Chapter 90: There is very little to do with Bergapunk [Subscribe].

Steel Bone Void came back to his senses and was preparing to explain, at least Roger this matter is not a naval problem, the main contradiction is on the sea, the thief, who let them re-blockade the new world, but the five old stars are also enough, directly block the words back to him.

Who is called steel bone, empty has been bowing his head to do small, this dress pig for a long time, no one when he is a tiger.

“Listen, now change the plan, stop the action, negotiate peace with Kaido and others, more than too many conditions can be agreed, we only ask for one thing, do not stop the world government in the new world to search for Roger, we must bring Roger to justice, and must be broadcast all over the world so that everyone can see, Roger is publicly executed!” 」

The bigger the politician, the better the businessman, the better the abacus, and the better the compromise. It is said that in the face of pirates, neither the world government nor the navy should be tolerated. But this is also a situation, the key to see how to compare.

If compared with other pirates, then the threat of Kaido’s gang has already broken the sky, and they must be destroyed!

But compared to Roger, who has been crowned king, Kaido, they are bullshit! Shit is not as good!

As soon as this account is calculated, it is clear that there are eight hundred years of government in the world, and how can there be eight hundred years of pirates? Are these people in the New World bad?

Quite bad!

But how long can they hunt madness, compared with the world government, the time of existence of the sea thief is only a few decades.

It can be said that a hundred years later, Kaido, Whitebeard, Golden Lion: As far as these people are still alive, it is said that the world government will still exist, as long as there is still a state in this world, then the world government will exist as a regime! The five old stars of this account can be counted clearly.

But Roger is different, he has reached the final island through the body of history.

First of all, what is the historical text, that is a reference for a hundred years of blank space, ah, wasn’t O’Hara destroyed because of the study of this thing?

In One Piece World, the body of history is tantamount to unlocking the key to the hidden secrets of the world government that has been blank for a hundred years. And this key is to unlock the lock: Right on the final island, Ralph Drew!

Roger already knows these things, then he can’t stay any longer, he must kill him as fast as possible, no matter what the cost, in a word, the sooner the better!

Danlaf Drew’s secret is exposed, then the world government is likely to be subverted by the exposure of this secret, which is something that the Five Old Stars absolutely do not want to see.

“Understand, I’ll do it now, and I’ll give you a satisfactory answer!” Steel Bone Empty is this sentence that was only uttered by gritting his back teeth! ”

It can be said that the most unwilling thing now is that he is a naval marshal, a good big drama, made a tiger’s head and snake tail, even the snake tail is not counted, it is a joke!

But at this time, he couldn’t cling to it, the things that the five old stars could think of, steel bones, and empty naturally had a speculation, otherwise he wouldn’t say that when he came, he would tell his generals to hurry up and collect Roger’s news!

He figured it all out!

In Mary Joa and the five old stars grinded the mouth of the morning, the steel bone and the empty voice said that there was smoke, nothing else, it was to discuss some details, such as how to negotiate with Kaido, how to plan the action of searching Roger, anyway, the things that should be studied, the five old stars and the steel bone, the empty This has been carefully reviewed, and finally reached a consensus, the plan and what has been decided.

Steel bones, empty back to the meeting, this does not need to be elaborated, is nothing more than uploading and issuing that little thing, some people in the navy sighed, some regretted, some cried and drooled, but no one objected.

They also all felt that Roger should be arrested, but they did not think of a blank hundred years, the key soldiers to obey orders as their duty, the Navy to guard justice, can not let people put up a sign for the pirates.

If one day everyone goes out to sea to eat and drink, I want to be like Roger, I am the man who wants to become One Piece, then they will be exhausted and can’t be caught.

All the soldiers who were drawn back from the four seas retreated, and they carried an instruction to search indiscriminately, even if it was a garbage can, even if it was to turn the four seas upside down, they would also find Roger!

The Army also made this arrangement, and wherever it can be inspected on land, the Army must also go to the rescue to investigate. Then there is the elite men and horses of the headquarters, all sent to the first half of the Great Passage, desperately looking for it!

It can be said that these areas currently controlled by the Navy have already laid a net of heaven and earth, waiting for the news of Roger’s emergence. At last. It’s the hardest level to take, negotiate with Kaido!

