Chapter 95: Blaster Setulms [Subscription Required].

Roger’s self-surrender, the shock brought to the golden lion is far from being able to offset Kaido’s two sentences, although the phone is connected, but the golden lion has been speechless for a long time.

I don’t know how long later, the golden lion suddenly roared into the phone: “I don’t believe it! ”

“I don’t believe it! I don’t believe that man would die in such a humiliating way, you must have lied to me, right? ”

Kaido’s heart suddenly tightened: “Stupid lion, don’t come here!” ”

“I’m going to see for myself, you’re all lying to me!”

After speaking, the golden lion hung up the phone.

Kaido was stunned for half a day, and he didn’t want to understand how the golden lion’s neuropathy was thinking.

You must know that in today’s new world, 40% of it is in the hands of this guy, with such power, his every move will cause great chaos.

Speaking of the Golden Lion and Roger

“Divide is also a sin.”

The golden lion is like a stubborn child, beating to death and not acknowledging that Roger has been executed by the navy, how can this proud old lion be willing to see the man who defeated him die so simply

“Embers! Quinn! Xia Qi! ”

Shouting at the outside, Kaido hurried to start responding.

Once the Golden Lion has passed out and entered the Navy Headquarters, he is greeted by Kapu’s iron fist and Sengoku’s golden slap.

When the time comes, there will be absolutely no deviation from the arrest of this goods, but the forces that belong to him in the new world will be chaotic, and they must deal with it earlier!

As soon as Kaido shouted, the embers and a few of them hurried in, and at this juncture, they were all busy with their own affairs in the official residence. Looking at his three right-hand men, Kaido hurried to arrange the task.

“Embers, you take a group of people to the entrance of the New World to guard, and once the Golden Lion has an accident, you will seal the entrance to the New World for me according to the deployment of the previous alliance period!”

“Quinn, you take a group of men to guard outside the Golden Lion’s territory, and if something happens, immediately give me the Golden Lion’s territory, how much can you occupy!”

“Xia Qi, hurry up and contact Brother Newgate, let him also make preparations, the territory of the Golden Lion I am not ready to let go out too much, Brother Newgate if you want, you have to hurry, otherwise… I can’t continue to guarantee that the order of the New World will run smoothly! ”

You must know that the Golden Lion is not afraid of meat, and he has recruited the unruly people under his command, if he is still in doubt, he may be able to suppress this group of guys, but once he is arrested, his territory will definitely be torn apart.

Nowadays, Kaido’s manpower is not the largest among the four pirates, in fact, the four major pirate groups except for the golden lion have too many manpower, and the other three are basically enough.

Once the Flying Pirate Regiment, which controls 40% of the territory of the New World, becomes chaotic, then it will become a very troublesome thing to restore order in the New World, let alone a year or two to be able to stabilize.

The reason why Kaido asked Xia Qi to contact Whitebeard was because once the remnants of the Flying Pirates were busy, it would be impossible to make a smooth transition.

Especially at the beginning of the era of sea thieves, countless people will rush to the sea, and once there are more people, they can only develop steadily and steadily. As for why Kaido didn’t choose to help the Golden Lion…

Only when he is sick can he help him, and he can’t stop himself from finding death, so instead of keeping this guy, it is better to divide his territory. This is the arrangement.

The Golden Lion also directly rushed into the Navy Headquarters and directly killed the ring. The golden lion kept shouting madly at me in disbelief.

As in the impression, Kapu and the Warring States joined forces to fight with the Golden Lion, and the three of them fought fiercely for several days and nights, destroying more than half of Malin Fanduo, which took the Golden Lion down and sent him to the Deep Sea Prison.

After the Golden Lion was arrested, just as Kaido judged, the new world was in chaos in an instant.

Quinn quickly took over the Golden Lion’s territory, and Whitebeard and Charlotte Lingling were not idle, and they also took over the Golden Lion’s territory.

In the end, with the efforts of the Three Great Sea Thieves Group, 40% of the Golden Lion’s territory, the family took 10%, once again expanded a wave of strength, the remaining 10% was directly into a state of chaos, the remaining Golden Lion remnants were like mad dogs, indiscriminately attacking every person who entered here.

The Three Great Sea Thieves lost interest in this territory almost at the same time, not that they were afraid of the Golden Lion Remnant, but that they were human… It’s almost to the limit!

