant generals of the naval headquarters.

With such a staffing on the books, benchmarking the Locks Pirate Regiment can at least ensure that there is a containment between the strong on both sides, at least for a long time.

As long as they can drag on the main naval side to calm down the turmoil and the reinforcements reach the Island of the Gods, then their mission will be completed.

At the same time, Roger’s Pirates also sneaked up on the Island of the Gods, which was very different from Kapu’s bright and upright, they appeared in a shallow bay that was very hidden on the island.

Roger’s sight and hearing could hear the sound of all things, and naturally it was not blown out, so it was convenient to avoid the eyes and ears of the navy and directly lurk into the Island of the Gods.

At this juncture, Jabba was a little bit unseen of the world, looking east and west of the island.

“No, isn’t it said that there are half of the Draco’s people on this island, why didn’t I find any?”

With some doubt, Jabba chatted with his friends about the topic.

Roger sensed through the sight and smell of color, it is true that he did not find anything, although the sight and smell of color is not as accurate as what instrument, but there is no problem in simply judging some things.

Roger spread out and smelled domineeringly, and he easily sensed the breath of some naval soldiers, but he didn’t find a Draco!

“There are no Dracos on the island.”

Roger thought about it for half a day and said what he knew.

Jabba was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, “It seems that the rumors are unreliable…”

On the contrary, after Reilly listened to Roger’s words, he suddenly thought of something, and he asked a little uncertainly, “Is there really no Draco being?” ”

Roger was very sure: “Of course, the navy is left on this island except for us now.” ”


Reilly said it almost subconsciously, watching his friends look at him, and Reilly explained.

“The key to Locks’ attack on the Island of the Gods is that half of the Dracos live on this island, and now that the Dracos are gone, the attack of Locks will not be meaningful, on the contrary, it has become the best battlefield for the Navy and Locks to fight!”

This is not a brainless master, and the crowd reacted after listening to Reilly’s analysis.

No matter what kind of development this thing is, in short, everything has become a net open to the Rox Pirates…

At this moment, Roger smiled, but once again made a very different judgment from the others.

“No… There may be details of things that we don’t know, but the attack on the Island of the Gods is by no means meaningless, and this move is far more important than destroying half of the Draco. ”

Being able to become the later One Piece, a simple single sentence will set off a new era in the whole sea, and Roger will obviously not be a simple role.

He understands better that there are things that, even if the reality is not so exaggerated, can amplify the impact to the point where no one can ignore it.

Frankly… Judging from the fact that Locks shocked the whole world through the news of the newspaper, as long as Locks can do something on the Island of the Gods and retire with his whole body, then what happens in the Island of the Gods is no longer important, what is important is that Locks has done it.

“Locks must be stopped, and this battle must not be won by him!”

Roger said very firmly, he firmly believed that Locks was not the person who was waiting for the D clan, and Locks would not change the world Jabba’s temperament was very crisp, he would say what he thought, but he did not dwell on the things that stopped Locks, but he was very emotional.

“If I knew that there wasn’t even a Draco on the Island of the Gods, I wouldn’t know what the navy that had rushed to the pirates before would have had a look on their faces…”

No, the people of Roger’s ship were all behind the butts to see clearly, and they didn’t like the Navy, but at least they had earned them respect.

Unfortunately, this was the last tranquility before the storm, and the fleet of Locks attacking the Island of the Gods was already visible to the naked eye at sea level, and this war was about to break out!

“Kaido, here we are.”

Locks already knew the news that Cap had broken through the blockade and arrived at the Island of the Gods, and they had finally slowed down a little. At this time, Locks was simply looking for someone to idle two sentences before the battle began, and there was no practical significance at all.

Kaido smiled, “I said, the Navy will definitely let the people they need appear on the Island of the Gods, and the next thing is up to you.” ”

In the end, Kaido still underestimated his temperament, and he thought he could really watch Locks go down.

But at this time, Kaido still did not hold back, and briefly reminded Locks.

In fact, both of them knew what was happening in the shadows, Kaido was clearly going to see the play, and Locks didn’t care about these things at all, because Locks knew very well that as long as his captain didn’t fall, there would be no problem with the Locks Pirates!

Locks smiled, “Everything that needs to be done has been done, and now it’s just bigger than whose fist it is, look, I’ll let you know why I’m the world overlord.” ”

Locks walked over to the bow of the ship and spread his arms, “Let’s get started and say hello to our enemies!” ”

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