Chapter 192: Roger’s Widow?

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The side of the country of peace is making intensive arrangements to take care of it, not to say that the enemy is the first, at least it has begun to prepare in advance, and the world government side is not clear about this matter.

At this time, Malin Fanduo, in a reception room outside, the seven martial seas under the king were all coming, of course, Lao Sha was not there, he had already let him be arrested, and the remaining six people had arrived.

Of course, there is still a little difference between the current Seven Martial Seas under the King, Shiping was absorbed by Kaido, and the female emperor Han Cook accepted Kaido’s protection, so these two places were taken over by the other two sea thieves.

Admiral Sengoku, Lieutenant General Tsuru, the General Staff of the Naval Operations, will now sit with the remaining six people and discuss the issue of the replacement of the Seven Martial Seas.

The Warring States crossed their hands, and it didn’t matter if they looked at each other, originally the Seven Martial Seas were the armed forces under the World Government, and this matter should be talked about by the people of the World Government.

It’s just that now that the relationship between the two families has eased up somewhat, and everything they have done is done well, it doesn’t matter if they help the world government do something.

“Gentlemen, you’ve been silent for almost half an hour, so there’s nothing to say?”

Doflamingo looked at the Warring States and skimmed his lips: “What do 06 say, your navy is like crazy, now everyone with some ability at sea has been killed by you, if you don’t flee to the New World, Seven Martial Seas… Change the name. ”

Doflamingo and Kaido didn’t dare to go crazy, but he still had the same look of death in front of the others.

Although the other few people did not have any grudge against the Navy, this matter was not something they should care about, and the world government was willing to let whoever took over the succession without affecting them.

So this is one after another statement, choose who to be the Seven Martial Seas, don’t have to ask their opinions on these people, at this time, Eagle Eye suddenly found something abnormal, stared in one direction, and said: “Who’s there!” ”

As a top-notch sword master, although Hawkeye did not draw his sword, his sword momentum had already been emitted.

All eyes were immediately focused on the direction of Hawkeye’s gaze. This is Lafayette’s body flashing and coming to the front of everyone.

“Don’t do it, your own people.”

As soon as he first appeared, the information about this guy quickly flashed through General Crane’s mind.

“Lafayette, the former security officer of the West Sea, was expelled for excessive use of violence, and now Lafayette, a navigator of the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment, carries his cane, quite a gentlemanly temperament, and a smile on his face.”

“I didn’t expect the Navy to know me so well, so this matter will be easy to handle.”

Sengoku looked at him: “Easy to do? You came here to do something, we… There’s nothing to talk about. ”

In the end, it was the man who personally created the first half of the great voyage and the weakest period of the pirates in the four seas, and the mouth was a bloody smell.

Even if there are six legal and compliant pirates around him, the Warring States’ disgust for pirates has not been concealed at all.

Lafayette was not afraid, but he was more generous: “Of course, I recommend someone who can replace the quota of the Seven Martial Seas to you.” ”

Sengoku looked at him, “Blackbeard? ”

“Furofurfur… It’s really interesting, Blackbeard is actually interested in the reputation of the Seven Martial Seas, and I thought that he dared to betray the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment with the intention of breaking into a famous place on the sea. ”

Doflamingo is still very indebted to this mouth. Lieutenant General Crane glanced at him and said nothing.

Lafayette then told everyone: “As far as I know, if you want to become a Seven Martial Seas, you must first have great strength, and secondly, you must be willing to accept the call of the world government, both of which my captain meets, and… My captain also prepared a gift for the world government. ”


Lafayette laughed, “I don’t know if the captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment Second Team can be used as one of the chips?” ”

Sengoku groaned in his heart.

Others don’t know him too well, who Ace is, that’s Karp’s grandson!

It was because of this layer of identity that Ace was still very caring for up and down when he went to sea, and he could not do so without the trouble of this boy.

Later, after Ace made a name for himself by burning fruit, Sengoku also complained about Kapu for this matter.

Sengoku thought for a moment and then looked at the other Seven Martial Seas, “You… Make sure that there is no other idea about this matter, if it can be settled now, then I will sign the letter of appointment now, and Blackbeard Tiqi can be added to the team of the Seven Martial Seas. ”

What can these people have an opinion, and it is a matter of not hindering them, as for the others, who they love.

It can also be seen that the world government intends to fill this quota, even if they do not agree, there is no meaning, and no one among the idle pirates on the sea is now qualified to be compared with Tiqi.

As soon as this was said, the Warring States directly signed the letter of appointment of the Seven Martial Seas, which should be said to be an invitation letter… But now special circumstances, special disposal.

No one knows what the world government will fight with the new world federal government in the next second, and it is very necessary to supplement the combat effectiveness, even if it is a water-releasing combat force.

Of course… This is why the Warring States do not know that Kapu has concealed the identity of Ace, just as the grandson of the old man let Blackbeard catch it, and he still wants to suppress this matter first.

As for the return may have some conflicts with the Whitebeard Pirates, but 527 should have nothing to do with it, after all, the child’s grandfather is a navy, is it difficult to kill him?

The Sengoku signed the letter of appointment and threw it on the table.

“All right, let’s go with our things, and I’ll send Lieutenant General Cap back to take Ace to Navy Headquarters for trial…”

The Sengoku said this, and few people present understood it, that is, Lieutenant General Crane understood him.

As long as Ace is in Cap’s hands, then this is a black and white thing, black and white will not find any trouble.

But there was no such coincidence that the words of the Warring States fell into Lafayette’s ears and directly changed the taste.

Lafayette nodded, and also specially praised the Warring States: “Well, worthy of being an admiral, a wise general of the Warring States!” It is thoughtful, this matter must be Lieutenant General Kapu to go, otherwise… Roger’s widow is really not something that anyone can take away. ”


The house heard the sound of the teacup breaking.

The Warring States could not care that the piping hot tea had fallen on them, and they looked at Lafayette in surprise!

“You say it again!”

“Roger’s widow…”

Suddenly there was an uproar, several Seven Martial Seas were also stunned, Lieutenant General Crane was also stunned, and the Warring States were even more stunned, and Han Yan did not know what to say.

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