Reborn Little Girl Won't Give Up

I'm gonna cry too.

"But I can't right now. At least one more week, I want you to wait."

Alistair said so with strong eyes.

"You want to wait a week?"

"If you can't wait, you're telling me we'll take you later. Never mind. Just go ahead and report it."

Burt put it over the prince's overwhelming voice. The prince thought a little,

"Hmm. So then. A week later, it's Alistair Lisburn. I'm heading to the capital with its stubborn pale purple."

Alistair said something. He said, but he shut up and bowed his head. Even I wanted to complain about a stubborn toddler or something, but I couldn't grow up, so I kept quiet.

"If you don't open your mouth, don't open it. I'm somewhat angry"

I think the prince's words are saying to me, but he doesn't care. I went back to the building blocks. In the back Alistair is surrounded by everyone.

Do you mind?

"Yeah. I thought this would happen one day. At least, I had fun traveling around with my mother long after I was born, and at the end of the day, I'm glad I was able to settle down here and become a hunter apprentice."

"You're calm, and you're sharp as a hunter. I could definitely be a good hunter. Ugh."

Alistair gently punched a cobble into Burt's stomach, which I regret to say.

"Burt, why are you saying that like you can't be a hunter? I'm a hunter in the capital."

And so I declared.

"But, hey, isn't it pretty hard to magic? Much bigger than the junction box, I'm sure."

Mill said that worryingly.

"I don't know, but you don't do all that every day. You should work as a hunter the day you don't do it."

Alistair looked different and bright until yesterday.

"Right, yeah. Yeah, you didn't tell me to stop hunting."

Mill also gave it back with a bright face. I looked behind me as I piled up the building blocks. Unlike the two bright faces, the rest look difficult.

That would be so. Perhaps someone will have to be deposited with a nobleman to learn about etiquette and aristocracy in addition to the education he has never done before.

Besides, maybe. I thought of my brother's friend Gil's face. I knew it felt very similar. I mean, maybe the Lisburns will take it. Then we can go home to King Dam together.

I felt a little bright. Then why don't you come and see me with Gil?

But Alistair probably doesn't forgive the Lisburn family for making your mother unhappy.

Plus when I get back to King Dam, I'll never be a hunter. I got a little upset and reflected on my feelings of selfishness.

That's how I finally realized. Yes, when I get back to Kingdom, I'll never see Alistair again. Burt, Mill, Caro, Clyde. We can't have dinner together every day, work together, go hunting.

Because he was nagging, the tears fell potato the building blocks.

Don't be selfish about anyone wanting him to be by his side. We all have our own lives. Right, aren't the Burts foursome even daughter-in-law yet? If I had a toddler, I'd get more and more remote. Poop, pout, tears fall. I don't speak up.

That's all right. Now. I grabbed a building block with half the color changed in tears.


I don't want you to talk to me right now.

"Leah, turn around"

Absolutely not.

But Alistair, sitting behind me, turned one hand to my stomach, with the opposite hand, squeezed my hand gripping the building block.

"Neither do I forget Leah, just as Leah never forgot her father or brother. We were away. We're family."

"... aye"

I managed to squeeze my voice out.

Leah, don't cry.


I rubbed my eyes with rubbing. Alistair put a little effort into the hand she turned to her stomach.

"Right. You got something in your eye."


That's fine.

Bert's Perspective

Everyone in the room would have more or less accidentally cried when they saw the two stuck with their backs to this one.

"Mill, at least you wipe your nose"

"I forgot my handkerchief."

"That's all Leah said."

I cry so much that I even have a guy like this. I took the handkerchief out of my pants and gave it to him.

"It's a mess."

It's better than not having it.

Even when Alistair's parents and children followed Trent Force, they thought fate was a terrible thing to do. But how's Leah?

He was exposed by his parents, and this is how he's on the periphery. Not only that, he was about to be exposed again. Still, don't forget about my parents, I decided to make a good decision about the situation and make sure I went home.

Honestly, I'll admit I didn't care about us the last few months.


"Leah's too cute, come on"

"You've got your nose covered."

It's a mill, after all, to snort with a handkerchief in your hand. The handkerchief is mine.

As I look at the two of them, I remember every day these last few months, with little kids. Leah sitting in a toddler chair and letting her legs hang out. Leah likes crushed potatoes and eats hard. When you come to Brendell's store, Leah is usually loaded with building blocks or messing with boxes of magic props. I'm always seriously depressed, so my round cheeks are still going to fall.

Talking Leah. You don't have to say anything to change your expression, Leah. Leah walking all the time. busy rear.

Alistair started laughing a lot better by leaning against it. Even though I had stretched back until then, I started hanging out with Leah and playing with building blocks. I really hate potatoes, but I'm just trying so hard to tell Leah that's what I'm saying.

We're so young, we're so full of babysitting, we laugh, but...

"That was fun."

Don't decide it's over on its own, Mill.

"Well, we'll talk about what we're gonna do tonight after the two of us go to bed."


Soon Caro replied. Clyde nods loudly, too. When I say consultation, I think maybe we feel the same way. Nevertheless.


That's what we all think. Just don't put it in your mouth.

I'm so sorry to hear that. Mill.

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