The delegation. If the strength is weak, the brain is not smart, it is not successful, and it is not possible to talk about it!

Steel bones, empty teeth, do not blindly delay the effort, the bottom line is placed here anyway, as long as you do not ask the world government to step down, the rest of the things can be discussed, you can even talk slowly, anyway, let go of the route, allow the search and arrest in the new world, ask for money and land to do anything!

Of course, this is only the bottom line, in case it can be more favorable, the steel bone and air will not mind.

Therefore, the navy simply showed all the bottom of the family, the Warring States, Zefa, Kapu, Crane, and the three future generals, anyway, the backbone is gone.

Sengoku and Tsuru serve as the main councillors and leaders, and the rest are bodyguards.

In short, there is nothing to delay in this matter, the negotiations are successful, and it is also a great shame for the Navy! The One Piece Alliance, led by Kaido, made three demands on the Navy and the World Government.

First, after the searchers entered the new world, they saw the flag of the Four Pirates, took the initiative to avoid, and were not allowed to approach, once violated, the Four Pirates Group reserved the right to pursue responsibility, of course… The Four Pirates promise not to cover Roger.

In fact, everyone knew that Roger couldn’t have approached the four of them for help. The point is that this condition can make the prestige of the Four Pirates rise a little more.

Second, the Four Pirates will send ships to the first half of the great shipping lane controlled by the Navy and the four seas, mainly engaged in trade activities, the Navy must not interfere, must be sure that there is no offense in the autumn, at least before Roger Fufa can not be violated, otherwise it is also the Four Pirates to pursue the responsibility of the Navy!

Third, lose money, a family of ten billion, who let the Navy provoke Kaido first, if it were not for the attack on Kaido, it would not be like this now, since there is a truce, then take out the compensation!

Gritting its teeth, the navy’s delegation agreed, and as a result, Kaido came to a riot… Originally, this was a verbal agreement, and he had to ask the Navy to sign a written agreement on behalf of the world government!

In his words, in case the Navy turned its face and did not recognize the account, it must sign a written matter, and then if there is anything inappropriate, the Four Pirates will have a countermeasure.

It’s about this signing… It was really difficult for the delegation to die, and finally reported it, and the five old stars lifted the table, and finally agreed.

When it came time to sign, it was Lieutenant General Tsuru who volunteered to take on this responsibility, but Sengoku stood up and almost made Kaido laugh.

What’s going on, Sengoku said, “Little Crane… In this life, the most difficult thing to write is your own name, you are still young, let me come, this shame is on my head. ”

Otherwise, if the Warring States can finally become an admiral, they will take on his responsibility, then he is also well-deserved! But Kaido really wants to take his hand and ask, buddy, do you know the next sentence of the strange and even unchanged.

At the end of the negotiation, in the days to come, there will be no pirates on the sea, and the navy’s eyes are red, so they leisurely find Roger.

Everyone was in danger, but only one person held his shoulder to watch the hilarity, and he felt that the Navy was in vain. No one else, even Kaido has this leisure.

After all, how Roger was arrested, Kaido knew it, so he let the Navy look for it, and they couldn’t find it! Sure enough, the Navy did not find Roger when it was dead, and the entire Roger Pirate Regiment evaporated!

None of this mattered, because then Kaido received the news that what happened at the naval headquarters on the day Roger became king, and he suddenly felt that he was going to develop his power.

After all, the gathering of the navy can also be regarded as a wake-up call for him, and it is no longer realistic to rely on the strength of one person to toss and turn like this.

So Kaido set up a sign in the New World, in the name of the Green Dragon Kaido, to announce the whole New World, the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment recruited manpower, which was also the first time that Kaido had recruited troops with such fanfare in front of people!

For a while, the pirate group that annoyed Kaido shouted, one by one the excitement was broken, before they thought about achieving a big career with Kaido, but Kaido had not moved, and they could only wait for the opportunity.

Now that the opportunity has arrived, who is not excited?

There are tens of thousands of pirates who have taken the initiative to join forces in the country of peace, and there are many strong pirates among them, and there are also a large number of well-qualified pirates.

