Chapter 72: The Age of Kaido Has Arrived.

“Kaido! You less lied to my baby son to mess with you! ”

Charlotte Lingling snorted and rushed over, pulled Katakusu aside, and shaved Kaido’s eyes, hoping not to stab him. Who let this bastard not understand the style, this has been for several days, every day so hinted, almost explicit, is it so difficult to sleep and stay a kind?

Charlotte Lingling really can’t figure it out, her posture is not ugly, sent to the door to the lively and lively, Kaido actually ignored where she knows, Kaido although he has the heart of Mengde, but the taste is also quite picky, can have the style of a young woman, can not have a grassland herding horse.

Boy… Charlotte Lingling’s husband can already count a dozen or so if he doesn’t do it, and Kaido is not Ma Xin’er, how can he take care of this horse errand.

However, Kaido’s emphasis on Katakusu made Charlotte Lingling feel very dangerous, and after taking a bite of him, he quickly took someone away and left without any nostalgia.

Finally, this comes to Whitebeard, it can be said that Kaido and he are left on the island, and the two people are still in the same state as the last time, standing on the dock watching the sea and the sky.

“What’s going on in the future?”

Kaido asked.

Whitebeard smiled, “I already have an idea, I plan to form a pirate group, Ling Ling gave me some inspiration… Maybe I can take in a thousand sons and a thousand sons and a thousand children, so that I can have a family. ”

Oh… The famous saying that the emotional whitebeard is my son was realized when the Locks Pirates Group fell apart.

“Very good, at least more reliable than Ling Ling, I dare not think about what it would be like if you turned into a stallion…”

“I’ll go to yours.”

Knowing that Kaido was laughing at himself again, Whitebeard immediately laughed and scolded.

The two were silent for a while, and Whitebeard asked, “Eh, are you willing to form a pirate group with me and be my family?” ”

Kaido looked at him: “Brother Newgate, is it because being a brother can’t satisfy you?” I don’t want to rush to be your son. ”

“Go, you must be a good brother on board, and my children will have to call you uncle in the future.”

“It’s kind of interesting, I’m looking forward to the scene of tens of thousands of people calling my uncle together.”

Whitebeard glanced at Kaido, “How can there be so much, too exaggerated…”

After talking about a happy life, Kaido and Whitebeard chatted again, after all, this time separately, the future does not know when they can meet, many years of partners, always have to be temperamental.

06 sent away the white beard, the sky is also dark, Kaido came to the grave of Locks, there is nothing to say, it is simply drinking, this drink is a night.

When there was a faint glimmer of light in the sky, Kaido stood up and said goodbye to the tombstone, which turned into a dragon and left.

Kaido was going to find Xia Qi and Ember to meet, and where to go next, Kaido had already thought about it, and he planned to go to the country of peace to see and play with a wolf’s tooth stick of Hailoushi.

For those with ability, the sea floor stone is poison, but although Kaido has fruit ability, it will not be affected by the sea floor stone, and it is really a good choice to use the strong sea floor stone to build weapons.

In addition, the country of memory and peace is also his residence, and although he now has more choices, it is not impossible to travel to the country of peace.

The era of this road to the mountains and the high road belongs to Locks is completely over, and a new era is about to open, the dawn sun sprinkles the sea, and a few dragon groans faintly come from the sky!

The Kingdom of Peace, a great power in the New World, is a country with a powerful armed force, but it is closed to the world, does not receive outsiders, and does not join the world government.

The sea area of this country does not have a coast connected to the open sea, and it is surrounded by cliffs and waterfalls, and after going to the waterfall, it enters the inland sea of Wano Country, which can be said to be easy to defend and difficult to attack.

For outsiders, the cliff waterfall of the Heavenly Barrier has blocked all their hopes of going to the Kingdom of Wano. Kaido also flew to this vicinity and felt how beneficial it would be if he used the country of peace as a station.

“Boss Kaido, are we ready to take the Kingdom of Wano?”

Xia Qi sat on the ember back of the toothless pterosaur and asked curiously.

Kaido’s purpose of coming to the country of peace has not been told to anyone, of course, Xia Qi does not know, she feels that now that Kaido has begun to work alone, she should also be like other cadres, to get a piece of land or something…

Kaido smiled, “Look…”

Under the heavens, this sentence is not a human word, there is something to see… Is that a success or a failure? Let’s say that the country of peace is taken, this sentence sees, is it intended to occupy or give up?

Anyway, Xia Qi didn’t understand, but Kaido continued, “Don’t be idle, start contacting the bastards of the Seventh Fan Team now, and let them roll me to the Kingdom of Washi, don’t think that hiding it will be fine.” ”

Kaido didn’t count how many people would be left on the Locks Seventh Team, but to bet that they were all dead, Kaido could chop off his own head as a bet.

Those are definitely not so easy to die clean, the defense line is arranged by Kaido, for the situation that happens, Kaido also has a clear understanding, the first two blockade lines will not kill many people, the Navy did not have time to deal with them at that time, and the next few lines of defense will make the red-eyed navy sell its strength.

