After Jiang Fan's strong return, the golden beast island began to come to an end one after another, and the fallen monks were brought back to each situation one after another.

However, many people have heard where Jiang Fan and others are going. He wants to go directly to the important people of the ancient clan. This is a big event for these monks who are watching the war, especially the monks who used to be in Ziwei.

You know, the emergence of a large number of ancient ethnic groups, relying on their strong strength, ethnic talent is stronger, rampant crape myrtle, the younger generation is constantly seizing inheritance, very strong.

Although it is far less than the threat of foreigners, many forces and young people are oppressed. Unfortunately, few dare to fight back.

Nine out of the ten forces that dare to fight back were defeated and disbanded, and the other one just reluctantly insisted on relying on the treasure land, so the original monks were not comfortable in the big environment.

They also want to see people stand up and fight, but as time goes on, fewer and fewer people dare to stand up.

Take Chu Zhan as an example. He is not afraid of other talents.

You can kill the ancient disciples in the battle stage, and finally be taken away by the ancient masters.

He had 10000 opportunities to leave, but there was Li Huo palace behind him. He had to go into the trap and leave voluntarily.

What will happen after he arrives at the ancient clan? People all know very well that even if he keeps his life, he will not be free in his life.

How old is Jiang Fan? Although it disappeared for some years, it was only a young man among the monks.

He had experienced with Chu Zhan and others in those years, and naturally he had a very good relationship. Now Jiang Fan's visit to important people is bound to attract a lot of people's attention.

They also want to know whether, in the end, the ancient clan would choose to give in to this young man like Wanbaoshan did.

At this time, in the mountains of the front line in the world of thousands of stones, several experts looked at the broken crystal stones on the ground and the broken array. Some of them couldn't believe it.

"Broken? How is that possible? "

"If someone in Jiuhuang has such ability, why fight with us for such a long time?"

"Is it an accident? What's wrong with our array? "

"I don't think so! I'm going to call the master now and let him see if it's the problem of array. If the people in the nine wasteland are really broken, then these guys have more abilities. "


The news of Jiang Fan's return is bound to spread in the shortest time.

The most surprised to lose Wanbaoshan, Wanbaoshan never thought, that adverse days poison king turned out to be the little girl around Jiang Fan.

It's because of what happened in those years that we want to overturn them.

But what they didn't expect most was that Jiang Fan would choose to help. He first rescued their disciples of Wanbaoshan, and then he had to be a peacemaker to solve the problem.

Although they are not afraid of the drug king, they are afraid. After all, it will not be comfortable for a lunatic with powerful means to stare at them.

Not long ago, a short man changed his life eight times by breaking through a training ground in Wanbaoshan.

At this time, Ying Wei is reporting something to him.

He opened his eyes, a little surprised.

"Accurate information? Are you sure that guy Jiang Fan showed up? "

"Young master, it's no secret outside. It's said that Jiang fan is very powerful now. He uses one person's power to directly break the entrance of the alien invasion. The lingchong with him can kill the alien in Shentai as easily as crushing the ant. It's completely different from that guy back then."

This short young man is no other than Jincheng, the young master of Wanbaoshan.

He has been working hard all these years. At that time, he suffered a lot from Jiang Fan. Even his beloved Han Qianxue let Jiang Fan take him away. He didn't know where to send him. He hasn't appeared until now.

Originally, it was over, and he didn't want to think about so many things any more. He concentrated on cultivation, hoping to become a peerless master one day.

I didn't expect that Jiang Fan would appear again, and his ability changed dramatically.

He said with a bitter smile: "to me, he is no different from that year. I still can't beat him... "

The holy land of Baizhan people.

A figure is running towards the holy soil exit in a hurry. If an expert perceives this person's realm, she will be absolutely surprised. This young woman has already ascended the divine platform, and her realm is stable. It is obvious that she has stepped into this realm for some time.

She was stopped by a woman at the holy soil exit.

"Xian'er, are you really going out? Even if you practice hard, you can make another breakthrough in the break time. Don't let things outside affect your mind. You know, if you don't grasp your present state, you will regret it in the future. "

The girl who is going to leave in a hurry is Wang Xian. When she gets the news of Jiang Fan's return, she chooses to go out of the gate at the first time, and even interrupts her previous enlightenment. That's why this scene appears.

With Wang Xian's talent, even if she is lost in the world, it is absolutely a terrible existence. You should know that her ability at this time has far exceeded some royal geniuses."He's back!" Wang Xian's face is full of surprise.

