Chapter 194: Lord Im Personally Shot [Subscription].

The good news of Ace’s mistaken capture reached Mary Joy, and the effect was different.

“Gentlemen, Ace has been captured, this is a good opportunity for our world government to regain its prestige, and Ace, as Roger’s bloodline, if we can publicly execute him, then the influence of the pirates will inevitably be lost.”

No matter how to say that Roger’s influence is still very good, he single-handedly created the era of the sea thief, in the hearts of ordinary people, Roger is the most legendary existence, Kaido can not compare with him.

After all, he was the only one who could successfully circle the Great Passage.

The bearded five old stars finished speaking, and the remaining four old men looked at each other, and the old man spots five old stars spoke.

“That… Will this be the Warring States calculating us, what the situation was in everyone’s heart, how could Roger’s son survive? ”

It is also normal to have this kind of concern, who let the relationship between the world government and the navy only ease, and so far the two sides have not resolved each other’s differences.

The bearded five old stars also knew that this matter must be proved otherwise, otherwise there was no meaning.

“This is all kinds of information collected by the Naval Intelligence Service, including Karp’s testimony…”

“This is all kinds of intelligence from the CP organization that can confirm the authenticity of this matter.”

“In addition to 553, there are all the movements of Fire Fist Ace after he went to sea, and you should take a closer look, he once inquired about Roger’s deeds with people in Rogue Town…”

A stack of materials was brought in, and the five old stars who were skeptical about the matter began to read one by one. After reading them all, they looked at each other.

“It’s fun!”

“If that’s the case, then once we release the news of the public execution of Ace, Whitebeard will definitely come back and rob people…”

“Whitebeard is nothing, just a remnant of an era, the point is that he is now a staunch supporter of the Federal Government of the New World, in other words… Executing Ace is tantamount to punching Kaido in the face. ”

Thinking of the chain reaction that the execution of Ace would bring, the Five Old Stars felt that this matter needed to be studied carefully, but unlike the thinking of the Warring States, the Five Old Stars did not care how many casualties the war would cause, in their view, the so-called casualties were just some necessary sacrifices, as long as the purpose could be achieved, no matter how many people died, it was nothing.

“The only high-end combat power that can be mobilized by the army now is the current army commander-in-chief, Lynn, and Begapon.”

“The scientific research force of the Kena guy is finally a little bit fruitful, the pacifists have achieved mass production, plus the Navy, the words of those people in the Seven Martial Seas… The odds of winning the battle on the front battlefield are not low. ”

“That’s right, as far as I know, BIG· The MOM Pirates were basically scrapped, with the exception of one Katakusu who could fight head-on. ”

“There was a lot of damage on the pitch and no one else was too worried. And our relationship with Shanks is still debatable, and he will certainly give up participating in this incident in order to maintain superficial peace. ”

“There’s not much to say, the key question is… Who can find a way to restrain Kaido’s guy, if he lets him shoot, there will be no suspense about the direction of this war…”

The five old stars only a few words of kung fu, in the blink of an eye, revealed a secret hidden deeply.

But at the end of the day, the biggest difficulty has surfaced, no matter how carefully calculated, it is said that the spear is all on Kaido’s body.

As long as they can contain Kaido, the five old stars on the frontal battlefield are confident that they can build a large enough advantage. For a moment, the room was quiet.

After a long time, the Five Elder Stars of the Long Knife said, “According to my understanding, the growth rate of Kaido’s strength is very strange, almost every once in a while there will be great progress, now we know the intelligence there is a record of his shots?” ”

“The last record was in Torrant…”

“Then to what extent does his current strength have to expand?”

No matter how it is another ten years later, Kaido’s perverted strength has no bottomless heart, this is not like the ghost-faced samurai who are active on the battlefield, the world government has people to collect and analyze the combat effectiveness of these people at all times.

But the thing that can make Kaido shot… It was gone ten years ago.

Put it this way, just like a blank hundred years, only when it is hidden deep will people feel mysterious and difficult to understand.

“Cough cough… Folks, I think that this war is inevitable, that the New World Federal Government has existed in the world for ten years, and that within ten years the foundations of our world Government have been influenced by the New World Federal Government. ”

“The only way to do this now is to ask Lord Im to ask him to do it himself.”

“Although the ancestral teachings do not allow us to disturb the adults at will, I think we can only make this decision against the ancestors now, otherwise…”

The other four raised their hands in unison, “Don’t say anything, let’s go with you!” ”

The five of them immediately set off and went directly to the residence of the gods.

It is also quite strange to say, obviously it is a high tower in the name of God, but it is too dark to see the day, it is so dark that it cannot be seen, and I can’t see the five fingers and five old stars holding the kerosene lamp slowly in, the action is very light, I am afraid of making some movements.

Not long after, the five men had already walked under the throne, and there were twenty weapons inserted under the throne, and at a glance, they knew that these were the weapons used by the twenty kings of the Draco people.

“Great Lord Im, your loyal servant the Five Old Stars ask to see you.”

“Say it…”

Lord Im’s voice was low, sounding like a woman’s voice.

The five old stars knelt down in unison, and the bearded five old stars said in a very guilty tone: “Lord Im, the people below have caught Roger’s widow, and we have decided to execute him publicly, but the biggest problem now is that the New World Federal Government is likely to launch an attack on this incident, and we are worried about Kaido…”

“Kaido? Is it the one who bears the name of the Green Dragon and once made a big fuss in Mary Joa? ”

This strong voice made the five old stars giggle in their hearts.

To know that Lord Im, as the king of the Draco, the master of all the Draco, can be called a strong person by her, which can be said to be the supreme glory.

But this glory fell on a pirate…


“Oh, it’s kind of funny, I haven’t seen such an interesting person again after Joey Poey’s death, and since you say he’s very threatening, I’ll personally execute him and bring the world to peace.”

The five old stars were suddenly overjoyed, too good, with Lord Im personally shot, Kaido can’t think of anything to turn over.

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