Because of their conceptual problems, no one wants to absorb some garbage into their pirate group, and grabbing 10% of the territory has already diluted part of their manpower, and there is no room for them.

Seeing that the matter had reached this point, Kaido did not waste manpower, so he let Ember lift the blockade of the new world and began to cultivate his own pool.

And the advent of the era of the sea thief has also made this last piece of the Borderless Land completely an impossible zone!

The idle pirates and the three sea thieves did not dare to clash, but it did not affect their wanton chaos in this area, the so-called pirates were fierce and fierce, and this was the case.

I don’t know whether the arrival of the era of sea thieves is a blessing or a curse! The little days go by day by day, and there is a taste of the quiet and good taste of the years.

However, things are obviously not as simple as they seem, and as soon as Roger dies, people’s yearning for the sea is even stronger.

Moreover, due to Kaido’s series of initiatives in the new world, it has also directly led to the estrangement between the new world and the world government… The simplest thing is that many of the governments of the New World have gradually begun not to pay the heavenly gold.

It is not that Kaido is a ghost from it, after all, no matter how to say that he and the five old stars are also in contact, there is a deal between the two sides is not, even if they know that everything is with the tiger, but the attitude of the world government to Kaido is still very warm.

Mainly because several countries feel that they have been under the protection of Kaido, and there is no need for the so-called world government, let alone the pirate trouble, even if there is something wrong within the country, as long as they can ask the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group, basically they can deal with it properly.

Isn’t it the same as throwing money into the water?

With this kung fu, get more wealth and hand over to the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, basically in Kaido’s territory, you can live very happily, isn’t this a good thing?

So naturally, the share of the heavenly gold was apportioned to the member states that the world government could still control.

So the number of pirates is called a day by day Ah, don’t care where the people are, in order to dream of going to sea, in order not to hand over the heavenly gold to go to sea, anyway, the number of pirates is rising in a straight line, really to Kaido’s mouth said a thousand times, ten thousand times more!

But one thing to be clear, that is, the pirate group basically has no morality and awe, and it cannot be said that a law-abiding person will run directly to the sea as soon as his brain is hot.

Even if there are some good people among the people who go to the sea, then the bad people who are far more than the good people are naturally endless. When these people get together, they can’t find a good one!

There is nothing else to say, the first is to compete for a high or low victory, and the second is to be mercenary! You must know that the biggest advantage of being a pirate is that it is easier to grab money than to earn money. So rob who… What about making the most money?

The little pirate summed it up, got it, and no one else. That is the Three Great Sea Thieves of the New World!

If you want to do something in the first half of the Great Passage and the four seas, then the Navy and the World Government will unite to suppress it, and they will not be able to eat it, not to mention that Roger’s treasure is in the second half of the Great Passage, that is, the New World, so why waste time in front?

The more idle pirates in the new world gather, the more they gather!

In the chaotic no-bay zone, one of the Flying Pirate Regiment’s station, the Lion Islands, came a group of pirates who had just arrived from “Paradise”.

“Hey giggle hee-hee… It’s finally time to enter a new world, little ones, let’s have a good party! ”

Moonlight Moria spent a year to finally kill from the West Sea to the New World, and also broke out of the big name, it can be said that he is now on the list in the Navy.

At this time, the Moonlight Pirate Regiment could still be called cutting-edge to some extent, after all, Moonlight Moria had killed all the way from the West Sea, and it was also bloody and rainy.

In particular, his superhuman fruit ability is surprisingly weird, and just by the transfiguration of the shadow mage, many opponents have suffered a lot of losses.

Not to mention that his men are also veterans who have experienced a lot of battles, it can be said that they can mix to this point, and Moonlight Moria has this strong strength.

At the banquet, Moonlight Moria’s co-captain was a little worried.

Moria saw it, still curious, and asked, “What’s wrong with you, since we entered the new world, you’ve been sullen, haven’t we always wanted to do something in the sea?” Now it’s close to realizing your dreams, be happy. ”

The Vice Captain said, “Boss Moria, we should be just starting now.” ”

Moonlight Moria in this period is still very arrogant, and his opponents are also good, and he is also cheerful. When he saw that his co-captain was in such a state, he immediately frowned.

“Did you hear anything?”

