It's Huang Yujie who catches Jiang Fan. This guy has been locked up here for some time. Jiang Fan almost forgot him.

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "it's basically done. I'll take you out in a moment. You're staying in my power for two days. I'm holding a reception for the elder. You experts of the Huang family should also come here. "

Huang Yujie nodded: "that's great, brother Jiang. Don't worry. I owe you the favor. I'll never forget it."

Jiang Fan shakes his head: "we are brothers. It's strange to say that. Whenever you have something to do, I'll help you."

They hit their fists and looked at each other with a smile.

Then Jiang Fan asked him to wait for a while, and he went directly to Wang Xi's house.

He has never been in this house. He has been practicing almost all the time, and he doesn't want to disturb Wang Xi's purity.

He came out of the house and did not enter directly, but he could hear the conversation in the room at the door.

Wang Yingzhu at this time where there is usual momentum, in front of Wang Xi, she is just a junior.

They all talked about the recent situation of the Baizhan nationality, as if they knew Jiang Fan was outside. Wang Xi said directly: "Xiaofan, you come in first."

Jiang fan is no longer wordy, went straight in.

Seeing Jiang Fan coming in, Wang Xi directly asked, "what's the situation outside now?"

"Some minor repairs have arrived one after another. Would you like to wait outside? Two days later is the reception banquet, but our Wanyun mountain environment is not bad. Are you tired of staying here? "

"Good! But I don't like to socialize with those people very much. Besides, let the cook make the dishes delicious. As for the wine I drink, it's just like last time. "

Wang Xi seldom asks, but Jiang Fan nods his head and agrees.

Jiang Fan won't forget that Wang Xi is the landlady of yuexialou. She has excellent cooking skills. He really has to remind Jinshan.

Four people out of the house, with Wang Xi left, the house began to dissipate in an instant, and finally completely disappeared.

Wang Xi said, "I'm leaving now. I'm still a little reluctant."

Guo Lin in the distance said with a smile: "if you want to come, just look for my boss at any time."

Although Guo Lin said so, he was eager for Wang Xi to leave as soon as possible. Such a super master was around him. The pressure was too great, not to mention that he was still a color embryo.

Wang Xi looked at Guo Lin: "do you want to go with me to Baizhan holy land? We are all beauties of the Baizhan people who specially help us grow the elixir. "

Guo Lin quickly shook his head and said: "my Lord, I've been following my boss for so many years. I'm determined to follow him to the end. My Lord, have a good journey and walk slowly."

Jiang Fan smiles, then beckons to Huang Yujie, and then leaves Dongtian Lingbao with him.

Five people appeared on Wanyun mountain. Wang Xian was very familiar with it and took Wang Xi to the back mountain to enjoy the scenery.

Huang Yujie carefully perceived the atmosphere around him, and his eyes lit up: "is this Tiange? Brother Jiang has really found a good place to practice here. I'm afraid it won't be much weaker than the world. "

"You are always welcome here, and if you like, you can stay here."

Huang Yujie said with a smile: "I can't promise now. If I mess with you, my father won't forgive me."

"Don't worry, such a big clan is here. Even if I leave Jiuhuang, you can come here at any time."

Huang Yujie nodded: "brother Jiang, don't worry, as long as you can get rid of my father, I will definitely join Tiange and help you make Tiange."

"Good! Then I'll wait for you. "

Huang Yujie has a keepsake from Jiang Fan. He can move freely in this pavilion.

Jinshan is not far away. He comes to Jiang Fan in a hurry. He just saw Wang Xi's appearance and put his heart into his stomach.

Looking at the direction of the back mountain, he asked, "that's Master Wang Xi."

"I didn't lie to you! But there's one thing I forgot to say. Master Wang Xi is very picky about food, and the wine you gave me last time. Is that ok? "

Jinshan nodded: "you can rest assured that I have the best chef in the mainland, and the wine is even better. But I hope you can introduce me later. "

"That's no problem. Happy cooperation!"

"Happy! Happy


The two days passed quickly, and there have been strong people coming into Tiange one after another. Most of them are casual practitioners, some of whom Jiang Fan also knows.

Meiniang also had some friendship with some of them and was chatting with others.

Jinshan finds Jiang Fan.

"Time is almost up. The masters of various forces have already begun to wait near the transmission array below. Can they go up the mountain?"

Jiang Fan nodded: "no problem, the elder has been waiting in Tiange. Except for the people I arranged, you can arrange the rest of the seats. After all, you know more about the status of these monks than I do."

"Leave this to me, and you can just leave me a place on it."From the mountain gate, all the way up, almost full of tables. The closer to the top, the fewer tables there are. Up to the stairs outside the pavilion, there are basically only two rows of tables.

Among the Tiange, there are only 30 tables, and Wang Xi is in the highest position in the Tiange.

All the friars who can enter this pavilion are great men, and their status is aloof.

