Chapter 93: Kaido’s Ambition, Roger Shocked!

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But immediately after that, the five old stars said an idea: “It’s just Roger, you want to become the ruler of the world government, I advise you not to dream, but see if you want to wash white, just let us help you operate, let you become the armed man under the name of the world government.” ”

Many years ago, when Locks was still alive, the Five Old Stars had the idea of creating a power that could balance the navy and the pirates. Today, Kaido said this, but it made their minds come alive, and they immediately remembered this idea.

If Kaido this guy can accept the leadership of the world government, some things can’t let go of ideas, otherwise it is easy to think wrong.

For example, Kaido is mixed up with the world government, and it is really quite emotional to think about it.

If only there had been a day… The Navy is still a fart, Kaido alone can stand up to a group of them!

Kaido smirked, “I thought you really didn’t have a bottom line… I didn’t expect that the position of holding the five old stars was quite precious. If you want me to be armed in the name of the world government, isn’t that a dog? ”

When Kaido said this, the face of the steel bone and the empty face was obviously not very good.

Kaido then said, “Okay, don’t waste time, I’m realistic, you guys are realistic, let’s talk about useful, I’ll trade Roger for some financial benefits, I think you should be able to agree, right?” ”

“Of course!”

But of course, this year in order to find Roger, the waste of manpower and material resources is an astronomical number, compared to so always finding, wasting money, it is better to be painfully happy and one-size-fits-all.

“Cheerful, I will say that this matter must be done by you, I have some industry ready to develop in the four seas and the first half of the Great Passage, you just nod your head, don’t let the Navy interfere with my business.”

The five old stars exchanged glances, and the business that allowed Kaido to trade Roger’s whereabouts was probably not a good business.

“Kaido, show some sincerity, normal business you have been doing, the world government has not interfered, I think you want to talk about… Certainly not simple. ”

Kaido did not shy away: “Yes, black market business, normal upside down grain I will find someone else, planning to sell some arms, you also understand that just planting land and selling grain can not earn a few dollars, but also very hard…”

Just such a nagging, Kaido is not too embarrassed to fall down, nonsense.

This hand is still a skill that Kaido learned from a profiteer, that is, through this large amount of nonsense to interfere with the judgment of the opponent, grind the other party impatiently, and the rest of the things will be easy to handle.

After all, people will always overlook some other things for the sake of their upcoming goals.

“Kaido! We are not obligated to listen to your complaints, to put it bluntly, you want to sell arms we can not agree, you should understand that the arms trade will lead to war, we have been suppressing, let you buy and sell arms in a fair and just way, do we still think that this sea is not chaotic enough? ”

In fact, everyone knows that this requirement is not too much.

The arms trade on the black market is prohibited, and even world governments sometimes manipulate some white gloves to do this dirty work. It’s just that the negotiation is still a bargain after all, and it is impossible to say anything and directly agree.

What’s more, Kaido’s power is not small now, if he buys and sells arms, he must be a big deal, and it is impossible to play a little like some retail investors.

Moreover, if Kaido enters the black market, the speed at which he grabs the share will definitely not be slow. To know that the time has come for this guy’s mouth, it is also a word worth studying deeply.

Now that Kaido has said that he is going to do the arms deal, who can guarantee that he has not thought about arms in this year? With Kaido’s cleverness, he must be prepared, which is why Kaido said that the time had come!

He must have wanted to expand his strength through this opportunity… Pull, this is the dog biting the curtain, all leaning on a mouth.

Neither side is a good person, you look at me, Kaido bites Roger’s importance and the incompetence of the world government, there is no way to find Roger, and the five old stars are expanding the danger of the arms trade again and again.

Kaido said that the world government was worthless, and the five old stars described Kaido’s arms business as enough to subvert the world…

After tossing and turning for a long time, it was finally time to talk, but the five old stars were still not willing to give up this opportunity to capture Roger, and simply asked Kaido to send Roger to them.

In exchange, the world government could allow Kaido to conduct arms deals in the first half of the Great Passage and in the North Sea, the West Sea. In fact, it is the same as handing over the entire sea to Kaido, except that two seas are left to deceive themselves.

But rather than effortlessly getting Kaido to come out and arrest Roger, the deal was already a good deal. After hanging up the phone, Kaido flew directly to the South China Sea and came to Baterella Island.