What Xia Qi could say, obedient to that is, take out the phone and quickly contact their own secret piles, so that they can find a way to contact the survivors.

Observing the terrain, it felt that he had arrived at the capital of the capital of the Wano Kingdom, and Kaido let the embers descend in height, and he also pressed the head of the falling cloud and flew down directly.

You must know that living in the country of peace, especially in the place of the royal capital, is relatively easy to live in every day, and the whole city of flowers is also a prosperous scene.

As people walked down the street, they felt a black cloud overhead pressing down, and when they looked up, it was a big and big long worm!

This long insect looks quite strange, the scales are not too different, it is the stripe of the python, but the head has long horns, the whiskers are more than ten meters long, there are four claws, the head is not the same, it seems to be a dragon, and it seems to be a monster!

There is also a strange bird with long wings, it seems that it should be the same as the two, and the strange bird has been flying around the long worm!

It’s not that they haven’t seen it, and the kingdom of peace is not without the legend of slaying dragons, the frost moon dragon marti sword slashing dragon, this is the history of the country of peace, the people spread word of mouth, and now the tomb of the dragon horse is still in the territory of the country of peace, they are not unaware of the dragon.

But in terms of the situation, the dragon horse slashes that is the impression of the dragon of the West, not the dragon of the East, and people outside the country know this matter, it is entirely because the Demon Fruit Chart Book is written like that, no matter what it looks like, anyway, it corresponds to the ability, that is the fruit.

The country of peace does not know what is called the Demon Fruit, and today this is a strange landscape! Circling over the country of peace, all the people below were watching the monsters, and they were very surprised!

“What’s flying in the sky?”

“Weird… Monster? What kind of yokai is this, there is no such yokai in the legend. ”

“Do we want to run, I heard that His Highness Mita has come to the Flower Capital today, and he will protect us?”

The country of peace has been quiet for too long and too long, and the people are half curious about these strange things, and half do not understand, so they stand and watch the liveliness, anyway, there is no danger for the time being.

Even if it was very dangerous, could it be so dangerous that the mountain god destroyed the Flower Capital?

I have to say that it is really human nature to join in the fun, this is only a short moment of effort, the streets of the Flower Capital are already full of people, one by one looking up at the sky, looking at the Kaido in the sky.

Kaido didn’t give a crap, and opened his mouth directly, like thunder: “Hikari Sukiyagi, come out and see me!” ”

This voice shouted out, it was really a feeling of thunder in the sky, which made people feel chilly!

Just in the Flower Country General’s Mansion, today was exactly when Mitsuki Mita came to visit Mitsuki Shoukiyai, the father and son sat facing each other, and they heard this huge roar outside.

Mitsuki Oda suddenly stirred, “Here comes a strong man!” ”

Powerful people have a certain sense of each other, Kaido is like a beacon in the night, the powerful momentum makes people have no way to ignore his existence.

Mitsuki Oda is first of all a tough person.

His birth is very extraordinary, just born, just held out of the delivery room, the next person and the old mother are still too late to give the general good news, Mitsuki Mita will reach out and scratch, after all, it is a small baby, it is very normal to scratch and bump, who can guard against him?

But who let him be Mitsuki Mita, reach out, grab the collar without borrowing force, throw it out to the nurse, good guy.. Fell that miserable, this is talking about the mother, he slammed on the ground, not only will not cry, but also quack Gale it!

It’s the same as a live goblin! As the old saying goes, an extraordinary son must be born with a miracle, and his birth is strange enough.

Growing up is even more amazing, just two years old, other children are still in the aisle is not good for the rope, he has been able to catch two rabbits at the same time, all said that if you move off the rabbit, how fast is the rabbit?

He can catch rabbits running at full speed, and the great thing is that people catch them together!

Maybe it is a bit exaggerated to say that it was caught at the same time, after all, the two rabbits ran separately, one left and one right, and the heavenly ability also had to come one by one, and there was this rumor that it was circulated, at best, it was beautified, just as if it were caught separately, the interval between them was very short, probably such a situation.

Two more years later, Mitsuki Mita was naughty, and there was nothing to throw big stones to play, and a stone smashed a giant bear to death! It’s really brave, running fast, and powerful.

Slowly at the age of six, Mitsuki Mita opened the trick, which can not be elaborated, but can only say that children may have a good feeling for beautiful things and are willing to play with their big sisters.

This place is exclusive to the country of Wano, and the noun is called Flower Street Willow Lane!

They are all professional and skilled big sisters, which gives Mitsuki Oda a like bad, and began to run to this place all day long at the age of six. As for whether there is a condition to do something, the benevolent see the benevolent, and the wise see the wise.

Anyway, it is such an experience, and it will be lively in the future!

The growth history of Mitsuki Mita, at the beginning is a change of two years, two years of playing in Flower Street Willow Lane, Mitsuki Mita is also tired, see Tian’er’s female ticket yard is not interesting, have to enter ah!