However, the forces known to Jiang Fan have been given special attention and are directly arranged here.

Jiang's mansion, Jiang's family, Baihua palace, Baihua academy, Lihuo academy and so on are all sitting on the same table in Tiantian Pavilion.

But it's not the main table. Wang Xi has a table for each person, with delicacies on it. Wang Xian stands beside her and serves her.

On the table next to him, there are only three people, Jiang Fan, the head of the Baizhan clan, and the ancestors of the Jiang clan. This old couple seldom get together. This time, they have a chance.

A voice came from the foot of the mountain: "meet Mr. Wang Xi, head of the ancient Zhangjia clan!"

"Baidizong, ancient clan, welcome back the God of war!"

"Nanshazhou changtianmen, meet you!"


One by one, the voice of the master sounded, full of respect.

They met outside the mountain gate, and then Jinshan decided to ask his disciples to arrange for them to go to their respective tables.

At ordinary times, they may be unhappy, but now they are very low-key, who dares to mess here?

It wasn't until after the tenth visit that someone came into Tiange.

This is an ancient master from the Xia family. His strength is not under Wang Yingzhu. He is the head of the Xia family.

See the seat of Wang Xi, he directly forward, kneel down on one knee: "Xiaheng see God of war adults!"

He was a little excited, because before he came, no one was sure that Jiang Fan would bring back Wang Xi, the God of war, but he could be completely sure that this was Wang Xi.

Wang Xi nodded to him: "get up, find your own seat."

Xia Heng nodded, got up and went directly to another empty table. Obviously, he didn't want to sit with Wang Yingzhu.

Then, another expert came in.

This is a demon master, lion head and human body, but not a crazy lion. His eyes are red with blood, and he has a strong momentum. His breath is no less than Wang Yingzhu's.

He is very burly, came to Wang Xi in front of the same kneeling on one knee: "see you, beast mountain to welcome you back to Jiuhuang."

Wang Xi looked at him with some satisfaction in his eyes: "the blood lion still has blood. It's really good. Work hard to restore the glory of your ancestors as soon as possible. Find a place to sit! "

"More adults!"

Wang Yingzhu explained to Jiang Fan, "this is the current owner of wanhushan. When the crazy lions saw him, they didn't think about it at all. They directly chose to give up wanhushan. This vein is as secluded as the ancient people, but it's very powerful. When they grow up, they can shatter the mountains in one bite. It's very powerful."

A lot of friars at the foot of the mountain have been sent up one after another, but those who are not strong enough can't enter the Tiange at all. Those who can enter here are all the experts among the experts.

Jiang Yao and others were a little nervous at this time. The scene was too big for them to imagine.

For two hours, the voice of the audience did not stop, and more than a dozen people sat down in the Tiange, among whom at least were monks of the divine realm.

Wang Xi is also observing the situation of these people, can't help but slightly frown.

Seeing her appearance, Wang Xian asked in a low voice, "what's the matter with you, Lao Zu? Is there anything you're not satisfied with? "

"No! It's just that I didn't expect that the current Jiuhuang people are so weak, and their blood has dropped a lot. The blood of some old families is already very thin. Although the realm is not weak, if they are suppressed by the higher blood of foreign families, they can only exert about 80% at most. How can they fight with foreign families? "

"But now the Terran situation is much better than before Jiang Fan left."

Wang Xi nodded. He listened to Jiang Fan's current situation, and now he just sighed.

This time, Jiang Fan almost understood the situation of Ziwei. After the promotion of the big world, there were many more masters and many ancient forces appeared one after another.

Some flash masters came into the hall one after another. Some of them have been here for several days without seeing Wang Xi's real face. Now everyone is very respectful and dare not talk.

Jiang fan uses Xiao AI to reflect the outside situation into his mind. He finds that Wanyun mountain is really full of experts at this time. Monks in Shentai can be seen everywhere. The outside table is already full of more than half of them, and people are constantly sending them up.

At this rate, I'm afraid the tables prepared by Jinshan will not be enough.

Different from the crowding below, the higher the table is, the lower the density is. It is not crowded. But those who can go to the throne are all monks who have reached a certain level of strength.

As expected, Jinshan gave Jiang Fan a message, the following can not sit down, to the master beyond their expectations.

But it didn't matter. They didn't eat for one bite. They just came to see the true face and the God of war.When the toss is over, it's already noon, and the sky Pavilion is full.

The next moment, Tiange suddenly becomes transparent, and everything in it can be seen clearly at the foot of the mountain. Jinshan takes the lead, and all the experts stand up one after another. At the same time, they pick up their glasses and respect Wang Xi.

"Welcome back the God of war

They drink the wine at the same time. Wang Xi gets up and picks up the glass.

"It's just a small thing for me to come back, but I didn't expect that Jiuhuang is in such a situation now. The human race is declining, and internal friction can't happen again! Why don't you take advantage of today's initiative and sign a covenant, and you can agree? "

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