Looking at the water and soil of this island, Kaido is still very emotional, Roger is a person who will pick a place, the climate here is good, the water and soil also raise people, it is a good place for the elderly.

Unfolding his own sights, Kaido quickly felt a strong breath, and knew that it was Roger, so he looked for the guy who was selling oranges when he saw Roger, looking like a small vendor, and he couldn’t see that this was the man who had conquered the sea.

And it is quite strange that no one recognizes him, and they all think that this is just an ordinary small trader. Great!

Kaido couldn’t imagine that such a tough guy would change so crisply.

Although he knew that there was still enough power in this man’s body to make him feel threatened, he still found him surprising. Roger of course also found Kaido, although a little surprised, but did not disrupt his own rhythm of life, but honestly sold oranges.

Kaido watched from the sidelines, and Roger took care of his own business.

When the sun was about to set, Roger’s oranges were almost sold, and this was the end of the stall. Walking straight to Kaido’s side, Roger said lightly, “Are you going to visit my house?” ”

Kaido smiled, “It’s an honor.” ”

Neither of them said much, even if they had been enemies, but now… There is a kind of wordless tacit understanding.

Kaido followed Roger home one after the other, and it had to be said that Roger’s courage was still very heartbreaking, even Kaido had seen it, and he was completely defenseless in handing over his back to Kaido, who had once been an enemy.

As soon as she got home, Lu Jiu had already made dinner and was about to say hello to Roger when she saw Kaido.

“Got a guest?”

Lu Jiu was a little curious, and found that Kaido seemed to have no way to enter the house, so he quickly asked Roger to set up a table and chair in the courtyard, which would make it convenient to greet the guests.

There was nothing to say, Lu Jiu ate quickly, and after eating, she went straight into the house, leaving Kaido and Roger behind.

The two men didn’t speak either, just quietly enjoying the delicious meal, and for Roger it was the last time he could eat the meal that Lu Jiu cooked.

When he finished eating, Kaido wiped his mouth and sighed: “Mrs. Sister-in-law’s craftsmanship is good, and she is also a sensible woman.” ”

Roger opened the door and said, “Although I am surprised that you can find me, but you should not have come to fight, can you tell me, is there something wrong?” ”

“You might as well guess.”

Even with Roger’s calm look, Kaido chatted with him.

Roger laughed and said, “Hahaha… Wouldn’t it be for my reputation as One Piece? ”


Roger also said, “Kill me, take down my head, crown me king, well… It should be an important thing and worth your trip. ”

Knowing that Roger was, Kaido didn’t pay any attention to it, but instead looked at Roger seriously, trying to hear what else he could say.

“But this reason is not good, only by conquering the great sea can you be king, even if you take my first rank, you will not be king, at best you will pull me off the throne.”

“Or you want to ask me what the Final Island is, and I think the secrets there should be some attraction to you..”

“No, a man like you shouldn’t be interested in that, I’m afraid that even if I tell you now, you’ll forget it after listening to it…”

Kaido just watched, and Roger joked casually, making it impossible to understand what he was trying to say. It’s just that… In the midst of the nonsense, there are also some important points.

Speaking of the secrets hidden by Ralph Drew, it is really very heartwarming.

Seeing that Kaido didn’t react for half a day, Roger had played enough, leaned back, and leaned back on the chair, somewhat tired: “Don’t just let me say it alone, you also say something.” ”

Kaido sighed, untied the wine gourd he had brought with him, took a sip of it, and then placed the gourd in front of Roger.

“This wine I salute One Piece.”


Kaido continued, “After knowing each other for so many years, although there is a bit of a grudge, I think you and I should be friends, and in a battle with the country, you didn’t lose, and I didn’t win.” ”

Roger looked at him and said nothing, but smiled.

“How long can your body last?”

“A month or two…”

Kaido nodded, “How about doing me a favor?” ”

Roger asked, “What do you want me to help you with?” ”

“I made a deal with the world government, you are my chip, anyway, you are the one who has to turn yourself in, so it is better to let me make a profit.”

Roger laughed again, not at all annoyed.

Kaido’s series of performances is strange and abrupt, but Roger knows it.