So what to say about self-motivated, drinking, playing with money, drinking is mainly to make friends, making friends is to ask for money… But what about it… Friendship this thing, play with money more and more thin, especially once the gambling table is opened, can not only play with friends, and the ordinary people who hope to be self-motivated.

This shows the benefits of drinking, and it is all friends who come and play together. With such a person alone, you can’t afford to lose…

The two dates in his hand were thrown on the case, and as soon as he opened the sieve cup, he was finished, and he would choke on our family for no money to live a life, and for a while he would say that he didn’t count just now, and I would make a scene…

Anyway, losing that little money is not enough to save this little face. Is it a putty trick to play with money, can Mitsuki Oda still bear this?

Don’t look at the eight-year-old child, beating these people is the same as the fake, who does it with him will suffer losses, the head is all open, the jianghu people call the blood gourd…

After playing with money for a year, Mitsuki Mita turned all these gamblers into evil.

No one is playing with the money, and the casino is not doing it.

“You ran them away, who are we going to eat?”

This casino does not let him go, directly on the blacklist, Mitsuki Mita is also a fierce boy, do not let him go simply do not open the door, burn the casino!

Later, because of this, he was directly imprisoned, and the general’s son was the same, and it was not like the words originally, the general just beat him and arrested him.

On the day of the arrest, the streets of casinos set off firecrackers to celebrate, and the lenders all lowered the interest rate.

After a few years of being a prisoner, and the country of drought, Mitsuki Ota just released, a look at the drought, then modify the river channel to divert water, this is a spontaneous ah, he also has no plan, anyway, after changing the river, it directly caused the flood, just released, it was wanted again.

After hiding outside for a year, Mitsuki Ota may not like this kind of day, simply find a temple, the sword holder is on the neck, let the family take care of themselves, this section of the bone, let alone take it in, let him be the abbot ah.

However, being wanted and in such a hidden 620 hidden state, Mitsuki Mita should always be honest, right? He doesn’t, he doesn’t eat milk, no!

When I ran out at night, when I was six years old, I was not looking for a big sister in Flower Street Willow Lane, it is estimated that the experience is not complete, sixteen years old, there are this condition…

When he brazenly abducted people into the monastery and saw who was good-looking, he took them to the monastery with them, and they were lively and lively, almost close. But whatever… Mitsuki Mita is also quite polite, specializing in singles, and he does not touch his husband’s family.

People were taken captive, still very happy, anyway, do not worry about going home, with the light moon Mita in the temple is still very happy. Ah, Hikari Mita so tossed, can there still be a single woman, the single stick suddenly increased a lot. This is not to say that it is useless, from the side it shows that Mitsuki Oda is a strong man… Let’s say that the young man is strong in fire, he is tossing and turning every day, and the good big cattle can’t hold on, and he is stunned to force the bare-knuckles to attack them en masse.

Note… Mitsuki Oda is busy with the harem, and he also fights with a large number of bare sticks, and the best thing is that people have won! This is not soft foot, but also strong enough, just like the readers of the old masters, fierce!

This incident was later called the Harem Rebellion by the Kingdom of Harmony.

Specifically, I can’t say too carefully, anyway, I really want to read it for this, and put together ten books and eight books to read… No problem!

Stumbling, Oda has grown to eighteen, is an adult, and it is time to do something serious about himself.

Mitsuki Oda once again showed a different side of himself, and the country of Kazuno was closed to the country, and the people were not allowed to go to sea, and he was stunned to go to sea! Just at the thirty-eighth time, Hikari Shouki couldn’t burn it dry, it didn’t matter how ridiculous it was before, Mitsuki Mita made this decision that violated the ancestors, and it was indeed too much to do this again and again!

Break off the father-son relationship and drive out of the city of flowers!

That is, on this day, Mitsuki Oda was like lifting his own shackles, just as the mountain god invaded, it was a huge mountain pig, which made him a knife for a second, and then there were two more followers behind his ass.

He traveled all over the country of Wano and received several more people one after another, and there were six people under his command. His ultimate destination is the Impossible Land of the Kingdom of Harmony, Nine Mile!

Single-handedly, a person killed into the nine miles, the bandits and hooligans that were entrenched here, all the conditioning and understanding, with “morality” to convince people, hooligans have all learned well.

This is one more follower, the Great Evil Man of the Nine Mile, the Asura Boy, the Wine Heaven Maru!

By the time he was twenty years old, Oda was much more reliable and began to govern the Nine Mile, turning this filthy land of peace into a happy land, and for this reason… Hikari Shoukiyaki rewarded him with the status of a nine-mile daimyō and restored the father-son relationship.

However, it is really the experience that makes people grow, and after he has a turf to govern, Mitsuki Mita knows some of his father, and the contradiction between father and son is not so sharp.

These two years are relatively mild, he has no sailing experience, and the country of peace does not have this technology, there is no weakness, people are honest, from time to time back to the capital of flowers to see.

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