Chapter 198: The War at the Gate of Justice is on the verge of breaking out [Subscription].

There were still five hours to go before Ace’s public execution, everything was so confusing, and it was only after the snowflakes of intelligence flew in that the Sengoku realized the crux of the matter!

Perhaps Ace’s execution could constitute the fuse for a head-on showdown between the World Government and Kaido’s new World Federal Government, but this was not the strategic purpose that Kaido wanted to achieve!

“How did he force us to do something to Ace?”

Sengoku was very puzzled, and no one could understand that Kaido, who was clearly an ally, really did not care whether Ace was dead or alive, and directly launched a full-scale war.

You must know how many people in the naval headquarters will have to quickly fill in the big pit of the frontal battlefield once this side is fired, otherwise the undisciplined Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment can bring a devastating blow to the soldiers at the lower levels of the Navy!

With this information, Sengoku hurriedly found the Five Old Stars who had personally visited the Navy Headquarters.

This time the matter was too involved, and the five old stars also left Mary Joa rarely, choosing to go directly to the naval headquarters to press the front.

“Five, the latest news, Kaido has a tendency to attack the Gate of Justice!”

The Five Old Stars were stunned when they heard this, and they were very surprised and said, “He doesn’t choose to save people?” ”

Sengoku shook his head and said bluntly, “It looks like this now, the Whitebeard Pirates don’t seem to have any communication with Kaido at all, they do things completely in two systems.” ”

This can confuse the five old stars.

You must know that no matter how big the Navy and the world government are, at least the two sides have maintained communication, even if the Navy has rarely obeyed the orders of the world government in this decade, but at least what the Navy does, the world government has also been recorded.

They couldn’t figure out why the two pillars of the new world federal government would lack basic communication in such matters. The current situation is obvious, Ace’s son, Whitebeard must be rescued, and must be doing his best to rescue it!

But Kaido actually acted as if he had not consulted, so he directly launched a general attack, once the battle on the front line had problems, it was to force the Navy to kill Ace, and then dispatch manpower to rush to the front line to support and make trouble.

After thinking for a moment, the bearded five old stars asked, “How many people are in Kaido’s fleet?” ”

“The intelligence says that it is at least 40,000 people, and it is still the three disasters that lead the team.”

“In this way, we immediately ordered that the battlefields of the whole world launch direct attacks, that all the major battlefields should fight, that first of all the energy of their command system should be dispersed, and secondly, that the execution of Ace should not be allowed to be left to the slightest mistake, and that it must be publicly executed in front of the people of the whole world, at a specified time, and this cannot be changed!”

“Before Ace’s death, all plans will not change in any way, if the combat effectiveness of the naval front line is insufficient, then use the lives of the soldiers at the bottom to delay, as long as we can take the opportunity to execute Ace and fight a battle of annihilation for the Whitebeard Pirates, then regardless of the victory or defeat of the subsequent war, at least we cut off the most powerful help around Kaido.”

Sengoku looked at the Five Old Stars with some surprise, how he did not expect that the situation he reported on could end up with such a reply.

You know, according to the meaning of the Warring States, what should be done now is a large-scale strategic adjustment, at least… At the very least, ensure that both the navy and the world government can preserve their full strength and wait for the opportunity to counterattack.

“Five, in order to guard against the white beard, we have put all our combat strength in Malin Fando, and the Gate of Justice is only our most ordinary 100,000 naval soldiers, although they look weak and small, but their value should be very clear to you, you can’t take the lives of so many people for a victory, right?”

The bearded five old stars retorted: “Warring States, I hope you figure out the form, now is the time when our prestige has reached the bottom, do you think why we should live execute at the specified time, is to give the enemy a chance to surprise and save people, so that the people of the whole world can see that we want to kill that pirate, even if they try their best to change this ending!” ”

“I know you’re thinking about troop strength, but I’m telling you, the last thing the world government needs now is people!”

This is the battle of ideas between the Warring States and the Five Old Stars.

The world government cares about prestige, and the navy hopes to preserve its combat power and seek greater development. It can’t be said who is wrong, but the key is who can convince whom at this time.

The Five Old Stars had also been ruthless and had promised to give some benefits, but now in order to allow the Navy to do its best to do things, the Five Old Stars did not even care about enduring the pain and continuing to cut meat.

“Warring States, don’t you just want to clear this ocean according to your own ideas, as long as this decisive battle achieves its goal, after the war is over, the command of the army can be handed over to you, you will become the commander-in-chief of the whole army, and all wars will be led by you!”

This is a part of the rights of the five old stars. Sengoku was silent for a moment: “I hope you keep your promises.” ”

The Five Old Stars were very calm: “Of course, we don’t have to deceive you.” ”

Frankly speaking, the Five Old Stars have invited Lord Im out of the Holy Land, and once this decisive battle develops to the extent they expected, Lord Im will show his might before the world, and then the dominance of the world government will not need to be calculated by military strength.

It’s like Kaido to the New World Federal Government, and having such a spiritual symbol would reduce a lot of trouble.

Even if the military power is handed over to the Warring States now, it will still be business as usual, and the Five Old Stars will not give up the opportunity to pull the tiger skin to make a big banner.

This discussion was clear, and the idea of the Warring States immediately changed its path.

Sengoku had planned to survive this war with great calculations, and now his concept had become what kind of way to win in this big game.

Sengoku took a few steps back to the marshal’s office, and one order after another was issued in an orderly manner.

The war situation is like this, because the world has changed, the deployment of the war on top is also a state of full strength, and Malin Fando has stationed 100,000 soldiers and all the high-end combat power of the world government.

And the Gate of Justice here is also a hundred thousand navy, more than fifty warships…

The Warring States did not say a word, first transferred half of their troops to the Gate of Justice to deploy and reinforce the frontline battlefield, and then according to the level of combat effectiveness, several lines of defense were laid out in front and behind the Malin Fando Square.

At the same time, the war on this side of the Gate of Justice is also on the verge of breaking out. Looking at the closed door of justice, the three plagues smiled in unison.

Ember held out a finger, “Blast it away!” ”

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