Toast a glass of wine, this is a smile and a grudge, no matter the size of the previous contradiction between the two, in the end it is a beam, and now a glass of wine is all resolved.

Frankly, if Kaido were to be placed as Roger’s enemy, the wine would be equivalent to Kaido’s conclusion about Roger’s coffin!

Man’s greatest achievement is this, there is nothing wrong with conquering a cold route, there is nothing to conquer some people who pick up their hands to see the liveliness, but it is the most difficult to conquer their enemies.

Whether Kaido is hypocritical or sincere, at least at this moment his actions are telling Roger that Lao Tzu admires you.

As for talking about the war with the Kingdom of He, it was also the pride of Kaido’s heart, and his comeback was borrowed from Roger’s reputation, but he also knew that Roger was a sick man at that time, and there was nothing to brag about when he won the battle.

Kaido will not say anything more to outsiders about this matter, but in the face of Roger, Kaido is still very frank about the end of the matter.

As for the last question about the condition, it is simply for your own benefit. As far as these things were concerned, Roger’s efforts to think about it all understood.

“It’s interesting, it’s so interesting, I’ve always thought you’re a fun person, but I didn’t expect you to be a friend worth making deeply.”

“It’s not too late to be friends.”

Roger groaned for a moment, “Kaido, I’m going to tell you about Ralph Drew, do you want to listen?” ”

Kaido shook his head: “I don’t want to listen, that kind of thing has nothing to do with me, maybe many people will be very interested in it, but that is not my ambition, there is no difference between knowing and not knowing, but you told me, I will still feel some trouble.” ”

“Then what is your ambition?”

Kaido laughed and said, “I’m afraid to scare you when I say it, I plan to conquer this world and end the rule of the world government.” ”

The tone is joking, but it exudes a sense of firmness.

Perhaps even Kaido himself can’t say one, two or three, why did he think of conquering the world and ending the rule of the world government, but this matter… He must do it.

Roger couldn’t help but sigh: “What a great idea, you are much better than me, you want me to help you do something, I promised.” ”

“Kaido turned his head to look at Roger’s house:.”

“Need to say goodbye?”

“Wait for me.”

With that, Roger got up and went straight back into the house.

Kaido was waiting outside, the couple said something, no one knew, in short, when Roger came out of the house, the whole person’s sharpness was suddenly displayed, and the ordinary look when he sold oranges before was completely two extremes!

Taking a big stride to Kaido’s side, Roger said lightly, “Let’s go.” ”

Kaido felt a shock in his heart: “This is a dead end, you don’t stay for one more day, I didn’t tell those miscellaneous things how many days to send you over.” ”

“No, she understands, and I don’t want to wait until I have no spare strength to meet those people again, but Roger and Kaido can probably understand his mood and control the flame cloud to take Roger into the air.”

This is going to make him face death, and at the same time… Some things can’t be hidden. When Kaido thought about it, he felt that he should help Roger, at least not to owe the dead man.

“Roger, leave this orphan and widow behind, don’t you need me to help you take care of it?”

Roger thought about it, and he knew what the consequences of his visit would be, and after hesitating for a moment, he shook his head, “No, I’ve already found good people to take care of them for me.” ”

Kaido nodded, “See, it’s the hapless guy Kapu, right, it’s really ironic, being an opponent all your life, and finally you actually entrusted your bloodline to him.” ”

Roger was surprised, more surprised than when Kaido found him, this guy had dealt with himself a lot, said a lot, how did he know that he had entrusted his wife and children to Kapu?

“Don’t you, you even know this about Song?”

Kaido laughed and said nothing, and Roger didn’t ask any more questions.

It’s just that… Kaido is still a little emotional, some things are really difficult to change.

I just don’t know, if Roger knows after he dies that the little guy Ace recognized Kapu as a grandfather and Whitebeard as a father, what kind of mood Roger would have.


So the math… Didn’t Karp become his own uncle?

Just in Kaido’s territory, a warship came from the navy, honestly parked in the harbor, and Qiu did not commit any crime!

As the supreme commander of the warship, Sengoku had a gloomy face, looked at the many curious pirates in the harbor, and invisibly felt a little ashamed.

“Warring States General, do you need me to drive them away?”

Lieutenant General Motobu walked over to Sengoku with a cold face and asked for his opinion.

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