Especially after Kaido signed the agreement with the Navy, no one in the New World did not know the weight of the Four Pirates in this sea, and even the Navy’s warships had to hide from their ships.

….. Ask for flowers.

Honestly, this is far more shocking than Roger becoming One Piece, after all. The distance between Roger and them was too far, and the Four Pirates were too far. In particular, Kaido’s Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment has opened its arms to them!

And it was among the vast pirates that Kaido found a figure that had been in his mind for a long time. It was a round fat man.

His name is Chain!

As we all know, Kaido’s Hundred Beasts Pirate Group has such three big boards, known as the Three Plagues! A scorching fire!

Plague one Quinn! Drought a jack!

What about Quinn: In fact, he is a very funny fat man, sometimes very provocative, loves to dance, followed by eating rice cakes and bean soup, which are two big things in his life.

However, we must not let his performance be deceived, not to say that people are funny, that is, stupid and cute.

Chain is very cruel, his favorite is to study all kinds of chemical agents, the best is the kind of person who can make people look like people, ghosts are not like ghosts, and it is better to live than to die without tossing each other, and his life seems to have no fun.

At this moment, Chain was standing in front of Kaido, smiling.

“Lord Kaido, I adore you so much, I want to join your pirate group, I want to work for you!” Looking at Quinn with a look of swearing, Kaido smiled:. ”

“What kind of wonderful fate is this?”

He was playing, and originally Chain should have mixed with him, but after all, he had personally experienced this process, so the feeling was different.

This chubby fleshy mound, one arm or modified mechanical arm, looks more cyberpunk. People are still quite strange, sometimes it is often a glance thing, Kaido looked at Quinn, and felt how this guy was so pleasing to the eye!

Look there are cute people, after this kicking ball are saved trouble, directly rub him and rub the ball directly can kick ah. The smile of this big man is rare, especially for a ruler like Kaido, who has run amok.

In Quinn’s head, it felt like spring was coming.

Lord Kaido, he actually smiled at himself, indicating that adults value themselves.

“Lord Kaido, in fact, I have been concerned about you for a long time, but at that time you were still the brain of the Rox Pirates, and I may not be able to work for you directly to you, and then you disappeared for a while, and I am sorry to know that Caesar’s guy was taken in by you.”

Kaido interrupted him directly: “Wait, who are you talking about?” ”

“Caesar, Caesar Courant!”

“Do you still know?”

Not to blame Kaido for asking, he knew that Chain was also a researcher, but Quinn was working with Vince Mock Garch in a scientific research group called MADS, and this information did not say anything about his relationship with anyone else.

Quinn also really saw that his heart was facing Kaido, especially frank, Kaido just had a problem, he poured beans like a bamboo tube, and he said it all.

“Know, not only him, even Bergapunk I know, before we discussed a few scientific research issues, in fact, we scientists who study science and technology have intersected with each other, do you see my mechanical arm, when Bergapunk researched it, I was the first to let him help transform, counting this is still a human feeling.”

Speaking of this, Kaido can understand that Bi Jing’s human body transformation of this kind of thing is still a very undesirable move for a scientist with a conscience, of course.. Science fanatics can’t count, then it’s the same as a madman.

Kaido has the impression that there are very few things to do with Bergapunk, and he knows that he has a wisdom beyond human beings for five hundred years, and the goodness in human nature can be less?

More than a hundred years of science and technology can clean up the countries on this sea one by one, let alone five hundred years! This is going to be undisciplined, that’s already messed up.

Seeing that Kaido was actually a little surprised, Chain was selling himself harder.

“Lord Kaido, if I serve you, you can rest assured, I promise you will not suffer losses, please believe in my talents, even if it is to give you a trainee crew, I can accept it!”

Fans are so fanatical that what else can Kaido say, then happily accept the sigh.

This is really not convinced, there are many people who come every day to serve Kaido, but none of them can really enter Kaido’s eyes.

And to say: I can be so obedient, there is no discipline at all, and there are really few people.

That Kaido’s heart was like a mirror, there were many people who wanted to cool off through his big tree, and there were many people who wanted to follow him and find a good errand.

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