The Vice Captain said, “Boss Moria, I didn’t think much of it when I didn’t enter the New World, but these days our travels in the New World make me suddenly feel like we are…”

··· Ask for flowers…

At this point, Moria’s co-captain was a little hesitant.

He knew that Moria had his own pride, and he also knew what the temperament of his captain was, so he was afraid that when this sentence was finished, Moria would be unhappy, and it would be a bit disappointing.

Moria was also relatively crisp, impatiently said: “If you have something to say, you can say it directly, what are you doing, don’t you think I don’t deserve to hear you say a sincere word?” ”

The co-captain was so frightened that he couldn’t even say yes.

“Boss Moria, you may not have paid attention to the situation in the new world these two days, as far as I know, this new world is not as simple as we think…”

What’s going on…

Although the New World has such an impossible place that can make a large number of pirates wantonly in it, in the end, this piece of land is also the remnant of the Three Great Sea Thieves Group.

No one said they wanted to, no one said no, only that the three parties had some tacit understanding and did not do anything here.

The purpose of keeping this impossible land is actually very simple, that is, to use it as a talent reserve base. The people who can break into this place can basically be regarded as the best of the pirates, and the benefits of subjugation are far greater than direct killing.

No one can be exempt from this kind of thing, whether it is Kaido or Whitebeard, it is all about needing fresh blood to maintain their own power framework.

Even if there is no way to enter the core, there is no limit to the peripheral members. 0 In other words…

The pirates who entered the new world had only one choice, and that was to join the Three Great Sea Thieves and accept their rule. However, there is another way, that is, to choose to fight against the sea under the encirclement and suppression of the Three Great Sea Thieves Regiment, to break out of their own name, and it is best to be able to sit on an equal footing with the Three Great Sea Thieves Group!

But this road is the same as the dead end, the Three Great Sea Thieves Group controls the new world, that is called a thorough, who can break through the blockade of their three families and achieve such a great cause?

In this way, Moonlight Moria is also sad, things seem to be really not as simple as they think, how to continue, is really a problem…

A night without words!

By the next morning, the Moonlight Pirates and another emerging pirate had engaged in a fierce battle, and after the victory, Moria’s thinking seemed clearer.

“Come, who’s that, check if this guy is in the bounty book!”

Stepping on the loser’s head with his foot, Moria always felt as if he were on an ineffable path.

Not long after, the information found out, the guy who was defeated by Moria belonged to the second-rate top pirates in the new world, and the pirate group under his command also belonged to the top ranking.

“Again, is it true?”

“Yes, this guy is the captain of the New World’s famous Swift Wind Pirates, the Swift Wind Swordsman Liturms.”

Moria groaned, “What is the reputation of the Swift Wind Pirates in the New World?” ”

“Lord Moria, according to the information we have gathered, the Swift Wind Pirate Regiment is unable to bring several famous forces, a good pirate regiment, and its combat effectiveness is extremely… Tough. ”

You have to pinch your nose and say, extremely strong and still make you look like this ghost?

“Is this still called toughness?”

Isn’t this a playman, if the Swift Wind Pirate Regiment is to be counted as strong, doesn’t that mean that he Moonlight Moria already has the fighting power to defy the vast majority of people?

This thing is afraid of pondering, and you can’t think about things blindly.

I’m afraid that this suddenly has something to do, like saying that the sea robbed a merchant ship once, feeling that the robbery comes faster, will the next time rob the navy’s supplies?

Finished stealing the Navy, eh… The navy doesn’t seem to be strong, let’s grab the gold in the sky! Isn’t that how ambition is pushed up step by step…

Put it on Moria, this is the same, dry overturned the Swift Wind Pirate Group, Moria is still a little scrupulous, after all, this pirate is also to be careful and cautious.

Then in the impossibility zone, tossing a month and two months, Moria has seen more pirates, and his heart is big!

After drying over more than a dozen pirate groups that could not be brought in in a row, the idea that loomed in Moria’s mind was completely sprouted!

“I’m going to Kaido!”

Moonlight Moriana called a proud man, drank too much, and shouted such a slogan in front of his brother in this boat!

As I said before, if you want to get ahead in the new world, you are nothing more than to mix with the Three Great Sea Thieves or strive to get mixed up to the level of the Three Great Sea Thieves Group.

Moonlight Moria won successive battles, and immediately let him see the so-called “New World” ten!

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