That woman sees her appearance, helpless shake head: "you this child! Still thinking about your little lover? I've heard that there are a group of beauties around him. Not to mention Gu ling'er, who has been with him since childhood, the others around him are not ordinary things. The drug king, who is in the limelight, has some ambiguous relationship with him! "

Wang Xian didn't agree: "what is that? I'm still his mother. Don't stop me. I'll go out, he said, and give me an answer when I get back. "

The woman saw that Wang Xian had made up her mind, so she could only get out of the way and let her go.

"That guy will definitely get into trouble when he comes back. When you girl follow him, you must be careful and protect yourself."

Wang Xian nodded and then left holy land.

She takes out Fu Ling jade and directly feels Jiang Fan's position at this time. Unfortunately, she finds that Jiang Fan has suppressed her breath, which she can't feel at all.

"It doesn't matter if I can't find you. I'll go to Jiang's house and wait for you. I don't believe you won't go."

On the other side, Jiang Fan suddenly sneezed.

He rubbed his nose and said with a smile, "I don't know who thinks so about me."

Gu ling'er didn't have a good way: "it's not me anyway. You're a man who often flirts outside. Maybe you've provoked many girls in the world. How many people think you're not normal? "

Xiao yue'er obviously looks at the bustle and doesn't think it's too big. She pulls Yu Xiao directly to Gu ling'er's side.

"Sister ling'er! I forgot to tell you that her name is Yuxiao. She is a gifted disciple of the divine family. She and my brother are friends. They have become a good story in the world. No one knows, no one knows... "

Hearing this, rain Xiao Leng under.

Gu ling'er didn't expect that he would make friends with him? Isn't that marriage?

Jiang Fan grabbed xiaoyue'er's ear and said, "you are not normal as soon as you come back, are you? Why did you worship in the first place? It's not your bad idea. "

Jiang Fan did not explain, some things to explain always become more troublesome.

Gu ling'er turned his mouth and glanced at Jiang Fan from the corner of his eye. He didn't have a good way: "worship is nothing. This guy hasn't worshipped others! He's a recidivist. I don't even bother to talk about him. "

Xiao yue'er saw that Gu ling'er was not angry and put on a very surprised look: "Wow! Sister ling'er is so generous. I thought my sister would be jealous. To tell you the truth, my brother and I have also been in the church, and we have been in... "

Without waiting for her to finish her speech, Jiang Fan covered her mouth. This girl was not afraid of anything and dared to say anything.

Zhou Tong, who followed the whole team, looked at Jiang Fan with admiration on his face and skillfully gave Jiang Fan a thumbs up to show his admiration.

On a cold night, she looks at Xiao yue'er with her eyebrows raised. The state of this young lady is completely different from that in Shenling mountain.

He also gradually understood why the eldest lady of the divine family had to go back to Jiuhuang with Jiang Fan. It turned out that she could live as she wanted to.

Gu ling'er knows little yue'er's temper too well. She smiles and doesn't worry about this problem.

Jiang Fan was afraid that Xiao yue'er would say something too much. He coughed and cleared his throat.

"Don't make a fuss. Let's get down to business. What is the strength of the ancient people who took brother Chu Zhan away? "

When Zhou Tong heard this, he said, "let me talk about it. They call themselves the Wu family, and their strength is a little stronger than our Zhou family. However, according to my father, they are not from the last civilization, but from an earlier civilization, so they are an ancient family. But just because of this, the oldest generation of experts in his family have all fallen. Among the existing experts, there must be some monks in the divine realm, but whether there are stronger ones is unknown. "

Jiang Fan said, "what about the others?"

Zhou Tongdao: "the situation of other ancient tribes is basically the same as that of them, but they are all in the same boat, and there is obviously some agreement between them. Otherwise, their disciples would not go out to experience together. So moving one of them is tantamount to offending the others, so it's very troublesome. Even you Jiang people don't want to fight with them too much. Does Jiang Fan really have a way to solve this problem? If it's not good, it's very likely that we'll all have to go with it. "

Without waiting for Jiang Fan to open his mouth, the cold night on one side said directly: "you can rest assured that my boss will not do anything uncertain."

Zhou Tong nodded, and what he knew about Jiang Fan was also true.

One day later, Jiang Fan opened the map, which showed the location marked by Zhou Tong.

"It's coming, the Wu family, right! I hope you haven't done anything too much to brother Chu Zhan! "

Although his mouth said so, Jiang Fan's eyes twinkled with cold.

They didn't get close to the holy land directly. Instead, they fell an hour away and planned to walk to the holy land.

They are important people. Of course, they have to show some sincerity. If it's not necessary, Jiang fan doesn't want to tear his face with them. After all, Ziwei is not big. It's inevitable that there will be other interactions in the future. Many friends are better than many enemies.

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